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7728365 No.7728365 [Reply] [Original]

is the sense of smell really a quantum phenomenon?

>> No.7728419

I would do terrible things to those toes

>> No.7729071


ill never understand the whole foot fetish....

its just goddamn feet, id rather see some nice feminine hands tbqh

>> No.7729077

fucking feet

hate'em, you foot freaks should stop existing

>> No.7729152

We need more collarbone porn

>> No.7729174

I really don't get it either. Like I can get why people fetishize fucking literal shit since it's such a huge taboo and I can get how your childhood might lead to it.

But fucking feet? Who the fuck ever talks about feet?

>> No.7729186

I don't either. Feet only look nice in that they're attached to a leg. Or are appealing conceptually, eg, a footjob.

Otherwise, just feet. Part of the greater whole.

>> No.7729191

I had always though that feet fetish is disgusting. But after a few years with my gf I've started to like her feet. I kiss them once in a while but I don't see them in a very sexual way, just as another of her nice features. I mean, why do we usually like boobs and asses in a very sexual way, and pretend it's okay, but not feet?

>> No.7729193

You are a man of good taste.

>> No.7729196


that's a good point, girl hands are qt as fuck
fun to hold and kiss

their feet are nice too

goddamn it

>> No.7729197

It's not that it isn't okay, it's just curious. One has to wonder by what means something is sexualized, neurologically, and if it can be induced by environment, or wilfully developed.

I've never gotten the tits/ass dichotomy either. There's a lot more going on.

>> No.7729201
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this whole fucking thread sucks

>> No.7729202

>I don't like foot fetish because I don't understand it

>> No.7729212
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OP, we don't know, that's what makes it such an interesting question. The whole textbook "lock-and-key" mechanism has some failings in explaining everything, and there is some evidence to show that odour perception correlates better with bond vibrations (think IR spectroscopy) than molecule shape.

>footfags a shit

>> No.7729232

Many people have a fetish of some kind. I know a 29 year old girl who has been into BDSM since 16 and she's been heavily influenced by her bf back then and she has serious daddy issues.

>> No.7729267

nothing to understand about a fetish, it's not rocket science, you're just a twisted sicko freakkky

>> No.7729268

Foot fetishists are common because the part of the brain that detects signals from the feet is right next to the one for the nether regions, generally people with foot fetishes have some wires crossed.

It is also possible for most people to orgasm just through foot stimulation.

>> No.7729270

>It is also possible for most people to orgasm just through foot stimulation.
Go on...

>> No.7729279


Tell me you wouldn't cum if you were on the edge and someone tickled your feet.

Some probably could just by tickling their own. Most probably never think to try because of the perceived distance.

>> No.7729288

Don't know. I do know I can't stand having my knees grabbed in that certain spot. It's akin to a torture, one of the worst feelings. Not sure what it would become in a sexual context though.

Probably just as unpleasant. I don't think of my feet as ticklish, but they probably are if memory serves.

>> No.7729302

it's all just some weird bullshit protein molecule receptor interaction shit, who cares?

what we know is odorous compounds interact with receptors in the nose and send signals to the brain, blah. there's 100s of 1000s of olfactory receptors. different ones are probably unique too in their exact mechanism and response.

>> No.7729313

Tell you what, I got in from a chilly night once, took my shoes off, leant over on my chair and my feet passed over the radiator.

Didn't cum but I went from shrivelled up to fully erect so fast it hurt.

>> No.7729331

Just don't fap several weeks and you will find that a woman's feet is very attractive thing to rub, lel.

>> No.7729340

Not masturbating for longer than a week seems to do something to perception of time, and causes everything to blur together emotionally. There aren't any real spikes, it's just one blunted non-descript vaguely aggressive haze.

Anyone else have this, or something like this, happen?

>> No.7729349

You don't understand, it's possible that our sense of odour detects things on the basis of bond vibrations instead of old vanilla "protein interactions".

That would be crazy as fuck, and could be adapted to create some very interesting instrumentation

>> No.7729575

This may be caused by the raise of testosterona lvls that comes with the no fapping.

>> No.7729596

wouldn't it just be a protein interaction? the protein vibrates and sends a signal? ????

>> No.7730868

What do you mean by that? Do you have any references?

>> No.7730869

We don't know how to explain any sense, yet.

>> No.7730873

>claviclefags pls go

>> No.7730881

Unless you're a philosopher fag who talks about shit like qualia and consciosness, we know full well how sight and sound work. At least from a signal processing perspetive. We also know a heck of a lot more about touch and taste than smell, but that's not my domain

>> No.7730897

What's with the close up to her feet.

>> No.7731008
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Don't take it too seriously.

>> No.7731020

Hands is a pretty solid fetish. Though personally i'd prefer a nice feminine dick.

>> No.7731399

you mean because of the role of the observer? or is this thread solely dedicated to the foot fetish now?

>> No.7731408

it's a meme you dip

>> No.7732453

This sounds like bullshit, but I'm inclined to believe some of it, because whenever I scrub my soles with a sponge, I get a slight burning sensation in what feels like my urinary tract. Anyone experienced anything similar? It's so consistent it also made me believe in acupressure.

>> No.7732493
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>> No.7732516

It's because the tibial nerve branches off the sciatic nerve. When I poop, the soles of my feet tingle... same deal.

Feet are probably erogenous simply because they have a lot of nerve endings.