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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7719794 No.7719794 [Reply] [Original]

gonna take my final in 10 minutes
Electricity and magnetism is the worst fucming class i ever took.
>Le just beliebe it teaching method
Fuck this class. This class never made any sense
All physics and engineers who are good at this kind of classes must he the biggest spergs or autists that will never get laid

>> No.7719796

Never took it m8. Dont plan to so that must mean I get a lot of pussy.

>> No.7719799

this a required class you dumb fuck.
>inb4 american education
and learn to reading comprehension before posting on sci

>> No.7719826

>be too stupid to handle a babby tier freshman E&M class
>lash out at the world and come to /sci/ to cry about it

Fucking kek

>> No.7719844

it's all
b l a c k m a g i c

>> No.7719847

Lmao you're a bitch dude. You couldn't even handle first year E&M and come online to cry about it?
Yes, its hard. It only gets much, much worse.

>> No.7719853

I took an e&m class this year. Gauss' law, plane waves, poynting vectors, ampere's law etc. You have to work at it. Other EE's from
previous years cry because they have to re-take it because the "prof sucks".. But the prof was chill as shit and ppl are just retarded. Have fun being bad.

>> No.7719859


I know that feel bro. I know that feel

>> No.7719954

>Electricity and magnetism
>Not literally 1+1: the class

Bro r u dum?? Maybe people good at these classes aren't spergs or autists but are just people who can add 1 and 1.

>> No.7719958

>All physics and engineers who are good at this kind of classes must he the biggest spergs or autists that will never get laid

Well you COULD change your mind and major in something else. Like Kinesiology. Or General Education..........

>> No.7720033

this class is too much material and you just have to believe so much shit.
>ask somwthin to professor
>le experiemnt le proved it XD
>1+1 the class
maybe in ur shit tier community college it is like that. we are tested on concpets and calculation u fukin twat

who the fuck actually thinks this class is easy? like honestly u must be a fukin loser in real life ie no friends kissless virgin

>> No.7720051

>we are tested on concpets and calculation
holy fuck do you go to an ivy?????

have fun failing op, you brought a smile to my day

>> No.7720148

>who the fuck actually thinks this class is easy? like honestly u must be a fukin loser in real life ie no friends kissless virgin

>living with gf
>plenty of bangs
>plenty of A's

You want proof of EM stuff? Google it fuck'o and apply what you presumably learned in class

>> No.7720170

>have gf
landwhales or butterfaces dont count as human
>plenty of bangs
maybe for you since it cannot feel ir 1incher
>plenty of A's
what community college do you go to?

>look it up online
i dont have time for that shit when i can spend that time stududying for far more interesting

>> No.7720183

Time to quit your shitty class and find a real one, or go watch a youtube video, you'll learn much more, trust me. Those fucks who just expect you to repeat after them. You learn nothing. They probably don't even know anything other than regurgitated words. I hate stupid shits like that.

>> No.7720188

UCSD :^)

>> No.7720421
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>who the fuck actually thinks this class is easy?
Anyone who isnt retarded lel top kekkerino oprino

>be me
>don't study
>get a+ in 1+1:the class

>> No.7720432

>ask somwthin to professor
>professor wuy is 1+1 2
>becuz you is dum
>i am hurt, you eez autism for believe 1+1 is 2

>> No.7720442

I passed that class by only studying 2 days. It was at uni btw. Shit is easy, you just need to understand vector analysis (class we had before E&M). Once you understand stuff like Stokes theorem, divergence theorem, PDE's and basic vector calculus the laws of E&M become very easy and intuitive.

>> No.7720443

and what would you consider much more interesting?

>> No.7720452
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t-that's an easy c-class though

>> No.7720461
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>mfw E&M 3 in a few weeks
>mfw Thermo 2 in a few weeks
>mfw Stat Mech in a few weeks

>> No.7720474

With stat mech, do you mean statistical mechanics or static mechanics?
If you mean statistical mechanics, why isn't that class combined with thermo 2? Seems like the two are more related than anything.

>> No.7720489

I mean Statistical mechanics, it is kinda combined in the sense that there is a lot of overlap and they are meant to supplement each other (e.i you have to take both or neither) however they are marked separately

>> No.7720512

Strange. Maybe thermo is more applied, applications of carnot cycles and workable definitions of entropy and exergy.
While stat mech is more the mathematical side of the collective behaviour of atoms

>> No.7720803

You're just a fucking idiot OP. Seriously. I bet you don't even have a gf yourself. You'll never get laid because you're so goddamn stupid you don't get spare time for other shit.

>> No.7721304

I have my E&M "final" in 2 days. Only over ch 5, 6, and 7 of Griffiths but my professor has only assigned us a problem set for ch 5. I don't really know what to expect from the other chapters in terms of problem difficulty.

>> No.7721320

>tfw I'm taking it next semester
Just fuck my shit up.

>> No.7721341

Bretty good class, just gotta study it religiously

>> No.7721393

This was the class that made me realize I had to stop smoking weed everday. Griffiths is an asshole.

>> No.7721398

>You have to work at it
How though? How do you practice something like that... Are there practice problems in the book or something?

>> No.7721406


>> No.7721476


kill yourself retard boy

>> No.7721515

I just had my final for E&M today, went pretty well since it only covered magnetism and induction/inductance so it was way easier to study for.

>> No.7721805

How do you know what to study? Do they tell you what it is going to cover before the exam?

>> No.7722636

ITT: Faggots insults their bros instead of proving solid advice for those strugglinh
i fukin hate this board

>> No.7722655

Samefag here. The textbook questions were too fucking hard so i practiced old quizzes and practice exams. After awhile the math kinda makes sense, but I don't understand why..

>> No.7722666
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I finished my computer engineer degree just a few days ago, now I'm moving on to do a masters in January.

If you want to do electrical, computer, electronics, mechatronics, or even software engineering, don't.

The fundamentals you're supposed to learn in that class can make or break the next three years of your life.

>> No.7722685

Just kind of read the exercises with the answers next to them, and see if you can follow the reasoning. That's what I always do when I'm strapped for time and have to cover a lot of material quickly.

>> No.7722694

Time to leave this shithole. All the smart people left already.

>> No.7722707
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I loved E&M. I wish that I had Calc III before taing it, so Gauss's law and cross products would've been more intuitive, but I really enjoyed it.
Mechanics was simple. Didn't really have to try for that one. Modern physics has been a nightmare, but I took a heavy courseload this semester, so I can't really blame the material or the professor.

Not even physics either. I'm comp sci. Step it up, senpai.

>> No.7722724
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tfw our professor told us that 40% of last years class failed physics II

>> No.7722735

>Applied Electromagnetics (tought by a Russian)
>one semester while the physicists get two
>teacher wrote his own book
>it's absolute shit, problems don't follow the reading, no examples
>teacher reads the book in class, literally contributes nothing
>people will literally ask one-another "who has the homework for me to copy?"
>half the grade in the class is copywork
>50 is a C in the class
>he realizes shit is hitting the fan towards the end
>starts offering extra credit
>it's just another homework assignment, due in two days

>> No.7722736
File: 187 KB, 336x468, 1450210975480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could not help but notice your gif was not optimized anon.
I have optimized your gif.
Your gif is now optimized.

>> No.7722880

Russian teachers come in two forms. God tier and Horrible tier, I am sorry friend

>> No.7722976


Don't do something because it's challenging.. Ok then

>> No.7723766

Of course, we're told which chapters it would cover before. The professor always had non-comprehensive exams, where each exam covered 2 to 3 chapters and each was worth the same amount.

I just got the results back and the average was 63, with a lows in the 30s and highs in the 80s. We get curved so that the average is in the mid 70s.