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7752391 No.7752391 [Reply] [Original]

>smart but lazy
was there ever a truer meme?

>> No.7752396


Lol sure. Keep being that delusional. I thought I was the same until I got IQ tested at 95 and realized I was actually dumb and lazy.

>> No.7752398

Smart people generally aren't lazy.

>> No.7752400

I unironically believe I'm smart but lazy, knowing I could better but I don't care makes me feel better about my failures.

>> No.7752402

>not fulfilling your potential
self-traitor detected

>> No.7752448

If you are lazy, you aren't really smart

>> No.7752480

If you encountered a Monkey using a tool in the wild and next to it, another was sleeping, and next to that one, one with a finger up it's ass, which one would you consider "smart"?

would you assume that the inactive monkeys were just as capable?

>> No.7752481

The one with the finger in his ass is the smartest.

>> No.7752484

>thinking IQ tests are accurate
You literally fell for a meme

>> No.7752496

Smart people wouldn't let themselves fail, period.

>> No.7752509

My HS (and the entire state) relied on smart but lazy people. We had (and they still have) a thing called the Overall Position system (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overall_Position).).

It was so fucked up, you could (and I did) get an OP 1 (lets you do any uni undergrad course you want, only OP 1 kids got into MD programs, etc.) easily if you were surrounded by smart but lazy people. Your OP depended on two results - your final year 12 mark in relation to the class's average for each subject, and the average mark on a core skills test for each subject you took. If people are lazy, they do shit in class, and you can easily beat them and be top of the class, and if they're smart, the average on the core skills test (which is easy if you're naturally intelligent) is high and you get an OP 1.

>> No.7752602

This is true.

Even at there lowest, a truly smart person can outperform the average.

>> No.7752614

This is pretty weird I have to say.

While I don't like the AP, SAT, and ACT very much, it is still good that you measure all applicants the same regardless of background. It is a wide enough spread of exams and difficulty that one can show their potential in a variety of diagnostic metrics.

>> No.7752618

How do I beat this? How do I stop being lazy? How do I realize my potential?

>> No.7752619

True this
I would say I'm lazy, but I'm still on my way to doing a phd in medicine

>> No.7752629

The meme is that people who are smart but lazy are really just too stupid to stop being lazy.

>> No.7752644

Laziness is an acquired habit. Smart people get it from school. The age-system is bollocks. Smart people should be pushed onwards to higher years to find school more challenging. But they don't so they develop laziness. Which obviously bites them in the ass in later life.

>> No.7752649

I'm going to believe this because it makes me feel better about myself

>> No.7752657

I believe it just because I'm in that later phase myself and I've seen this happen to most of my friends who I started school with. We breezed through all the way to higher education, but our "working habits" are in a miserable state to be honest.

>> No.7752684

Tell me a logical reason why I should bust my ass off to better society when I can simply skate by? That's the main reason I'm lazy, there's no reason not to be.

>> No.7752687

I'm lazy because I can satisfy my physical and emotional needs with minimal effort.

My intelligence allows me to rationalize my comfort orientated impulses and shift my focus away from the ego based impulses that crave respect or achievement. Also DUDE, WEED, LMAO

>> No.7752690
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>tfw smart and hard working

>> No.7752699

aka: wageslave getting told what to do by the boss in fear of losing job

>> No.7752704

If i get 1490/1600 does that mean my IQ is 160?

>> No.7752713

Can confirm this.

>> No.7752716

>tfw lazy but smart
I hate being an exambabby.

>> No.7752718


Maybe intelligence can be a problem in itself if it can allow for the rationalisation of being nothing.

"People have become everything possible, there is bare else besides the ocean that has not been discovered or investigated. Space exploration no longer has the societal backing it once did. Wealth is excellerating at a point where if you aren't born into it, sell your genious idea for the publics distraction, or allow a company to use you and your passion as their own, your children will have to go through all of the same struggles that you have, if not more so. Why kill yourself to follow the idea media has beaten into everyone?"

>> No.7752722

It is a meme used by popsci faggots.

>> No.7752733

Make schedules and stick to them. If you say you are going to do something, then actually get off your ass and do it. The first time you say 'no' to slacking off is always the hardest. Once you actually start working, things should get easier. If they don't, and you actually feel that it is physically impossible for you to stay focused, get medical help.
>inb4 ADHD is a meme disease
1) Write down what needs to get done
2) Get off the couch
3) Do it
4) Fight distractions
5) Successfully use your brain

>> No.7752756

What differentiates a dumb person and a smart lazy person?

>> No.7752767

I've been looking a long time for an answer to these, so much to the point that I've considered suicide because expending effort to live seems entirely pointless. Suicide takes effort and discomfort in itself though when I could just passively die in x number of years so I haven't. Why do so many people take the path of resistance when they don't even have to?

>> No.7752775

A very large number of people are lazy. A smart but lazy person would still get ahead because so many of his peers are average and lazy.

>> No.7752813

Because we also have pleasurable impulses to follow, provided we allow ourselves to experience them without them being tainted or suppressed by our personal associations and expectations.

>> No.7752828
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>was there ever a truer meme?

This is just something dumb people tell themselves to soften the blow.

>> No.7752830

Suicide is not the answer. Your life is your own for a reason; your reason. Mostly the waiting you mentioned, but not for our own deaths. The eventual passing of those around us with those ancient ideals and morals.

I was told that we are the next step, the ones able to think beyond standard boundaries. Only until we can unite as a group, for our true goals, can we feel involved.

>> No.7752840
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would hang out with the last guy

>> No.7752846


its because by taking your life you're the one resisting the most

against the urge to survive

>> No.7752873

One takes your order while the other makes the burger.

>> No.7753034

I don't know why you would ask about IQ when I didn't mention it.

But yes anon. That's what it means

>> No.7753819

>smart but lazy
You can be intelligent and lazy
but doing poorly because you just dont feel like it isnt smart, its quite stupid

I drop a letter grade at uni because i cant be bothered to do the HW

how is that in anyway smart?

>> No.7754155

If you were smart, you would have something to care about. Apathy is a sign of a small mind.

>> No.7754462

Even if that were true (you being smart but lazy instead of just mediocre and lazy), it's weird how people use this as some sort of reconciliation.

Intelligence on its own is non-virtue, it's like a car rusting away in a garage. Discipline and hard work is at least equally important, so "smart but lazy" is just paraphrase for "huge fucking failure"