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File: 2.16 MB, 4918x2918, Atomic_bombing_of_Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7766143 No.7766143 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think? Does a 5.1 magnitude earthquake sound like a legitimate h bomb test?

>> No.7766150

What difference does it make what a bunch of pop-sci loving anonymous retards thinks about whether or not the North Koreans posses hydrogen bombs based on any given evidence from the media and/or government agencies?

>> No.7766159


>> No.7766183

The presence of radiation is probably the deciding factor.
also /pol/ is that way ^

>> No.7766212

/pol/ is clearly
<------- that way

Don't send cancer to the wrong boards.

>> No.7766237

what, i always thought it was this way --->
I wonder hat board I sent people all these years.

>> No.7766277

It was a boosted bomb, so it did use deuterium/tritium. But it was not a complete tellar ulam fission fussion bomb. Still the fear that rises from this is that they can make their bombs much smaller and lighter with less fissile material so in essence also cheaper. Lighter bombs means they can be mounted on their ICBM's and thats what supposedly needs to strike fear into the pentagon.

>> No.7766491

lurking to know better about H bomb

>> No.7766497


but we're denying it only to troll them

the truth is, h-bombs are easy as fuck to construct

>> No.7766510

Who gives a fuck. Put a fucking great wall around the place and forget about the dick. Deny the sad fat fuck the oxygen of publicity.

>> No.7766512

Probably /v/, from the looks of it.

>> No.7766520

They are actually easier to make than a-bombs, and cheaper too. We only made atom bombs first because that was the first idea that sounded cool.

>> No.7766529

Given South Korea haven't detected any radiation from it, NK most likely just set off a shit-tonne of conventional bombs to fake a H-bomb test. North Korea are way less technically advanced than they pretend to be. If credible intelligence suggested they were a realistic threat, they would have been invaded a while ago by the US (ie. The World Police).

>> No.7766536

look at the front page homos, its obviously
---------> that way

also, from given experience that was probably just a natural earthquake and North Korea just jumped the oppurtunity to make up some bullshit to make people fear them

>> No.7766610





5 magnitude earthquake close to the surface would be under 50 kilotons, but more than 1. Fission

Doesn't matter though if it's "only" a A-Bomb. That's the threshold.

>> No.7766628

So what if they do? There's no way they are flying some old soviet jet into US airspace undetected, and they can't build a rocket that doesnt fall into the middle of the ocean.

>> No.7766869

So which way is it you double niggers?

>> No.7766903

I hope you realize that one needs atomic bombs to create a teller-ulam bomb.

>> No.7766937

All roads lead to /pol/ (or equally retarded places)

>> No.7766951
File: 474 KB, 640x480, H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lel no

>> No.7766965

Don't they have real a-bombs though? Wouldn't using one of those be better for faking it than to use conventional explosives?

>> No.7766969

They could still use it against South Korea or Japan.

>> No.7766971


They do

It was tested underground at their widely known testing facility under a mountain

No radiation from that

>> No.7766980


To add:

No radiation in the air to be collected

If they tested a H-Bomb, there's high chance of leakage

>> No.7767159

The earthquake was too small to be a legitimate h-bomb. We're talking 1,000 times the power of the fission bombs in Japan during WWII.

>> No.7767190


You generally need around 5.5 magnitude to get into H-Bomb territory for an underground test (50-100 kilotons)

6 is about the start of single digit megatons

>> No.7767202

You realize satellites can detect a nuclear explosion, right?

>> No.7767205

It'll blow up in their face, they're like insects

>> No.7767541

From what I've heard, they detect explosions based on radiation released, which is only really significant for atmospheric explosions. Underground, most of the radiation is absorbed, only the neutrinos get out.

>> No.7767792

there's plenty of cases where there's accidental releases of radionuclides from underground tests

in theory they contain everything; in practice, kek

>> No.7767926

>I regurgitated everything from the NPR interview: the post

>> No.7768082


Satellites detect the flashes of an atmospheric test

Not radiation

You need planes around to scoop it up or wait for it to full on you

>> No.7768084


What do you mean?

I did the yield calculations myself

H-Bombs require A-Bombs to set off (with lots of precision)