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7756192 No.7756192 [Reply] [Original]

Should more people start smoking weed in general? It looks like it has zero negative effects. Even pregnant women are reporting that their kids are actually more sociable when they smoked weed while pregnant.

>> No.7756196




>> No.7756221

Guess I can't expect a rational answer from /sci/ due to their pharmaceutical and GMO loving crowd. Why bother?

>> No.7756254

>Everybody gets lazy, sloppy when smoking weed
>It is easily ingestible, leading to being able to smoke all day errday.
Nothing will get done properly.

>> No.7756260

That's what alcohol prohibitionists thought, I can't believe how many people are perpetually drunk and unable to do their jobs in society (not).

>> No.7756261

>implying GMOs are bad
This is why people don't take potheads seriously.

>> No.7756265

I smoke regularly, my peers smoke regularly.
This is just an observed phenomenom.

>> No.7756280

>part of the big pharma conspiracy and anti-gmo

And you call /sci/ irrational

A million keks

>> No.7756286

And the idea that eras of drunken idiots, hiding behind the mask of sobriety, may be the reason everything is the way it is, never crossed your mind?

>> No.7756289

You know all those fucktards who go out, buy alcohol legally, then get behind the wheel & drive?

How many idiots are going to go out, buy alcohol AND weed legally, then get behind the wheel & drive?

If you legalize weed, you're basically sanctioning drug use. This is not a good thing for society. Drug users are degenerates. Keep them in prison where degenerates belong.

>> No.7756291

>It looks like it has zero negative effects
This is completely wrong.

>> No.7756299

The hands-down worst thing about weed is people who talk about it. What is there to talk about? DUDE I GOT SO FUCKED UP LAST WEEKEND is not what I think of as stimulating conversation.

>> No.7756303

A very fine tip of le hat to you good gentlesir!

>> No.7756308

Go look at any weed study and they demonstrate no link to birth complications, cancer, or health problems (unless you're genetically predisposed to stuff like heart problems). Most of the NIDA studies are shit though and not worth looking into.

>> No.7756312

Agreed. One would much rather talk about the fall of the Byzantine Empire or Socrates' 'Republic' than such drivel as 'good times' we have enjoyed. Not, of course, that one could ever 'enjoy' something so degenerate and vile as inhaling cannabis marijuana fumes.

>> No.7756326

Weed is a bit psychodelic, like LSD or mushrooms, it may help you get a different perspective on things and sometimes this is good, it also gives you distorted visions so you have to filter them out.
You can get insight with the depersonalization and the breaking of the ego, this is also good.
It also has some some proven medical benefits, some drugs are madre from cannabis.
Probably more studies on the effects on the brain, etc. need to be done, but no goverment wants to publish or finance studies that will go against their agenda. Smoking it once in a while should be ok, specially if you do it with a purpose.
Smoking it everyday is bad.

>> No.7756352

>The hands-down worst thing about weed is people who talk about it. What is there to talk about? DUDE I GOT SO FUCKED UP LAST WEEKEND is not what I think of as stimulating conversation.

That's not the fault of weed.

That's kjust 95% of humans being retarded.

I hear the exact same shit through uni about alcohol. DUDE I GOT SO FUCK UP LAST NIGHT LMAO.

Never touched a joint in my life and probably wouldn't if it were legalised, before you strawman me as a stoner

>> No.7756382

I've smoked several times now. Had hallucinogenic effects since Im an noob and probably smoked too much. It didn't change my perspective on anything. I'm starting to think this is just a meme.

>> No.7756384
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>looks like it has zero negative effects

Guaranteed (You)s.

>> No.7756391

I should have said it's the worst thing about "weed culture", or the vast majority of people I have come across who smoke. It's closer to 99% of people from my limited personal experience.

Smoke or don't. I don't care. If you enjoy it, great. Why constantly brag as if you're special for doing it, when so many people do it? The same goes for alcohol. How is binging an achievement? What's so cool about it? Why are you so proud of it?

>> No.7756400

Okay, I think it is this:
>Look at me, I'm socially popular enough to party, drink and take drugs with others who do the same
>Look at me, I have high value as a person
It's not about rights, it's not even about enjoyment. It's just about status.

>> No.7756406

Smoking weed is waste of time.

>> No.7756409

The worst thing about weed users is the delusions that come with smoking pot.

Pot users believe that pot will cure cancer, help their driving, make them better lovers, better workers, and overall better people.

It doesn't. It makes them boring. All they can talk about is weed. Pass.

>> No.7756414

you mean to tell me burning weed and inhaling that hot smoke full of carcinogens is not bad for your lungs?

>> No.7756445

There actually are people who think weed reverses cancer. Oh and there are also people who thinks LSD "grows brain cells". I argued with someone about the latter and they linked me to some seedy looking peer reviewed junk but I didn't buy it. If LSD does indeed grow new brain cells it would be in the same manner that scraping your arm with sandpaper would grow new skin. Eventually. In the form of scar tissue.

I think weed users have been brainwashed into some of the same types of delusions. It's a form of justification to validate their habit I think instead of being realistic and just accepting it as a vice such as cigs or booz which you enjoy responsibly in moderation. But if you start thinking weed is like a vital nutrient, oh boy.

>> No.7756448

not everybody is a lazy fuck like you.

>> No.7756456
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Above a certain threshold of frequency of usage, weed has the very serious side effect of turning you into a fucking loser.

Man up, focus, and use actual psychedelics in disciplined sessions that actually accomplish something. Apply yourself.

>> No.7756458

Yes, if they can handle doing it responsibly.

No, if they can't.

Spoiler: just like literally everything else

>> No.7756466

I'd feel safer around someone high on weed driving than I would alcohol. Weed makes you calm and subdued, alcohol makes you angry/depressed and reckless.

Way worse drugs than weed are already legal, particularly those sold by major pharmaceutical companies. We don't see the government doing anything about people abusing that. People are going to use drugs regardless of their legality, it's stupid to create harsh rules to punish people for being people. ESPECIALLY when these laws primarily target minorities, thus continuing the cycle of poverty. We should be trying to educate and treat them as patients, not lock them in a cell and throw away the key.

>> No.7756470

[citation needed]

>> No.7756472


Nobody's saying it should necessarily stay illegal, but you dumbfucks ramble and rehash the same copy/pasted talking points about the laws anyway like there's still anybody who gives a shit.

We don't think MLP should be illegal either, but you're still a fucking loser for watching it.

>> No.7756475

Sounds like you only know boring people.

The people I smoke weed with stopped acting that way in high school once the novelty wore off.

Most actual regular weed smokers completely agree with that sentiment.

>> No.7756479

Yet another tip of the hat in your direction good sir. You show these smelly weed 'toking' degenerates what's up!

>> No.7756483

I smoke weed every once in a while when I don't have classes. It's relaxing and brings a new perspective to life. 2 grams lasts me about 4 months.

It can be abused very easily though. I see people who have issues with depression and anxiety use it to self medicate themselves, when they should be seeing a professional. Teenagers and adults who haven't grown up get absorbed in the image and persona of a stoner. Generally, it seems like those who abuse pot are the people who have personal pains that they want to forget, anxious people who need to relax, depressive people who are bored of life, etc.

>> No.7756485


Most people are afraid of it simply because they've been indoctrinated against it, due to it being illegal since Henry J. Anslinger criminalized it for racist and political reasons almost 100 years ago. Before that the plant was commonplace and not criminalized. George Washington grew hemp.

>> No.7756490

You're blaming an entire group of people for how a small number act.
You could say the same thing for any other hobby or interest and it would sound ridiculous.

"Horse riders are so arrogant and boring, they just talk about riding horses all day, fuck horses". Most people aren't idiots who "constantly brag" about it.

>> No.7756492

Then don't do it.

Just don't go around trying to stop other people from doing what they want.

>> No.7756496


What are you talking about, you dumbass drone? Do you even think about the shit that you say, or does it just go directly from the 10+ year old youtube video (which itself was just rehashing much older rhetoric) you got it from to your mouth and fingertips with no processing whatsoever?

The cultural mainstream has taken weed to be somewhere between acceptable and downright cool for years now. Institutions only have rules and laws against it still because by nature they're slow to adapt.

>> No.7756498

Have you ever taken a biology class? Shit is not that simple, especially neurology. You sound retarded for assuming you know how it works. Not even experts really know.

People in general make stupid claims, blame the people for being stupid, don't blame weed for making them stupid. They were probably stupid long before they touched weed.

>> No.7756503


>Express opinion that something is stupid

>> No.7756507

Sounds like weed is filling a much needed gap that our society isn't willing or able to fill.
If it's not hurting anyone, what's the problem?

>> No.7756530

It's not hurting anyone, not in the same way that alcoholism does at least. However, from what I've observed it doesn't seem to help anyone in the long term. I can imagine pot being used professionally in psychotherapy as an aid, but as self medication, it only temporarily relieves a personal issue that a troubled individual can't on their own. This can lead to dependence, where an anxious individual can't imagine being calm or a depressed individual can't imagine being happy without pot.

>> No.7756555

>Even pregnant women are reporting that their kids are actually more sociable when they smoked weed while pregnant.
This sounds like a fun non-study, do you have a link?

>> No.7756563
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>> No.7756571

Yes, but only in limited amount. If you smoke from time to time to get over stress and for minor medical benefits then there is nothing in it, but if you overuse it, it will kill your motivation, damage memory and stuff.
Just like alcohol, it's ok if you drink glass of vine from time to time for better digestion, but if you get piss drunk every weekend, you will ruin your body and/or mind.

>> No.7756593


Show me where I claimed anything worked? I just think it's retarded to assume that a hallucinogenic toxin is going to make massive amounts of "brain cells grow" based on some sketchy peer reviewed study.

I'm not even sure which part of my post you're even arguing with, I never said anything about the type of person who smokes weed or their intelligence level. Anyone can be brainwashed into a certain belief. In fact, it's probably easier to brainwash more intelligent people than it is to brainwash lower IQ morans because of maleability and other factors.

>> No.7756606

Thats pretty funny senpai. I'm a mathematician.
Defend your precious weed all you want, you will not be a productive person. Weed makes you sluggish and unfocused. You will never do anything worthwhile when stoned. You won't achieve anything.

I can enjoy a joint once a while, but smoking it like you 420xxnoscope kids do will result in nothing. Yes, you are the 420xxnoscope kind of person.

>> No.7756617

The main side effect I would worry about would be the reduced gray matter in the orbitofrontal cortex which was correlated with chronic use. The brain seems to increase neural connections in an attempt to make up for this but the increased connections tend to decrease after 8 or so years of abuse. These results were not proven to correlate with a change in IQ but it's still a slightly worrying effect that would keep me from using it on a weekly basis.


>> No.7756624

The percentage of 360 noscopes I pull off increases drastically after smoking weed checkmate atheist

>> No.7756638

Different strains of weed have a wide range of effects.
Sluggish and unfocused are usually associated with low quality weed.

>> No.7756647

>OP sitting at home smoking weed eating cheetos while watching documentaries on how pot is good
>is now on a higher level of thinking than these sub human non-smokers
>posts on 4chan about how good weed is
Lel OP, stop deluding yourself you fucking moron.

>> No.7756652


>Guess I can't expect a rational answer from /sci/

Weed is a plant. Plants are biology.

The real question you should be asking is if it is possible to use Fourier analysis as a food source, since biology is cancer.

>> No.7756653

LMAO is this your pathetic justification? God I hate you fucking potheads so much. Now go smoke a joint and take your nap, must've taken a lot of energy to post that you lazy fuck.

>> No.7756664


>> No.7756665

After a short deliberation I have determined that your bait was sufficient to extract from me a (you).

>> No.7756676

>I must be a productive member of society

since when?

>> No.7756687

Like in most /sci/ threads about weed, people on both side are completely delusional, agressive and irrational.

Sure, post all your arguments with absolutely no sources or reasoning whatsoever, because that's what the scientific method dictates us to do r-right??.

I have experimented with marijuana at various doses, with various methods of titrisation and have come to the following conclusions:

1) It has no significant long term effects on cognition, not even on memory. Throughout 2 years of use, I have seen no decline in any cognitive function.
Whenever I would point this out to someone they would point out my 'high intellect' as a 'shield against those effects' and just take me out of the sample of people they'd use to judge the drug.

2) The short term effects last roughly 2 to 4 hours depending on the duration of the titrisation, potency of the strain and concentration of marijuana in the joint or edible.

During these 2 hours, I was generally unable to do anything during the first hour, and the effects were for me very similar to ethanol consumption in that it affected my senses, made me enjoy music, food and any typical pleasure far better.
I found it to be a far more pleasurable experience than ethanol but I am not a big fan of drinking as it affects me pretty poorly.

After that first hour, I had no trouble watching lectures, reading textbooks and so forth. Short term memory sometimes made it limiting in terms of long calculations such as those you can find in QFT. Anything I really understood during that time was memorized upon the morrow and I still have it in memory.
As may be expected from the metabolisation of any drug, the decay of effects were exponential but the 'feel good' feeling remained for about 5-6 hours after consumption.

Contrary to popular belief, weed did not make it easier for me to sleep unless I went to bed straight after smoking. It did however make my sleep more pleasurable and my dreams more vivid.

>> No.7756702


I enjoyed the most listening to music and having physical insights. Masturbation, eating, drinking, showering and dreaming were also top of the list.

3) One must note that there is such thing as weed dependence, but it is a very weak one.
Whenever I didn't smoke on cycle, I would have trouble falling asleep and eating for one meal. I think we can convene that these withdrawal effects are mild, which is why they mostly go unnoticed.
As is often said however, I think they have more to do with habit than any physical dependence.

4) Physical effects were very visible on me. They weren't noticed by everyone, but those who are fairly observant would immediately notice. My eyes were slightly red, but my eyelids were especially gorged with blood and made me look tired.

5) Studies seem to suggest that marijuana has no significant long-term cognitive effect, has cell-producing capabilities (despite the insignificance of this statement) and SLIGHT anti-tumor properties.
What is however interesting is that CBD may be effective against seizures and may therefore be useful in treatment of epilepsy.

Throughout my use of marijuana, I've consulted something along the lines of 30 studies which all went in the direction of these points.

>> No.7756710


So maybe instead of being ridiculous and fighting over porous arguments, you guys can be competent and use the method for which your title, and this board was named after.

If you want a good idea of what marijuana really does, go look at PEER REVIEWED STUDIES and don't just play the ignorant card in the age of the internet.
People like you guys are what ruin society.

Marijuana is in no way a miracle drug, but it can be useful, just like aspirin or morphine can be useful. It's a drug just like any other, with benefits and downsides. However if ethanol is legal, as it will remain, there is no valid reason to keep marijuana - a lesser potent drug - illegal.

End of rant, enjoy your day.

>> No.7756723


No, why not eat it instead?

>> No.7756726



guess the name of the plant I put in the options field?

>> No.7756757
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I'm a pharmaceutical chemist planning to go into Medicine, and I used to smoke weed regularly when I was a teenager, and still do on occasion (usually only when I'm with other people that smoke). I do a lot of "hard" drugs regularly, though. Mostly pharmaceutical stimulants and IV street opiates.

I have been involved in various drug legalisation societies and efforts, but one thing I've always done is combat the sophistry of the cannabis legalization movement at every turn. Wherever rational, diplomatic avenues are pursued for the medicalization of addiction, and the allowance of personal autonomy in the consumption of substances, the new age cannabis dreadlock bro is there to bastardize and divert your efforts.

I've written two-page or longer essays explaining the faulty arguments and logic inherent in the narrative being pushed by potheads that cannabis is a suppressed panacea for illness. A legalization proponent involved the leadership of a national cannabis user's association dropped a literature bomb on me of over 100 publications, and rather than walk away with my tail in between my legs, I systematically went through it and showed him, in concise writing, how almost every study either didn't support his claims like he said it did, outright disagreed with him, or contained faulty assumptions or methodology.

He had no recourse except to accuse me of never having spent with someone suffering of cancer and knowing that that suffering could have been alleviated by cannabis. I spent months with my grandmother while she was dying of cancer, and this pissed me off. He continued to prevaricate and the argument with nowhere.

Despite their obstinate resistance to engaging constructively with the literature on the effects of cannabis, and their conflation of a desire to medicalize with a desire to get high, they still oppose the efforts of opiate users (I've never been physiologically addicted but have had friends who have been) like myself [cont]

>> No.7756764

to bring about the reduction of harm relating to an activity that can be safe if done responsibly, and our efforts to provide adequate and rehabilitating medical treatment for those with addictions rather than jail time, perpetuating the problem.

All in all, cannabis legalization proponents have no sense of perspective, are just as judgmental of other drug users as they believe others are of them, and fail to understand the broader implications of addiction and prohibition in society beyond their immature compulsion to rationalize their drug use.

I quit smoking weed because I was procrastinating and not doing the things I wanted to do. I've been able to complete all of my societal obligations, and fulfill many of my ambitions (like getting into college and being successful academically) without issue while using opiates and stimulants responsibly.

>> No.7756770

>using IV opiates responsibly

i'll believe it when i see it

>> No.7756771

>making baseless assumptions and getting mad because of them
I thought you have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.7756790

In my country, there is a free and open supply of syringes from pharmacies. So I get harm reduction packages that come sterilized and sealed, with a saline solution to obviate the necessity of using tap water. The needles are a 29g, so as long as injection technique is correct (and mine is top class, I almost always register on the first draw), the gauge is fine, and veins are regularly rotated, it's almost impossible to collapse a vein or cause other superficial damage to the peripheral circulatory system.

The problem is that most addicts re-use needles more than once, and use the same sites over and over again daily. The solution to this is education and a proper system of supply of paraphernalia.

I first IV'd around two years ago, and I have never used opiates for more than two days in a row or had withdrawal, or displayed an addictive symptoms since. I enjoy it, and I know when to stop. I believe most of what we know as "addiction" is the outcome of extrinsic environmental influences, as well as a minor influence of genetic pre-disposition. I have a lot of other things in my life that make me happy, and as such I don't 'need' the drugs to have fun - I think addiction is a natural product of people without alternative venues for happiness or fulfillment in a situation with severe pressures.

>> No.7756809

Also, while alcohol and benzodiazepene use, as well as the frequent high-dose use of some stimulants (like methamphetamine), are known to cause neurotoxicity, it has never been demonstrated empirically that mu-agonists can cause cognitive deficits (apart from a few unreplicated studies with methadone addicts, which are irrelevant because methadone is also an NMDA antagonist, and these are known to cause deficits).

Opiates are also not hepatotoxic, and cause no permanent damage outside of the context of specific aberrations related to routes of administration.

The one drawback shared by all mu-agonists is hypogonadism, and this only manifests in heavy long-term use, and ameliorates on cessation of use.

Opiates are actually one of the safest classes of drugs when used responsibly, and this is heavily documented in the literature because of their wide proliferation in the medical system.

>> No.7756845


burden of proof is on you, stoner. You need strong evidence to back your assertion messing with your head with psychoactive drugs is harmless.

Weed is fun, but it's far from healthy for you.

>> No.7756867

I'm the guy who did a 3 post rant higher up in the thread describing my experience with marijuana.
Completely agree with everything you've said.
It's not about the drugs, it's about education and prevention. The drugs can be a healthy complement if you use them right, whichever the drug is.

>> No.7756870

I agree that much of addiction is a case of environmental influences but this doesn't change the simple fact that opiates are highly addictive in both that and other psychological and physiological regards. That alone is enough of a reason for them to be controlled assuming that the system of controlling drugs reduces their abuse.

>> No.7756905

Likewise with your own approach. I do think there are existent disadvantages to using cannabis, at least there were in my case - mostly that it made me slovenly and unambitious - more content to do nothing more than eat, sleep and watch television rather than commit to activities that required more effort and concentration, but which were also more rewarding. When I was in my smoke weed erryday phase, my room would often become untidy and rubbish-strewn because I simply didn't have the energy to get up and clean it.

I think there's an element of neuroplasticity, and that if you are stoned ALL of the time, you'll end up in a state of contentment such that you won't seek to leave your zone of comfort, and that this will in time atrophy your memory and faculties by virtue of simply not being used as much. In that sense, it's not as much cannabis that causes lack of intelligence, as much as the highly variable behavior that cannabis promotes causing a deficit, which is very subjective and which I wouldn't count as neurotoxicity proper.

As you said, there are advantages and disadvantages to everything, but almost all of them are avoided by moderation, self-control and common sense.

>> No.7756911

"More recently, scientists reported that THC and other cannabinoids such as CBD slow growth and/or cause death in certain types of cancer cells growing in laboratory dishes. Some animal studies also suggest certain cannabinoids may slow growth and reduce spread of some forms of cancer."

Cancer.org (American Cancer Society)

Looks like promising results so far...

>> No.7756928

There's a chasm of a gap between basic research and practical clinical outcomes in humans. As well as this, any medical formulation of cannabis will be a pure extraction, or ratio of distinct molecular components of known quantity. Scientists will seek to optimize the process by removing molecules with extraneous effects and keeping the ones with benefits, or trying to make new molecules without the anti-tumor effects but without the peripheral psychoactive ones. This is the process that's already begun with the use of cannabinoids in the treatment of nausea.

It's a legitimate avenue of research for scientists, but there's a reason less than 10% of funding goes into it other than the drug war - it's displayed benefits are modest, and haven't been recreated outside of their non-clinical context, and it hasn't been demonstrated how this will translate into a practical clinical intervention.

Regardless, none of this research pertains to the cannabis plant, and none of it relevant to the discussion of legalization. Cannabis should be legal, but for very different reasons.

>> No.7756939

there are ways to ingest weed besides smoking it

>> No.7757008

This is true

opiates are totally non-toxic, just addictive as fuck

>> No.7757042


>If you legalize weed, you're basically sanctioning drug use. This is not a good thing for society. Drug users are degenerates. Keep them in prison where degenerates belong.

Lol, implying alcohol isn't a drug. Good one! I'd prefer people using cannabis over alcohol - it doesn't make you as stupid. I've never heard of someone get super high and say "driving seems like a good idea," in contrast to alcohol where this happens all the time and causes a huge amount of traffic accidents. I've never heard of someone go and get high and beat their wives like people do with alcohol.

>> No.7757050

>browses 4chan

Weed, like almost anything else, is totally benign in moderation. There are always going to be people with poor impulse control that abuse it, just like ham people abuse candy bars, and they're going to get their fix whether it's legal or not. Prohibition is useless and only serves to fund incarceration programs and police forces. When everything is decriminalized, people that need help can get help without risk of having their lives furthur ruined by the justice system. Decriminalization also opens up more venues for studing the health risks of these substances. Peer reviewed jnfo on long term marijuana use is almost nonexistant.

>> No.7757067


>1) It has no significant long term effects on cognition, not even on memory.
>2) The short term effects last roughly 2 to 4 hours

these seem surprising to me. i'm an occasional smoker and these are pretty different from my experiences and observations (plenty of friends smoke)

1) long term effects: i dont know how to quantify this, but the few people i know who regularly smoked weed for years all changed for the worse. they now seem to have a lot less motivation and drive, lack concentration, and have become generally... slow? hard to describe this.

2) short term effects: when i smoke i smoke half a joint at most, and this gets me wasted for at least a day. when done in the evening i can still feel the effects when i wake up the next morning. 2-4 hours seems extremely short to me. then again, i dont smoke regularly (roughly once a month at most) so i have zero tolerance to it built up.

overall, weed immediately makes me stupid, lazy, hungry and easily amused. long term effects dont seem to exist in irregular users, but regular users seem to suffer several adverse effects over the years.

>> No.7757098

You also have to consider what kind of people and what life changes could force someone to begin such a chronic habit on continual smoking but with that being said, the studies are mixed bag when it comes to weed's effect on long term cognition in terms of memory and attention span. Many studies show no effects and some show effects.

If you ask me, like how this study >>7756617 shows that THC can reduce the OFC's size on the brain yet the brain counteracts by making more neural connections to compensate. However, the connections can only be made so dense and after a while the brain can not keep up with the rapid shrinkage with just more neural connections. These counteractions by the brain could drastically reduce the drop in performance measured during a study but the brain can only keep this up for so long. I'm no expert on the subject and the various types of studies ran though.

>> No.7757111

Opiates can cause neurotoxicity in dopaminergic neurons over time. Dopamine does not break down cleanly, and a lot of it isn't reuptaken.

>> No.7757181

it's too good at curing hangovers and that's million dollar industry breaker.

>> No.7757189


"Maximal stimulation of DA release did not exceed 100% except after high doses of methadone (10 mg/kg) which stimulated DA release in the accumbens by more than 300%, possibly as a result of hypoxia."


The dopamine release of opioids is a secondary product of hyperpolarizing GABA in the VTA. Dworkins et al (1987) demonstrated that the release of dopamine wasn't central to the euphoric effect of opiates, as evidenced by the continued self-administration of morphine in rats without dopaminergic neurons in their nucleus accumbens. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0091305788901384))

I sincerely doubt the regular doses taken by opioid users would cause dopaminergic toxicity.

I can look into this more and give a more informed answer if you can cite your sources for the dopamine levels resulting from opiate use causing dopaminergic toxicity. If not, you're speculating based on an analogy between opioids and other drugs which is tenuous at best.

>> No.7757194

>inb4 retards like you start saying, "dude you can't overdose on weed lmao"

>> No.7757240

>2 grams lasts me about 4 months

Nigger what? Don't people normally smoke about 1/3 a gram in a normal session?

>> No.7757249

Is there such a thing as a weed heavyweight? It took me until my 5th time to actually get high, and after doing it about 10 times since it never has much of an effect on me. I just got lost in a depressed fog. Not anxious, just depressed. And slow. One time I was moving in slow motion for like 5 minutes because I couldn't be bothered to move faster. It was weird.

>> No.7757256

Anon must be microdosing in Ångström units.

>> No.7757263

why not make videogames illegal too then?
its not good for society to be a lazy cunt when you should be working.

>> No.7757270

thats some hot shit coming from a mathematician.
how about you come and bitch when your occupation has a bit more merit than fucking with equations.

>> No.7757293

>I'd feel safer around someone high on weed driving than I would alcohol.
100% sure that you'd be saying the opposite once you encounter someone on some highway high on weed.

>> No.7757297

kek underrated

>> No.7757304

Two years is not long term.

>> No.7757316

Not him, but not really.


Aside from the unnecessary laughter they seem fine until they start doing way more than they should be. Alcohol is far more impairing.

>> No.7757388

I have autism from reading your post.

>> No.7757440
File: 139 KB, 917x871, 6357830438604861891709995390_7ZrCg4s9b0BdFunaT4GEtbYcIRfyzFeIVbYeJq2d1HuW4BxtF-8wJHc73gPVukjznHURGU4J0kR-HNi859w97HDkW09DHIAeNDTG8-yN5_NZ5icAUI5wwUs7-52idue7kg=s1600[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>addy will never run you over with her car

>> No.7758173

Good god will you please fuck off?