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File: 940 KB, 2662x1996, Customized-Meds-Medications-Made-with-Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7768624 No.7768624 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about medicine? I would really like to discuss this topic that has been floating in my head for quite a while now.

Questions I would like to discuss:
1. What do you generally think about medicine? Is it harmful or helpful?
2. Do think medicine should be used in every case for a fast regeneration or do you think for minor diseases (like the general cold) should natural cures be used instead of antibiotics?
3. What do you think about psychological medicine (dont know the exact term right now)? Does it help patients to live a normal life or are they just prescribed because someone doesnt fit into society?
4. Do you think it is easy to develop something similar to an addiction from taking psychological medicine or that it can even permanently damage your brain (like a nicotin addiction for example)?
5. What do you think about people taking psychological medicine and stimulants to raise their performance, for example students trying to get better grades?
6. Do you think psychological medicine is also used militarily or even politically to put rebels who could start a revolution down and make them unconscious of their surroundings?

>> No.7768634

bump, since writing a more lengthy answer to this could take a while

>> No.7768638

Is this bait?

>> No.7768693

Depends. It's a tool. Tools are neither inherently helpful or harmful, but they should only be used to be helpful

>general cold
Clearly you don't know much about medicine
But no antibiotics should only be used when required to prevent serious damage

Depends. I think generally it is over prescribed a lot and that it should only be used over small amounts of time to show people what their lives *could* be like. But therapy is probably more helpful and sustainable

This isn't really an opinion and it depends on the drug. People develop physical addictions to SSRIS but not psychological ones. On the other hand, benzos are both physically and psychologically addictive. And yes, abuse of some medicine can damage the brain. This is an objective fact.

Not bad at all so long as doses taken are reasonable and nobody gets addicted.

Wow you might actually be retarded

You're stupid

>> No.7768785

>whats the gay bomb

>> No.7768795

Since the dawn of time man has sought to defeat medicine. Now, one man, armed with an inquisitive mind and a good attitude thinks he has a way

>> No.7768813

>whats the gay bomb
A meme.

>> No.7768816

No, this is a guy who was prescribed medicine for his mental illness but said mental illness is making him paranoid so he comes to /sci/ to post his delusions in the form of questions. We get these threads every day.

>> No.7768819

I hope this is a joke

>> No.7769446


1) if practicing evidence-based medicine, medications used should have greater benefit than risk.

2) bad question. Common cold is a virus. Antibiotics do nothing for viruses. Not everything is cured by medication.

3) complex social issue, magic pill won't make it go away. Some psychiatric meds may help normalise a patient, but should not be the sole treatment.

4) depends entirely on the medication. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

5) if the meds are safe then I don't really care, but sugar pills would probably do the job just as effectively.

6) ...you're joking, right?

Overall you could have learned all of this in about 20 minutes on Google. I kind of regret spoonfeeding you.

>> No.7769458

1. depends on what kind and the dosage along with if it's necessary or not

2. Use painkillers when in pain. Use antibiotics when you have a bacterial infection. Use anti-virals when you're immunocompromised or when you are infected with a serious virus.

3. Use psych. meds. when your ability to socially communicate is heavily impaired.

4. Addiction really is complex, if your life is fufilling and you are happy, you probably won't get addicted to a drug (when prescribed) as you already have a source of dopamine.

5. Unless you're really smart but are lacking stimulation from subjects, taking medication might help you academically. If not, you just feel smarter.

6. The chemical warfare treaty prevents chemicals being used in warefare and is pretty heavily enforced

>> No.7769582

practicing medicine weakens the gene pool as it allows those who wouldve normally died to reproduce etc etc

>> No.7769691

> 3. Use psych. meds. when your ability to socially communicate is heavily impaired.
No, use psych meds only when you are heavily disconnected with reality.

>> No.7769702

One of the reasons (English is my second language, forgot to capitalize English) I used "with", a pronoun that makes no sense here as a collocation, has to be the fact that I'm even more retarded after having been taking (does this make sense grammatically?) psychiatric medication for stupid reasons (my ability to socially communicate and function was and still is impaired, but I am neither schizophrenic nor bipolar).

>> No.7769705

Atleast I'm smart enough to know that I should not reproduce. I might get castrated while I'm still competent, because if I get any dumber I will probably get a retarded girlfriend and spawn retarded children while on social support.

>> No.7770580

That literally has no point
If youre "smart enough to not reproduce", you let others who arent smart enough have 6 children even more retarded than you

Btw guys, sorry for that antibiotics thing, that was retarded, I know.
I actually dont have any opinion on any of those topics, I just know that there are many opinions on at least the psychological medicine thing, so I wanted and still want to hear some of them. I didnt see any serious discussion on 6 yet, I know I may be leaning a little bit too far out of the window and there are treaties and the like for that, but governments certainly tried once to develop it for military use. There are still labs for developing biological weapons like viruses, so why cant the same be happening with brain-altering substances, maybe also in the form of bacterias? Using it on their own people is highly controversial though and more a conspiracy theory than based on actually anything

>> No.7770594

Antibiotics should only be prescribed when the patients life is in danger. Overusing them renders them useless in the end due to resistances being developed by viruses etc etc

>> No.7770635

Take a look at "The China Study", then read up on the actual papers discussed in that book. Also read up on one of the doctors discussed (Esselstyn was his name irc).

The book's central point is that adequate nutrition is enough to ensure prevention of the worlds major diseases (heart disease and cancer being the two big ones), but doctors are not trained to give nutritional advice (the focus is more on treatment, i.e medication and surgery). Try asking your doctor what you should be eating the next time you see him/her.

Anyway the point is, you should avoid medication and treatment by trying to prevent getting sick in the first place. Obviously this does not apply to genetic illnesses, and also perhaps mental illness. However there is some evidence that suggests good nutrition and exercise can curb depression and anxiety. Just don't attempt to cure schizophrenia with broccoli.

>> No.7771011

>working on viruses
Sometimes I am glad that /a/ is my homeboard.

>> No.7771017

Psychiatry seems like a field with fuck-all foundation to it.

That meta-analysis on the efficacy of anti-depressive drugs is another big boo boo with the whole thing - and casts a lot of doubt on current models of depression and/or what levels of depression warrant a pharmaceutical intervention

>> No.7771021

>Take a look at "The China Study"



step it up m8

>> No.7771034

Still, any intervention is better than no intervention, and often (at least here in the UK) the pills come with a promise to at least speak to a therapist a few times. Talking works too.

I still think front-line treatment should be nutrition and exercise advice, buttons therapists will provide that, so meh. Pharma are making a fucking killing from their fancy patented sugar pills, though...

>> No.7771035

Fuck smartphones. I meant "but".

>> No.7771052

>Try asking your doctor what you should be eating the next time you see him/her.

Im really lucky in that my 'doctor'(a PA) is a trained nutritionist. We usually spend some time talking about food every time i see her, and when she does bring up a drug i could try i feel like i can trust its not just her automatically knee jerking into something.

I think pharmaceuticals are way overused, the unfortunate thing is if you try and advocate some sort of moderate path you get people assuming you either some sort of homeopath or a drug company shill, depending on which kind of extreme they have fallen into.

>> No.7771060

>any intervention is better than no intervention

top laff m8

those meds have sides - if they have little to no positive effect on the illness, there's no reason to continue taking them

>> No.7771570

No, I mean that the act of seeking help and having an intervention is demonstrably beneficial, just not a whole lot better than placebo.

Placebo still works, though, so as far as I'm concerned it's worth it; my issue is with the price of the medications. WHY it works isn't as important as the fact that it works better than doing nothing.

>> No.7771577
File: 285 KB, 1280x1280, Coke Joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7771592

*tips fedora*

>> No.7771598
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>> No.7772607
File: 30 KB, 484x238, resistance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antibiotics is literally cancer if used wrong
Do we have anything stronger than antibiotics?

>> No.7772613
File: 315 KB, 1440x2560, 7 m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need help Had tubes put in my ears to fix my hearing loss in the lower frequencies but after the surgery i can no longer hear under 200Hz is this permanent or just temporary

>> No.7772632


>> No.7772648
File: 42 KB, 700x472, K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different antibiotics.

>> No.7772786

We use different antibiotics. Same thing happens, change em again.

We'll run out of them eventually, but so far that's our only option.

>> No.7772868

Viruses. A well designed virus can be better targeted and more effective than an antibiotic.
>5 to 10 years

>> No.7773008

Cant we just stop using them at all, as long as they are not resistant enough for the body to kill them himself? Just use them rarely, only on letal diseases

>> No.7773659

For the most part we do make an effort to do this, but the trouble is that the public are horrifically uninformed. We can't even get them to understand that antibiotics can't help with viral infections; how would they accept not being prescribed antibiotics for a bacterial infection?

But yes, efforts are made to only use antibiotics for resistant infections or in those who cannot fight it off.

>> No.7774108

maybe a stupid question but if we can travel to the mars and find mold spores from previous live would it be posibel to create new antibiotics

that fact aside i think we should make a new big search for new antibiotics maybe some molds have also chanced since the 70´s

>> No.7774121

These molds probably wouldn't produce substances that kill earthly microorganisms.