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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 7 KB, 400x400, mensa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7716943 No.7716943 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /pol/. I posted in a thread recently where the topic of discussion was intelligence and intelligence tests and I am here to answer questions about them.

I am an M in Mensa and I have lead a group in the Southeast region of the United States for a year now since my immigration and graduation from a school here.

If you have any questions about IQ, IQ tests, IQ and where it comes from or just questions about Mensa do not be afraid to ask.

If you are interested in joining Mensa you will need to contact us through your nation's representative (www.mensa.org/contact-us) Be prepared to submit an IQ test showing an IQ within the top 2% of IQs and proof that the test was administered properly.


>> No.7716945

I'll be assisting my friend here in answering any questions and for clarification he read the thread on /pol/ and English isn't his first language

Ask away!

>> No.7716950

How does this retard not see the big letters saying "Science and Math" when making this thread?

>> No.7716951
File: 3.93 MB, 2840x2628, you should be able to solve these its only engineering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh iq
if you're so intelligent you should be able to solve these problems

>> No.7716954

I'll also be here to answer any questions about Mensa you have. It really is a great experience to be part of a group of people just as intelligent as you are.

>> No.7716959

It's my fault. I told him to copy and paste.

We're looking to recruit.

Help is greatly appreciated but we don't know you.

>> No.7716965

Do you think people are inheirently intelligent or can my neighbor forest eventually become an "m in Mensa?"

Why does knowledge in a certain field make some people believe they're capable of speculating in fields they've never studied in?

>> No.7716973

Intelligence is derived primarily from a genetic component but intelligence tests are quite static. Theoretically a person could take the test many times and, 'learn the test,' if you would. This means that the first result is usually the closest to the reality of a person's intelligence.

People tend to overreach when they grow up entitled. Mensa has no official stance on this so I gave my personal opinion.

>> No.7717005

What do you mean by entitled? And what if I took the test the first time hungover, the second time after my mother died, then retook it the third time and did amazing. I could walk around like a fucking snot doing ama's on /sci.

>> No.7717017

When I say entitled I am talking about how I perceive children raised in Anglo western culture. They are lauded for meager achievements and this makes them think they are special and their word has meaning to it. Despite being told this it is usually untrue and their word, which they look to inject into any conservation despite their irrelevance to the topic, is heard again and again incessantly.

If you took the test thrice and scored very well I do not know if that is a point to brag about but you might!

>> No.7717043

You must be so happy that not only are you not part of the Anglo Saxon culture, everything you have ever been complimented on has been completely true and completely due to your hard work. And luckily, you happen to also have the correct "genetic components" to make you as intelligent as some ridiculous percentile, according to whatever organization you worship. You honestly sound pretty entitled to me.

>> No.7717048

I am just here to gauge interest in MENSA. I'm not from a western nation and I was not encouraged to study as a child. I did anyway.

>> No.7717064

And in your mind it makes you somehow more deserving of the spot you've attained. Plenty of kids aren't encouraged to study in America. I don't think many would be interested in Mensa when they learn that even if they managed to get in, you would dismiss them as over reaching just because of where they're from.

>> No.7717065

why are you participating in a money scam? have you no morals?

>> No.7717067

Overreaching as in talking about an area they have no knowledge about and is unrelated to their studies. This is hardly a controversial notion. All I am saying is that people trying to be give their opinion on a matter they know nothing about is something I notice much more in America.

>> No.7717069

Yo what's the best atom

>> No.7717071

This thread is confirmation that /sci/ might as well be retitled /iq/. This is an absolutely pathetic display.

>> No.7717083

People who are perceived to be smart don't need a status symbol to prove that they're smart.

>> No.7717094

Do you know any good jokes relating to Mensa or intelligence in general ?

>> No.7717148

you generalize all americans and believe you're justified to use stereotypes just because of your status in some orginization. you might as well be an american then if you're going to make broad points based on something you know very little of.

Why is it that so many of you mensa types are completely unintelligent when it comes to social awareness. Can't even see the irony of your own criticisms.

>> No.7717158


>> No.7717187

I've scored consistency in the 143-150 range on standard (non-internet) IQ tests. Should I consider applying?

>> No.7717319

Let me get this straight, you've actually joined a group of people that scored high on a test that claims to measure intelligence in a single unit when intelligence isn't even properly defined, let alone understood? And you pay to be a member of said group? The only smart person within Mensa was the person that started the group, what an amazingly effective scam.

>> No.7717326

This. Actual smart people are out there publishing crazy research or stacking big money in private industry.

MENSA is just a consolation prize for the "also-rans". Sorry about your life, OP.

>> No.7717329

I scored 147, if I remember correctly, when I got tested.
Notice how no Nobel Prize winners were/are Mensa members.
Further notice how almost no people in research or academia are Mensa members.

IQ is a bullshit metric that has no real relevance in the world. The most an IQ score can do is tell you if you're clinically retarded or not.

>> No.7717336
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>> No.7717613

I came.

>> No.7717644

Yet you bothered to even take the test, let alone post your score. You must hate yourself.

>> No.7717710


>> No.7717713


>> No.7717743
File: 34 KB, 360x360, 1448110547-20151120after.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're so intelligent you should be able to perform open heart surgery without any training in that field whatsoever.

>> No.7717750

Is it true that you guys meet once a week, undress each other, then cross dress, stand in a big circle and collectively masturbate to IQ scores?

>> No.7717755
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Mensa itself is a joke to be quite honest frank lee

>> No.7717759

theres a difference between specialized training that surgery requires and the ability to think through a problem. with enough intelligence you should be able to come up with answers from first principles. but if you were intelligent enough to answer any of those questions youd be intelligent to know that

>> No.7717766
File: 233 KB, 718x450, 1447787825817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banach space.

>> No.7717767

You should be able to perform open heart surgery by deducting everything from first principles. But hey if you were intelligent enough you would realize that as well.

>> No.7717776

Mensa is a social club for bright but awkward people. The Mensa membership tests are simple for most people of above average intelligence. Some members are very pleasant and I once met one who was almost attractive. At the other end of the spectrum are the fat orotund autists with poor dental hygiene who stand on your toes and spit phlegm in your face as they correct your pronunciation of Greek- and Latin-root words. If you're in awe, go to a meeting. There will probably be coffee and muffins. As I've said, it's a social club.

>> No.7717779

thanks for showing everyone just how stupid you are

>> No.7717788

Solve the engineering questions then you pretentious sperg, with your deducting from first principles. You're all words and no brain.

>> No.7717793

>Mensa is just a circle-jerking waste of time

So much this. I tested into the danish Mensa chapter after playing with their online IQ test that is so often posted here and finding that I was maybe a bit more intelligent than I had realized.

I was given a copy of their self-published internal newsletter as a sample while I decided if I wanted to fork over the membership fee (it's not exactly cheap).

All the articles were grandstanding attempts at self-glorification with respect to the authors' IQ. "Oooh look how smart I am." Etc etc etc.. But not a single person who contributed had any kind of job that showed they were actually using their IQs for something productive and meaningful.

One article in particular did stand out, as it was not about the author's IQ, but instead was a very bad attempt at writing fiction, in this case a revenge-driven fantasy where the author captures a foreign door-to-door trick-thief and tortures the man to death in his basement as punishment in some kind of sick and depraved conception of "justice". I'm not even fucking kidding.

At that point I realized that all the acutely intelligent people who I actually hoped to meet were out in the world, to busy with their lives and their careers, to ever join the circle-jerk that is MENSA.

>> No.7717823

Sounds like a bunch of egotistical knobs fucking circle-jerking each other because a test with no real merit told them they're better than everyone else and gives them a fuzzy feeling inside. I doubt that little hugbox of yours is worth the membership fee.

>implying all Anglo westerners 'grow up entitled'.
Bitch, do you know how screwed up you sound? Sure, not everyone's "smart" but that gives you no right to put someone down and tell them they can't achieve something. If they can't, they can't, and that's for them to figure out.

>> No.7717826

>Be me probably about a year ago
>Stumble upon a video on youtube of a Mensa reunion party or some shit
>After a few minute camera goes to two siblings, a boy and a girl, that start telling their sob story about how sad and "excluded" they feel because people at school are not as smart as they are and they get misunderstood and ignored by the "stupid" majority of kids.
>Cameraman ask the kids "What can you do that other kids your age can't?" - They were 8 year olds.
>As they start thinking I imagine they are going to say they are already studying integral calculus or some actually impressive shit like that.
>3... 1... 4...

ffs the IQ meme is so fucking retarded. These kids are fucking retarded. Everyone else in that video were fucking retarded because everyone wanted to tell the sob story of
>Muh high IQ makes me feel excluded
>Not many friends because of Muh high IQ
>I'm depressed but at least I got Muh high IQ

Seriously, a bunch of manchild scum there.

And believe me, if those kids did say something "We can do Integral calculus and we are only eight!" then I would actually think high IQ correlates with intelligence but as it stands, "good memory" is useless.

And yes, this is coming from a 130 IQ individual (as shown by some retarded IQ test people tend to post on /sci/.

People who brag about IQ are retards who have nothing else to show for themselves.

>> No.7717831

These are engineering problems. Per definition, you don't really need a high IQ to solve these.

>> No.7717840

mensa person here

sure take those tests join mensa and then go to the meetings

in my several years of attending in 2 different cities mostly lots of non-achiever types who's only claim to success is passing an iq-test

why is this ? because successful people or even people who have applied themselves in life don't have time to go to meetings about how smart they are because they are busy living their lives

that typed I did have some fun and meet some nice people back in Atlanta bigger city than here in seattle bunch of goofs but even the Atlanta group faded after a few years they got too mensa-onlyish


>> No.7717871

Why haven't you killed yourself?

>> No.7717895

I'm not sure I'd even call that memory. It's just practice.

Yeah, obviously it's using memory to recall the practice, but it's not really a feat. You can pretty easily recall the melody or lyrics to your favorite song too.

When I had a full psych eval, IQ tests were part of it and there was some memory portion which I think they called functional memory or something (i can't actually remember, hue hue)

And it was like, they'd read off a series of numbers paired with digits, like C1, B9, G11, and ask you to recite them in alphanumeric order, so "1, 9, 11, B, C, G"

it actually got pretty intriguing as the difficulty escalated. It'd be like 12 pairings, and it started being mixed whether the number or the letter came first. I think the test actually started with just numbers, and just reciting in the order spoken, then amped up to reciting in numerical order, then adding letters, then reciting in alphanumeric order.

It seemed more useful to me than just something like "oh i can recite pi to X digits because i practice every day and add a new digit each day", since it actually involved processing and organizing new information simultaneously.
IQ tests are still meaningless shit, but i thought that was a particularly fun challenge.

>> No.7718182

So what are the benefits of joining?
To blow dosh on testing and membership fee to chillax with people that had roughly the same results as you?

>> No.7718450

It's a scheme to trick smart people in giving away money to play board games with fat neckbeards.

>> No.7718479

Is it possible to find smart qt in this club?
I don't see any other reason to join.

>> No.7718518

pretentious and cringe

>> No.7718547

If autism and crazy is your fetish, go for it.

>> No.7718553

>Is it possible to find smart qt in this club?

Unsurprisingly, male members outnumber female members almost exactly 2 to 1. So, your chances are not good.

>> No.7718563

Dude, that's a lot of women relative to an engineering class.

>> No.7718687

I'm not paying anything to reassure my intelligence. Who's the dumb guy now?

>> No.7718753

My IQ is 232. What do?

>> No.7719550

Play vidya all day erryday

>> No.7719552
File: 2.90 MB, 3142x3024, 22750999_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masturbate yourself to a state of apathy.

>> No.7719689

lol I hate stupid people sharing their uninformed opinions there should be a law

>> No.7719690

Why do you think your peepee comes out yellow?

>> No.7720160

Tell me about bane, why does he wear the mask?