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File: 69 KB, 858x492, Elon-Musk-factory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7737703 No.7737703 [Reply] [Original]

I dont know why people care about the SpaceX landing.
NASA did the same 10 years ago.

>> No.7737706

NASA is a joke. The real innovation happens though military contracts: R&D

>> No.7737713

This is some proper quality bait. I'm impressed :p. Only sad thing is that people might actually think this is real.

>> No.7737719

I'd literally suck Elon Musk's dick if he'd let me. Honestly, I love the fuck out of the guy no homo

>> No.7737768

Daily reminder that Space Travel is literally fucking useless.

>> No.7737770

It is useless for now, but everything was useless in the beginning.

>> No.7737771

It will be humanity's last hope of preservation one day.
It's not useless.

>> No.7737774

But the universe will end my friend. Also what's the point of preservation for the sake of preservation?

>> No.7737786

It's called survival.

>> No.7737797

>Also what's the point of preservation for the sake of preservation?
Why don't you kill yourself? What's the point of living?

>> No.7737959
File: 3.16 MB, 3000x2128, wikipedia-commons-d-de.Columbia_landing_on_Rogers_dry_lake.triddle.Columbia_landing_on_Rogers_dry_lake.triddle.jpg (JPEG Image, 3000 × 2128 pixels) - Scaled (42%).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 years?? WTF
STS-1 landed 14 April 1981, 18:20:57 UTC @Edwards airforce base
34years ago!!

>> No.7737977

>Daily reminder that Space Travel is literally fucking useless.
You can tell this guy knows his shit.
Only the best and brightest use "daily reminder" and pointless use of "literally".

>> No.7737990

>But the universe will end my friend.

>We've only got 10^15 to 10^100 years left, it's all pointless.

>> No.7737993


I really don't get the point of carrying all that extra fuel to orbit.

Why not use wings or parachutes?

>> No.7738002

Wings and parachutes don't work as well on Mars

>> No.7738007

yes, because carrying wings and parachutes into orbit doesn't require any additional fuel at all

>> No.7738017

It seems like it would be less weight, but of course I haven't done any research or anything.
Nice strawman tho...

>> No.7738059

>I really don't get the point of carrying all that extra fuel to orbit.
Because saving a tiny bit of fuel (in comparison to its takeoff fuel), for the re-entry+landing, means they can save the most expensive bits of the whole rocket: Stage 1 section. The rocket motors.
So it is VERY worth it.

>> No.7738181

As we saw last night, wings are not necessary to return the rocket engines. The shuttle was a terrible design.

>> No.7738193

>factual statements are strawmen
liberals pls go.

>> No.7738475

Daily reaminder that NASA wouldn't exist without Nazis and other smart people whos not from USA.

>> No.7738486

Daily reminder that Von Braun would be without a clue if not for the groundbreaking work of Dr Robert Goddard.

>> No.7738488


>> No.7738570

I'd have a bunch of my men go over to his house with spatulas to spank dat ass

>> No.7738581

>muh Mars landings
Apex kek. Raiding social media really has helped their PR a lot it would seem. Never underestimate the amount of retards on the internet.

>> No.7738609

NASA managed to deploy 11 satellites for under $80mln 10 years ago?

'cause the landing and recovery, while hyped, isn't the true breakthrough. Reducing the launch costs to something considerably below $80mln is the true revolution.

Shuttle launches were $800mln/launch.

>> No.7738618

like, $10m?