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7733394 No.7733394 [Reply] [Original]

This idea keeps flashing up in my head: to resolve the problem of constant lack of funding for science and space exploration: introduce a “Robin Hood”-type of scheme: run a company that feeds off of peoples desire to be lazy and procrastinate. Essentially this is the major reason facebook, instagram, buzzfeed, Netflix, etc. are so successful. Extract money from people through that company and use it to privately contribute to fields of science you deem useful and under-funded. I believe this Robin Hood approach: taking from the morons through their voluntary moronic behavior, and giving it to science, is the only way to help out yourself.

(more detailed though below)

>> No.7733397
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Everyone single one should contribute his or her part to the evolution and progress of humanity into the interstellar space and other frontiers of the future. In this sense, we should actually think like a swarm and focus our intellect to tackle problems and expand our borders of knowledge. We face the ’tragedy of the commons’: individuals of society are acting independently in their own interest and often contrary to the best interest of our species because they are depleting government budget money into bullshit programs and not spending enough on science.

Much more of the budget should be spent on research, space exploration and much less on military, foreign policy, and welfare bullshit. Nowadays, almost every member of society gets taken care of, no matter how useless the person is. I absolutely hate people who do not live up to their full potential but chose to lead lazy lives. We need to re-introduce Darwinism into society, there is no need to keep all the bottom-feeders of society well-off. Those who are lazy and do not live up to their full potential of contribution to humanity should not be taken care off, there are over 7 billion people on the planet. We should focus on the ones who want to make a difference, not who keep us back as a species.

Finally, to abstract and make it simple: most of the budget is coming from taxes and the majority of tax payers are morons. These morons elect politicians to push-through their moron-ideas, they are unlikely to push funding for science.

If you are in a position like me where you don’t agree how the budget is spent, your only option is to be a science-funding “Robin Hood”, that is for example to run a successful company that extracts money from morons through exploting their love for laziness (like facebook, instagram, buzzfeed, etc.). This money can then be used to contribute to research you find useful, i.e. privately add funds to where you think the government is not funding enough.

>> No.7733438

It's honestly not a bad idea. It sounds exactly the same as how public bitcoin funds would be used in Facebook or Twitter posts. All you would do is click on the address as you would a link. Micro transactions are done without fee, extremely easily to whatever cause is supported by the people using that address with just a multi-key wallet for explicit unanimous consent.

>> No.7733449
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the amount of fedora in this

>> No.7733457

So, literally Google?
>use revenue and data from billions of user's searches and reCaptchas to make better search algorithms, AI, self-driving cars, a new internet infrastructure, etc.

>Much more of the budget should be spent on research, space exploration and much less on military
>implying all the money Boeing gets from military projects isn't going towards R&D that will be necessary for space travel
Same goes for commercial aircraft sales. As more people are commuting or shipping by air, more demand for new aircraft is created. Aerospace companies are taking those profits and using them to fund research, since they're all anticipating a demand for space travel, and don't want to be left behind by the competition.

Take Airbus: they've got over a trillion dollars of cash flow coming in the next decade from their manufacturing backlog alone, which will allow them to fund their space projects like the Ariane 6, the spaceplane, and who knows what else.

Basically, if you want to fund aerospace research, go take a vacation, or order a bunch of loli doujins.

>> No.7733541


Why do you feel as though space exploration should be where this money is pumped into?

Is it because you believe that the inventions and discoveries that come from the new technology needed to push us into deep space will have tangible applications on Earth?

Or do you seriously believe that there is some actual benefit and good that will come from the act of traveling to far away galaxies and planets?

>> No.7733568

what you are suggesting is called being an entrepreneur, being a "Robin Hood" for science would mean stealing fat stacks through 1337 hax0r skillz and donating it to science people

Well, travelling is one of the best things you could do with your time, and currently we can only travel on Earth. If we could travel in space, or even to other stars n shiet, it would improve the experience a lot.

t.travel pro

>> No.7733588

you just named communism bruh.

>wow, what a genius, 150 years ago you could have been a visionary.

>> No.7733590


Russian physics was kick ass back when they had communism.

>> No.7733618

not entirely communism, only partly if you want to put it that way. Because society can not look out for itself in the sense of providing the necessary funding, government needs to step in and force people through taxation to pay for research, the only problem in our society is that too much of the budget is spend on XYZ and too little on science. Hence, the need for a private contribution, since government fails.

yes, Google is a very good example

>> No.7733621

Sorry, was meant to be a response to: >>7733588

>> No.7735086

>lets just make a few billions on the side to fund our research :^)

sure thing bro

>> No.7735230

What makes you think money is the problem?
Have you had any scientific project and or any work that could've revolutionized the world and they marginalized you?
No government, company was found to found you?
Or is this shitposting? I dun understand economy..

>> No.7735288

Most of the military budget is maintaining and expanding our fucking enormous fleet and airforce. R&D is a significant percentage of the budget, but a lot of it is still pointless dick-waving. And even 10% of the dick waving budget would drastically improve the space program.

>> No.7735296
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This is exactly what Manoj Bhargava, CEO of 5 Hour Energy, is doing. A billionaire, he pumps his money into research into clean energy, agriculture and robotics.

> interstellar travel
> moronic wastes of money
Pick two.