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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 649 KB, 3000x1689, ty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7735543 No.7735543 [Reply] [Original]

Besides being a literal meme and loved by Reddit, there's something about this guy that pisses me off

He's like this faux scientist that is a living and breathing clickbait article that makes retards who don't actually know science think they're smart

is he even considered a real voice in the actual scientific community

>> No.7735544

no, he's just a celebrity

>> No.7735547


No. Bright undergrads could publish more papers than he has in his career.

>> No.7735554

He's a great educator and science advocate, but in terms of actual contributions to his field, he's not held in very high regard. I don't see why /sci/ has a big problem with his educating laymen on science.

>> No.7735558

No. He's a popularizer of science and a public figure. His publication record is basically nonexistent.

>> No.7735559

When has he educated laymen? Telling people what Interstellar got wrong is not "education" and that's the closest thing he's done to it.

>> No.7735560

He's a loud nigger who was great back when he didn't know that he was famous.
Now that he has a fanbase, the self-satisfaction just radiates from him.
It might just be his obnoxious as fuck fans ofc.

>> No.7735570

>He's a great educator and science advocate

No he's not.

>why /sci/ has a big problem with his educating laymen on science

Because he's misinforming them most of the time.

Popsci is not nonspecialist education in science.

>> No.7735671

He's a walking meme

>> No.7735693

The dude says his own share of fairly stupid things to be criticizing other's films, comments, and thoughts. I think these faux scientists easily damage the meaning of science and dumb people down. And you can't correct the people that blindly repeat the drivel because they just point out that you aren't on TV.

>> No.7735711

No he's not, but that's not the point of a science educator. Patrick Moore inspired two generations of astronomers but is not an academic astronomer. Brian Cox isn't an astronomer either. Few people in astronomy could tell you want Sagan contributed either.

The point isn't to be the greatest astronomer. Many at the top of the field are completely uninspiring.

>> No.7735731

But what if you are sloppy and promote things that are wrong or made up? Are you still an 'educator'.

>> No.7735859


Five-star post, OP. Couldn't have said it any better.

>is he even considered a real voice in the actual scientific community

Absolutely not.


No, he's not an educator. And, he's an advocate for himself.

>> No.7735889

Recently torrented the newer Cosmos show and it was akin to watching a childrens program, I wanted to.strangle him.

>> No.7736175

That because it is a children's program you fucking retard

>> No.7736204

As always, /sci/ thinks they know better than people who are actually high up in scientific fields. Being a student or some scientific slave laborer entitles them to pass judgment on the value of guys actually sitting at NASA or whereever else.

Any kind of science "ambassador" will get shit on, excepting perhaps Carl Sagan. But make no mistake, if Sagan were doing everything he was known for RIGHT NOW, we'd be shitting on him instead. It's the same as whenever some kind of science news comes out, even the non-sensationalized kind; /sci/ becomes full of posters decrying it and saying it's pointless or it doesn't matter or it'll never amount to anything, because we know better than the guys actually getting paid to research this stuff (or those who are doing the paying).

/sci/ is absolutely, hopelessly jaded and cynical, and not in a way that's just skepticism. It's self-important, bitch-filled treehouse with a "NO NORMIES" sign on the door. We want science to become a secret club again that toils in obscurity and never gets any respect or funding (or actual work done as a result) because at least it would still be "pure" and "elite". It's sad, but is thankfully marginalized enough by being here that it won't actually impact the world to our detriment.

>> No.7736225
File: 72 KB, 814x545, Richard-Feynman-Messenger-Lectures-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides being a literal meme and loved by Reddit, there's something about this guy that pisses me off

He's like this faux scientist that is a living and breathing clickbait article that makes retards who don't actually know science think they're smart

is he even considered a real voice in the actual scientific community

>> No.7736251

Get out of my board faggot

>> No.7736255

you probably just have a case of special flower syndrome, you have no real reason to hate him but you know you should hate him because normies like him.
think to yourself, do you hate everything the public likes? and is it because you genuinely dislike those things or is it becasue you are just a chronic contrarian?

when people say form your own opinions they don't just mean have the opposite opinion, mate

>> No.7736257

>Nobel prize in physics for his work in QED
>He's like this faux scientist


>> No.7736267

It was tongue in cheek m8

>> No.7736269

Drop the bullshit, you hate him because he is black. There are plenty other meme scientists out there yet Tyson gets by far the most hate on /sci/. I wonder why? And he is by no means a faux scientist, He has science qualifications and he has published research, just like thousands of other scientists, the only difference is he likes to do outreach in his spare time which is nice of him. It's not like the average /sci/ browser is ever going to accomplish more than him.

>> No.7736280

Think about peoples autism, shitlord.

>> No.7736734
File: 118 KB, 557x480, hsaOso0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He really speaks to me

>> No.7736751

>>Das racist

>> No.7736770

>There are plenty other meme scientists out there yet Tyson gets by far the most hate on /sci/.
Doesn't Bill Nye The Engineering Guy get shit on a lot as well?

>> No.7736830

Nailed it, this board is just full of autistic engineers and mathematics majors that think because they have taken multi variable calc they are superior to everyone despite that they have the social skills of rain man. Hate to break it to you cucks but all your self masturbatory "I'm so smart and intelligent I solved this integral!, look at my coursework!" bullshit will get you no where once you graduate. If your a social retard with a superiority complex you will go no where in your field besides being shoved into a cubicle and forgotten about.

>> No.7736888

>science hipsters

>> No.7736895
File: 7 KB, 236x240, 1436674497914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off, babby

>> No.7736919
File: 42 KB, 400x608, z5hjjXQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tyson is not as bad as Bill Nye.

That bastard came to talk at a rally at my school a month ago. All he did was talk about how to vote at the poles and promote sales of his book. I asked to get his autograph, but he said you have to buy his book to get it signed.

He's all about making money and riding the fame train. He knows very little about science.

>> No.7736960

>He's like this faux scientist that is a living and breathing clickbait article that makes retards who don't actually know science think they're smart
You literally just described his job, retard. His job is to take science and make it fun and engaging for those who don't understand the, well, science behind it. His job is not to teach science itself, but make people give a shit about what advances are being made.

This isn't a bad thing, the world was pretty shit because people were given access to books and thus had general knowledge about things. Same thing with what this meme and other memes like him (Bill, Carl), its important for people to know how shit works.

Go tip your fedora elsewhere.

>> No.7736965

he's a little bit arrogant and rather obnoxious in real life .

i guess he's just an uppity nigger

>> No.7736969
File: 64 KB, 646x536, carl_sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of you, as kids, watched this nigger? If you hadn't have been taken in by his easy to understand and emotional descriptions of shit, would you have grown up with an interest in science? Would you have been educated now, if you hadn't been entertained when you were younger?

Tyson's target audience is not you, its the kids. Don't be such a faggot OP. If we had your way, we'd have no entertainers like these chaps and a lot less kids would grow up to be the next great thing in science.

>> No.7736972



>> No.7736976
File: 35 KB, 548x415, butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/sci/ losers BTFO


>> No.7736977

Five star post son. When friends of mine post shit from that fucking horrible facebook page "I love science", I cringe but try to remember that its either that or "I love some stupid fucking bullshit".

>> No.7736979


>> No.7736982



>> No.7737004
File: 25 KB, 372x444, james may is amused by a very old scrotum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could say exactly the same thing about bill nye

>> No.7737492

Did you miss the entire remake of the cosmos series? And he has some other lectures as well, at least 2 of the things he's done are on netflix

>> No.7737556

He can be pretty smug and cringey sometimes.
At least he isn't a positivist idiot like Dawkins.

>> No.7737592

i think the important thing is that he as a figure of public interest can attract people into the field of science who are actually capable of doing their job right. these people will have no problem seeing the misinformation and wrongness in stuff said.

the rest can stay dumb for all we should care

>> No.7737961
File: 37 KB, 853x625, lore threads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is 4chan/r/sci: the person.

>space "exploration"
>humping Sagan's corpse
>theoretical (lol) physics
>black holes yo
>lobbying for big chunks of taxpayer money
>quantum conundrums
>starts sentences with "imagine"

Him and Musk scienced the shit out of other people's money. Anything astro-related is the equivalent of liberalism in politics.

>muh mars
>muh because it's there
>muh space bending because i'm just that progressive

>> No.7738026


I'm all for popularizing science but this guys seems to spread misinformation and have a political agenda rather than inform the masses. Read this:


>> No.7738063
File: 66 KB, 395x400, 1446749436441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Comparing Feynman to DeAss

>> No.7738082

NDT is a comedian, right?

>> No.7738171
File: 18 KB, 524x404, 1450001310505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>journalist trying to harp on a scientist with a phd about past academic failings

Listen I don't mind people taking issue with Neil degrasse tyson and disagreeing with him.

But the last person I want to hear about a person's academic prowess (or lack there of) is from a fucking journalist.

If the dude wants to challenge his academic record bring on some professors from said schools where Neil studied or past colleagues. Don't feed me some opinion piece and then tact on pot shots like some contrarian shill.

>> No.7738240

You people are bitter

>> No.7738279


>> No.7738302
File: 92 KB, 460x372, 34544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we have this thread every other fucking week? God damn I hate this board and this shitty website

>> No.7738378

>this guys seems to spread misinformation and have a political agenda rather than inform the masses.
>links to fucking breitbart

>> No.7738688

>that pic
top kek friend

>> No.7738701


>> No.7739610

>I haven't bothered to read the actual article and don't want to / don't have the mental capacity to address the factual information in it.

>> No.7739620
File: 177 KB, 1133x598, NeilSmokeDeGrasse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's terrible that we let such a negative role model influence our kids.

>> No.7739624
File: 507 KB, 936x1004, Hawking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya, look at this motherfucker right here, nigga don't even brush his teeth and he just sits around all day

>> No.7739648

He's a science promoter not a scientist. I think one of the main reasons he is popular is because he's black and the US needs African American role models because 'muh duvercity'. I think he's good at sparking interest in the cosmos and getting more people involved in astronomy/physics/etc.

He isn't a voice in the scientific community, I don't think he has published anything in years. Unlike Sagan who was an actual scientist and highly influential within the scientific community.

>> No.7739649

I guess this thread is going over more rigorously what was gone over in this thread


>> No.7739661

>Did you miss the entire remake of the cosmos series?

You mean when he raped Sagan's corpse over and over again on tv? Yeah we all saw that abomination of error, opinion and stupidity.

>And he has some other lectures as well, at least 2 of the things he's done are on netflix

Yeah he loves to make money selling his "lectures" to idiots. How about how he invariably ruins every discussion panel he's on with his clowning, his stupidity, and his inane anecdotes that go no-where?

>> No.7739676

Well if you're more qualified man you should be teaching the average person physics concepts

>> No.7739758

Why do you think Dawkins is a positivist?

>> No.7739842


>didn't bother to read the actual article
>specifically bring up the fact the author of said article goes after his academic record which is nested several paragraphs in the article itself.

Reading comprehension anon