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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7738955 No.7738955 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favourite programming language and why?

>> No.7738958


because I took a class on C and a class on Java for my EE degree and I liked C more.

>> No.7738965


Fast and has many higher level features

>> No.7738971


>> No.7738973


>> No.7738975

I bet most of >>>/sci/ are taught, and use, python.

>> No.7738976

pure base 10

>> No.7738986

I taught myself HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP w/ MySQL and entry level C# over a decade ago. Haven't touched any sort of coding since.

>> No.7738991

This. Common Lisp tbhf. Although, it depends on what you want to accomplish, but over all, that's my first choice.

>> No.7738997

All these fucking casuals in the thread. Go back to your shitty web dev and app classes, faggots.

>> No.7738998

too slow

>> No.7739000

ANYTHING apart from python is shit

>> No.7739002
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>I bet
there is no wagering at 4chan, Grandpa

>> No.7739003

Scientists and mathematicians tend to use python (and tend to be really shitty programmers)

>> No.7739007

That's why they use it though.

>> No.7739008

Matlab: Easy image processing (inb4scriptkidz)
R: easy statistics(inb4anotherscript)
Python:Easy everything

>> No.7739010


Python because I'm a lazy bitch

>> No.7739021

R is useful. Its still used in industry. SAS, SASR, and Julia are the others.
Python is for quick computation in your parallel computing or data models for (insert science field).

>> No.7739022


if not C, basic or assembly because fuck object oriented cubicle synergy meme coding

>> No.7739024


>stats functions
>functions print their source
>great convenience functions for table manipulation

>> No.7739029

>C, basic or assembly
Jesus fucking Christ, those languages are archaic and not optimized for today needs.

>> No.7739030

Muh modules
Muh optimized FORTRAN libraries

For anything that requires heavy numerical computations.

>> No.7739031

Lisp, because there is no ambiguity in the syntax, and there are relatively few primitives to learn. Lisp does much with little. My preferred Lisp dialect is MIT Scheme.

>> No.7739033

Too bad they are replacing it with retarded python. Lisp will always have a stronger base.

>> No.7739039

Fortran is a pretty inferior language. It doesn't even support multidimensional arrays.

>> No.7739051
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>intro to programming is Python
>everyone in-lab gets silly syntax errors
>mfw one year later discovering Scheme lectures taught by the legendary Hal Abelson
Thank you for the /sci/ folks who recommended SICP, it got the sour taste of Memethon out of my mouth.

>> No.7739056

C is nice because it's small and portable but doing anything with strings becomes a pain really quickly (and is potentially dangerous) and the lack of garbage collection can be super annoying. Also, classes and objects can be nice sometimes.
But my point is old != bad. C has lasted so long because it is one of the best.
I've built whole projects in assembly, that's fun at first but it's not fun to maintain.

>> No.7739061


>doesn't support multidimensional arrays

I think you mean it doesn't support arrays with d > 7?

Also fortran has way too many different compilers and versions. Something that works on one system will break on another without much sense of why or how it is breaking.

>> No.7739067

>not mentioning STATA

>> No.7739071
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Java or Scala

>> No.7739076

Not a programming language you potato.

>> No.7739084
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>because fuck object oriented cubicle synergy meme coding

You just described probably the next 2 years of my life porting a windows application to android.

My coworkers look over at me swearing every 5 minutes about the latest java "feature" I've stumbled across that fucks everything up.

>No unsigned bytes
Fuck you trying to use all 256 possible values in a byte stream.
You either convert that shit to fucking 32 bits or give up.

>> No.7739089

It's still turring complete, it's just not imperative.

>> No.7739095

If VHDL is a programming language then MS Paint is an IDE, because I could draw my code with it.

>> No.7739096

You do know the other ones. But R is the industry standard. SAS is the other companion to R. STATA is the other one. Julia is the new kid in the block.

>> No.7739108 [DELETED] 

Why isnt a sort function used here?

>> No.7739112

That would make it an editor (and technically that's correct, it's a bitmap editor) but an IDE has an integrated debugger and build system (VIM isn't an IDE but it's a very common and very good editor).

>> No.7739130

Malbolge because it's the easiest

>> No.7740622


>> No.7740630

C#/Java because they are excellent languages

I fucking hate how much shit they get from faggots on /g/, /agdg/, /b/, and where all the other virgins discuss programming

>> No.7740633



>> No.7740642

>Extremely portable
>Very fast in V8 engine
>I can write C code and run it on a javascript machine using LLVM
>WebGL is performance is getting improved
>Is the browser's lisp
>normal fags doesn' understand it
>its extremely polymorphic allowing giving you expressive power.
>combined with HTML allows me to make cute and cool UI's without waisting my time and share my work with the people.

>> No.7740656

>I don't know what VHDL is
thats what I read.

>> No.7740658

don't feed the trolls they have never used a FPGA.

>> No.7740688

You got a resource to learn good javascript? I've only learned shit on the streets and I admit I can write stuff in it but I totally don't feel comfortable with it.

>> No.7740690


Because it's so easy to work in at a conceptual level (also, the close relationship to category theory doesn't hurt).

>> No.7740709

not him but

>> No.7740761

Java because it's piss easy to code in.

>> No.7740768

Whoever wrote that program deserves an A+ and a 200k a year job with benefits.

>> No.7740777

Haskell is literally a meme language tbqh famalam.

>the close relationship to category theory
I like category theory, but Haskell really doesn't use much of it.

>> No.7740789

there are to good books
>the definitive guide to javascript
>javascript the good parts donald crockford

>> No.7740808

Thank you for the link but this seems like an intro to programming book. My issue isn't that I'm new to programming, I've worked with a handful of languages including haskell and even implemented compilers. My issue is that javascript is a weird language that I don't use often but whenever I do use it I can't shake the feeling that it's actually one language wearing another language's hat. I was specifically asking that anon because they made a bewildering and intriguing comparison to lisp as well as mentioned it being very powerful. This is not the first time I've heard this since that kind of thing seems to be echoed around the mozilla community a whole lot.

I'd like to know what all the fuss is about.

The intro book may still prove useful so I will look at it.

>> No.7740823

the good of JS is that is a prototype based language, that means that is not "married" with the strict object oriented paradigm.
For projects like cloud computing its also interesting because you can easily deploy your software into a browser or server side using node.js.
asynchronic behavior is another thing a love, some people hate it because if the infamous callback hell but I found it interesting.

Look at projects like these:

>> No.7740835

python or matlab

>> No.7740838

Does anyone else hate that Python is dynamically typed?

It just feels so ill-defined and vague especially when you're working with someone else's code.

It takes ages to work out what kind of object is being passed to a function or what a function will do when it gets a different kind of object passed to it than intended.

It adds a new level of things to worry about when debugging. So annoying.

>> No.7740849

Eh, I (physcist, Earth sciences), can usually infer it rather quickly. 9 out of 10 times it's a numpy array.

I wouldn't want to do a huge project in Python, though (I think). Would make quality control a bit of a hassle.

>> No.7740865

>Look at projects like these:

>> No.7741676

That's funny, I thought I'd been using it for the last 4 years.

Just because something CAN be used as a programming language, doesn't mean it should.

>> No.7741686

I only know c++, therefore it must be the best language and everything else is for losers.

>> No.7742099
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Everyone saying its slow doesnt know it.
If you can write efficient code its fucking fast.

>> No.7742124

Python because it's easier.

>> No.7742130

Python 3.x has decorators that allow you to declare what type should be passed in to a method/function, and what type should be returned by said function. Makes the language a bit more manageable imo.
>doesn't speed it up AT ALL though

>> No.7742141


This, although I haven't used Matlab yet. I heard it's close to python though. I mostly use:

Bash: shell scripting is very useful and gets what I need done.

Python: great scripting langauge that is used in many programs that I use, such as autodock4, autodock vina, and pymol.

>> No.7742142

How do you guys feel about next gen all purpose languages?

>Meant to fill the same niche as C or C++ with similar power and performance. Developed by Mozilla.

>Meant to fill the same niche as Java with better power and performance. Developed by Google.

>Meant to be similar to objective-C. Developed by Apple.

>> No.7742148

Heartbleed. Majority of all SSL keys on the internet compromised. All ~2 billion of humans on the internet required to change their passwords due to a single mistake by a single programmer using C. That's billions of human beings wasting hours either changing all their passwords or having their money, identities, medical records, and more stolen because they didn't. Having their accounts hijacked. For all we know totalitarian governments have already exploited this to monitor citizens and torture or kill them.

If that isn't enough, how about goto fail? All the IIS exploits in v4/5? Various Windows RPC overflows, WMF overflows, SQL Slammer, et al? How many billions in damages have been caused by stack smashing and buffer overflows?

Toyota killed some people because their dumb code overwrote memory, blasting the OS task tables causing the watchdog task to stop getting CPU time, meaning nothing provided a stopgap against unintended acceleration. People are literally dying because we can't fucking let go of C.

C is like saying "forget seat belts, child seats, anti-lock breaks, and adaptive steering! How can I power-slide? I want full control; I need to pump the breaks. People should just drive better, then we'd have fewer accidents".

We've been trying to "drive better" for decades (Valgrind, lint, code reviews, static analysis tools, education, ASLR, NX protection, et al). We still regularly see massive security-smashing epic failures.

It hasn't worked. Furthermore the C standard library has been proven turing-complete for ROP gadgets in the presence of a buffer overflow. So no matter what you do, the presence of a single stack smash is enough to allow code execution, subject to payload size limits.

At some point we have to admit C is no longer acceptable. Not for libraries, not for drivers, not for operating systems. It has to go.

It is unethical to continue writing code in non-memory-safe C or C-based languages, for any purpose. Period.

>> No.7742154

Your total lack of understanding of the Heartbleed exploit seriously draws into question the rest of your post.

>> No.7742155


Because I took an introductory course in Mathematica and >>7739008 for all other programs.

>> No.7742159

be honest, lot of people likes java because is the shit schools teaches and there is a lot of support for it but like science faggots who codes in python because has lot of science frameworks.
Reasons why I hate Java:
>1 I cannot work in team using my own IDE because everybody gonna use that shit called eclipse.
>From reason 1, eclipse is an slow shit and I hate how it works (hur dur google uses it bla blah I don't care)
>Compiling times are absurde
>Making a comercial app for privative systems like M$ is chaotic there are some antivirus blocking JAVA!!.
>hur dur browser applets lot of people can even open that shit, they even not have JRE installed.

Conclusión you can ass good as you want about java, but is a shit.

>> No.7742167

Can't you get around that problem by forcing your team to use Git? I have no idea how eclipse handles git but I would hope it only hosts java files and forgets about everything else.

>> No.7742170

>It is unethical to continue writing code in non-memory-safe C or C-based languages, for any purpose. Period.

No man, the problem is that must people think programming is all about end user devices, not there are other interesting things to code like microcontrollers, there is where C comes.

>> No.7742194
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>> No.7742230

assembly because brain fuck had too few things to memorize

>> No.7742242

>Java for making actual programs
>Python for doing small stuff quickly/smaller programs
>C/asm for niche tasks
>Lisp/Scheme for learning CS

>> No.7742270

>Not realizing that /g/ is a board with pop-tech weebs and system administrators.

Are you retarded on purpose?

>> No.7742273

this, everyone

>> No.7742278

>hurrdurr my first languages were C and assembly
>hurrdurr look at me, I can write faster code. It only takes me 10 times as long as you.

Its 2015, computers are faster and higher level languages are not as slow as you are brainwashed to believe.

>> No.7742284


>> No.7742291

I think you underestimate the speed of assembly code. For instance check out WinRoll. It's insanely fast and works at full speed even without video card drivers installed. On top of that the footprint is near in-existent. You would never get anywhere near that performance and efficiency with any high level language.

>> No.7742307


Because I am a mathematician and I like my shit pure and without side effects.

>> No.7742313

And lazy too.

>> No.7742314

It takes too long to develop in asm, higher level languages are made to build abstractions so users don't have to deal with the task of using an astronomical amount of time developing applications.

But don't take my word for it, look at different companies. Operating system developers for example only use asm for bootstrapping and where efficiency is at the uppermost importance as the kernel.

Why torture yourself?

>> No.7742317

swift is really good tbqh. Haven't tried the others.

>> No.7742331

Are you guys all super autistic?

>> No.7742334

What a shitty, shitty program. Which one of you fags wrote this?

>> No.7742338

It's just BogoSort, it's a common sorting algorithm with O (n!) Complexity, it's essentially an industry standard....

>> No.7742339

assembly is a waste of time if you work developing embebed systems on different architectures say good bye to portability also asm has an inherent cancer , the jumps, its easier to create spaggetti code in asm.
mathematical algorithms can be a pain in the ass on asm.
The only good reasons for using asm today are:
>Teaching computer architecture
>Reverse engineering
>make use of some specifically hardware function.
>extremely low resources uC.

Otherwise is unproductive.

>> No.7742356

>Java for making actual programs

Please die. Try to run a program written five years ago to interface with some microwave radio equipment on a mountaintop in the middle of the winter using a snow cat to reach it. The java wont run at all. Have to fucking download a cracked version of XP install it on a vm and load up some archaic form of java to interface with the god dammed hardware. Descending the mountain in the dark is against policy. The java bullshit cost four extra hours and the whole fucking crew had to sleep on the fucking mountain and eat god dammed ration bricks.

Anyone programming in java needs to be shot and there families round up and shot and anyone with 5% consanguinity should also be shot.

>> No.7742385

>the jumps

CS majors belong in >>>/g/. Leave and never come back.

>> No.7742498

why the buthurtt is the reality, asm is not even a real programming language is just a bunch a mnemonics, the only people who prefers asm over a middle/high level language is unproductive people who lives in a buble.

>> No.7742506

oh I see you are the kind of people who uses GOTO.

>> No.7742515

I'm studying machine learning and we learn C++
Python is only used for a didactic purpose

>> No.7742545

I'm a physics student and only know a bit of C++ and some FORTRAN. FORTRAN has some autistic things that I don't like, or maybe I just dont know how to do them nicely. Oh and the shit with 1000 versions, the code dosent work with no aparent reason.
I guess it's a good idea to learn Mathemathica/Matlab/Maple and R and Python

>> No.7742560

No person that knows anything about computers belongs in /g/

>> No.7742564

C/C++ ( depending on the need ) and then probably Python because it just writes itself.

>> No.7742565

I've only used matlab/octave for ML.

How do you write vectorized code in C++? I hope they aren't doing you the disservice of having you implement algorithms with for loops.

>> No.7742568

same, except I try to avoid C++ since my knowledge of it is sketchy at best.

how do people not get off put by the sheer size of C++? and if you only use a subset of it how can you be confident that your code is acting how you want it to? it seems like an awfully steep learning curve

>> No.7742569

Python because it's easy as fuck and because pylab. If I were a code monkey I would probably prefer something more efficient, but I'm not a code monkey, I'm a scientist who sometimes needs something quick and dirty.

>> No.7742571

Forth because that fucking bullshit would fit on one line.

>> No.7742578

I read through Thinking Forth once when my internet cut out for a few days. As a result I can totally respect Forth as a language. Furthermore, the book presents some pretty good approaches to problem solving, even if you're not working in Forth.

>> No.7742583

Yes, you are right. Java can be fast, it's still shit tho.

>> No.7742822
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PHP hands down.

>> No.7743001


because all I look for in a programming language is time wasting and a challenge. and with brainfuck I can literally pick any babby project and its guaranteed to take a ton of time and be a hell of a challenge
for example, I started making a brainfuck program that took an input value and outputted a n*n like this
## ##
# # # #
# # # #
# # #
# # # #
# # # #
## ##
and 3 days later I'm still not finished. this shit took me like 5 minutes in matlab with a little over 100 characters

eyy, what introductory book to assemly do you recommend for recreational programming?

>> No.7743005
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>## ##
># # # #
># # # #
># # #
># # # #
># # # #
>## ##
lel, I mean like pic related

>> No.7743302

Obviously C

Anything else is a joke

>> No.7743307

This, way too slow.

>> No.7743308

Lol child

Those bugs occurred not because they used C but because these were serious hardcore applications that require C and are therefore so difficult to do right that even the smallest bug can have MASSIVE consequences.

Go program a microcontroller in C with NO external library. Try it, good luck kiddy. Then you will get a taste of what it's like to build the low level software infrastructure you take for granted

>> No.7743310


Not all CS majors are retarded and hate C and assembly. Many CS majors end up in embedded systems. Every school is different in what it teaches

>> No.7743312

I learnt a bit of python for fun and some fortran at my uni, I liked fortran more.

>> No.7743317
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ITT: I learned /sci/ is retarded when it comes to programming. Bashing C/Assembly on the one hand and then listing languages whose base code is written in C. Then saying stupid shit like speed/memory are no longer a factor and yet technology is in everything now, including refrigerators, which have limited memory. How is /sci/ this stupid...

>> No.7743332

Pascal. It's the language I self taught myself with when I was very young. I really appreciate how it wasn't case sensitive about variable and function names. You could make Foo() and call it as foo(). I've been using C/C++ and others for over a decade, but my brain is still incapable of remembering what letters are capitalized in variable and function names so I have to spend a lot of time scrolling and copypasting them. ICanStickToRules when I name things, but I work on teams where everybody does it a bit differently.

>> No.7743372
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I am strictly a hobbyist, not a professional programmer. This being said, my favourite programming language is C, because it is the best balance I've found between high- and low-level, and doesn't provide you with a lot of handholding, meaning that you have to write quite a bit of code yourself - which is what I enjoy.

>> No.7743387

Common Lisp

>> No.7743396
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>> No.7743431

I don't know.

>> No.7743441

I personally like Java because i like making android applications. C# for when i'm lazy.

For scripting i like bash. Although trying to get used to Python.

Also Been thinking about expanding my horizons and learning a functional language. But i'm not sure if it's worth my time.

>> No.7743444

How to android?

>> No.7743446

Verilog ;)

>> No.7743479

Why not use a while loop? I mean, bogo sort is ridiculous enough, right? Why make the shittiest of all for loops?

>> No.7743531

You would think so, wouldn't you.
The default .gitignore files are always wrong, leaving out fuckloads of temp files or local-only configuration files
E.g. shit like what folder you have an SDK in, how the fuck am I supposed to tell everyone in my team to put it in /home/derp/source if their user isnt fucking called derp

It can take a couple of days just to work out what exactly should be checked in from an eclipse project, and then guess what, they'll update it and add new config files next month anyway.

>> No.7743567

>unintended acceleration
Jesus christ do people still believe that was anything other than some idiots slamming on the gas instead of brakes?

Personally I use cpp only because it's got the biggest following and therfore most questions that I could have have already been answered, and my introduction to programming at age 5 was via a game called colonic

>> No.7743892

Jesus Christ, how horrifying.

>> No.7743932

>loses argument
>posts laughingsluts followed by "lol ur dum"
I aggree with you on alot of your arguments but your insecurities are still showing

>> No.7743966

are you a retard? I did this in less than an hour in first year

>> No.7743975

you are the worst person in this entire thread

>> No.7743988

Have you read all the comments in this bread? Vast majority of are bashing C/Assembly and then listing their favorite languages: Python, R, MATLAB, etc. ALL of which have base code written in C. Logical sound argument lost? Ayy lmao.

>> No.7744287

I can like bread and dislike raw dough at the same time

>> No.7744290


I'd rather hit myself in the dick with a hammer than write another line of VHDL

t. chisel enthusiast

>> No.7744292

std::valarray does a good job, otherwise there are several uBLAS libs out there, namely in boost.

>> No.7744294

My professors recommend not using multiple inheritance so much, because it gets complicated with virtual classes, object slicing, etc.
Generic programming (templates) should be preferred when everything can be known at compile time, which is often the case for scientific code, but not so much for applications.

>> No.7744300

people like easy things that give them instant results, even if it results in a slower program, get over it captain autism

>> No.7744302

I don't program much but the language that has been the most fun for me to learn was ocaml and the one I actually use the most is probably C++ (but I program so little that any language would be sufficient for my needs)

>> No.7744310

by that logic we should all be coding in machine code instructions

>> No.7744317

I basically just write C and use C++ classes. Sure there's a lot that I'm missing and last time I tried to use polymorphism I fucked up and used a less fancy technique, but I'll just learn as I go.

>> No.7744349

>No unsigned bytes
This, I'm making a digital synthesizer in java atm and this wasted my time (8bit WAV files are unsigned).

I had to write my own method to convert integer values to unsigned byte. didn't give up though because I only know java (to lazy to learn another language).

Even worse, but not java related, 16bit WAV files are signed (logic eh?) I lost over an hour trying to figure out why my 16bit files sounded so shitty.

>> No.7744378

>instant results
>slower program
pick one

>> No.7744389

>and then listing languages whose base code is written in C
So? If the actual language the programmer interacts with is substantially different from C, who cares what the base code is written in?

>yet technology is in everything now, including refrigerators, which have limited memory.
Literally everything has limited memory. The question is how much memory you have vs how much you need.

>> No.7744393

They're talking about stuff that's easier to program at the expense of slower execution. Modern computers are generally fast enough that execution speed isn't really an issue unless you're writing a large program.

>> No.7744399

>muh faster language
>writing the program takes hours, if not days longer to write
>save anywhere between a millisecond to a few seconds in runtime
seriously, for most of the people on /sci/ we are going to be writing programs that we execute like once or twice, recieve results and never use that program again. it's not like we are developing commercial software

>> No.7744409

>They're talking about stuff that's easier to program
I know, that's what's so funny about /sci/. Too dumb to learn C, so they use the retard languages written in C by CS, because muh IQ. It's hilarious.

>> No.7744553

java >>>>>>> rest

>> No.7744562

C tryhards are the worst

Don't you idiots have a fizzbuzz to post on /g/ or something?

>> No.7744576

>people on /sci/ we are going to be writing programs that we execute like once or twice, receive results and never use that program again
This is no worse than the average script kiddie in terms of intelligence. Why does /sci/ do this? Give an example of this. Must not be valuable results.

>> No.7744631

what exactly do you think engineers and scientists use programming for?

>> No.7744671

>not writing machine code in a hex editor
pleb as fuck

>> No.7744673

That's most scientific programming, genius.

>> No.7744688

I guess this explains why research funding is at historical lows. Retards wasting time/money coding in meme languages that only execute once, because they want to claim to be tech-trendy memescientists.

>> No.7744698

Yours is JAVA? Java is like building home appliances with Lego blocks.

Mine is assembly. Complete control, tiny, and you can do anything possible on the computer.

>> No.7744702


>> No.7745003

The problem of Python isn't as much dynamic type as the lack of an elegant way to enforce type safety. Python 3.5 introduced type annotations but they are only intended for code linters which is utterly retarded IMHO.

>> No.7745016


Full Smalltalk like OOP, absolutely dynamic, strong mtaprogramming abilities, can create and modify classes & methods on runtime, strong functional programming influence, perl like hackability, and all of that mashed together into nice and intuitive syntax.

>> No.7745019

Oh, man, that pic is epic. Movie programming at it's finest. Been laughing out loud for the last minute.

Clearly, VB6 masterrace.

>> No.7745130

>today needs
You mean the needs of enterprise code monkeys in cubicles jacking off to muh teamwork because they can't do shit on their own.

>> No.7745160

And then if you use 32 bit wav it's floating point :D

>> No.7745264

I code in golly bru

>> No.7745312

C and Python are my favorite programming languages for a number of reasons...

But recently I have fallen in love with Julia because it embodies everything that's great about C and Python (any many other languages).

>> No.7745823

>write program once
>only ever use once or twice
>not using Generic types
Researchers, especially at uni can only waste money, like putting shrimps on treadmills.

If you are writing a program and only executing it once as a researcher and never using it again. That is a clear waste of time/money and could of most likely been done without programming.

>> No.7745833

You might actually have autism lol

>> No.7745838

python is so meme it hurts. Why not use a real language, like C?

>> No.7745843

Are you autistic? What else are we going to run on literally every embedded system ever? C is infinitely better than C++, especially given the coding standards of most mission-critical software.

>> No.7745867

1. It takes more time to code the same thing in C than in Python or Matlab.
2. In many applications the programmer doesn't care about performance at all.
How hard can it be for you to put 1 and 2 together?

I like C, and if I ever need to program a driver or some embedded application, I'll use it. But I don't want to solve equations and make plots with C.

>> No.7745871

As they said in Unix hater's handbook, "C++ is to C as lung cancer is to lung".

>> No.7745892

It's C++ because I don't know any other.

>> No.7745912

>how can you be confident that your code is acting how you want it to?
You can't. It's just that the fear of making a mistake gets blunter with time. You stop worrying about those little things.
For example, about a month ago I found out about conditional nothrows. What did I do? Sighed and moved on.

>> No.7745923


99.999% of all C++ haters have never coded in C++ and know not that of which they speak. They just autistically parrot what Linus once said to this day.

>> No.7746150

You don't have to write any new code, you just have to attempt maintaining some already existing sepples shit to realise how fucking awful it is.

>> No.7746180

>has never seen the linux kernal

>>>/g/et >>>/out/

>> No.7746284
File: 875 KB, 213x120, FINALLY+THIS+IS+RELEVANT+GADDAMN+_251595099a045eaa5863d747de766048.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big O:
Best case: O(1)
Average case O(n!)
Worst case: wont work at all.

And that's not even counting that "randomSort" bullshit.

>> No.7746378


For this specific loop, is not simply better to have 2 lines of code.

while(! s.equals(alphabetizedString)){
s = randomSort(s);

>> No.7747593

I hate Linus as a person, so I would never quote him. And I used C++ enough to never use it again.

>> No.7747882

forth custom datatypes are far superior to all other languages
: array
create cells allot
does> cells + ;

>> No.7747902

Visual Basic
Easy, simple and intuitive as fuck

>> No.7747937

I'm on the same boat. Since I don't have to worry about deadlines I can enjoy getting autistic about memory management and having to write standard functions myself

>> No.7747952

For that specific loop, only 1 is needed (yours is 4 btw not 2):


>> No.7748131

Languages wars are dumb. But here is what I've used:(left to right:worst to best)
Basic, x86, DOS/Win Batch, Prolog, Lisp, MATLAB. (So old!)
C++, PHP, Java, C, Groovy. (People will pay you for these!)
Rust, Clojure, Mercury. (It'd be cool if people paid you for these instead.)
Perl, Javascript, bash (If you don't care about ugly and hard to maintain, write with these.)

>> No.7748142


>> No.7748150


I don't know really. I guess it just enables me to solve problems in a way that best reflects the way my mind works: break everything down into smaller problems and solve those, then combine and voilà.

>> No.7748208

I see what you mean in terms of 1 line. Why 4 lines? I know that mine is at least 3 lines. Where is the 4th considered?

>> No.7748233

This, I miss VB's gui and event-driven architecture. For anything that's not client facing this is usually enough. Use Python's NumPy/SciPy stack for scientific computations and you're golden.

>> No.7748245
File: 16 KB, 471x188, loc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We may or may not have different ideas about what constitutes as a line of code. I'll leave it as an open subject ;)

>> No.7748286


>muh academia

>> No.7748323

prolog is really fascinating. logic programming is an interesting paradigm and "the art of prolog" is a great read even if you don't bother with the language itself.

generally whatever gets the job done in the domain i'm interested in. i don't care. adoption of technology is a social issue - if there is a library or toolkit or whatever that better handles a set of tasks that i'm researching then the answer is that, in that moment. still, there are a whole host of languages i'd rather not use such as ruby

>> No.7748532

This was exactly the post I was going to make. LISP and Prolog are the most important languages ever made in the fleeting dream of Leibniz-style universal calculus.

>> No.7748666

Scientists are some of the worst programmers. (at least in my experience)

>> No.7749225

Have you tried Mercury? What did you think?

>> No.7749252

traditionally "lines of code" means single complete statements

the interpreter allows you to split up the contents of the bracket for readability but technically there's no difference between that and:
while(! s.equals(alphabetizedStirng)){s=randomSort(S)}

and many languages allow you to cheat and load several complete statements onto one line using delimiters, but that's usually either not counted or only counted within some standardized character limit

>> No.7749422

Chef, by far greatest language.

>> No.7749428
File: 147 KB, 720x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything other than Python

Dropped you fucking language hipsters

Pic related it's you

>> No.7749443

C++ with newest standards because it's fast, force you to think, has many highlevel features but doesn't obscure low level, has great library collection and doesn't have garbage collector.

Rust because it's just like C++ redesigned from scratch + no huge legacy + force you to think about everything that could go wrong and would be hard to debug + lot's of great features like matching patterns.+ discourages you from using techniques like exceptions

Lua because it's lightweight, minimalistic while having really powerful meta features. It's great for making plugins and small scripts/programs that are too complex for bash.

>> No.7749464

I took a c++ class at a community college and I found it to be kind of boring. It was an introduction class, so I just learned the basics. I want to make 2D games as small projects, but I'm not sure how to do this. Can C++ even do this or should I pick up a different language?

>> No.7749489


All real games are coded in C++.

>> No.7749525

>arrogant because ignorant
I recommand killing yourself

>> No.7749529


Maybe scratch would be more up your alley

>> No.7749556

Yes, C++ can do that. It can do way more than that. Which is kind of the problem. Is it just a hobby? It'd be easier in Flash or python. Do you hope to eventually make money on your own? Do it in Objective-C or Java for the mobile platforms.

>> No.7749560


>> No.7749586

Haskell because pure functions.

>> No.7749590

That code pisses me off

Why the hell would someone do that

>> No.7749597

The brackets are bothering me a lot.
The entire PNG screams "I copy-pasted Java tutorials from YouTube".

>> No.7749604

No I men why the hell would you make a loop randomising characters until it spells a designated string for no purpose

Why not make a function that actually reverses a word instead

>> No.7749607


Meant alphabetical order whoops

>> No.7749630


not on the clever side are we

>> No.7749664

No, never do this. Flash is horrible and dead. Unity is way to go.

>> No.7749670


How was he arrogant? He seemed to just be asking a question.

>> No.7749734

Take a look at the Allegro library, it's not really a game engine but it handles a lot of the window creation/drawing stuff.

>> No.7749779

Flash was... back when I made things for Newgrounds... Then flash died... I'm still in mourning... Unity and C++ are looking nice, but everyone I know learned Python instead.

>> No.7749792

Python for quick scripts, C++ for everything else.

>> No.7749797

Anyone tried Julia? Could you tell me if it's really good?

>> No.7749866

I'll agree flash is horrible and commercially dead. But I know a bunch of hobbyists liked it. I mean you could still program games in BASIC or Hypercard as a hobby if you really wanted.

>> No.7749982

C++ can do whatever the fuck it wants (except dick around with the stack)

>> No.7750863


>> No.7751680

Literally just gaymers and desktop ricers.

>> No.7751727

why not

shits and giggles m8