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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7714033 No.7714033 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /sci/ so contrarian?
>"Going to Mars is pointless!"
>"Going to Venus is retarded!"
>"There are no aliens on Europa!"
>"Fusion power is 100 years away!"
>"Flying cars will never happen!"
>"Climate change doesn't exist!"

>> No.7714037

>Implying we aren't right.

>> No.7714038

They're hardly contrarian opinions. In fact, it's quite common for people to hold those views.

Now....get the fuck out....idiot.

>> No.7714040

Because they find popsci hype obnoxious and so get retarded in the oppisite direction, and also because they're terrible autists who love feeling like they're smarter than someone else.
That is why.

>> No.7714058

Yeah plebs. Anyone with a STEM degree shouldnt be spouting this nonsense. I dont know why you guys are in STEM, if you believe everything will stay more or less the same during your lives then what is the point in getting degrees that teach innovation? You have an aero degree yet you think that going anywhere beyond LEO is fucking stupid, what is the point in you doing the degree? may as well have done "aerospace maintenance" seeing as you dont actually want to engineer anything new.

>> No.7714065

>Engineer not wanting to engineer something new
Sounds like civil engineering.

>> No.7714074

1: People in STEM are generally more intelligent and therefore quite likely to hold a wider range of opinions.

2: My opinion is that you're a cretin that believes the "great minds think alike" bullshit. I doubt you're in STEM but if you are you're probably at some dog shit uni.

3: I don't think there's anyone that believes things will stay the same in our lifetimes, seeing as a decade ago smartphones didn't exist and people were still using dial up.

4: The vast majority of work is not innovative in nature. People still do it because being "innovative" is beyond most STEM people and not as important as making money.

>> No.7714088

There's a reason we have have Aerospace degrees and you don't.

>/sci/: Resources are more efficiently spent developing technology in fields such as material science, medicine and more fundamental physics right now than building overly expensive and impractical things which will become much cheaper for future generations if we develop better requisite tech now, besides space probes are both cheaper and are more useful than manned mission.

Wishful thinking is neither science nor ambition, it's idiocy closer to fanaticism and religion than anything else.

>> No.7714120

going to mars might not be pointless, but i dont see it as a serious consideration. but....in order to be fun around non scientists one must act like they believe it's possible. keeps the dream alive and the funding coming.

>> No.7714131

Most of those are pretty reasonable.

Does anyone seriously 100% believe that there are aliens on Europa?

Though the one of about climate change I don't know how the fuck you can deny that. You must be willing ignorant or delusional.

>> No.7714133

We are not reddit. Now go back to suck elon musk's vertical lander and sweaty balls.

>> No.7714135
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>seeing as you dont actually want to engineer anything new
neither do you
you spend all day thinking "WOW HOW COOL WOULD IT BE IF WE GO TO VENUS" without actually proposing any logical, feasible ideas on how to >actually< do it
you're pipe dreaming like the naive retard you are, and that's what gets people riled up

the worst thing is that once you encounter any sort of resistance you don't bother to logically address the counter arguments
you instantly switch to the UR JUST NOT OPEN MINDED ENOUGH rhetoric
that in turn gets people pissed off even more, for very obvious reasons

you're a child that wants to become an astronaut one day without actually thinking about the things it takes to get there
hence why you're being treated like a child

come up with something feasible for once, then people will actually listen to you instead of handwaving your bullshit away - which they have every right to do so

>> No.7714137

climate change "denial" on /sci/ is more like climate change skepticism + a little satire to piss of the dogmatists.

>> No.7714141

It has been framed by people as "Climate Change Denial" but the reality is healthy skepticism of how much we can do to alter that change.

>> No.7714143

>"Going to Mars is pointless!"
It's just bait, anyone sane knows it's not pointless

>"There are no aliens on Europa!"
That's not even being contrarian, since it's entirely possible that's the case

>> No.7714149
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and before you say that you're totally not like them
every single thread that starts with an apparent pipe dream premise and no factual evidence proving the feasibility and profitability(which is the very basic that you need in order to get any kind of project going in the real world) has ended this way

someone posts a logical counter argument that shoots a big ol' hole into the totally-awesome-believe-me-guys idea of the OP
the OP can't handle that his idea isn't actually the best thing since sliced bread
but he has no counter against the counter argument
so what does he do?
"you're just close minded"
"nothing is written in stone!"
"your opinion is defeatist!"
"150 years ago they said computers would be pointless!!"

if you ever set foot into the real world, where people use real engineering practices, you'll quickly notice that in order to persuade people into funding your shenanigans you need some sort of fact telling them WHY your idea is actually good

>> No.7714164

>"Going to Mars is pointless!"
>"Going to Venus is retarded!"
we're already there .
more better probes > some biological piece of shit you gotta protect form radiation , pump with oxygen and food, cant upgrade sensors\processors , reboots for like 7 hours out of 24 .

we already have data coming form the ISS about how humans work in micro gravity on a spaceships for long periods of time , as for data on humans living on other worlds we have one a lightsecond away that we already have some experience landing on , and a shitload of research to do on . make an ISS-on the moon .

>"There are no aliens on Europa!"
u w0t meight ?

>"Fusion power is 100 years away!"
nobody fucking knows or can provide an accurate estimate of when will we get fusion power if we will get fusion power .
besides we still didnt fully upgrade to nuclear + clean energies and still do coalshit and le oil .

>"Flying cars will never happen!"
well that wouldn't be a car then would it ?. the future IS here get a license and buy an ultralight .

>"Climate change doesn't exist!"
but its a fact that it does , we just dont know how it works and how exactly everything affects it .

>> No.7714167

>"Going to Mars is pointless!"
Unless it's for simple posterity in planting a couple of throwaway stations it technically is. Terraforming Mars would cost too much, take too long and bang for buck wise Europa is better since it has the bare essentials and will out live venus, earth and mars during sun expansion.
>"Going to Venus is retarded!"
Fuck your meme sky cities, this isn't star wars or final fantasy.
>"There are no aliens on Europa!"
There might be marine life on a microscopic level but I'd be really suprise if life like fish or crustaceans exist. But having any life at all would be enough for scientists.
>"Fusion power is 100 years away!"
No comment
>"Flying cars will never happen!"
The logistics of flying cars for the average citizen is a nightmare. The government is already having problems with fucking drones, you think they are ready for flying cars?
>"Climate change doesn't exist!"
It's debatable neither side has produced "fool proof" evidence. But I personally side with climate change being real since humans have on a mass scale influenced the placement of plant which we know did have a major influence on past climate change events.

>> No.7714240

Why aren't we just abandoning science altogether?
We can already go anywhere where we can possibly go. Any scientific progress won't extend our reach. We already know everything that matters. Further discoveries won't yield new technologies. Theoretical physics is already at a point where it's mostly pointless mindgames.

>> No.7714739

>"Going to Mars is pointless!"
if you think those morons at mars one and their genius idea of "just run a reality TV show to fund it" are anything but giant hacks then you are a lost cause

>"Going to Venus is retarded!"
it literally is. the conditions on that planet are literal hell, dealing with them would be absurdly hard, and there's not a lot of value on venus that would warrant that kind of investment.

>"There are no aliens on Europa!"
unless you found some, i don't see why i would believe otherwise?

>"Fusion power is 100 years away!"
it's extremely far away. people are working on it for decades and still haven't managed to get a single proof-of-concept reactor working. continuing the research is important, but expecting it to turn into a magical source of abundant power anytime soon is foolish.

>"Flying cars will never happen!"
there's a bunch of reasons for why we don't all use personal helicopters for transportation. once you figured them out, you'll quickly realize why 'flying cars' won't happen.

>> No.7715284

>Why is sci so contrarian?
No we aren't.

>> No.7715290

>"Going to Mars is pointless!"
>"Going to Venus is retarded!"
Both true.

>"There are no aliens on Europa!"
Probably true

>"Fusion power is 100 years away!"
Maybe not 100 years, but I doubt it'll happen in our lifetimes.

>"Flying cars will never happen!"

>"Climate change doesn't exist!"
Most of /Sci/ thinks climate change does exist, there's like half a dozen peoplehere that think it doesn't.

>> No.7715490

/sci/ is full of retards, both /sci/board purists and cross-boarding scum.

The reaction of a lot of /sci/purist autists, in response to crossboarding retards, if to go full-retard to the opposite extreme.

For example:
> race
> philosophy
> ayylium
> string theory
> dark matter/ dark energy
> flat earth
> climate change
> quantum physics
> AI
> IQ
> big pharma

You have retards who vehemently believe in one side (usually crossboarder scum in my opinion), then, in response, you have contrarian reactionaries (usually /sci/-purist autists, again, in my opinion).

There are other unique minorities, like the skeptic tard, who pathologically takes the centrist position of any conversation.

Essentially, everyone on /sci/ is a retard, except a tiny minority master race