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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7720938 No.7720938 [Reply] [Original]

158 reporting (even though the IQ doesn't exist)


>> No.7720939



>> No.7720940


>> No.7720960

148, but this is test is easy and inaccurate af

>> No.7720966

This isn't science

>> No.7720973

IQ's are inaccurate...

>> No.7720981

This IQ test is bullshit.

Here's a real one - http://iqtest.dk/

Yeah, I only got 134 with this one, but I still am almost 100% sure that I'm starter than everybody on this board.

>> No.7721002

IQ test with just shapes, that's bullshit too buddy.

>> No.7721073

If you score lower than 160 on this test, you may be clinically retarded.

>> No.7721085

I know, I'm a retard for suggesting that the almighty system is fucked.

>> No.7721459

i am dumb, and i am sad but at least i can follow the sound logic of smart people to an extend i see others struggle with

as long as there's someone you can point your finger at and say honestly, "thank god that's not me," life may be alright.

>> No.7721566

What problems did you get wrong and why?

I got three wrong: count the squares 22 and didn't look at the 'biggest' ones.

Didn't see ENGLAND in the scrambled words.

And I got the pattern was +3 *2 but did lazy math in my head and 58 is 29*2, not 48.

It gave me 134.

I don't think this is a real IQ score but I think people who score relatively better are probably smarter. These are solid logic questions.

>> No.7721834

that test is bullshit
I'm 100% sure the only sequence question I did right was Fibonacci and I got 121, there's no way I'm that smart

I got 112 with >>7720981 which I'm more inclined to believe

>> No.7721853

>Thank god that's not me

>> No.7721912

get keked op

>> No.7721914

the anagrams were so fucking easy tho

>> No.7722078

Got 137 with this one and 112 with >>7720981

>> No.7722081

>online IQ tests
lmfao, the only fairly accurate IQ-test is a WAIS test in reallife, but IQ is still bs

>> No.7722087

>any IQ test

>> No.7722103

>>tfw went to professional psychiatrist who had training in IQ tests

>>tfw did simple puzzles and patterns...elementary school shit while being timed

>>tfw IQ is 237

>>tfw psychiatrist said we should do a more in depth IQ test for thousands of dollars and a membership fee

>>tfw when smart enough to realize i don't need to fall for a scam to consider myself smart

maybe I don't have an IQ of 237, but im sure as hell these online IQ test are completely inaccurate

if they gave all you assclowns your real IQs, you would stop taking those shit tests, and they would stop making money

>> No.7722105

ps, no i don't believe i have an iq of 237, intelligence cant be quantified because its extremely subjective, and typically iq tests rely on your visual information processing abilities BEFORE your pattern recognition or recollection, if iq tests maybe included your other senses then perhaps i would be more convinced

>> No.7722108

As IQ tests are based on psychology, the results are to be taken with a huge grain of salt. As of now they only test pattern recognition. And even then you're actively searching for patterns in a linear task given to you on a sheet of paper, that's way too limiting. It doesn't test your perception which makes it pretty much useless.

>> No.7722143

>>>tfw IQ is 237

What sort of retard scam artist gives you an IQ of 237? I suppose it must be to prey on the utter retards who are gullible enough to believe anything and open their wallets.

Both Stephen Hawking and Einstein are believed to be about 160.

>> No.7722147
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>> No.7722160


Also, you can train yourself with these IQ-tests so you'll consistently get better and such get a 'higher' IQ.

>> No.7722169

can't be right as it doesn't ask for your age anywhere. you can't do iq tests without it.

>> No.7722180

84 but these tests are bullshit and don't take into account my problem solving skills and philosophical reasoning which is what actually matters for IQ.

>> No.7722186


You just sound butthurt that you got a low score.

The whole test was problem solving and logic puzzles.

>> No.7722297

Picked random answers on each question and got 74. Remember boys, you're supposed to subtract 50 points from your score for being dumb enough to take an online iq test.

>> No.7722313

>got 130 on >>7720981
>got 131 on >>7720938 but left halfway to make tea

Hey, at least I'm consistent.

>> No.7722356

Nice try retard infiltrator

>> No.7722401

i only tested for 128,
but these tests only have 2 or 3 logical steps in them, so they are only going to be effective at identifying subjects close to the mean

>> No.7722411


>> No.7722480


>> No.7722534

A real IQ test would give 95-115 to us all.

>> No.7722539
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I liked the later ones in this. Those were pretty solid.

>> No.7722545
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Testing my intelligence partially based on the Fibonacci sequence? Get that shit out of my face, OP.

Good fun, though. Test was entertaining at the very least.

>> No.7722573


>> No.7722585
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What do you mean?

>> No.7722589

got 92 that means i am smarter than 91% of you all !kek

>> No.7722590

137 on stanford sorry

too bad I'm still retarded and spend all day shitposting online doing nothing productive.

>> No.7722605

That test in the OP is pretty poor.
An IQ test shouldn't require you to know the names of countries.

>> No.7722634
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I'm a Mensan. Do not ask me anything.

>> No.7722716

> mfw literally guessed on all the questions
> IQ of 170
Im the most autistic person I know and even I know that the IQ is just a meme

>> No.7722729
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>> No.7722775
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> but I still am almost 100% sure that I'm starter than everybody on this board.
>I'm starter than everybody on this board.

>> No.7722973
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And Get this I have 120%+ in my Math, Physics, Engineering classes.
I'm not even smart.
Everyone else is just incredibly retarded as fuck.

>> No.7723009

I found most of the problems easy, especially the numbers. But I stared at the ENGLAND anagram for at least five minutes and nothing clicked. : ( I definitely consider myself more of a 'numbers' person.

>> No.7723070

I had an IQ of 131 when I was 15, supposedly. Some shrink I was going to had me doing some IQ test over the course of two weeks or so, going there twice a week. The test comprised of a series of different things. I had to sort a bunch of scrambled "puzzle" pieces which depicted some occurence. You had to sort then accordingly, and I think it was cronometrated. There was a bunch of shit. I was getting tired of going there to do that shit for an hour or so twice a week. Aside from the puzzle shit, there were questions about culture, (my memory is a bit foggy, but IIRC one of the questions in this exercise was "who was Charles Darwin") multiplying, dividing, summing a d subtracting numbers (cronometrated IIRC) and some other stuff. My memory's shit, but I am pretty certain those things were in the test.

Regardless of IQ, I am still a bum who spends most of his time lurking around in this weird afghan harem image board.

>> No.7723165

250 iq reporting in

>> No.7723170

Why does quite literally everyone on this fucking board and the rest of the internet claim to have an iq in the 95+ percentile of humans

>> No.7723217
File: 20 KB, 779x225, im fucking retraded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 145
This test is fucking shit probably but at least I can act like a smug asshole in this thread now. Also, I gambled at the 19th question with the stick thing, just went with the one with the arrow in the top right without the top stick in the middle because that didn't make sense.

>> No.7723221

>Both Stephen Hawking and Einstein are believed to be about 160.
This is just bullshit, the gerry nuke man barely could solve triple integrals.

>> No.7723223

LOL I just checked the answers, I got them all correct. Holy shit balls, this thing is a fucking joke.

>> No.7723243
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I tried the test again in a private window (new session) and clicked all the answers quickly. Got 172. Time is certainly of the essence.

>> No.7723251

Hang on a sec, why isn't this bumped when I dump my shitpost in here?

>> No.7723266

Mods did some funny trick with this thread, I'm now sure of it.

>> No.7723353
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>> No.7724210
