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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7746518 No.7746518 [Reply] [Original]

Which one do you think is better and why?

>> No.7746527

The pyramid. It is the most structurally sound

>> No.7746533 [DELETED] 

Sphere, because I have a suspicion that space is quantized into a regular grid, and therefore it cannot physically exist.

Also, it is such that all intervals are both the beginning the end, and there are infinite intervals to sample. Both like and unlike life itself.

>> No.7746536

cube because these 2 don't like it

>> No.7746541

Cube, because it's the perfect logical representation of three dimensions, length width and height equal. Spheres are plebes- they occur naturally in celestial bodies and bubbles

but the mighty cube is the stackable achievement of man kind. Tetrahedrons are arranged creatively to form houses. 90 degree angles are the most beautiful angles since they unite the earth and sky.

I love cube

>> No.7746654

Spheres are pretty natural.

>I love cube
Fuck your cube.

>> No.7746657

>space is quantized into a regular grid
we minecraft now

>> No.7746661

Cube obviously. It provides better storage quality.

>> No.7746784

Spheres, because you can do some pretty crazy shit i.e. Banach–Tarski paradox

>> No.7746786

>hurrrdurr natural is better
cube masterrace

>> No.7746790

>crazy shit i.e. Banach–Tarski paradox
Reminder that the axiom of choice is a meme.

>> No.7746803

Tetrahedron because red is my favorite color.

>> No.7746816

Shouldn't one be able to "Banach-Tarski" a tetrahedron and a cube as well since there exists homeomorphisms between them and a sphere?

>> No.7746988

I think all three are best and all three are worst


>> No.7747023

spheres or gtfo

>> No.7747064

Topologically they are all the same, so I see no point in asking such a question.

>> No.7747086




>Muh machined bearings
>Muh thingz that go round and round
>Muh smileh faces
>Muh gravity friendly shapez
>Muh ballz

>> No.7747119

They are not.

>> No.7747188

>Topologically they are all the same

That statement couldn't be further from the truth.

>> No.7747218

A pyramid is a 3D object with the least amount of possible corners. A sphere with the most.

So cube is objectively the worst of all.

>> No.7747221

The sphere because it contains a transcendental number.

>> No.7747224


A pyramid is the most stable geometric form.

>> No.7747250
File: 156 KB, 549x349, ishiggyburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7747262

>never read topology
Bro its OK. Just read before you proclaim

>> No.7747275

You may be too stupid to read this article, but here you go:


>> No.7747427

sandnegro detected

>> No.7747714

it's a tetrahedron

>> No.7747724

Cube masterrace

>> No.7747732


Fuck EA games.

>> No.7747746

>what are crystals

>> No.7747778

Natural is generally better. Not always of course but it certainly says something about your personality when you crave unnatural.

>> No.7747799

not sure about your reasoning but the conclusion is undeniable
the imaginary boundary between atoms or particles forming a sphere is straight point to point.

>> No.7747828
File: 22 KB, 366x405, mhR8f5H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but you are forgetting this is the le meme board and no one knows real math, they only know vihart math

>> No.7747839


they all look the same to me

who /topology/

>> No.7747863

Cube, because it's how a sphere looks in Chebyshev metric.

>> No.7747961
File: 11 KB, 235x235, 1449373225613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoever says cube or the other gay one is a fucking faggot

sphere strong

>> No.7747963
File: 66 KB, 399x382, 1450993162147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i don't give a fuck faggot who gives a shit are you compensating for being a weak faggot? i'll run you over your gay ass pyramid with my sphere bitch nigger what are you going to do about it

>> No.7747986


>> No.7747987

Cube because you can't sphere or pyramid a number.