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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7706721 No.7706721 [Reply] [Original]

>he thinks science is a science and not just philosophy
>he thinks engineering is a science and not just a trade

Justify this scifags

protip: you literally cant.

>> No.7706735
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>He thinks I don't try to acknowledge the water

>> No.7706743

Why does /sci/ hate engineering so much?

>> No.7706747
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if you were truly imbibing water, you would not be able to type properly my friend.

>> No.7706753

>read Infinity Jest, Gravity's Rainbow and Blood Meridian all during my junior year of high school
>during my senior year I discover /lit/ and read a shit ton more of classical and modern literature, even teach myself some moderate french and read entry level stuff like Camus' La Peste
>also read a lot of Bolano, Borges, and Cortazar because already speak Spanish
>end up going to college for Mathematics anyways because muh STEM
>mfw I'm miseralble now and probably should have followed a path in Literature instead

Hold me /scilit/.

>> No.7706761
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>arguing about proper categorization
This is why you don't get shit done.

>> No.7706763

>tfw went to school for lit because I was always good at it
>wish I was doing STEM

you arent missing out, liberal arts are a hellhole. Literally the only thing that might redeem my shit life is being able to transfer out (this is my freshman year) of english lit to do physics and philosophy at oxford.

I dont know what youre complaining about btw, math is fun. :^)

>> No.7706766
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>Why does /sci/ hate engineering so much?
It's a practical application of the knowledge gained by science.
The general public (unwashed masses) love technology but are indifferent to the science that makes it possible.
/sci/ence is the ugly, fat stepsister that sucks your cock on the DL in high school, but will grow old and die alone in a house full of cats.

>> No.7706792
File: 253 KB, 1200x1803, emma-stone-at-gma-in-nyc_14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[math] \int_\text{STEM}^\text{/lit/ life} u(t) \, \text{d}t = spooks [/math]

>> No.7706793
File: 6 KB, 750x750, existentialism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the Eschaton chapter

>> No.7706816

Philosophy depends on basic lawsof reason that aree only self evident because we acknowledge them in a daily basis. QM tells logic to fuck off.

>> No.7706908

fuck off back to reddit with your obscured stirnerposting