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7731761 No.7731761 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that my fear of being rejected by girls is 100 % irrational in this age of big cities, and that its a remnant of humans previously living in nomadic tribes where there were barely any girls to ask to mate with (so a few rejections means no passing on your genes)?

>> No.7731767
File: 36 KB, 540x209, 1448489352171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you are just a puss and its probably not irrational

>> No.7731768

Your fear is 100% justified. In modern slut culture 100% of women are competing for the attention of less than 20% of males (the so called "Chads"). If you're born a non-Chad, the best you can hope for is to get rich and to find a single mom in her 40's with 3 children from 4 fathers who reluctantly settles for a beta provider whom she more or less openly contempts.

>> No.7731780
File: 31 KB, 1024x576, 50 shades of grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 3 children
> 4 fathers
Biology fail.

> born a Chad
Says the fedorafag that doesn't want to do a thing to improve his life.

Get a fucking job. Learn a musical instrument. Lift. Learn how to talk to women. You aren't born a Chad. You make yourself one.

Or don't. I don't give a fuck.

>> No.7731789

>Biology fail.
Obviously subtle sarcasm is lost on you, my dear redditor.

>to improve his life.
First of all I did everything to improve my life. Being a tall anti-intellectual brute however is something I cannot do. It's genetics and I have no control over this. I can neither grow nor can I lose 60 IQ points to become an average fucktard.
Secondly, why should I have to change? Why should I torture myself to become the men desired by women? Why don't they change in order to become interesting for me? They are superficial and boring as fuck. leeching off their vaginal privilege throughout their worthless lives.

>> No.7731790
File: 126 KB, 500x320, 7ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> fear of being rejected
This is why the Israelis have it right. Every citizen out of high school is forced to serve 2 years in the military. Once you get shot at, you realize that the "fear" of getting rejected by a girl is bullshit.

Your fear is just weakness. Don't be weak. Ask her out. If she says no, fuck it. Show her what she's missing. Ask another girl out. It's the wallflowers at home playing Xbox that always grumble about the Chads.

>> No.7731794

Calm down Eliot.

>> No.7731815
File: 60 KB, 1024x666, 68160-1024x666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> nor can I lose 60 IQ points to become an average fucktard.
And this is why you don't get women. It isn't height that's the problem. It's arrogance.

Unfounded arrogance even. You think some number you get from an online test makes you intelligent? Kek!

Intelligence without skill is just being a dick. And that is why you don't get women. Blame it on whomever and whatever you want. Until you realize this, you'll be alone in your bitterness. Merry Xmas.

>> No.7731831

You ever hear of cults? All you have to do in order to attract people (man and women, smart and dumb), is just to do unconventional things with confidence. That's all there is to it. Intellectual attraction, sexual attraction, emotional attachment. It's just about doing unconventional things confidently.

Misogynist serial killers get all the women they want. Male feminists don't. This isn't about women, it's about how people think.

>> No.7731840


>> No.7731842

You are rejected some day of your life. Don't make bullshit about genes.

>> No.7731844

>Not knowing that military stuff is childs play compared to human relations.

>> No.7731881

>> 3 children
>> 4 fathers
>Biology fail.
I think that was the joke, you autist

>> No.7731894
File: 10 KB, 200x200, uglylady.jpg~c200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno. Maybe simply anticipate rejection based on a history of being rejected. Maybe you fear rejection because it is a prediction based on your observations of women that your attracted to choosing certain male suitors as opposed to you. Maybe you feel that they are discriminating against you, but that behavior supposes that you are making any attempt to compete for their affection at all. That girl in the pic looks like she can still afford to discriminate based on her looks.

If it makes you feel any better OP, I've selected a woman, pic related, that you should have no trouble competing for.

>> No.7731928

>3 children from 4 fathers
This may sound impossible but it is just a shorthand way to say she doesn't know who the fathers are in some cases.

>> No.7731946

women are fucking dumb bro. just lie. literally make shit up. you think you're so smart but you can't figure out how to manipulate stupid people into having sex with you?

>> No.7731953

i treat women like NPC's from a video game. if you input the right dialogue or solve the minigame in time they dispense pussy. if you fuck up the minigame it doesn't matter, because another one will respawn soon.

the AI isn't that great and there are only so many variations of the game, so once you basically memorize the quick time event it gets pretty easy.

>> No.7731963

There's no need to serve in the military tho, as they get shot at and stabbed by Palestinians every day тbh.

>> No.7732357



>> No.7732411
File: 14 KB, 439x358, 1424051131739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if the women is smart, is that like hard-mode?

>> No.7732413

not wanting to make a fool of yourself is not irrational. if you didn't have this instinct you'd have aspergers or ASPD most likely.

>> No.7732417

Look at yourself in the mirror and grade yourself n/10.

Then look for chicks that are between (n+1)/10 to (n-1)/10

>> No.7732454

no, stop being a faggot and keep trying to court women.

you will get better at it.

>> No.7732457

It is irrational when there are no consequences to making a fool of yourself, it's just a matter of habit.

>> No.7732466

That makes no sense. It's not like getting rejected means you have any less of a chance of reproducing than if you don't ask in the first place.

>> No.7732470

>Why don't they change in order to become interesting for me?
Why should THEY be the ones to change? What would they get out of it? No one's saying you HAVE to change, but if you want girls to like you, you have to change. The same works for girls too obviously, if they like a guy but he doesn't like them, if they want him real badly they'll have to change to make themselves more attractive. You're asking to get something without working for it, which just isn't how it works. If you aren't desired, then that's just the way things are - you either accept that no one desires you, or do something to make yourself desirable.

>> No.7732496

This ddesu senapi

>> No.7732500

Is there any particular reason why male feminists can't do unconventional things with confidence?

>> No.7733494

>and keep trying to court women.
Spoken like a true cuck.

>> No.7733496

>You're asking to get something without working for it, which just isn't how it works
This is exactly how it works for women. Even a 1/10 woman demands a perfect 10/10 man without ever having to change herself. And if she - at some point in her 40's - realizes that she has to settle for something lower, she still can choose from thousands of 9/10 males. This is vaginal privilege.

>> No.7733502

>passing on genes

let the meme die. sage


>> No.7733527

You're basically claiming that men are doing something that they don't get anything in return for. How do you explain that?

>> No.7733551

I just explained it. It's vaginal privilege. Men are sacrificing their time, their money, their health, their social life, their hobbies, literally everything, only for access to a stinking hole they can stick their dick in. Once you stop desiring women sexually, you'll see how ridiculously insane the gneder roles in our society are.

>> No.7733564


If you could do something unconventional with confidence, they wouldn't have become male feminists.

>> No.7733599

>Biology fail.
kek'd on your behalf.

>> No.7733665

But it still follows the basic economic principle though.

>> No.7733677

Well it does, with a monopoly on the female side.

>> No.7733694

consider the difference in strategies between yourself and someone who approaches all women at all times

>see a woman

>you: "..."


do you think there might be a middle ground where you will find success?

>> No.7733703

Consider the strategy of a woman who is looking for a partner.

>go to club / make a tinder profile
>wait to be approached / messaged by 50 guys within the first hour
>ridicule and reject all men lower than 9/10
>choose the most alpha one
>get bored of him
>repeat until you turn 40
>complain about "where have all the good men gone"

>> No.7733710

And you're basing that on...what?

>> No.7733716

Yes, but that's just because women are more in demand then men are. It doesn't mean you can realistically expect women to be interested in you if you're not willing to put in any effort.

>> No.7733832

>Is it true that my fear of being rejected by girls is 100 % irrational in this age of big cities
Depends, I think people in stem (except biology) tend to less attractive than people in other fields. If you're looking for an average person, you have some chances of being rejected...

Not that you should care much about it anything.

>> No.7733851

This is also relevant to work interviews

>> No.7734612

op read this

>> No.7734669

Oh boy it's this thread again

>> No.7734838

male feminists are so cucked that they're subscribing to and supporting an ideology in which they are essentially relegated to being 3rd class citizens
a man with any confidence and self-respect would never do that
thus we can conclude that male feminists completely lack the necessary confidence

>> No.7734858

>my fear of being rejected by girls is 100 % irrational
... maybe 50% irrational, if you're Bayesian.

>> No.7734859

The hilarious part is, not even feminists tend to like these males that suck up and subscribe to their fucked up belief system. It doesn't get them laid. It doesn't get them companionship.

These women themselves lack the self awareness to truly understand their own minds, much less their desires. The proof lies in their actions and responses. Feminism might have had some purpose historically, but this new iteration is full of myopic, sexist, deluded, irrational twats. The biggest threat to the modern woman is feminism itself, as they're more abusive to non-converts than any "patriarchy".

Hope the more intelligent women of our era gradually crush this bullshit. Obviously it's not possible / socially acceptable for men to do it. These are not beings of intellectual honesty nor reason.

>> No.7734873


No, nomadic men took their women by force, your instincts are still coping with the fact that you actually have to respect your property's feelings now. Anyway, the fear is totally irrational in a big city, just be confident and honest when you approach a girl. If you just say the truth, you won't have to worry about concocting some self-consistent lie.

>> No.7734918

everyone in this thread:

go for less attractive women (but not <4/10, you are ostensibly a functioning adult person)

if you are hungry, are you going to go to the most popular restaurant in town (>7/10)? only if you like waiting for 4 hours and sitting in a warm chair. the service will be rushed because there are others that want to take your place

should you get fast food then (<4/10)? no, it's available for everyone just the same, and it's terrible for your health. you will be so unfulfilled afterwards and so regretful that you feel like you may as well have gone home and ate cold cereal (jerking off)

so where are we grabbing dinner? that warm and cozy local spot (4 thru 7/10). sure, there are cracks in the walls. few to no patrons. some of the menu items suck. but you know what dishes you like, you know that you can trust the consistent quality, and the owner likes you so she gives you discounts and free dishes for shits and giggles. she may even bend over backwards for you if you are an attractive enough customer. imagine that, a restaurant that chases you and treats you, instead of the mind numbing experiences of fast food and the hottest joint in town.

find that girl with a few good dishes, guys. it might be a smile, or body part, or a personality, and it may not mask the shortcomings, but she will be yours to appreciate.

>> No.7734927

Chad, pls get out of this thread.

>> No.7734940

Top kek.

>> No.7735240

>The hilarious part is, not even feminists tend to like these males that suck up and subscribe to their fucked up belief system
That's largely because the majority of male feminists are faking it, it's become the default to assume anyone who calls themselves a male feminist is being insincere. And if you call yourself a feminist as a way of trying to get laid, you're literally missing the whole point of feminism.

>> No.7735258

Human men arent afraid of rejection, they are afraid other human men will see them being rejected and feel shamed instead.

>> No.7735261

Nah. It's not strictly mediated by a "word'll get around and muh social status within the group!" line of thought.

I'm dead inside and therefore near invulnerable, and have long since learned to do what I please, what that is, and why. However when that was not the case, I was worried about the answer and fucking up. I knew I wasn't capable of generating fluid responses because I lacked complex desires or a sense of self. So like most things I'm not forced to act on, I chose to simply do nothing. Failure would have meant my own self perception being compromised, which would translate to function deficits and feeling bad things. It was better to drag myself along with hope, and the idea that there exists an exit. There is something to try, and something better that could exist. I wasn't even directly worried about losing the possibility.

Step up your psych game anon.

>> No.7735267

Any fear is irrational, fear is gripping yourself tightly for the worst case scenario which hasn't even occurred and thus closing yourself off for any other scenario. Fear is not living in the now but instead living in a bad version of the future, which only goes to show what a retard race humanity is.

>> No.7735268

This is true and I didn't realize it before your post. Now I uneerstand a little more about myself.

>> No.7735274

Fear of rejection has nothing to do with some archaic principle. You just have low selfesteem

>> No.7735277

What kind of fucked situation is everyone in this thread living in? Do you people not interact with women during your normal walking lives, just due to being in college/your job?