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7747701 No.7747701 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't more creative, forward thinking, and straight up intuitive individuals teaching us? Of all the teachers I've ever had in my youth, maybe 1 in 7 ever seemed to give a damn and not treat their profession as some going through the motions job where it was advantageous to fill us in -wink wink- on what's relevant to pass the test and not to bother engaging in any material whatsoever. I hate my American education. I had to train myself to be brilliant because nobody else would and in my opinion this is unacceptable. Clearly unacceptable and god, does it make me boil and does my skin crawl knowing thousands if not millions more will be trained into this attitude and perception that learning is meant to be a chore that is only a means to achieving the bare minimum before being thrown into a world where a meager salary with easy spoils are accepted as a valid form of happiness. Nobody cares about anyone. That's the society we have at this moment and the state of education. We aren't fostered with love or an appreciation for anything. Capitalism has corrupted our very core and it's make the education system into a self defeating hell. There's gotta be something! Anything that can resolve this!!! I'm angry and you should be just as angry as I.

>> No.7747703
File: 68 KB, 676x960, ayee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vote Bernie

>> No.7747769

Because teaching sucks. Why would anyone intelligent enough to do something else ever want to become a teacher?

>> No.7748256

Because they're setting the world they live in and as intelligent people have an intellectual stake in improving.

>> No.7749911

I taught undergrad physics a two major universities and while there are some really good students most are just not ready for things being taught and they really don't want to think. This will wear on you.
Then put in the administration not want 70% of the class to fail and irate parents calling you because Johnny needs to pass....

Why would you want to put up with this?

>> No.7749969

Because we pay teachers like shit, they're universally hated by students, and they have no authority anymore. They have little freedom, legally, to not follow protocol and thus they are literally just going through the motions of some guidelines set out by bureaucrats, lawyers and politicians/judges.
And no, this isn't capitalism's fault, but statism. Get the government out of the classroom and it will improve naturally.

>> No.7749972

Also my god don't get me started on apportioning funding based on standardized test results.

Result: ADHD diagnoses skyrocket, along with ritalin/analogue prescriptions.

>> No.7749999

The problem is its run/micromanaged by the government

Privatize the whole thing & get rid of the fucking unions

Problem solved

>> No.7750003

Waste of quads for bait

>> No.7750065

>implying privatising would not lead to a two class education
>implying not only the spoiled rich kids who never realise what learning is will go to the good schools
>implying that would be better than what we have now

Really, the problem is Capitalism, or more general, the money itself. If you have nothing that seperates people, there is no one to get something he doesnt really want, people can clearly decide for themselves whats good for them or not

>> No.7750066

Teaching is a grinding, soul sucking job.

>> No.7750076

>>implying privatising would not lead to a two class education
its better this way.

the lower class retards dont deserve it when they waste it away for free, you just bring other more successful people down with this shit.

>implying not only the spoiled rich kids who never realise what learning is will go to the good schools
the probability if this happening is much lower than the nigger infested shit holes with 30% graduation rate.

>implying that would be better than what we have now
it would.

>Really, the problem is Capitalism, or more general, the money itself. If you have nothing that seperates people, there is no one to get something he doesnt really want, people can clearly decide for themselves whats good for them or not
ahh nice bait my friend I fell for it.

5/10, had me going

>> No.7750090

stopped reading after you said nigger infested

>> No.7750092

stay kucked britbong.

enjoy those "refugees" who have PHD's who know less than your high school graduates lel.