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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7766119 No.7766119 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think of the physics forum?

>> No.7766121
File: 27 KB, 625x626, 796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7766122

I don't even know what to think about my programming professor who hasn't given out final grades and it has been three weeks since finals ended.

>> No.7766125


who's this lazy eye?

>> No.7766128


Its the tits

>> No.7766129



>> No.7766132

Milk with your tea?

>> No.7766137

PF is kind of shitty.

The people there are extremely delusional. You have a thread talking about how great a physics degree is that you can do this an that and it's everythingology, then just below it you will have 10 threads about Physics PhDs and BScs alike complaining about being unemloyed for several years and refusing to understand why engineering firms aren't taking their CVs.

Actual science discussion is good, but extremely slow. Most subforums are completely dead.

>> No.7766155


Breast milk

>> No.7766165

who is this sperm whore that I want to ravage while computing quadruple integrals?

>> No.7766195

We went back to school for 2nd sem and i just received my 3rd out of 5th final grade for ee.. What the hell

>> No.7766214


tfw I have to send an official transcript to cal poly pomona and this is the only college that is holding up the ability to send the transcript to the college. Colleges need to have a hard deadline for when professors are required to submit grades. This shit is ridiculous.

>> No.7766289

Id stick my dick in between those titties if you know what I mean

>> No.7766304

emily helen barry

You really only need to ask once, by the way.

>> No.7766437
File: 618 KB, 588x585, once for titfuck maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a point where sexy end and abstroose begins.

Regarding physics forum, I find it has too many different paths and you also have to click next page too often.
And like with any physics forum etc. online (I think StackExchange and Quora right now), you have all these naive physical realists that make for 50% of questions that would actually be avoidable. Of the remaining 50% questions, half of it is actually math questions.

>> No.7766438

I'm confused, please elaborate

>> No.7766445


I just looked at Instagram. The latest images are all of her in dresses and outfits that specifically bring attention to her rack... but if you keep scrolling down, all those pics disappear and it's just pics of random shit, scenery, or her in clothes that hide the fact she has a huge rack. Strange. Maybe she decided to start uploading slutty pictures to attract for clients.

>> No.7766447




Come off it lad, you know you'd let her suffocate you to death with those cannons.

>> No.7766449

Started getting paid to show her tits.

>> No.7766455


Being an attractive women is just life on easy mode.

>> No.7766457
File: 178 KB, 999x305, Bildschirmfoto 2016-01-06 um 22.59.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many instagrams of chicks start out as cat photo and food porn dumps, but maybe validation started rolling in and she went with it

I meant it, I'm tired of big tits

Regarding pic related, I wrote a response already, but then OP seems to have deleted the post

so here it goes anyway

>You realize that for a paper to be published, the content must be original and relevant?
>If you have an idea which subject you want to tackle this in, I'd talk with a prof about his interests and then invest some private time in writing an expository literature review and overview of the subject.
>This means reading many papers, shortly outline content, aims of the field and the recent history. You motivate where there is a whole to fill and the finished text will be a form or research proposal you made foryourself. At that time, you know what to reaseach and what is doable and has potential to be tackled by you.
>Good think is, even if the review is only for yourself now, this may be half of your bachelor thesis text.

>> No.7766462
File: 129 KB, 512x384, 1403921831447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wie kannst du diese Glocken nicht vergöttern?!
Sich drinne vergraben und paar Triple-Integrale lösen ist doch 'ne tolle Sache.

>> No.7766470

>tired of big tits
>not gay

pick 1

>> No.7766482
File: 60 KB, 640x426, Foto am 06.01.16 um 23.12 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disregard bitches, acquire a functional programming language with a faithful sematical model

that doesn't hold for either of those, but question: what's the reason to go with scheme over lisp?

>> No.7766494


She'd look more attractive if she had breast reduction.

>> No.7766540

Found he faggot.

This is some nasty shit you got going on anon.

>> No.7766546

I am confused by her Hillary wine post lol.

>> No.7766563

hurrr big boobies hurrr. I bet you're a fucking virgin.

>> No.7766707

Stay butthurt faggot.

>> No.7766720

>liking lolis
>not gay

>> No.7766950

what ugly fat tits desu

>> No.7767023

You're a faggot

>> No.7767040

Found the faggot.

>> No.7767093

I think I want to tittyfuck that milk ilk, and watch the energy ripple through her tits with each thrust.

>> No.7767126

or maybe you do not understand women

>> No.7767187


who cares? just enjoy the titties.

>> No.7768811

It's good.