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File: 7 KB, 203x248, deweycontempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7734558 No.7734558 [Reply] [Original]

Can an engineer be deluded enough to actually believe he is as important as a scientists?

I mean thats like an oomba loompa thinking hes just as important as Willa Wonka isn't it?

>> No.7734561

sounding logic m8

>> No.7734568

I don't think engineers care. Engineers are too busy getting laid and paid.

>> No.7734574


You mean sucking dick and buying their own groceries.

>> No.7734595

>oomba loompa
enjoy your autistic life with your math degree.

>> No.7734616
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Enjoy dying mate.

>> No.7734662

My stamp gets me paid big time. Any asshole in the field for long enough could make better designs, but this motherfucking stamp and these motherfucking certifications get me paid.

>> No.7734671
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So your saying making widgets and watchamythins makes more money than particle accelerators?

Do you feel content making doodads and having hookers blow you while you snort blow?

>> No.7734674

Both the current CEO of Microsoft and the current CEO of Apple have engineering degrees. You do all of the hard science work while the smart people learn how to apply it and make bank.

>> No.7734678
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>Two people

>> No.7734680

Fire safety senpai, I actually have to reference NFPA72 and NFPA70e on a daily basis. I actually have to create detailed drawings and stamp them on a daily basis.

Yes, its shit work, but $70k a year before taxes for an office job is nice in my city.

>> No.7734691

Mike Duke, CEO of Wal-Mart
Rex Tillerson, CEO of Exxon Mobile
Greg Garland, CEO of Phillips 66
Daniel Akerson, CEO of General Motors
William Klesse, CEO of Valero Energy
Alan Mulally, CEO of Ford Motor
Ralph de la Vega, CEO of AT&T
Lowell McAdam, CEO of Verizon
Ginni Rommeti, CEO of IBM

These are all the CEOs of Fortune Top 20 companies, as of 2013, who got engineering degrees. Note: I did not include Apple's CEO either.

The first 6 plus Tim Cook (so 7) are CEOs of Top 10 companies.

>> No.7734693

All of the info is as of 2013 because I'm too busy making money to spend time doing menial labor such as updating information.

>> No.7734696

who do you think designs and is responsible for those particle accelerators you dumb fuck
engineers make scientific research possible, and engineering predates both science and math

>> No.7734721

Math major here. OP said scientists so leave us out of this. We are not autistic like physicists and science people in general

>> No.7734723

Those scientists wouldn't have a pot to piss in without engineers.

>> No.7734746

It's like dewey believing hes as important as malcolm just because hes a little music faggot

>> No.7734756

Have fun getting fucked in ass by political clusterfuck that is scientific research. Remember to tell them what they want to hear so you can get your precious funding.

>> No.7734761
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He made a shit ton of money in like two days doing magic.

Also it's pretty much implied that hes an evil genius sociopath in the last season

>> No.7734778

Engineering is the default degree for rich trust fund babies so it isn't surprising

>> No.7734784

>what is business and law
you fucking autist

>> No.7734802

Well, any science you do will have to be confined to your backyard, cos engineers sure as hell are not going to build an LHC for an insulting asshole like you.

If you think science is a one-person endeavor, you need a reality check.

>> No.7734810

Do scientists actually think they are important at all?

You are replaceable lab monkeys. Failed engineers can do your job if they couldn't make it in engineering or finance.

There's 10 scientists for every one engineer because it's so easy to get a pure degree which is why you are paid so little.

Now stop making these butthurt threads.

>> No.7734853


No no no no.

Its easier to buy an engineer than it is to put on cloths to go to home depot to buy a hammer.

>> No.7734854

> We are not autistic
Math majors are actually the most autistic of all.

>> No.7735080

Harder to know where to hit if you already have a hammer though

>> No.7735180

>My stamp gets me paid big time. Any asshole in the field for long enough could make better designs, but this motherfucking stamp and these motherfucking certifications get me paid.
Both dropped out of oomba loompa school to, so they arent oomba loompas/engineers

>> No.7735219
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whatever makes you feel better about having an inferior degree buddy

>> No.7735232

>$70k a year before taxes for an office job is nice in my city.
High school grad code-monkey here.
I make that and get to work from home 3-4 days a week.
If only my wife let me smoke weed in the house, my life would be perfect.

>> No.7735237

>Also it's pretty much implied that hes an evil genius sociopath in the last season
The last season?
I was getting that vibe from the beginning.

>> No.7735247


I can confirm this.
Probably more engineers work at CERN than physicists.

>> No.7735333
File: 105 KB, 600x372, cash-cat-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineers are not as important as scientists.

However, practicing engineers do at least rake in the big bucks to make up for the lack. FUCK YEAH!

>> No.7735336

>being cucked by his wife

>> No.7735338

itt: retarded undergrads

>> No.7735341

The real delusion is that you, presumably being a scientist, are as important as the scientists actually doing the work simply by association. Ultimately, this means that there are vastly more worthless scientists than worthless engineers.

>> No.7735387


2nd one ya got me

>> No.7735497

Yea, but I like to fuck with these people. This old dude asked me "How the fuck are we going to run conduit from one side of the stadium to another, I'm not a damned electrician!" So I just asked him "if your pussy hurts, there's feminine products by the conduit bender."

He was so mad, but he can't do anything because I'm the most qualified person in that office.

>> No.7737117

I don't get you guys at all.
>Scientist discovers crazy thing; he needs a device to further explore it.
>No engineer, no device.
And vice versa;
>Engineer has prepared for years to be able to design complex things.
>No scientist, nothing to make.
They're important to eachother in this very connected way, so believing one is more important than the other is really silly; neither would be happening without the other in almost every case. Rather than look down at your engineering peers, think about the mutual benefit you give eachother in the long run and realize how important their jobs (and yours) are.

>> No.7737170

It's called banter m8. It's a social activity engaged in by males with healthy testosterone levels.

>> No.7737183
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How do you figure that math majors aren't autistic????

>> No.7737187

Depends on the area. At my school I would say it was probably 2/3 business/law and 1/3 petroleum engineering.

>> No.7737240

aspained nigger detected

>> No.7737305

>muh healthy testosterone levels
low t spotted

>> No.7737361

You mean paying to get cucked

>> No.7737362

Which side are you rooting for?

>> No.7737367
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Will EE make me "big bucks"?

>> No.7739292


If you suck dicks for a living then sure

>> No.7739342

most scientists arent even really scientists anymore, they just try to game academia to keep their jobs any way they can.

>> No.7739475



Almost all noble prizes are won by engineers not scientists.

>> No.7739493

Citation needed.

>> No.7739501


You do know the noble prize winners are kept on record right? You can easily look up their degrees.

>> No.7739505

None in the Nobel of physics are engineers.

>> No.7739507


It's a trick. The Noble prize is a prize in engineering.


>> No.7739509

Thanks m80.

>> No.7739511


Roentgen's undergraduate degree was in engineering. I think he counts anyone with an undergraduate degree in engineering as "an engineer". Even counting engineers this way, it is unlikely that you can get into a top physics graduate program today without physics and math courses not included in most engineering degrees.

>> No.7739526
File: 72 KB, 500x667, does honor matter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone be deluded enough to believe they're important?
We are maddeningly insignificant, even from the perspective of mankind.

>> No.7740843

How do you fail to make it in finance? I'm genuinely curious

>> No.7740850

Indeed they do. But their work is to execute what physicists tell them to do. In practice, they just obey orders from above.

>> No.7740854

>promoting cooperation
>on 4chan
kill urself my man

>> No.7740869

Paul Dirac
Eugene Wigner
Hannes Alfvén
John Bardeen
Jack Kilby
Shuji Nakamura
Hiroshi Amano
Isamu Akasaki

>> No.7741476

Your entire comment is a fail.
> Math earns more than average engineer degree.
>Higher IQ on average.
You are pathetic.

>> No.7741502

>Post said "scientist".
>Retarded, insecure cuck has to bring arithmeticians into the discussion (PROTIP: You are not even qualified as a scientist).
>Thinks an Actuary is the same thing as a mathematician.
>Can smell insecurity seeping off him through the internet.

You're the pathetic one f.am.

>> No.7741513

>Your entire comment is a fail.
You get lost on your way to 2006?

>> No.7741533

>studies pure math
>not autistic

>> No.7743034
File: 105 KB, 471x500, 1450854025380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This butthurt thread
How does it feel to know that a child in Russia can out due your job

>> No.7743075


Do you have the original sources of where those cats are from?

>> No.7743079

>tfw all ingenious scientists could have studied engineering and develop even more than they did.

Every scientist that ever achieved something where clever since they were born, you just do it for the meme thinking you'll become half as good as them.

And to all scientists who don't do it for the buck or just do it because you really fancy the subject, then cheers to you, and happy holidays to everyone.

>> No.7743081

were** fucking keyboard

>> No.7743083

engineers =/= construction workers

>> No.7743090

Y-you're actually right. Who's mouths would scientists piss in if engineers didn't exist?

>> No.7743096

Particle accelerators are built and work thanks to engineers. Accurate measurements of the scientists depend on the hands of those engineers.

>> No.7743102


Corperate headquarters are built thanks to construction workers.

Well actually the executives are most likely thanking the architect.