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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7747019 No.7747019[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

1. What is your IQ
2. What is your profession/the field of your study ?
3. What is the most reliable and most objective IQ test? Which IQ test did you give ?

>> No.7747024

I cannot believe I've been here for three God Damn years.

Fuck the illuminati.

>> No.7747031

1. I don't know
2. Mathematics
3. This isn't science or math dawg, this is memeology

>> No.7747057

This is so childish.
Grow up, /sci/

>> No.7747075

1. 134 (though I am undoubtedly smarter than everybody here even if they have a higher quotient than myself)
2. NEET / Not a wage slave or debt student
3. Intelligence doesn't exist

>> No.7747230

1 138
2 no idea, i think something STEM
3 mensa uses raven's progressive matrices and the Wechsler scale

>> No.7747236


>> No.7747241
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>> No.7747243

Femanon here.

1. Greater than 170 (not measurable by most tests)
2. I have a PhD in math but I consider myself a polymath
3. Take every IQ test you can find and also take into account your grades and your academic achievements

>> No.7747249

Kek, greater than 170?
prove it faggot

>> No.7747271

Falling for bait. Cmon

>> No.7747409

draw memes

>> No.7747423

1) 139
2) I'm an electrical engineer by education, but I spend most of my time programming.
3) Nothing is reliable enough, nothing is objective. I took a test on a computer during psychiatric evaluation for the military (got to do ballistics calculations and drive around a lot, lol) which was based on Ravens progressive matrices. It got quite difficult and frustrating in later phases. In hindsight it was more of an autism test though it was balanced with more abstract reasoning tests where you had to describe pictures of forestry etc.

>> No.7747430

Indie programmer
I got tested in a 2,5 hours test at a university

>> No.7747439
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>1: Never really cared to know or even looked at those personality tests

>2: Gr. 10 education :^) schools lame they should teach limits before linear algebra it's to presumptuous that kids be taught that a letter has ANY basis of a number without being basable in a format of conditions that suspend the 'realism' their supposed to be learning

>3: Design for yourself a 2 year course in pic related style drug experiments/learning binges/use of strategic focus resources with months of each and then mixing towards the end to produce an intelligence that has jack squat & shit to do with IQ tests


>> No.7747646

1. "Very High"
2. 9th grade
3. Psychologist, I have no idea which test it was. It consisted in memorizing and building puzzles. Also it added common knowledge like what is the capital of Burkina Faso and such things.

>> No.7747657


>> No.7747662

Underage B&
Mechanical Engineering sophomore
Mensa test.

>> No.7747708
File: 349 KB, 1242x2208, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>139 but probably more
>mechanical engineering
>pic attached took an iq test just now on 4 hrs of sleep and I'm drinking top kek


>> No.7747757

1. 134
2. computer science
3. mensa test. I also took a test before I went into military and I scored 5/10 o<:^)

>> No.7747814

If all you said was and is true, then you wouldn't be on 4chan.

>> No.7747816

I'll just leave this here.


>> No.7747817


>hurrr durr muh mensa, muh psychologist

this page belongs in a cringe thread

>> No.7747819

Why am I not allowed to have fun here? Who are you to tell me that I'm supposed to be a mature and productive member of society? Which law dictates that high intelligence means I'm obliged to dedicate every second of my life to pursuing interests of higher moral value than 4chan?

>> No.7747827

1. If you believe online IQ tests mean anything, 140
2. Biomedical science, undecided between a PhD or medicine. Interested in working in neuroscience/neurology/neurosurgery/psychiatry
3. I don't think any of the online IQ tests are particularly reliable or objective. The online tests that I've done consistently place me at 140.
These tests are always Raven's progressive matrices.
I would say however, that testing different cognitive functions and using them to find an individual "g-factor" would be a good way. Raven's progressive matrices apparently have 0.80 correlation with "g-factor".

However, g-factor and IQ tests may use similar components.

>> No.7748056

I have an IQ of 107 according to >http://www.free-iqtest.net
No profession yet due to lazyness
I just tried the one listed above

>> No.7748093

>not laziness

Checks out.
You are a pleb

>> No.7748158

This better be sarcasm

Inb4 can't tell sarcasm

>> No.7748938

1. IQ 149
2. Entrepreneur, high school drop out
3. Most reliable would probably be the full Wechsler battery (computerized). I took the 1994 SAT (.9 correlation with IQ tests) and got 1450.

>> No.7748943

That actually wouldn't even make sense.

>> No.7748966

1. My IQ is 143.
2. I am student of high school (grammar school) with specialization for chemistry, maths and biology.
3. I did IQ test from MENSA and i think, that it is most reliable option.

Do not forget, that IQ is just innate assumption. If you can not use it, it´s pointless. Sometimes can be high IQ more curse, than advantage. :) Never forget, that practise makes perfect.

>> No.7748967

ITT: Brainlets

>> No.7748973


According to the SAT conversion, I'm in the top 0.1%

There's no way people are this fucking stupid

>> No.7748978

1. 115.
2. Chemistry.
3. http://www.iqtest.dk/main.swf

>> No.7749078
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I have an iq of 200+ (tested myself) but all i do is post memes on chinese manga board but am smart.

>> No.7749081
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>> No.7749086
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>That guy that has only 3 digit iq

>> No.7749104

Why people who babble about their IQ are just underachieved imbeciles?

>> No.7749383

1. No idea, smart enough to get by
2. Going into the Navy in a little over a month
3. I don't know

>> No.7749390

Intelligence can not be properly quantified.

>> No.7749417

1. 157
2. I'm in school, but I love math, physics, and history.
3. Idk, I took it in 3rd grade.

>> No.7749420
File: 38 KB, 1024x663, elcooliodogmemo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr potatoe-iq

>> No.7749432

>>hurr durr i'm the smartest person here

nice meme, that sentence alone explains how fucking stupid you are

>> No.7749435

Standardized testing, I.e. The MCAT, LSAT, GMAT, GRE is the best measure of IQ.

140 IQ

mechanical engineering

>> No.7749445

lol please don't go around advertising that false IQ

>> No.7749480

aptitude test for some scholarship in my country

>> No.7749486

1-From that test i get 130 altough i never really took a test. I did it once but it was when i was a child and it was too boring for me to finish it
2- i study Maths.
3- see 1, i don't know which iq test are the most reliable and objective

>> No.7749496

It's high, measured by professional tests(not online)
Programmer / CS
The one you can get from psychologist or other specialist.

Because lot's of people use IQ to delude themselves that they are not worthless.
People who actually archive things don't care that much about IQ to brag everywhere about it, because they pay more attention to actual skills and knowledge that makes them valuable at market.

Right. There is many of things considered as part of intelligence that can't be quantified.
However IQ can be quantified.

>> No.7749523

146 (plus or minus five)
Computer engineering and mathematics

>> No.7749711

1. X
2. D
3. desu

>> No.7750044

>Art History
>Mensa IQ
Mensa's is undoubtedly the best test.

>> No.7750083

What's with all these losers pretending to not care about iq but still claim its high
>muh real psychologist test
>muh real results
>muh genius iq as a child but muh parents held me back
Sure thing

>> No.7750084

>Mensa's is undoubtedly the best test.
you have a confirmed IQ of 95 m8.

>> No.7750105

>inb4, IQ is real
>I'm a warlock lvl 69 and have gifted IQ because I took a test that anyone can study for.

I ROFL at anyone who even has the audacity to talk about IQ. Believing in IQ is the same fallacy as believing in creationism. If you were actually smart, you would be out there doing research, making advancements in your field, or making a shit load of money, not being so fucking OCD about your "super high IQ level dude". I don't need to see an IQ test result to see tell if someone is intelligent or not. If you truly have a high " IQ" you wouldn't need a test to validate that or to compare your test result with others. Moreover, IQ tests, like SATs are standardised tests that anyone can study test relatable material for. If you want to prove your intelligence, go solve one of the millennium prize problems.

>> No.7750115
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>> No.7750242

software dev
dont know
dont know

>> No.7750424

Everything can be quantified

>> No.7750427

Smart people don't always want it

>> No.7750447

>intelligence = achievements
>hurr durr
Typical brainlet fallacy.

>> No.7750459

Why do you think my parrents or anyone held me from anything? :^)

>Believing in IQ is the same fallacy as believing in creationism.
Not really. Take bunch of people with 120 IQ and 80 IQ and you will surely see the difference. People with similar IQ share some similarities, so when you know person's result, it gives you a hint about his possible mental capabilities and other stuff. IQ doesn't explicitly specify the person intelligence, it never meant to do it.
Of course you can cheat, just like you can falsify any medical or psychological examination. But what's the point? If someone just want to brag about high result then it's pretty pathetic.

I'm not sure about that. How would you quantify things like how experienced and skilled someone is?

>> No.7750464
File: 79 KB, 403x401, 1424847662703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these buttmad IQ denialists ITT
Denying the scientific validity of IQ is as retarded as denying evolution or climate change. Go back to >>>/pol/ you birdbrained denialists. Science will continue to be true, irregardless of whether it hurts your brainlet feelings.

>> No.7750680

If you took the test after January 1994 you have to look up a different conversion. The cap goes down from 170 to 150 IQ, and the correlation is decreased to .6-.7

>> No.7750716

Is your IQ really 157? My IQ is also 157. I have a near eidetic memory, a digit span of 30 meaning I can memorize pretty much any password/formula/screenplay on the spot, great visualization abilities (I can draw the human body in pretty much any angle and perspective without reference), 99.998% percentile typing speed, 2390 on the SAT without studying (800 SAT math by 8th grade), great talent in writing (won national history, creative writing and journalism contests in high school) and a 99.99% percentile performance in pretty much everything else (diamond 1 promos in LoL).

If you don't have comparable mental abilities, I highly doubt your IQ is that high.

>> No.7750729

I would quantify through comparison with other people, or I would create a scale whose score is determined through predetermined tests according to the kind of skill in question, in which 0 corresponds to no skill

>> No.7750739

>playing league of cancer
Clearly you're not the brightest star in the sky either.

>> No.7750763

It would work if you take only one kind of skill into account. But I don't think there is a way to quantify how someone is skilled in general. However you could make tests about all kind of skills you can think of and take average value, but still trying to determine if someone who can solve some math problems in X seconds is more skilled than someone who can craft wooden bed in Y seconds doesn't make much sense to begin with.

>> No.7750776


>> No.7750814

Anon did someone tease you? :(

>> No.7750822

Sorry, I misunderstood the question. In that case i think you should do to these person a lot of random test about everything

>> No.7751960


Fuck off.

>> No.7751960,1 [INTERNAL] 

Nowadays everyone wants to watch online videos and movies. No one has much time to download the video and watch it