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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7739752 No.7739752 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that you weren't smart enough for a career in math? INB4 calc 1.

>> No.7739757

Probably either complex analysis or Algebraic Geometry II.

>> No.7739833

i fucking hate ellipsoids, hyperboloids, and such

>> No.7739840

I realized I was too smart to waste my time in a career in math when I had my first company idea.

>> No.7739844

probably around linear algebra

then again i never pursued a career in math

>> No.7739846

When I struggled in school with memorizing the values of tag cotg and the like

>> No.7739847

I was never going to seriously pursue math, but even baby Rudin is kicking my ass. I'm still pulling A's, but it's not enjoyable.

>> No.7739848

Abstract algebra fucked me up. But that was because of my professor, as the entire class was bad, so I am still a math major.

>> No.7739858

After I got my master's degree.
>tfw wasted 5 years of my life

>> No.7739880

You can't really know until you start research in grad-school.

I attended a top 5 school for undergrad, graduated with a 3.8 including taking a lot of graduate level coursework and I had paid RA doing work in my undergrad that was eventually published.

I thought surely I must at least be above the cutoff for a professional career as a mathematician for my generation?

Then I actually got to grad-school (same department) and was completely out-shined by the real big boys. Soon I was pretty much just a means to get co-authorships for my adviser and his golden boy, something I truly deserve because of my utter failure to achieve results on my own any of my projects.

I'm just finishing up my thesis but I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life, my adviser pretty much told me I'm not cut for academia. I doubt I'd even get a teaching job at a goddamn CC at this point. I've started looking into finance because I hate programming, but as far as my math career is concerned it's pretty much a still birth.

>People ITT struggling with undergrad
Not trying to be mean, but honestly don't even try grad-school in pure math, it's hell. Become an actuary instead, you get to use math at least.

>> No.7739889

this may sound like a dumb question but you are the only actual mathematician here, so...

what do mathematicians do? What kind of research do you do everyday? Can you talk more about what you did and why is was so difficult?

>> No.7739894

crap. everybody is saying how hard it is to get a math degree in a grad-school. Undergrad is so easy though.

>> No.7739901
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When I didn't even manage to get all of my highschool math.

>> No.7739902

I struggled with pre-calc, I know math is my hell

>> No.7739917

It's very different depending on what field you specialize in.

My undergrad research for example was in applied math we did some some work in collaboration with the engineering department, it was on a private grant which was nice because it meant enough money to pay all undergrad students working on the project. I pretty much just did some grunt work for them to prove some properties of the method they had developed.

I spent roughly 90% of my time in grad-school just reading papers and/or reviewing textbooks in my field, but just might just be me I often had to reread a paper 2-3 times before I truly understood it.

If you want to see more specifically what type of problems you work on I suggest you simply read journals in your field of interest. Even if you don't understand it yet, you will get an idea of the type of work academics so.

In the end I'm glad to be leaving academia, I see so many of friends who are just plain better than me are still stuck in post-doc purgatory. I'd rather be working a less stressful job earning a full time salary.

Getting your post-grad degree isn't that difficult, there are plenty of retards with math PhDs (they just don't work in math), especially from degree mill schools. What's difficult is garnering enough quality publications and consequently a reputation in your field to get a faculty placement.

>> No.7739919

what do you do now?

are you enjoying that 300k starting salary

>> No.7739927

Nothing yet. I'm still writing my thesis while looking at various companies/firms. I haven't really started sending out serious applications yet, but I'm looking heavily into consulting firms. I'm not working full time on anything so I spend most of my day shitposting on 4chanfrom my campus office.

>> No.7739929

>First quarter in university
>"Modern Linear Algebra" sounds cool
>It was
>Struggle in TA sessions to grasp material, try really hard.
>Midterm got returned, 8 out of 30.
>Hah, nope
>Withdraw without penalty
>Bump into said TA next quarter, discussed the class
>I would've got a B+ if I just stayed the course
>Babby's first curved course

After that, I dropped my idea of a math minor or double major and I've just never had a reason to get back on that ladder.

>> No.7739933

Implying I ever took math seriously. Injeering masta race here. Seriously if you're majoring in math you better be prepare for a shitty decade of your life. You're better off in statistics with a focus in econ/finance. Its much better for your future earnings.

>> No.7740032

Same here. Math is lackey work. I can pay a PIL to do math for me at 15 bucks an hour.

>> No.7740081


>> No.7740550
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At first when I couldn't add in 2nd grade.

Sequentially through every math course I have taken since then.

>> No.7740564

>Life is about money and short term prestige


>> No.7740574

I'm getting out after I get my master in spring. It is fun and interesting but you have to be a god among geniuses to cut it.

>> No.7740602

Man this is depressing

>> No.7740604

life is about being happy
And it starts by not giving a fuck about your opinion or how wrong you are lel

>> No.7740673

It's funny cause maybe not more than a year ago I was considering going for math. For me, being a (good) math student it's like being a doctor or something for the plebs, something to really look up to. Then I've started reading on wikipedia about various math concepts that are heavily applied in physics, and I realized that it will be a struggle to grasp even those, no point in mentioning higher, purely abstract and higly specialized areas of math. So I just went for physics instead. First semester is almost over, having some problems with metric spaces and whatnot, but other than that doing ok on the math part so far. The only concept that was (briefly) introduced and for which my understanding goes asymptotic to 0 are tensors, the notation just seems to get the best out of me. Maybe some day...

>> No.7740697

When I couldn't solve more than 3-4 Putnam problems on a given test.

>> No.7740702

>not doing a mathematics degree that also qualifies you to work in statistics and finance

>prove some properties

So there are still jobs about 'proving' stuff that actually have immediately real world applications. That's nice.

>> No.7740705

well of course, how can you apply numerical methods if you don't know the constraints for them to work? That's right nigga, I just said math is now about approximations lel

>> No.7740711

Math has been about approximations ever since we invented limits. Nothing wrong with that though.

Anyways, I was just commenting on that because I can quote several /sci/ anons who will tell you
>nobody will pay you to prove things xD

>> No.7740757

This is where you all fail, fags. You know there is a reason that 80% of fortune 500 CEOs have STEM degrees right?

Who am I kidding, your uneducated ass can't deduce the reasons so allow me to help.

#1: Business is unstable, companies go bankrupt every day, even big ones that have millionaire investors. If the times get tough you always have your STEM degree to fall back on a comfortable 80k salary while you figure things out before your next business venture.

#2: It makes you smarter. If it is your own idea that you want to grow you better be at the center of every single movement of your company. That is why, say, Tesla has a degree in physics and in economy. He knows almost as much as every engineer in his company and call every single shot because he actually knows his shit. If he was just a rich investor with no talent anyone could pull a fast one on him take his company into the ground.

Seriously, there is no excuse for not going to college or at the very least self-study

>> No.7740771

Nope most CEO have accounting degrees.

>> No.7740779


List: Engineering, Political science, Business, Engineering, Economy, Arts, Engineering, Communications, Television, Business, Economy, Engineering, Engineering, Engineering, Engineering.


That's almost 50%

>> No.7740786

Oh, I found an even better study.


Go to page six. It has a bar graph of the educational background of CEOs.

Engineering dominates the list with 21%. Accounting sits at the bottom with 6%.

Someone has been telling you some really sweet lies.

>> No.7740867

As a math undergrad, you're worrying me. If I can graduate with straight A-'s in 8 grad courses by the time I graduate, does that even mean anything at all? Or is it all really irrelevant until you try research?

>> No.7740881

who said I don't have an education? I have a masters in EE, another in microengineering and more than a semester's worth in a masters of management.

Stop finding excuses for you being a bitch incapable of being your own boss.

Math just doesn't give me the tools to succeed as much as skills, network and at least some notions of how to generate more ideas, identify opportunities, communicate, manipulate and promote behaviors I want, find financing, and actually act on it.

But you're right, I should have stuck with trying to prove the riemann hypothesis instead.

>> No.7740882

never i am smart enough

but lol like i want to go to grad school you guys are total rubes

>> No.7740883

>top CEO
This is why this board is shit. Look at the overall CEO population. Its business, accounting, and finance. Lots of CFAs and CPAs.

>> No.7740888

it doesn't really matter. None of them were in math, that's what counts lel.

>> No.7741028

I'm 100% sure that every mathematician that I know lives a less stressful life, enjoys their work more and have less responsibilities than you. Than any of us for that matter.

>> No.7741038

If you want to know what research is like, do an REU over the summer. That will mean a lot more than any class you take.

>> No.7741041


>> No.7741042

You clearly have never done any research in your life.

>> No.7741043

Can't wait to try out ephemeral Instagram for gays.

>> No.7741044

Anyone who is already employed in a tenured position or a tenure track position no longer has to stress over their publications.

They already made it, all they have to do now is not suddenly become retarded and the publications will simply flow.

>> No.7741052

>not having to stress
>tenure track position
Nigga, that is the most stressful position you can have. You have to work your arse off for years, all the while knowing at the end of it the board can just say "sorry, shit luck, no tenure for you."

>> No.7741058

Hmm, not what my math professors have told me

>> No.7741083

Can you describe the kind of math you're using for your physics?

>> No.7741234

>roughly 35% are random other degrees or no degree
That's surprising. Guess econ and business really are shit degrees. They hardly have a grasp on their own field

>> No.7741236

>tag cotg
Surely you don't mean tan and cot.

>> No.7741288

>If I can graduate with straight A-'s in 8 grad courses by the time I graduate, does that even mean anything at all?
It means you can study for courses I guess.
>Or is it all really irrelevant until you try research?
Pretty much this pham

>> No.7741305

I can get a PhD from a state university but as pointed out getting a professor ship is a problem.

The other thing is a lot of modern math I don't give a shit about. Cohmology, category, topi, some fucked up functional analysis class, convex banch algebrs over complex field.

I'm not there yet but it honestly feels like the math loses its purpose and its all a fabrication to legitimize the funding of a professor.

Maybe I will continue, I don't know.

>> No.7741307

Finishing up a finance degree. EVERY student in my program just wants a job ticket that will not require critical thinking. I got stuck because i didn't want to switch and take out more loans, but fuck I wish I did engineering or math of some sort.

>> No.7741314

watch pavel grinfelds lectures on tensor analysis at drexel university. I think his youtube page is Maththebeautiful. He also has a book that follows the lectures almost exactly.
Tensors are really easy actually from a physics/applied side especially. All you really need to understand them is calc 3 and linear algebra.

>> No.7741315

>life is about being "happy"


>> No.7741319

>life isnt about being happy

what the fuck is your life about, then?

>> No.7741322

not that I ever wanted a career in math, but Complex Analysis is a load of horse shit

>> No.7741325

how come? how can you say that if you have no knowledge of analysis?

>> No.7741347

>That is why, say, Tesla has a degree in physics and in economy
Do you mean Musk?

He has a BA in physics, or about as much physical science knowledge as your average High-School graduate.

>> No.7741349


Tbh complex analysis is arguably the nicest formof analysis you can get. Nearly everything you do is with infinitely differtiable functions.

>> No.7741350


>> No.7741352

>what the fuck is your life about, then?


>> No.7741353

>If I can graduate with straight A-'s in 8 grad courses by the time I graduate, does that even mean anything at all?
No, exambabbying coursework means absolutely nothing.
>Or is it all really irrelevant until you try research?
Mostly, obviously you need a solid background first, but research is a completely different ballgame compared to coursework.

>> No.7741357

grad complex or what?

>> No.7741358

lolno >>7740786

You faggots commercial degrees are the delusional fuckwits on the face of the planets.

The only CEOs who got those worthless degrees inherited their wealth and network.

The CEOs with engineering companies either built their own wealth or were relevant enough to a company to be hired there. Which is why the overwhelming majority

Commercial degrees from a poorfag university/or top uni with no connections has a middle management glass ceiling.

>> No.7741370


I finished an honours in maths. I looked at the other people doing maths at my university and realised that it was a degree mill if 10 of us are graduating. So I opted out of higher level maths and I'm now going to pursue high school teaching while working on other things.

I can't imagine how you feel though about that, but oh well... Life goes on and we all get burnt by some of these things.

>> No.7741411

Topkek most CEO come from well off families. There is a study on the subject. They study accounting and finance. Some of these CEOs inherited the company. This board is shit and filled with myopic undergrads with delusion of grandeur. Over half of all engineering graduates will never work in engineering. Those that do half of those leave the career field within five years. There is a massive attrition rate. Engineering is not well paid and among professional degree holders they're the lowest paid. Nurses make more than engineers.

>> No.7741430

Nurses also have a more stressful job, you cuck.

>> No.7741433

Anon, how much of your day is spent fearing being made the cuck?

>> No.7741448
File: 193 KB, 900x439, science-degrees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OG meme degree. Only "successful" Business degree holders are trust fund babies who wanted ample time for pussy crushing during college.

>> No.7741455

>what the fuck is your life about, then?
Per definition the only meaning to life is that which the living sentient applies to it.

If I say my life is about collecting as many scarabs as possible I'm precisely as correct as some hedonist fuckwit who thinks being happy is all there is to life.

Happiness is boring. I'd rather learn about interesting things than spend all my days building up a business.

>> No.7741457

>more psych majors than bio
>business is fucking huge
no way
where is this chart from?

>> No.7741459

And that's not because learning interesting things makes you happy?


>> No.7741460

>The other thing is a lot of modern math I don't give a shit about. Cohmology, category, topi, some fucked up functional analysis class, convex banch algebrs over complex field.

m8, grad-school really isn't for you if that's how you feel.

It's not impossible to get a faculty position coming from a state grad-school, but you have to really perform. You would need a better publication record and reputation than graduates from brand name schools.

>> No.7741462

It's the field of analysis with the most useful real world applications, even more so than functional analysis.

>> No.7741467

So over 20 years the amount of physics degrees awarded increased absolutely by about 500 degrees, isn't that a relative decrease?

>> No.7741477
File: 45 KB, 578x721, Nursing mean salary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Topkek most CEO come from well off families.
CEOs total maybe. Because established companies will obviously allow family nepotism. But also because the progeny of "well off families" are more intelligent in general, we all know this.

However, most of these inherited companies are poorfag companies considering that according to a study done by Forbes 60% of the world's richest men built their wealth from nothing - and most of those tech companies.

The almighty "CEO" label doesn't mean you're actually rich and powerful. You could be the CEO of some family owned shithole small manufacturing company barely netting 7 figures.

>Over half of all engineering graduates will never work in engineering. Those that do half of those leave the career field within five years. There is a massive attrition rate.
We know all that. Have you seen how many business majors end up as CEOs? It's not "almost zero". It's zero - with negligible measurement error. Most professions are worse off, like law, law is fucking terrible right now. I know this because most of my family graduated law from botht magic 14 and non-top schools.

If /sci/ is delusional, then /biz/ is a fucking opus to chimerical wishful thinking.

>Engineering is not well paid and among professional degree holders they're the lowest paid.
No, they are statistically the highest paid except for medicine. Higher than JD lawyers (even when you compare top schools).
>Nurses make more than engineers.
No, you saw that graphic with the grad degrees I often post. Very few Nurses have specialized qualifications in Anesthesia and that niche recently became regulated so no Nurse will make 6 figures in the near future. Normal nurses make between $55,400 and $71,700 according to national data. LOWER than graduates in shit like Linguistics and lower that engineering technologists (which is not even professional engineering yet).

>> No.7741478

After I got my PhD

>> No.7741480

Honestly it doesn't really matter if you are graduating from a degree mill, you shouldn't give up on math just because of where you did your undergrad, I'm not going to lie it's slightly harder for you, but you will have plenty of opportunities to prove yourself.

>> No.7741482

Cuck doesn't have any connotations to the sexual meaning of it anymore.

It's the new fag.

>> No.7741483

>where is this chart from?
Scientific American

>> No.7741486

>And that's not because learning interesting things makes you happy?
It doesn't make me happy, no. My happiness needs is satisfied with sex and exercise, but that's peripheral to survival not my end goal. I'm in academia because I can't imagine doing other, less interesting, work for the rest of my life, not because it makes me happy, it makes me depressed if anything.

>> No.7741491

Yes, also you'll notice that enigneering has decreased in total degrees. Math has also barely increased.

SEM degrees excluding the meme degrees like psychology, sociology and biology has actually decreased per capita since 1989.

Degree inflation really only applies to shitty degrees.

>> No.7741500

The government organization that tracks all degree actually shows engineering as a whole has dramatically increased in the past ten years. There was 82k engineering degree awarded which is the highest ever for one year. The last time it was nearly this high was in 1987.

>> No.7741514


Also yes, based on the ebb and flow of the historical data that is expected (and lends credence to what I said that the total engineering degrees has actually decreased in the last 20 years up to 2009), it will probably increase for 2-3 more years before dying down again even at that point it's still projected to be a decrease per capita since the cold war.

>> No.7741526

well, first year stuff so far. We're doing real analysis and something called "Algebra, differential equations and geometry". The Analysis is not 100% analysis, but not 100% calculus either... we started with series (basically were HS calc ended) and what we've done so far kinda goes along the second volume of Apostol. The proffesor said that on the second semester we're gonna do some complex analysis, a bit worried about that. On the "Algebra" side, basically linear algebra so far, but we've been doing things kinda of random and rushy, but I'm doing ok there except the course on tensors, got nothing out of that.
Thanks for that. Well, I haven't finished a proper course on linear algebra yet, and if Calc 3 referes to things like Stokes theorem and such, we haven't touched those as well. However, our proff held a course on Tensors and Tensor product.

>> No.7741534

OMFG 100% me. I'm doing physics because I need something to keep my mind busy so I never think about pussy. Yes, I can't say it makes me happy, but it pushes me to my limits, like when you're running and you feel like you're gonna die if you don't stop and catch your breath, but you just keep going nevertheless.

>> No.7741536

so I don't always think about pussy*, lol.

>> No.7741537

Very recently ;(

>> No.7741556

They are often successful enough, but not smart enough to make it in the top tiers of business

>> No.7741805

Everything looks fine, except for psychology and biology. Everyone seems to be able to fill their own nice markets with the numbers of graduates, except for psychology and biology which is obviously over saturated. And obviously, the only two over saturated degrees had to be the ones with the least math. Stupid people choose stupid degrees and I guess we should also get stats on the bear shitting in the woods index.

That sudden increase and sudden decrease in CS just makes me feel good inside. A great image showing how faggots oversaturated their own market by making it a meme.

The same as science, everyone seems to be filling their own markets with just enough grads.

this pisses me off. Why don't we get two separate lines with math and statistics divided? This is bullshit.


>Business and management

>> No.7742185

How are anthropology and sociology sciences while economics isn't?

>> No.7742199

>"Biology has the least math"

Stupid assumption. If you don't use math in your biology career, that's your fault.

>mfw biotechnology/mathetmatical biology master race
>mfw 100k starting

>> No.7742204
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>100k starting

>> No.7742219

>Insecure about muh capabilities thread number 10 trillion
Just fuck off. You people don't know how good you really have it. I've had mental problems and been in crippling daily pin for so long that I never even got to know what I'm capable of. All I know is my brain functions like a flickering light bulb, I can have clear minded brilliance or be blank minded staring at a wall barely able to coherently generate sentences. The spectrum of states is very large, and what are my real capacities? I don't know. And that's all there is. That's all there will ever be.

You are a machine. If you weren't so goddamn lazy you'd try to understand your workings and invest the time and effort to improve what you've got. But you don't. You post a thread on /sci/ about how you learned you just ain't good enough. How you'll just never be good enough, as if it fucking matters.

You probably know yourself even less than I do. It's something lower than pitiable. Get your shit together,

>> No.7742227

But clearly biotechnology resembles more some engineering and mathematical biology resembles more a formal education in mathematics.

You know who does biology majors are right? Failed pre-med students that thought that biology would be way easier than a real science like physics or chemistry and are now high school biology teachers like the scum they are.

You are not one of them, fortunately.

>> No.7742256

this. physics + economics double major is god-tier if you're not going directly for engineering

>> No.7742353

>Business is unstable, companies go bankrupt every day, even big ones that have millionaire investors. If the times get tough you always have your STEM degree to fall back on a comfortable 80k salary while you figure things out before your next business venture.
No one will hire you if you don't have work experience related to engineering. They will hire to do business stuff. FFS this board is filled with delusional undergrads.

>> No.7742354

>people not achieving are lazy
can this meme please die?

>> No.7742360

What about what I said makes you think I'm talking about "achievement"?

>> No.7742409

Economics doesn't need to reach for something it is not in order to be recognised as a legitimate field of study.

>> No.7742414

>Why don't we get two separate lines with math and statistics divided?
Because there's only a few hundred statistics degrees awarded. Nobody really cares enough to seperate it.

>> No.7742418

Algebraic Geometry II and Algebraic Number Theory II

I'm still pursuing my doctorate in math. I just have zero self-confidence and will probably kill myself.

>> No.7742419

He's obviously saying that it's one of the easiest undergrad degrees to get for math shy "premeds", prep faggots and husband seekers.

He's not talking about serious students, I don't see why you have to be butthurt,

>> No.7742423

>Fuck off and let me blog my retarded self obsessed nonsense

Why do you retards keep coming to this board?

>> No.7742448

>weren't smart enough for a career in math
>career in math
>math career
Pick one.

>> No.7742457
File: 135 KB, 1200x1819, truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the silly title, I hate the word 'geek'.

Those are all nice math related careers that have a nice percentage of math majors. What is funny is that mathematician has 70% math majors, what is up with that.

Anyways, those are the best careers for math majors.

Here are other careers that are not as nice but also hire math majors:


Now you have been educated. Now you may change your meme to

Pick as many as you want.

>> No.7742468


>Pure mathematics BS
>Any job I want
>70k starting


>> No.7742469

>data science
Lots of physics, chem, and CS geeks.

>> No.7742488

That's fucking stupid, u sound like a cuck fag

>> No.7742493

Few things more pathetically enjoyable than people on 4chan acting like they're more intelligent than others

>> No.7742497

>implying ur not a NEET

>> No.7742500

>hates the word geek
Probably cause ur a fucking geek, geek

>> No.7742511

>Business major detected
topkek get mad.

No, I actually hate it because it is the word used by every pseudo intellectual to describe themselves.

If you use facebook or youtube or whatever I'm sure you have heard shit like
>lol I love stephen hawkins, I'm such a geek!

The same with the word nerd.

Popsci a shit.

>> No.7742530

Only mathematician is a career in maths to be honest

>> No.7742536

All of those jobs are literally only mathematics. Drop the illusion that a career in math is doing research in pure parainteruniversal taylor-teichmuller non-existence theory for a university. That is simply not the case.

>> No.7742542


Linera Algebra I

>> No.7742548

I can be very self centered, and so can you. Only difference is one of us is terrified to admit it or spend some time really thinking about themselves relative to their environment, say nothing of realizing there are bigger things than you and what that means.

Cry more. Try learning a bit from what other people say instead of drowning everything out with your whining.

>> No.7742592
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>pass calc 1&2&3, physics 1&2, linear algebra with 4.0
>get cocky
>think i got my shit together enough to tackle analysis


>> No.7742688

Euro here. What exactly is the difference between Calculus and Analysis? We only have Analysis and Linear Algebra as the most fundamental courses.

>> No.7742736

... you don't know math
Calculus is calculus. Analysis is the generalized study of limits and such in metric and topological spaces.

>> No.7742749

>you don't know math
Where I live, the generalised study of limits in metric and topological spaces comes first and is then used to introduce differentiation and integration, which appears to be what's called "Calculus" in English-speaking countries (All together Analysis 1-3 in our system). I still don't understand though why it's two different things in America.

>> No.7742776

To be fair, calculus is basically babby analysis these days. It didn't used to be this way, which is why Spivak's Calculus is now generally regarded more as an introduction to analysis rather than a calculus textbook.

>> No.7742785

This board also thinks school matter for STEM. What matters the most in STEM is research, and publication history. This is why getting your undergrad/masters in state schools is okay. Your PhD should be in a top 100 school. Most of these schools feed into the same industry jobs.

>> No.7742787

link to Spivak book, plox?

>> No.7742802

I don't have a PDF of it if that's what you're after (I do have a physical copy though). You can probably find one just searching 'Spivak calculus' though.

>> No.7742870

So you're saying every engineering major in your country learns topology?

And you're saying that either nobody learns calculus in high school (or whatever they call pre-uni in your country), or metric spaces and topology are taught in high school before high school calculus?

>> No.7742875


>> No.7742877

Only math students take Analysis. Engineering has its own courses. Students in High School learn differentiation and integration (and in mine it was called Analysis but it obviously can't compare), but it's taught from the ground up in more general terms in University.

>> No.7742880

What country? In the US, students learn precal at best. Some well funded schools have Calc I. Analysis can be taken by anyone who can apply to their major. I've seen some poli sci kids take analysis to learn more about game theory.

>> No.7742886

In france engineers, mathematicians and physicists have the same intensive education for two years. It includes some topology, group theory, number theory and other stuff (besides the obvious od course)

>> No.7742887

some people just arent
my gf tonight for example
>needs to make banana bread for family tomorrow
>getting upset cuz she cant find 3/4 tsp measuring spoon
>help her look and find a 1/4 tsp
>hey just use this one
>"fuck anon can you not hear i need a 3/4 tsp"
>proceed to explain how 1/4 times 3 equals 3/4 tsp
>"no fuck off im just going to go to the store"
>proceed to literally google "1/4 plus 1/4 plus 1/4" to show her what i mean
>result is .75
>"see anon you dont know shit im leaving bye"
>facepalm and let her be
>she comes back empty handed as its christmas fucking eve and everywheres closed.
ended up making the damn bread myself. prob gonna break up with her after i get my gift 2bh family.

>> No.7742888

Germany. I think there is confusion about the general system. High School doesn't allow you to take modules, it just has basic or "advanced" math, which is only slightly harder. In University, Math students have difficult courses (Analysis, Linear Algebra..) and for example math for engineers is piss easy compared to that (I grade it, it really is laughable). Where Linear Algebra teaches Groups to Rings to Fields to Vector spaces over them, Linear mappings between them, interpreting them as matrices etc.etc., engineering students just learn to calculate shit, like how to do Gauss algorithm, without any real mathematical background.

>> No.7742897

That's how it is in the US. Engineering students don't learn math but computation math. Just calculate this or estimate that. Very little to no proofs. In the toppest of tops schools in the US, engineers are forced to take proof based classes. These schools are Caltech and MIT.

>> No.7742904

Diff. Eq.

>> No.7743128


You can take the required 18.01, 18.02, 18.03 (Calculus, Vector calculus, Differental equations) non proof based at MIT -- look at the OCW video lectures online. There is also a proof-based option.

>> No.7744288

>topology, group theory
Literally what
Every singe engineer student I had contact with would have quit after one week.

>> No.7744299

they rely a lot on mathematics to judge someone's ability.
Everything is proof based of course (didn't know the contrary was possible until I read it a few times on /sci/).

I don't know if it's the best teaching method, but at least I feel the difference in mindset with students from other countries even a few years later.

>> No.7744306

First semester of my math PhD program. Took an advanced topology course and I was like fuck this and dropped out. I'm considering going back to grad school for physics depending on how the physics gre goes next year.

>> No.7744334

>weren't smart enough for a career in math
damn you must be fucking retarded if you can't even get a career in math