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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7723653 No.7723653 [Reply] [Original]

Is Geology a good science?

>> No.7723657 [DELETED] 

It's a gneiss subject

>> No.7723659

Really good fun, would recommend.

Are there any decent quality reasonably priced geological compasses?

>> No.7723674

The term is thrown around a lot, but making an obsession with rocks and minerals your life's work is literal Aspergers.

>> No.7723684

As opposed to shitposting on a Karenni weaving corkboard?

>> No.7723686

It keeps the gravity a constant.

>> No.7723811

What are job prospects like with geology/earth sci major?

>> No.7723869

I hope so. It's probably fairly regionally dependent though. It seems to a field where going to all those junkets is important.

>> No.7723882
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where i'm from you pretty much get hired once you get your degree. If you're more of a math person geophysics is the way to go. both diverse fields with lots of demand

>> No.7723900

Oil and gas

>> No.7723908

Why do you need to validate, especially from us, what makes a "good science"?

>> No.7724010

Through all of my undergrad research and internship I worked with igneous and metamorphic rocks. Now for my Masters I'm working on soft rock geochem because muh oil and gas. Did I fuck up?

>> No.7724030

No such thing as a good science. It's all used for evil in some way.

>> No.7724054


Bad right now. We're at the end of a super cycle in mining, partly due to slowing consumption of base metals from emerging economies (China, India etc).

Will probably improve in the next 4-5 years. If you're starting undergrad now you'll be in a better position than most graduates at the moment.

Mining geologists get paid stupid money, mostly to ward off suicide. Exploration is where it's at - get to travel and do some legit geology and science.

>> No.7724059

Geology is what all the pre med drop outs and other science major switchers fell back on

>> No.7724067

You need to stop being sucked into the uni student pissing contest meme and actually enjoy your course for what it is.

>> No.7724069

This right here.

Get off /sci/. This place is horrible for anyone, but most awful for people actually pursuing education. You like to think you can ignore and counterbalance stupidity indefinitely, given that you can identify it, but you really can't. It will wear on your and corrupt your mindset and the course of your thoughts.

>> No.7724081

What makes a science good ?

>> No.7724082
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You'll have do some catch up course work, maybe but you'll be fine. Ultimately your Masters will supersede your undergrad research.

Not any better in oil and gas. Pic related.
I suspect it'll be better in a year or two. For sure by 2020.

>Are there any decent quality reasonably priced geological compasses?
No. Bruntons and their international counterparts are pretty niche.

>> No.7724083

Being higher up the empirical chain, more abstract, and requiring more math according to /sci/

>> No.7724089
File: 412 KB, 791x795, 1449957134511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geology is the best. What other field presents number of beer kegs consumed in the statistics of an international meeting?

>tfw Intro Lab TA and the 10/10 freshman in the front leans in and shows cleavage

>> No.7724093

If you're on 4chan then you'll hate geology as a field of study.

Exhibit A: the typical turbonormie geology major

Turn back while you still can

>> No.7724148

Yeah, it's a pretty good field if you are remotely "normie" or even just aspire to learn to play the game and acquire a social life. At my uni at least, a pretty well regarded one (though not particuarly well known amongst school leavers I'll admit) the girls must must be somewhere around 35, 40%, I've met some interesting industry and academic contacts, gone out sailing a few times with various people, been on field trips all around the state, it's a really enjoyable degree.

>> No.7724276
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>It's a gneiss subject

>> No.7724870

Imma throw rocks at you until you die!

>> No.7724881

>they think geologists are normies
lol guess how I know you've never worked at an engineering firm

geologists are right next to horticulturalists or agriculturalists on the normie scale. aka weirdos who like to walk around in the desert for fun.

>> No.7725967

>No. Bruntons and their international counterparts are pretty niche.
Shame, it's what I'd expected but not what I hoped.

>> No.7726103

How much prior chemistry/physics will I need for undergrad geology. I ask because I haven't done much hs chem

>> No.7726112
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Hope u like working for oil companies cause that's about all u can do

>> No.7726120

Does your university offer introductory units? Mine offers them for free, and IME that is only the level I have needed so far for chemistry. I haven't done any geophys units yet, what I have encountered in the main modules I have done so far is pretty easy to pick up.

>> No.7726121

too bad that oil is fucked right now.

>> No.7726133


>shows cleavage

Sneaky clever m8

>> No.7726580

>Exploration is where it's at - get to travel and do some legit geology and science.
Other than some of the whiz-bang structural grads, doesn't literally everyone want to get into exploration?

>> No.7726601


>> No.7726665

Just got an A in structural and minerology. Feels good, but I live alone and no one cares about me. Someone tell me good job please...

>> No.7726668

Env consulting, oil, mining, geotech, geo survey

>> No.7727262

Geology is a white man's science

Please leave.

>> No.7727646


Don't know. Many of my classmates ended up as mining geos.

>> No.7728131
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Look into carbon sequestration. It uses old oil reservoirs to store CO2 and thus needs very similar expertise to petroleum exploration and reservoir characterization. The DOE and the National Labs are pushing it a lot.

>> No.7728154

Well... at least it's a science, so there's that.

>> No.7728156

If that science is physics.

>> No.7728162


Can't answer whether it's a "good" science or not but I got a degree in Geophysics and can tell you about the Geology students I had class with.

When you say good science, if you're asking whether or not it is prestigious, the answer is no. A lot of people will look down on you for "studying rocks" (if that matters to you).

In terms of usefulness? Very useful. The only problem is that there is no chance of a career in oil and gas right now and not for the foreseeable future. I'm not sure what other opportunities there are, I think it depends on where you live. At my university pretty much all the Geo students went to grad school or went to work in oil and gas.

As for the culture, it's very bro. A lot of frat guys and guys who like to be outside. There are also a handful of autists who would do weird shit out when we were in field camps. Mostly dudes in this major.

Hope that helps

>> No.7728189

>slayers and autists

Is this generally speaking, or does it vary at different unis

>> No.7728969

Very different at my uni, lot of ordinary uni students, few real autists, no equivalents to frat guy types in my year (though the students at my uni are largely pretty chilled out and cluey), only one real bad case in my year.
I'm this guy

I don't think that there is a prestige issue, but if you actually care where you place in the petty and juvenile uni student pissing contest then pull your head in and have a think about how stupid you are.

>> No.7730344

It's interesting for sure, so yeah if you want to take a class go for it. Just remember that the timescales for geology can create a disconnect to it's relevancy, but it's a scary and eye opening science for sure. If we want to terraform other planets having some geologist that can predict outcomes of certain plans would be beneficial.

>> No.7730554

I'm a mining engineer with a minor in earth science. I thought geology was extremely interesting and fun. This was mainly due to being able to spend so much time outside looking at rocks and shit. As for jobs, exploration is really cool and pays well, but as others have already said the job market for both oil and mining is extremely bad ATM an example being, a mine I worked at 2 years ago just laid off 400 workers. However, I see comodidty prices rising in the next few years.

>> No.7730701


please tell us more about the "weird shit"

>> No.7731006

geophysics is not to hard just takes time to grasp, ive not taken physics before but it seemed pretty easy. I also didnt do chem in High School but i did it as part of my degree just for other science papers. Its nothing much past learning basic EMF, polarity etc. the chemical formula of minerals and reactions of naturally occurring processes are shown to you, so its mainly just remembering them. Id start looking at taking good field notes and practising field work above all else.

>> No.7731010

thats really dependent on what country you choose to work in, where i am you can do thermal energy through to hydrology, its a pretty open degree if you take the time to master things other than boring sediments.

>> No.7731736

don't you just look at rocks all day?

>> No.7731753


I don't ever look at rocks. I build mathematical models of siliciclastic shelf deposition.

>> No.7732513

I think I'm going to have to study Geology. Now that my finances are on the rocks. I told a chick a patent a buddy of mine was working on. A preventative measure for HIV. Using glycerol and peptide compounds...she patented it. So it sounds like a better science. I hope my phone was tapped.

>> No.7732530

maybe that why I got hit by some israeli scientists in white cars with some ray gun. Damn it I should've told northrop grumman research laboratories about my vomit.

>> No.7732605

lmao. kidding.

>> No.7734221


>> No.7734235

It's good if you like it. Like, exclusively. If you know your really like looking at rocks and classifying them etc, geology is for you.

Things like mechanical engineering are suitable for a wider range of tastes.

I tell you this because geology and related fields are a big chunk of my major and I absolutely hate it.

>> No.7734834

Mining engineering?

>> No.7736138

Yeah you literally need to be autistic to enjoy pure geology as a field of study

>> No.7736142


>> No.7736947

Is my German Shepard a good cat?

>> No.7736978

Even if you do not like pure geology, getting a minor in it with a major in something like chemistry or physics is a good if you want to work in geology-related fields like geophysics or geochemistry. I also highly recommend future geologists who want to do research to take more math & programming courses than required; at least take multivariate/vector calculus, differential equations, linear algebra and one or two basic computer science courses.

>> No.7737468
File: 3.68 MB, 2432x4320, 2015-05-23 12.16.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So very excited for a geology thread. Currently a senior applying for igneous petrology programs, looking to get my PhD and spend the rest of my days doing research and teaching undergrads, never having to do anything outside academia.


Don't talk shit about the desert, friendo. Mojave is gorgeous country to do field work in, if a little unforgiving. Sleeping in a cot out under the stars for 2 weeks in the summer was wonderful.


That sounds most cool. I am a math minor and am hoping I can do something with modeling/some physics during grad school. One of the programs I am applying to is where one of the guys who does a lot of the programming for MELTS works, hoping to get in on some of that along with field/geochem work for an M.S.

Pic is a sweet normal fault I found in our field area in the Mojave last summer. It was awesome finally seeing some shit from structure in the real world.

>> No.7737898

Is that a virgin feature that you guys mapped, or was it just an educational field trip?

>> No.7737924

It's boring as fuck

>> No.7737952

>Is Geology a good science?

Don't know, but the Raplee Anticline depicted in your photo is one hell of a geological structure.
AMazing that it's just another formation on the side of the highway in southern Utah.

>> No.7738213


That one might've been mapped already, we were there with a structure guy from the AZ GS, and he wasn't finished mapping in the area, so it might have been new! Certainly a sympathetic fault associated w/ the well-noted detachment in the area (Sacramento Mtns of SE Cali)