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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7764785 No.7764785[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

To be honest I have problems believing in most science because it is jewish.

>> No.7764787

So what do you believe in

>> No.7764790

> implying jews came up with science
nice try shlomo

>> No.7764791

That's like saying frogs are fish and birds are salamanders.

>> No.7764793

I want /sjw/ to stop raiding this board

>> No.7764796

my main board is /pol/ and i believe that everything is an illusion created by a higher power (jews), something like matrix, for that reason i also think that magic can exist

>> No.7764797

Its ok. %99 of science is not jewish

>> No.7764801

> Do I sound like /pol/ enough guis xDDD
This is why /sjw/ posters have to be banned on sight from 4chan

>> No.7764808
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>> No.7764812


The great thing about science, is you don't need to believe in it. It's true whether you do or do not.

>> No.7764822

> jewish science
Is it like the science behind massacring palestinean kids ?

>> No.7764825

A lot of the time Jews try to claim people who have achieved things are Jewish, rather they are Jewish or not. It's a common Jew tactic.

The best chess player of all time is a good example, he hated Jews with a passion, and when they tried to claim he was Jewish while he was still alive, he flipped a shit.

>> No.7764827

Except for when they mess up, like that whole atom thing

>> No.7764852

0.2% of the world are jewish.
22% of nobel prizes have been given to jewish people.
These are the facts, whether you like it or not

>> No.7764853

Because the people who give out the prizes are racist Jews

>> No.7764857

Not really, it's just time to admit that the jews are smart.
they might be really fucking annoying, but yeah..

>> No.7764861

Obama got a nobel prize for blowing up some muslim families in 2009. If only nobel prize meant shit in the real world.

>> No.7764866

facts dont mean a damn m8

>> No.7764867

If being Jewish changes it it's not science.
-> Ignoring it because the researcher is Jewish is superstitious.
Don't be a retarded superstitious racist.

>> No.7764870

You don't ignore it, you question it's validity, which would be a positive thing for science.

>> No.7764871

I wonder why the hell would you relate science with Judaism in the first place. Jews have a very tiny contribution to the scientific world if any.

>> No.7764873



>> No.7764883



>> No.7764918

>peace prize

>> No.7764919

Jew science is the best science, it's just that the goyims munch down whatever conveniently promises them the freedom to not fear god on the sole premise that human thought and discernment of the environment provides the reasoning on their behalf to discourage the impediment that is faith, granted all this history that seemingly professes the inferiority of previous civilizations that seemingly worship a so-call invisible deity that created all of the world and "universe". Zionism is the only solution to protect the goyims, and the goyims naturally love zionism, because it promises them a belief that they can have everyone purchase into rational, secular thinking... I mean look at the news, it clearly shows the means of which we must fix things to attain a greater standard of living for our short, nihilistic thoughts. An afterlife is such a silly idea, what could clearly go beyond the rationality of my thoughts? If only our world could adopt an egalitarian, democratic socialist constitution, where we could use our money to bring other people up, because they lack government issued bonds. This world needs more information, more activism, more development, yet in aims to have our ecology unharmed. We must grant everyone the equal opportunity to live life without prejudice and suffering, and to uphold the means to provide for one another by equal employment and instating a higher wage minimum. We should advocate for democracy, for the people!

>> No.7764921

Could you give me a name of a jew that didn't deserve his nobel prize?

>> No.7764927

considering the criteria takes in account of being jewish, all of them did. the problem comes in when you suggested nobel prize meant anything. There are lots of scientists who didn't get any recognition simple because they didn't have the jewish privilege. an award system that works on ethnic bias cannot be considered a reliable one. Not to mention any indicative of scientific significance.

>> No.7764935

His mother is Jewish so he's considered Jewish.

>> No.7764940

name a jew that deserved a reward for his contributions.

>> No.7764943

I agree that a lot of scientists don't get recognition, but I don't think that it has anything to do with their religion / race. Nobel prizes aren't given based on ethnicity or race, and maybe some scientists that deserve it didn't get it, but everyone who got it does deserve it.
So a Nobel prize is still a great achievement.

>> No.7764945

Everyone who won a nobel prize.
Maybe there are a few exceptions, but I'm not gonna go through the list to find the few that didn't.

>> No.7764946

the peace prize is shit senpai

>> No.7764952

Yeah, if they did anything significant you'd atleast know about them. But none did that merit a reward. And consiering %22 get this reward with no merit, you can't separate the ethnic bias in favor of jews.

>> No.7764953

Does white privilege exist like Jewish privilege?

>> No.7764957
File: 80 KB, 300x200, oh-really-300x200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my main board is /pol/

>> No.7764959

Not in nobel prizes apparently. Otherwise their number would be a realistic believeable %2ish one. Also trying to change the subject won't work here.

>> No.7764969

Yahweh, the Jewish God and Jesus Christ, literally kike on a stick

>> No.7764973

I just find it funny that a /pol/tard is using the SJW tactic of privilege-checking.

>> No.7764980

Kek why don't you cucks like Jews?
Jews are smart as fuck..... Have my respect.....

>> No.7764990

>it's just that the goyims munch down whatever conveniently promises them the freedom to not fear the jewish god they've been indoctrinated simce birth to worship in this sick jewified society

Nice try, chaim. When will your kikeoldry end?

>> No.7764991

> why don't you like jews
since when do we like racist, homicidal, sadist thieves ?

>> No.7764997

Sound like my kind of people.
I'm gonna become Jewish. I hate most people anyways.

>> No.7765024

How do you feel about reptiles?

>> No.7765031

That picture regardless is incorrect because electrons do not orbit around the nucleus in the atom like if it was a planet.

>> No.7765047

/pol/ and sjws are just 2 faces of a coin. One is leftist and liberal as fuck whilst the other is right wing and authoritarian as fuck.

>> No.7765056

"Sound like my kind of people.
I'm gonna become Jewish. I hate most people anyways."

what if the jewish people were the reason why you hate the people..? what if they dont care about u? i only see that you dont get what we are talking about. its not racism when i dont want to invite a wolf into a sheep party. bdw jews are not wolfes they are lesser than parasites. parasites dont show themselfs as good beings.. they just try tp hide their uglyness while they feed their anger and depression thro your body fluids... do u get that?

>> No.7765060

and fuck im not against jews, only against those who use their sharingan to do bad.

>> No.7765064

i want to say that im neutral to jews... bt fuck those who use their sharingan to do bad. they had one job, to be the center of knowledge, a neutral place.. what did they do?... they are cursed.

>> No.7765078

>>7765047 might be true because everyone is like mememe doesnt matter what nation or belive, i you are a greedy motherfucker you are a piece of shit and you will be piss and shit for the other motherfuckers who also are piss and shit.. we need people who see the power in good...

>> No.7765104

>Jew lies

>> No.7765105

>no merit

>be Jewish economist, chemist, physicist, writer, etc.
>spend huge amount of my time in my field and achieve amazing things
>win Nobel prize
>"lmao senpai fucking Jews just win the award for being Jewish, what do they even actually do?"

>> No.7765113

juden false flag detected

>> No.7765115
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sure is JIDF in here

>> No.7765134
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>> No.7765277
File: 463 KB, 581x332, get-thee-back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing in most science
science is not about belief, Peasant

>> No.7765279

JIDF fucking sucks. It's letting ISIS win despite being a supposedly professional organization that's been around for ages.

>> No.7765426

Only like... mudblood kike

>> No.7765430

Love bob

>> No.7765437

science more like lie-ence