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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7736278 No.7736278 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here ever feel that everyone else in STEM is a drone and you are the only free-thinker in your class? Be honest. It's fedora but I can't be the only person who has ever felt like this.

>> No.7736283

yeah. you know whats funny ? Everyone else in STEMs think the exact way like you think. But you're all dumb enough to think you're special which makes everyone a drone.

>> No.7736309

Yeah I know, what you're talking about. Granted, I'm still a first year, so maybe all the normies haven't been sorted out just yet, but still.
It is as if everyone just follows, what we are supposed to do and yes some of the others are way better at what we're currently doing than me, but it seems like as if they are not impressed by- and curious about what anyone at the institute does. I have been around talking to professors and they have showed me their research and I enjoy it and I understand most of it, but all the others are just like "nah, that'll still be there, when I get my cand.scient - I'll see it then" - that is, if they're interested at all.

>> No.7736823


What do you mean by free-thinker?

What STEM field are you in?

>> No.7736828

No. You're literally the first person to think that they were a special snowflake in all of STEM -- nay, in all of human history.

>> No.7736837

Nay, I've tried starting conversations about science with people in my classes, and they have no idea what anything we learn means outside the context of the next test.

>> No.7736852

That term makes me think of a /pol/tard who holds edgy views and unpopular opinions on hot topics like race, gender, homosexuals

>> No.7736857

You know, open to trying outside-of-the-box ideas. I always get hit with "It's a bad idea because nobody else has done it" Seriously goyim? Like one example is that I mentioned to classmates that if you could get multirotors to run on petrol you could make hoverboards out of them because modern UAV wankel engines have the power-to-weight ratio and multirotors have the safety and hover capabilities. Everybody is negative "dumb idea" "it will never work", "nobody will buy this" "let's just concentrate on passing the exam and getting a job rebuilding some old ass diesel engine for this faceless company". I even showed them the maths converting horsepower to prop thrust showing that it can be done just needs a good lightweight frame and control system but they still laugh. Nobody has any ambition to strike out on their own creating futuristic new products. They all just want a secure job with Ford or some shit.
>What STEM field are you in?
Mechanical engineering

>> No.7736906

How are you going to fund this project?

>> No.7736908

don't let them get you down, it is extremely good that you have a genuine interest in your subject. Beware that if you get a job working for someone else, they want good, not perfection. So don't spend too much time optimizing something.

>> No.7736911

>Mechanical engineering
Normalfag: the major. You're not wrong but calling yourself a "free-thinker" is cringey.

>> No.7736913

as fedora-y you thread is, I have to agree that 99% of the folks don't know anything besides the exam material.

>> No.7736917

The materials learned in mech engineering are a great tool for the creative mind

>> No.7736930

Sort of related, but I've noticed a serious lack of common sense in a lot of people in my classes. For instance, a fluid mechanics exam where we were supposed to find a velocity profile for some fluid flowing upward between two vertical plates. Because the test was open book, everyone flipped their book to the example problem dealing with a flow between vertical plates and repeated the whole problem exactly. Most of the class came to the conclusion that the flow was driven upward by gravity. Upward. Gravity.

>> No.7736936

Of course. It's not specific to STEM. Everybody thinks they are the only rational, intelligent, emotional human being in the world, to some extent.

I'd post that comic with everyone on a train thinking the same thought about how they're the only humans in a world of sheep.

>> No.7736940

>Anyone else here ever feel that everyone else in STEM is a drone and you are the only free-thinker in your class?
>Anyone else here ever feel that (...) you are the only free-thinker in your class?

No. I don't go to a complete shit-tier university/college, so I don't know that feeling.

>> No.7736948
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This month's funds plus frame CAD drawing. I basically spend all my money on this. Laser cutting, 3D printing, engines, electronics, I think I've gone through £2,000 on failed designs already. I'm way out of my depth financially and technically but no-one else will build my dream of Star Wars style landspeeders so it's up to me.

>> No.7736950


haha, I think this is called couette flow. I think the trick is to recognize that you need solve the navier stokes equation with the correct boundary conditions to get the right answer. A retard person regurgitating would do what you just described without recognizing the change in boundary conditions. From the velocity profile, you can obtain volumetric flowrate, average velocity, and shear stress on the wall.

>> No.7736958

Nah Couette flow is when one of the plates is moving, here they were both stationary and the flow was pressure driven, but yes it was a Navier-Stokes problem. They all eliminated the pressure term because that's what the example problem did and I guess they just forgot that gravity pulls down instead of up. Some people realized that the velocity profile they got was downward so they just inserted a negative sign and called it a day.

>> No.7736964


I see, from what I remember you can only neglect pressure if it is a free surface. i.e not pipe flow and not flow between pipes.

>> No.7736971

I feel same. I'm studying engineering physics and I think that my companions are uncultured nerds.

>muh sagan
>muh cosmos
>muh universe is beautiful
>muh big salary
>muh science is the true of the universe

They don't even know the philosophical assumptions that science does. They expect to get rich with a engineering degree. They read sci-fi bullshit.
Fucking plebs.

>> No.7736985

Op here I was going to post that comic as the picture but I didn't have it. This isn't about thinking it's seeing. Nobody wants to discuss or try out new ideas, it's all "if it doesn't get us class credit it is waste of time-tier". I have never ever thought I was smarter than my class, I'm just pretty sure that I'm more into the mech eng than they are. Like I actually build stuff in my spare time whereas they abhor any actual construction work. Every theory I learn I build it and test it out if I can. I feel that they just memorize the concept for the test then promptly forget it.

>> No.7736989

>Granted, I'm still a first year
Stopped reading there. God /sci/ is shit

>> No.7736994

Oh, I see. Yeah, I'm a CS student who does a lot of personal projects and most students generally just do the coursework and maybe a few hackathons to pad their resumes.

The fact is that in STEM, there are bound to be a lot of people who are drawn by the salaries and aren't super into the field as a hobby. Anyone with a real passion for it is likely to be an outlier. You can think of it as a good or bad thing, but it's just the way things are.

>> No.7737021

The failed designs are quite interesting themselves
>Idea 1 hydraulics, failed because needed custom lightweight system and I didn't have the skill to machine to the required precision. My vane pump was a dismal failure.
>Idea 2 retractable props, failed because centripetal force prevents retraction
>Idea 3 continuous variable transmission, failed because the only one simple enough to fit on a small airframe, the friction drive had atrocious efficiency and slipped a lot.
>Idea 4 fluid coupling + electrical retarder, failed because my simple coupling worked but being simple it was inefficient and the eddy current retardation device straight up failed. Not sure why, probably overheating.
>Idea 5 classified, no problems so far, at the rate of funding should fly next year summer sometime.

Just throw ideas and money at a problem until it is overcome is my ethos.

>> No.7737129

Just because he's a first year dosn't make his point any less valid.

>> No.7737131

I get, what you're getting at OP.
Most people just use their degree to get a job and get money. They do not care in any particular way about their respective field. It's a shame really.

>> No.7737138

It does. He doesn't have any experience at all and only has the beginning impression of massive, general classes. He's only speculating and talking out of his ass.

>> No.7737146


Not everyone has passion in there heart and can think outside the box.

Most people are just in it for the degree, money and bragging rights.

>> No.7737152

I thought "Normalfag: the Major" was CS.

>> No.7737160

It still doesn't mean that he does not know how it feels to be the only one passionate about his field.

>> No.7737260

I know it's just an example, but this is Possible but Dumb. Electric motors are well suited because
1. Lightweight
2. Most power/torque at stall ; props can change speed quick (and therefore have high bandwidth for hover ctrl)

Gas moters gave less bandwidth so easiest way to get control authority is with swashplate. And then you only need 1, and now you're a standard helicopter.

>> No.7737413


This. I'd hate to toot my own horn and be a special butterfly, but I am going to toot my own horn because I ACTUALLY am a special butterfly and it is actually the case that everybody else in the department is retarded.

>> No.7737459
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How do you know what they are thinking? Maybe they are thinking something similar to you.

>> No.7737464

Is this really surprising tho? Even if you ignore the fact that a large percent of STEM students are just jumping through hoops in pursuance of a salary, it's still the case that intellectually demanding fields you need a shit ton of foundational education before you'll even have a hope of saying anything interesting. What use is "free-thinking" to a still ignorant person? Just keep your head in the books and stfu.

>> No.7737765
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I always think other people can't google for shit when I see them trying to look something up.

>> No.7737775

>engineering physics
Meme degree.

>> No.7737829

No, because I'm not an autist who believes le superpowers meme.

>> No.7737840
File: 3 KB, 500x500, 1450789315357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could not help but notice your png was not optimized anon.
I have optimized your png.
Your png is now optimized.

>> No.7737843
File: 37 KB, 720x540, 1438794731163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally normie flavor of the month gadget due to BttF
>outside-of-the-box ideas

>> No.7737847
File: 35 KB, 384x384, 1450312155897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that aliasing

>> No.7737865

>Standing on a helicopter

>> No.7737932
File: 24 KB, 650x173, 42755-R3L8T8D-650-yourespecial.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody in this thread is a special unique butterfly
please stop arguing with each other and go back to finding meaning in your meaningless lives by yourselves

>> No.7737939

/lit/ here. A fedora is what Stirner referred to as a 'spook'. Basically, you've taught yourself to treat it as a sort of anomaly or danger, when in fact it's the reality we should all strive for. Have a good gravmas, lads, m'kay?

>> No.7737999

The "meme degree" concept is a meme of /sci/.