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7759317 No.7759317 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking about getting this one

graph paper only (obviously)

>> No.7759325


This is the only correct answer.

>> No.7759328

>stemcore notebooks

lol wut.

Don't delude yourself into thinking that getting a higher quality notebook will make you a better stem student.

>> No.7759359


>4 squares per inch
>costanza dot jay peg

>> No.7759370

>>costanza dot jay peg
the only 5sq/in with ivory paper that i could find is $15 per notebook.

>> No.7759385
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This is what I use. One per class.

>> No.7759395

I use composition books for class notes and legal pads for homework/scratch paper.

>> No.7759417


>> No.7759554

you in elementary school?

>> No.7759582

When did anyone imply that?

>> No.7760087

Nobody said that. Fucktard.

>> No.7760100


What you're looking for is called a "laboratory notebook" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lab_notebook).). Professional researchers and engineers use them to keep a formal record of their work, however, they're generally too expensive for student use. Amazon sells them.

If you just want a notebook with high quality paper, they're available but cost as much as a lab notebook. I'll post a link if anyone's actually interested.

>> No.7760104
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Not sure whether they are sold outside of Germany, but I like Oxford notebooks, because the paper is thicker and makes for more durablen notes. Thinner paper tends to rip easier if you go through it often.

>> No.7760605

this looks very nice. do they cost as much as my textbooks?

>> No.7760623

They're like 2-4€ depending on where you buy them.

>> No.7760636

I write only on blank paper I steal from printers in other departments. If I write something genuinely worth keeping, I tex it.
Fuck do you need lines on your paper for?

>> No.7760684

Because it helps to make your notes look neat and keep order in them, at least for me this helps a lot when I'm reviewing my note

>> No.7760685

I use Oxford textbooks too, the Soho ones. Their hard cover is nice too

>> No.7760705

Just write straight, like an adult.

>> No.7760709

Most adults use lined paper, kiddo.

>> No.7760739

I don't really need much.

>> No.7760752

Just buy the cheapest ones you can find m8
That's the real stemcore

>> No.7760765
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>> No.7760767

This anon knows what's what

>> No.7760793

>adults make things harder for themselves because some autist on 4chan thinks lined paper is childish

>> No.7760798

I just use the ones in the OP pic

I can get them at target for like 60 cents a pop lmao

>> No.7760802

I can speak from experience and tell you that those Cambridge notebooks are pretty awesome,everything from the thickness and texture of the paper, to the perfect off white, sepia pages.

Highly recommended. Won't make you smarter unfortunately.

>> No.7761242

>Wide ruled
Top Kek

>> No.7761269
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I use this for all my class notes. Also for syllabi, documents, all my textbooks, and pretty much anything else I need for school.

Don't think I can ever go back to physical notes.

>> No.7761275

surface master race

>> No.7761277


there you go

>> No.7761300


>> No.7761306

Paper + Binder for Engineering courses
Notebook (those with black and white patterns in front) for everything else

>> No.7761315
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>7 dollars for fucking notebook
What the actual fuck. If it were for a lab/log book I could understand but your homework writings don't need laminated cover holy shit.

Also, I prefer Atlanta notebooks for laminated cover. Just get the cheapest college rule notebook for notes and homework.

>> No.7761322 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7761348


>> No.7761473

I use three ring binders with loose lined paper in them.

Is this autistic?

>> No.7761509

No. It's sensible.

>> No.7761544

Yes. It's sensible.

>> No.7761561

Which is weird, because grid is superior, and dot grid or reticle grid are infinitely superior to that.

>tfw midori lightweight feels so good but only comes in plain

op just do this, get a solid lab notebook and write in it until it's full. or half-full, because the best way to do it is to only write on one page out of each spread - leave the other page blank so you can come back and add notes and additional stuff.

>> No.7761564

>or half-full, because the best way to do it is to only write on one page out of each spread - leave the other page blank so you can come back and add notes and additional stuff.
although this is the best way to use it, you won't do that in an ACTUAL official lab notebook, for obvious reasons. but for notes and studying and personal shit, absolutely leave space.

>> No.7761588
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>> No.7761603
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>> No.7762663


>> No.7762711

Where 2 get anyone?

American here

>> No.7762715

As a german I buy those myself at "Karstadt" or other uni/college shop around the corner.

>> No.7762716

Grid is expensive compared to lined.

>> No.7762720

Roasties detected.

>> No.7762724

Looked for them but couldn't find, got anyway to get a link?

Those look god tier

>> No.7762777


I'm dying for these.

I have a serious autism for good note books

>> No.7762782

They're just thicker paper in a nice white. You can probably get an equivalent at any papershop

>> No.7762785

I don't understand. What's so bad about taking notes on a tablet. They're portable, light, and convenient.

>> No.7762796

I do this as well. I thought about buying books to write in but I can't be bothered.

>> No.7762802

Like I said I have notebook autism, I want that cover and everything

>> No.7762804

I just use 3 ring binders and looseleaf. That way I can keep my notes, handouts, and tests on a particular topic together.

>> No.7762806

notebook of the patrician genius

>> No.7762979

just use blank printer paper like the rest of the world.

best option is to steal it from printers in your uni

>> No.7763358

Seriously I'll suck someone's dick if they find me this

>> No.7763378

>square paper

>> No.7763380

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Oxford-100050356-College-Notepad-Squared/dp/B00EO0ZGPQ/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1451991794&sr=8-12&keywords=Oxford+Paper (blank)

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Oxford-100050358-College-Notepad-Squared/dp/B00B9XQ6KA/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1451991794&sr=8-11&keywords=Oxford+Paper (lined)

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Oxford-Office-Essentials-Wirebound-Cover-Notebook/dp/B000SHUB2W/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1451991794&sr=8-7&keywords=Oxford+Paper ( own these as well. I fucking love them)

>> No.7763383

You're a god.

>> No.7763390

What the fuck is this thread?

I swear I've seen these types of threads before where someone wants items that are related to stem or asks what kinda behavior a stem person might do (drawing diffy qs on windows for example)
And I gotta say it's the hardest bait for me to avoid replying to

>> No.7763398

It's steganography, and not really about anything interesting
mostly has nothing to do with this random shit

>> No.7763480


>> No.7763828

OP was an idiot, but people started talking about cool notebooks and notepads and lab books and shit in spite of that.

>midori master race, basically the anti-stem though

>> No.7763855

$1 composition notebooks, you plebs

>> No.7763856
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>not using blank A4s and binders

It's like you're not even trying.

>> No.7763862

A4 is better than shit American sizes, but two rings isn't enough and four is too many.

>> No.7764097
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Who else /sokkia/ here?

>> No.7764106
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>mfw they sell this shit super cheap in a corner store nearby.

>> No.7764118

So just get 3?

>> No.7764133

I really want one of these, I currently use an iPad for notes but that looks so much better. What is the best kind to get?

>> No.7764136


if you plan to actually use your notebooks, don't you think it's worth it?

>> No.7764137

Now suck his dick fuckboi

>> No.7764663

Already did ;)

>> No.7765039

>Notebook (those with black and white patterns in front) for everything else
marble notebook