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7732625 No.7732625 [Reply] [Original]

Is getting a masters in mechanical engineering a good idea?

>> No.7732628

No if you have a Bachelors in ME. Yes if you have one in something else

>> No.7733210

What do you want to do? This is a very vague question.

>> No.7733234


>> No.7733243

Ideally only if you already have some full-time industry experience, or plan on getting some before you graduate.

Also, a more specialized degree for your master's might be better, depending on what you want to do.

t. had to switch from ME to AE to really get into stress analysis and fracture mechanics

>> No.7733279

Sure thing, kiddo. Enjoy your autism and your job as a high school algebra teacher.

>> No.7733289

>Is getting a masters in mechanical engineering a good idea?

Thinks more education might possibly be a bad idea

Yeah, I don't think you need to get a masters degree.

>> No.7733301

>implying autists can be teachers
He'll be a codemonkey if anything.

>> No.7733320

Mechanical and Aerospace here, was thinking about getting an MBA after college. Would you recommend this?

>> No.7733329

Definitely only after some industry experience, maybe 5-10 years. You won't need it until you get into management, anyway. But yes, that's where the big money is.

>> No.7733342

Where Im from people only stop at bachelors if they're not ambitious to do proper job and just want to finish with school to become a CAD monkey for the rest of the life.

>> No.7733347

If your industry or specialization has use for one then sure maybe

ask yourself 'why' you want an extra degree in X, more education is not always better

>> No.7733374

You should get some experience first then see what do you really need and want to learn, say manufacturing, maintenance, design, even materials, etc. And then do your masters focuses entirely in one of those topics. Stick out in one area via your master's degree.

>> No.7733785
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Anyone can help out a confused retarded /v/irgin?

This is not all ive done, i die the cuts etc but cant wrap my head around around the last few simple steps

>> No.7733805

Kinda this

I'd say you'll benefit from it for the rest of your life, should be worth it over the time

>> No.7734009

Nvm think I got it

>> No.7734049

Not OP but what about an MBA?

>> No.7734087

Depends what field you wanna go into

>> No.7734312



>> No.7734404

Do you really need an MBA to get into management or does it just help? Seems like a bit of a waste of time and money, so I wonder just how much it does help when applying for management positions.

>> No.7734414

Are there any EEs that can tell me which specialities would benefit from a masters?

My program has 13 areas of concentration and I would rather go into something more mathematical and physics based where I could study more advanced math and physics in a masters.

>> No.7734427

Just helps. A lot of my friends in college were business/management types and they even said they didn't learn a whole lot other than how to work on a project as a team and how to properly use connections. Again, something that any naturally business-minded individual can do without a degree. Especially if you plan on staying within a company, as opposed to the typical engineer thing where you switch jobs after you finish working on a set of related projects, there is some upward mobility. That being said most engineers don't bother with pushing themselves into business management roles within their company, due to the fact that they generally make a good salary just by being a competent engineer and prefer that work to management anyway.

>> No.7734466

all engineering degrees are memes

>> No.7734513
File: 36 KB, 640x480, 1449882237060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it possible to get a masters in engineering if you have a bachelors in science? if i got a bachelors in engineering, could i still get a masters in science? like lets say i got a bachlors in mechanical engineering. could i then get a masters in computer science and mathematics?

>> No.7734538


All degrees are memes.

Math: meme
(any) Engineering: meme
Computer Science: most memey meme
Physics: meme
Chemistry: meme (Breaking Bad)
Biology: meme, extra memey if premed
Philosophy: meme
x Literature: meme
Classics: /lit/ meme ("start with the Greeks")
Economics: meme

>> No.7734563


Depends what science and what engineering.

Like if you did math you could probably get a masters in some areas of electrical engineering. And with physics you could probably do a masters in EE or MechE.

With a bachelors in mechanical engineering you could probably not get a masters in computer science or mathematics unless it was specifically applied math pertaining to engineering or you want to spend a lot of time taking upper division undergrad courses. Math majors entering good grad programs will have lots of math courses that most engineers in the US do not take (e.g. real analysis, complex analysis, abstract algebra, algebraic geometry, topology, algebraic topology, differential topology)

>> No.7734567

yes, I knew someone who did BS in physics -> MS in mechE

works in an analysis job, pretty damn good at it too

>> No.7734570


But /sci/ told me that I will never get anywhere without muh certified PE license that you can only get with a bachelor's degree. Even though you can get it with an engineering masters in Texas.

>> No.7734579

Coming in just to say fuck anythign related to Mechanical Engineering

Electrical Engineer

>> No.7734582

blah blah poopoo. step into the wild side sometime and you'll see that a lot of bullshit parroted here by dorm-dwelling shutin aspies has no grounds in reality

>> No.7734590

check the laws in your state. you might not technically need a BS eng. degree to work your way up to PE. The kicker will be if you need to be in an engineering program to take the FE, which is usually a pre-req to take the PE. However, the other pre-req is "engineering experience" and a bunch of signatures of people who can vouch for you. obviously, an engineering degree increases your chances of passing the test, but as long as it's not a requirement to sign up in the first place, then you're fine.

>> No.7734597

If I graduate with a BS in Biology, can I enter a Masters in engineering in any field I want (assuming I go back and complete pre-reqs, I have none I bet)? I am not sure if biomedical would be my only chance or whether other stuff is still on the table in a practical or realistic sense.

>> No.7734706
