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File: 155 KB, 493x335, chickenpox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7714285 No.7714285 [Reply] [Original]

>Eighty children get chickenpox at Brunswick North West Primary, a school that calls for 'tolerance' of vaccine dodgers

Why are people so stupid, /sci/? Why can't everyone be intelligent like me?

>> No.7714287

Weird. Why did my link change to 'baka'? It's supposed to say 's m h', which stands for Sydney Morning Herald.

>> No.7714304

Wew Lad Tbh

>> No.7714305


>implying vaccines for chicken pox are commonly administered to children

>> No.7714318

The vaccine debate is so diametric it makes me sick.

Yes, vaccines can help prevent some diseases.
The tried and true vaccines should probably be considered.
The new vaccines for every stupid thing like the flu should be approached with caution as they have no long term studies.
Being skeptical of what you inject in your body is not stupid or anti-science.
It's chickenpox. 1 fatality per 60,000 cases.

>> No.7714322

"Before the chickenpox vaccine became available there were 100 to 150 deaths from chickenpox among children in the U.S. annually."

I wouldn't worry about it. You are more likely to die from your furniture falling on you.

>> No.7714409

Agreed. The thing I hate the most is flu vaccines. I can understand it for the ill and elderly, but other than that it seems like a bad idea. They only last a year. The flu is constantly mutating to more virulent forms, possibly due to wide spread vaccination. Getting a flu shot triggers an immune response comparable to catching the flu. Even with a flu shot you can still get sick because there are so many strains and no 1 shot prevents them all.

Give me 1 flu shot, that works on all strains, and lasts me my entire life, and I don't even care if it's 50% mercury. I'll take my shot and some mercury chelation and be happy.

>> No.7714418

Is this a reason to not get the vaccine? Potentially endangering other people?

>> No.7714420


If they have the vaccine then it's not a problem, right?

>> No.7714438

Top lel, did you do that on purpose anon? Pretty funny either way.

>> No.7714466

I'm not seeing the problem, I got chickenpox.

>> No.7714467

Death is not the primary concern.

>> No.7714472
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>> No.7714477
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>If they have the vaccine then it's not a problem, right?

>> No.7715182

baka desu senpai

>> No.7715192


Pity none of them died.

It'd serve them right.

>> No.7715225

what, chickenpox is vaccinated nowadays?

nobody in my youth was, everyone got it once, after your immune system adapts

>> No.7715253

Yeah, but nobody wants shingles so people get vaccines now.

>> No.7715514

Shingles, man

>> No.7715520

>"Before the chickenpox vaccine became available there were 100 to 150 deaths from chickenpox among children in the U.S. annually."
>among children
>among children
>among children

Adult onset is far more likely to result in death.

>> No.7715540

Someone cut this menstruation down to #7, #5 and maybe #3

>> No.7715556


>> No.7715652

>less than one minute between the posts

It's not the same person.

>> No.7715656

Post cooldown is 30 seconds on /sci/.

>> No.7715666

I hate antivaxers. It's not even them suffering either. They are only making their kids suffer.

>> No.7715837


>Adult onset is far more likely to result in death.

This is why you don't shelter your kids from everything and turn your house into a clean room. Let your kids play with their chickenpox friends, run and play in the barn full of hay and animals. Challenging your immune system makes it stronger.

My mom was a kindergarten teacher. She's been exposed to more germs than you could count. Virtually never gets sick, has no allergies and can run on 5 hours of sleep no problem. Her immune system is that of the gods.

>> No.7715845


I here you. I don't get the flu vaccine because I don't think it makes sense to fuck with my immune system in that way for that disease. Just live your life and try to stay healthy. I'm not old or immunocomprimised. I never get the flu in the first place and if I do, getting a day off work to shit and puke my guts out isn't so bad. And who doesn't love that glow you get when you break your fever and start to get over it. Mmmm....

>> No.7715941
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Herd immunity, said the shepherd, but fails to tell you how many infections come from vaccine strains, not wild strains, and how often they only affect the vaccinated.

Excessive vaccination is a false flag attack to compromise your immune system and make you drug-dependent for the rest of your life.

You sacrifice your mental and physical health for the illusion of safety.

>> No.7715945

So how many infections come from vaccines?

>> No.7715947
File: 72 KB, 600x532, vaccine (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7715962
File: 19 KB, 400x250, 3448-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not true.

> be me at five years old
> get chicken pox like all the other kids, itch, scratch and be miserable for a week or two
> come out of it like everyone else: just fine
> be me at age 32
> move to a new state, be in shit marriage, eat poorly and be generally immunocompromised
> start seeing bumps everywhere
> have trouble breathing
> oh, what in the actual fuck now?
> doctor says I have chicken pox again
> not shingles, but full blown chicken pox because I didn't pick up much of an immunity the first time
> doctor is worried because adult chicken pox is some serious shit
> spend two weeks sick as fuck, get told that I should be watchful for the onset of symptoms but not to worry because people immunize their kids against chicken pox these days

> mfw cocksuckers don't immunize their kids and just one of those little fuckers could lay me on my ass again

>> No.7715972
File: 58 KB, 480x360, conspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a single fact to back that claim up?

>> No.7716003

Forcing people to take medicines is not moral. Just let them get sick by their own will. No need to turn the world into a Huxley novel because you romanticize medicine.

>inb4 muh heard immunity is le damaged
I doubt that it'll become popular enough to actually damage heard immunity.
If you do have an illness though, you should have measures taken to not give it to other people. That's where we should lay down laws. Giving our dystopian government more power is not a good idea.

I'm glad most of you edgy 14 year olds don't have any influence in politics.

>> No.7716074

Chicken pox as a child is not that big of a deal. drink water, don't scratch, rest.

The problem is that if you have had chicken pox. Then you will likely get shingles as an older adult. Shingles while not life threatening is very fucking painful and disfiguring.

If a chicken pox vaccine can keep people from getting shingles. Then it is all worth it.

>> No.7716077

>but full blown chicken pox because I didn't pick up much of an immunity the first time

>> No.7716078

Everyone that is medically capable of being vaccinated should be. To protect the few people that are not medically capable of being vaccinated.

who is going to be held responsible when some kid who can not get a vaccine due to medical condition, dies. Because he caught an easily preventable disease from a classmate. the classmate was not vaccinated because of his parents. the parents gave the disease to the classmate because they were vaccinated as children but still traveled someplace where the disease is common.

Who is responsible for the child's death?

>> No.7716324

You thought the immune system was perfectly binary?

>> No.7716341


Whos responsible if a child gets a vaccine and it results in them having a serious life altering reaction to it?

Or are you a sheep that believes vacs have no side effects ever?

>> No.7716718

Sometimes life just hands you misfortunes, and blaming others doesn't undo the harm. You have to just do what you think is right and live with whatever unforseen consequences may result.

The whole vax/anti-vax thing really comes down to a question of whether you're more afraid of your kid dying from a preventable disease or living with autism.

>> No.7716801

They are

>> No.7717579


Most likely, I still have no immunity to it. Probably never will. I am one coughing, unvaccinated brat away from being laid on my back in a hospital. Or worse. Having chicken pox as an adult is possibly lethal. Last time, I got pneumonia.

Vaccinate your kids, you retarded cunts.