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File: 69 KB, 800x534, smoking_cigarette_121113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7750363 No.7750363 [Reply] [Original]

Asking the science fags, is it true cigarettes nowadays have way more chemicals in them compared to how they were 50 years ago? I hear this is why many who smoked many years back lived a long life and was less likely to get cancer compared to smokers of nowadays.

Is this theory true?
There i posted it for you faggot

>> No.7750371

it's likely that people just smoke more nowadays because cigarettes are likely more addictive, I have no idea what I'm talking about someone tell me if I'm right.

>> No.7750617

It is true , between fire hazard regulations imposed by states (cigarette must self extinguish if not sucked) and the cigarette manufacturer wanting longer shelf life, better nice delivery, and cough suppressant. Cigarettes are much different than they were 50 years ago.

>> No.7750620

Nic not nice stupid auto correct

>> No.7750638

Youre wrong, more people are smoking in the east now and way less in the west.

>> No.7750640

Yes. My grandmother would smoke Suki, a type of organic tobacco grown by the village. She lived till 90 and smoked every day.

The tobacco now has a lot of impurities and are riddled with pesticides, flavoring and toxic additives.

If you're looking for a way to take nicotine for nootropic effects then your best bet is nicotine gum or vaping.

>> No.7750653

>She lived till 90 and smoked every day.
There are also people who smoke modern cigarettes every day and live till 90.


I once heard somebody say that even american spirit tobacco that's marketed as additive-free just *has* to contain some additives because they are mandated by the government. Don't take my word for it but would be nice if someone can confirm/contradict.

>> No.7750798

>breathing anything other than oxygen, nitrogen, and small amounts of CO2 intentionally

This is where smokers fucked up

>> No.7750811

Smoking is pointless and stupid.
Most people start at the age of 13 because they think it makes them cool, and then they get addicted and never stop.
Seeing people smoke literally shows you what people used to be pathetic try hards as teenagers.

>> No.7750819

So true.

>> No.7750820

the only people who smoke cigarettes anymore are white trash and blacks. stick to cigars or don't smoke at all. don't even mention "vaping" to me.

>> No.7750835
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[citation needed]

So almost everyone in Hollywood doesn't count?

And cigars aren't any different, most people just smoke them less often.

>> No.7750836

10/10 scientific reply

>> No.7750845

>no argon
enjoy dying

>> No.7750865

enjoy...not dying?

>> No.7750906

The thing is people always worry about the negative effects when they don't realize you can die any mo

>> No.7750950

I think the biggest risk factor with living is knowing at any moment cand-

>> No.7750963

The only people I meet IRL who smoke are Indians actually.

>> No.7750970
File: 559 KB, 500x572, 1435616731578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally every single molecule is a chemical

>> No.7750974
File: 17 KB, 300x544, 1443645148014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cigars aren't any different
citation needed.
>people don't some cigars as often
citation needed.

>> No.7750981

>marketed as additive-free just *has* to contain some additives because they are mandated by the government.
>would be nice if someone can confirm/contradict.


>> No.7750992

Cigarettes are engineered to be more tasty, more addictive and less satisfying to have you coming back for more. Processed foods are the same. I can imagine those substances to increase the damage they do if only by making you smoke more or getting it deeper into your lungs and such. Even without the additives pumping soot into your respiratory tract on purpose will be bad for you though.

People back in the day lived completely different lives, so isolating smoking as the prime cause of this is unwarranted. They ate more whole foods, lived less sedentary lives, were less isolated and depressed, more religious, more social, had more sense of purpose and duty, weren't bombarded with too much stimuli all day long et cetera.

I think the Blue Zone studies are interesting for a look at the different factors that lead to longevity.

>> No.7751217

Nowadays cigarettes are also more radioactive than they were thanks to the over 500 open air nuclear tests conducted back in the day.

Alpha active stuff such as some isotopes of polonium aren't nice to get in your lungs.

>> No.7751249

cousins grandad smoked all his life lived to 115

>> No.7752252

>But you can also die by nor-

>> No.7753432
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The longest lived record is of a French woman, 120 - smoker. Thing is people are creatures of habit but I got a feeling we won't be seeing many professional life long shitposters breaking the century mark.

Who cares anyway, quality vs quantity, world running down, and it's not like smoking knocks you on your ass in your youth as much as the fear mongering propaganda likes to pretend. It gets you ready for death, before being propped up by a hideous elder care industry preying on the 1000 other maladies of modern life.

>> No.7753447

it gets you ready for death by getting you COPD in your sixties, yes.

smokers don't experience less elder care dystopia, they just get into it sooner.

>> No.7754646

>no dihydrogen monoxide

enjoy desiccating your lungs

>> No.7755001

Actually she was 122 years old, but the point still stands. Smoking isn't nearly as bad for you as people claim, at least not until you're much older.

>> No.7755101

Actually cigarettes used to self extinguish. They recently removed the chemical that kept them alive for longer.

>> No.7756426
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>implying everyone smokes the same tobacco stock
>implying different tobaccos don't have different carcinogens
>implying different manufactures don't use different additives
>implying even tobacco papers are not different and with different byproducts of incineration

>> No.7756544

my friends great great great great grandfather smoked until he was 171, research has concluded that pure, organic tobacco can increase your lifespan.

>> No.7756745

Then that's just the chemicals and ingredients (not smoking) being bad for you, guy with an unremarkable taste in reaction images.

>> No.7757586
File: 311 KB, 1380x1021, max ernst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Smoking is not a guaranteed death sentence. It simply increases the odds of you getting cancer or a horrible pulmonary disease like COPD that will cause immense pain or shave off years from your lifespan.

You can smoke and still be lucky and make it to 100. But why make it harder for yourself?

Moreover anyone who has witnessed COPD or spent more than 5 minutes studying hypoxic drive should never want to smoke.

>> No.7758265

I used to get allergy tests next to the lung department at the local hospital. Having to wait around those people will cure your desire for a smoke quickly.

>> No.7758286


As cigarettes became filtered, cigarette companies began increasing the number of additives and quantities of their additives.

This is for an overall better experience per cigarette, regardless of what the additives do, since people aren't smoking for their health.