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7702454 No.7702454 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready for your finals this week /sci/ or are they going to fuck you in the ass?
I feel decently ready. I feel like I haven't studied for my analytical chem enough.
I have such crippling anxiety that I find myself drinking heavily tonight.

>> No.7702478

>Grad Intro to Topology

Gonna fuck me probably. Still have a bit of trouble coming up with covering spaces for more complex spaces.

>Grad Algebra
Looking at an A- if I do well on the final. I'm excited.

>Undergraduate Measure Theory
Should be an easy exam so I'm not too worried.

>Intro to Women's Studies

>> No.7702492

>intro to women's studies
are you serious man?

>> No.7702493


I'm at a state university in Burgerland so we're required to take what are called 'Diversified Education Curriculum' courses to make you a more well rounded person. Really they're just a nuisance that prevents me from taking more math.

>> No.7702497

In the states we have to take a minimum number of social (see soft shit) sciences as a general requirement.

>> No.7702504

hahahahahahahahahahaha I am so ready. As a grad student I feed off of the suffering of undergrads.

>> No.7702509

Care to describe the class? I want to believe that it isn't as shit as I think it is.

>> No.7702526

feelin breddy good. gonna slaughter my exams I need to study up a bit on determinats and eigenvalues/eigenvectors for linear alg, but i understand the basic concept so i'm not worried at all. lookin to get 100% on my physics exam again to round out the semester with a perfect score. statics is literally the easiest engineering class there is. I know a lot of people freaking out over the matlab final(i have an AS in comp sci lol). so ya think im gonna nail it this semester

>> No.7702533

Linear Algebra can gargle a cock. Random Variables even more so.

This is the first semester that I'm actually in danger of failing.

>> No.7702541

Oh don't worry it's as shit as you think it is.

One week we talked about fat shaming. Another week we talked about how biology textbooks depicting the sperm as 'active' and the egg as 'passive' perpetuate gender stereotypes in regards to masculinity and femininity.

The only ideas worth a damn, i.e. 'intersectionality', is an idea so fucking obvious that it blows my mind that it's considered a relatively new and innovative development in identity theory (the idea that the whole is more than the sum of its parts basically)

>> No.7702552

>Another week we talked about how biology textbooks depicting the sperm as 'active' and the egg as 'passive' perpetuate gender stereotypes in regards to masculinity and femininity.
That's significantly worse than I thought, actually.

>> No.7702556

I'm so motherfucking ready motherfucker iv'e been motherfucking ready for months now motherfucker i'm motherfucking so ahead in all my other classes I could take all of my exams this Monday for all I care motherfucker.I'm not a motherfucking retard like the rest of you fags on this board I get 105% on my exams fuckers fucking kill yourselves retards.

>> No.7702571

The sperm is active though.

>> No.7702694
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fuck. just fuck. I'd probably speak out in class against the professor propagating this Marxist shit even if it meant me failing the class.

>> No.7702706

>physical electronics
Solid As on the midterms, so I just need to not drown on the final. Will probably still study like a motherfucker, since the exams have been tough, and I only have an A thanks to the curve.

>probability and statistics
Going in with an A-, so I'm hoping to do well and bump that to an A

>Signals and Systems processing
I think I have the highest grade in the class, so not too tripped

>Electromagnetics 1
One I'm most worried about, I need a super solid A if I want to pass with an A, which kinda seems unrealistic at this point, but I'm studying like hell anyways!!

>> No.7702708

Good luck to all the cuties :3

>> No.7702710

and you picked fucking womens studies?

>> No.7702714

I need an 87% on my final to get an B in the class. Feels bad man.

>> No.7702717

>The Diff in the Q's
if I get 85%+ on the final I have an A, else a 74% is gonna get me A-

I just took it like one hour ago, Saturday night 7-10pm really takes the cake of all shitty final schedules, but I think I'm in the A zone.

>Set theory
Prolly will get an A or A+ if curves happen; I'm pretty sure I'm in the top 3% of the class

>Stats and Prob
The only point I lost in this term is 2 points in the 2nd mid term (go me!), so ideally I get an A+, less ideally I get an A.

>Discrete structures AKA CS math
85%+ on the final gets me an A, and I'm pretty damn confident

all in all I'm doing pretty great, 4.0 is almost in my hands, I can feel it.

>> No.7702811

My exams are in four weeks time, gonna treat them like a 9 to 5 job, any tips?

>> No.7702834
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You tell me.
Pic related plus 6 other exams.

>> No.7702839

Diffy Qs

Linear Algebra

Waves, Fluids, Heat (physics III)

Intro to C++

Highest grade in the class in DE, third highest in physics, already got an A in C++. 99% sure I'll get a 4.0.

plot-twist: I go to a community college.

>> No.7702903

Atleast it's a free, if useless, bump to your GPA.

>> No.7702913

>Memorizing things is hard too guys!

Nah, if you get anything wrong it's only your own fault. There won't be any humbling questions that require raw intellect to solve.

>> No.7702934

>he thinks its all just memorization
If you say so buddy

>> No.7702984

>he thinks it isn't memorisation
if you say so mate

>> No.7703012

ok genius billionaire

>> No.7703053

in germany?
which uni?

>> No.7703062





>> No.7703107

Top lel. It would be interesting to force wymen to take some math courses.
>b-but we will never need it
Neither do we need BS like women's studies

>> No.7703157

Good Physicists Have Study Under Very Fine Teachers

There you go you can ace any thermo class

>> No.7703161

Have a class project due tomorrow evening. I started working on it last night, and I have work tomorrow.

Oh boy.

>> No.7703196

>Commutative algebra
I've been acing so far so I'm confident, just need to do more exercises
>Functional analysis
Hated the Sobolev space part but we're on spectral theory now and it's a lot of fun. Besides, it's probably going to be curved as hell anyway
>Differential geometry
Dunno what to expect, we still haven't got the midterm grades..
Trying to pass

>> No.7703213

>this week
Ha. Still ~2 months away in the UK.

>> No.7703233

>phd level organic chem 1
>phd level inorganic chem 1
>phd level quantum chem 1

On the finals, I expect to recieve grades of " oh who cares, go study for cumes"

>> No.7703240
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>Programming and the way Computers work
>Coding in C
>Mfw I realize I don't know anything about arrays and pointers.

>> No.7703250

All of my grad class have final papers rather than finals, which is nice. I have a final in my undergrad numerical analysis class, but it should be easy as hell.

>> No.7703370

Well really more like a hit to your GPA

>> No.7703375

>Another week we talked about how biology textbooks depicting the sperm as 'active' and the egg as 'passive' perpetuate gender stereotypes in regards to masculinity and femininity

Hahahahahahahahahaha! Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.7703381

Tissue Engineering:

I have no idea what's on the final, there's like 5 professors and they never communicate. I know basics like scaffold design, bioreactors, material processing, etc., but its too vague in lectures

Molecular Biotechnology:

Read above

Industrial Seminar:

Just people from the pharmaceutical industry who tell you to study hard and stay in school, big shit

Organic Chemistry:

OK, I guess

Calculus I:

What the fuck is u-substitution?

>> No.7703392

>Multivariable Calc

Pretty sure I have the second highest grade in the class... the only one I know with a higher grade than me has 3 more points (out of 800). The class is going to be curved so I'm pretty sure I'll get an A.

>Software Engineering

Easy as shit. I have a 97 in the class right now, and judging by previous tests, the final will be a joke.

>> No.7705038
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Org Chem II
Applied Botany
It's all good.

>> No.7705056

Just gotta read everything over again--kind of shitty memorization class

Molecular Bio:
See above but memorize things x10

Just do practice problems

Writing in Sciences:
Just finished 1/2 of big final project. I'm finally almost done with everything there.

Bad news is I'm teetering at an A with all of them, so any bad grades means an A-

>> No.7705058

I should do alright, just need to review more.

Easy, not cumulative just an average test.

>Cell Bio
Not bad but I kinda just learnt most of the test material today cause fuck that class is boring,

>Physical Chem
Gonna get fucked in the ass if I don't review soon, but once I do it shouldn't be that bad.

>Calc 3
I get all the concepts, know all the equations, just some questions get real damn tricky.

>> No.7705061

Skippinf chem 2 according to the syllabus.
Doing well in calc.

Why do engineers need calc 3, chem 1&2 and physics w/calc 1&2?

>> No.7705074

my mind can not into abstract algebra, what the fuck do I do to improve my proving skills?

>> No.7705317

>organometalic chemistry
>physical chemitry of solids and surfaces
>analytical chemistry of pollutatns

>molecular spettroscopy
Easy but I will fuck up.

>> No.7705319

I'm struggling to write a resume.

>> No.7705325

My final is next month.

>> No.7705377

Eh, I have my last test before finals this week for my classes.

I think I'll be fine for calculus 2, just series that are sorta giving me a hassle.

In my multi variable class I should be fine in the this test coming up. I'm only worried about the final for this class. It's 40% of the total grade and this new stuff is a little more difficult. Hoping to get an A in here.

>> No.7705668

>Need above a 70 in one class to make an A
>Need above an 80 in another class to make an A
>Need above a 78 in my third class to make an A
>Already have secured As in my two other courses

Going to be fairly easy, the only problem is because I have a high chance of making straight 'A's i haven't been caring as much and feel no motivation to study these last few days. I have an exam coming up in like 4 hours but I just don't feel like doing anything....

>> No.7705965

My uni offers Soviet studies instead, looking forward to that instead.

>> No.7706115

Marxism is neither feminist nor bad

>> No.7706116

I have no assessments until the end of the year because I study in a smart country

>> No.7706152


Your final better be a real god damned facial surgery.

>> No.7706156


>> No.7706159

Marxism is very feminist-like (CLASS WAR NOW), and it's also evidently bad. Good luck allocating resources in an anarcho-communist world (pipe dream). Shit, I'd rather have state capitalism.

>> No.7706160
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>The only ideas worth a damn, i.e. 'intersectionality'

Cmon dude.

>> No.7706165


Was supposed to respond to
but it disappeared.

>> No.7706273

My general chem 1 final's in 3 hours. Memorizing solubility is probably going to fuck me over.

>> No.7706464

>worth a damn

>implying intersectional social conflict theory, which eschews historical materialism, the dialectic and any pretense at objectivity for fucking postmodernism is anything at all like marxism
>hurr durr marxism and feminisim are so similar because they both address conflict

Marxism is descriptive and predictive, a type of critique, rather than a coherent set of policy objectives. Ironically enough, class rule and class conflict, properly understood, form the best and most thorough explanation out there for racism, xenophobia, and all types of right and "left" identity politics to the extent that they occur. Intersectionality strips away the theory of why, and tries to explain them in a vacuum, as though they emerged ex nihilo, even introducing the ridiculous concept of privilege and greatly exaggerating their scope in some cases, minimizing in others, in the process. Like, all white heterosexual cis neurotypical able men somehow got together twenty thousand years ago and decided to saddle women other races and vanishingly small minorities with major burdens because it would somehow expand their own opportunity? And discrimination against whites in non-white countries and the closed gender pay gap are empirical facts the theory cannot explain, so it simply pretends they don't exist. It's as if the Bohr model had a lysenko-esque cult propping it up well into the 21st century.

>> No.7706503

I have to learn 4 weeks of Linear Algebra in 4 days.
Am I going to do it, /sci/?

>> No.7706515

>linear algebra
>this is the first semester I'm in danger of failing
That's like, one out of two semesters, m8

>> No.7706522

>A- in Calc 2 going in
>Final worth 56% of my grade
>second midterm class average was 4/30
>Grade only saved because professor dropped that midterm for the entire class, changing the weight of all other assignments to compensate
I'm pretty fucking worried

>> No.7706529
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>class rule and class conflict, properly understood, form the best and most thorough explanation out there for racism, xenophobia
[citation needed]

>> No.7707102

How do you guys study for finals?
Out of the book? You own compressed notes?
Old exams? How do you know that you are 'ready'? Exams are 7~ weeks from now on.
Good luck, we all gonna make it.

>> No.7707110

Oh hey, linear algebra is the exam that I fucked up on. Mostly because I neglected to look over it at all due to another exam immediately before it combined with my inability to manage time.

>> No.7707113

make up problems that will be on the test
solve them
if you can't, go back to your notes
try new problems
repeat until you get it

>> No.7707131 [DELETED] 

Day 1: systems of equations, matrix operations, Gaussian elimination (row reduction), inverses, and LU decomposition
Day 2: 4 fundamental subspaces, determinants, eigenvectors and eigenvalues (spectral theory), and diagonalization
Day 3: change of bases, linear transformations, inner products, least square, unitary and orthogonal matrices
Day 4: bilinear and quadratic forms, dual spaces, multilinear algebra, tensors, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, and Jordan decomposition

Get cracking

>> No.7707136

Day 1: systems of equations, matrix operations, Gaussian elimination (row reduction), inverses, and LU decomposition
Day 2: 4 fundamental subspaces, determinants, eigenvectors and eigenvalues (spectral theory), and diagonalization
Day 3: change of bases, linear transformations, inner products, least square, unitary and orthogonal matrices, polar and singular value decompositions
Day 4: bilinear and quadratic forms, dual spaces, multilinear algebra, tensors, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, and Jordan decomposition

Get cracking

>> No.7707361

Germany? Da fuck you smoking

>> No.7707417

>Calc 2
>Midterm class average of 4/30

Calc 2 is brain dead easy. It's a meme class.

>> No.7707440

>is that a signal or did i smudge the fucking paper?
>did my teacher smudge the paper?
>what is this 6 point font?
>damn TA is just there being smug as shit
>My feet hurt

>> No.7707456

You do more proofs and actually read your professor's comments on them.

>> No.7707478

Physical chemistry next week, probably pretty easy.

I'm in shits creek with my lab work and reports though.

>> No.7707857

>[citation needed]
Is this a new all-purpose "I happen to disagree" meme? It doesn't even apply here because I'm not asserting something that can be empirically true or false, simply making a subective value judgement. But I do have some good references to refer you to if you're interested:

Zinn's peoples history describes the origins of a sort of three-tiered caste system, based more culturally than materially, to frustrate the natural identity of interests between poor/disposessed whites/indentured servants and black slaves in colonial america. Before this, whites were involved in slave uprisings in much greater numbers. It basically boiled down to "I'm politically irrelevant, own no land, experience hardship and lack both security and upward mobility, but at least I'm not a fucking slavenigger," The artificial sense of social standing poor whites received was contingent on their actively viewing blacks as socially inferior, leading to racism as a notable consequence (rather than, say, all whites just having it in for blacks from the get-go, although planters were similarly compelled to view them as lesser for their own sakes by the alienating effects of owning other human beings)

Beyond that, Douglass' narrative gave a piercing explanation of racial animosity in northern trades. Workers were conditioned to see blacks as rivals for their jobs, and any wage hit or stagnation could be blamed on the black worker, rather than the contradictions of private capital and socialized labor, and defused. Unskilled labor markets in developing countries are especially monopsonistic, the "everything is fully voluntary and hence fair exchange" theory usually doesn't bear serious consideration, but this bears mentioning. This can be seen in a broader context through the modern day, especially post-globalization. Anti-immigrant sentiments heavily focus on "they're taking all the jobs" (cont.)

>> No.7707863

Physics II final today. Honestly one of the only times I've felt good before taking one.

>> No.7708087

Just took a final in a graduate applied math course and I'm not really sure how I did.
>Only 3 problems, not immediately obvious how to tackle them
>Work one to the point where I'm a step away from completing the proof but can't quite finish it
>Luckily found a parameterization for a contour that greatly simplified another
>Couldn't make much progress on the third
At least everyone else seemed to be in the same boat.

>> No.7708099

same, I picked abnormal psychology. The professor takes random statistics from our 800 page text book for exams. Answers being
I don't think I can memorize the entire textbook for this final.

>> No.7708111

Even casting aside gender stuff..

I do notice that STEM fields have to take a course that "rounds" them, so an arts or social science type course, but non STEM fields have to pick from that same list of arts and social science courses.

At least at my school, there is essentially a pool of "anybody can take these as their elective" courses full of these wastes of time. No math, science, programming or generally STEM related courses in the whole list.

I can see if they had different pools for each faculty, but they don't. It's bullshit.

Maybe they'd be better at counting the bills in their McDonald's cash register if they'd taken an economics course, or algebra.

>> No.7708114


Next thing you're gonna tell me is that you don't have proof-heavy oral exams from all your required classes in US.

>> No.7708123

curve? There is no curve. Im saying the questions are like ______ percent of adolescent females in urban areas who have ADHD develop conduct disorder. With the choices being 9,10,12,14.

>> No.7708582

Berkeley mathematics isn't a joke.

>> No.7708809

Prove it

>> No.7709019

>psych stats
The highest grade ill get is probably a c- The teacher doesn't cover the stuff thoroughly so there's little point going to lechers now.
>epistemology class
not bad, but the final includes all chapters
not bad, haven't studied that much
>chemistry 1
I haven't studied the last chapter, i half studied the last chapter

I don't know, am kinda scared, ill be glad it's over so i can switch over to American studies.

>> No.7709289

Molecular biology exam tomorrow. Have to wake up at 4am to drive over because it's in the morning and the bridge is fucked.

>> No.7709413
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EE reporting in
>pic not related

I have crazy anxiety too anon. What I do is stay up the night before, studying on and off until I'm exhausted. Then I get stoned (legal in my state) and get ready for my day. By the time I get to school I've got my "second wind" and a fuck it attitude. The tests don't worry me anymore, because I have something that bothers me more.

Always worked, although I crash pretty hard as soon as I get home.

>> No.7709425
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You might be fucked anon

>> No.7709705

Second year community college student here. I just had my finals for Calc I and Organic Chem I today and there is a virtually zero percent chance that I will not get straight As this quarter. I'm... I'm doing good, right guys? It's not going to be that much harder once I get to university, right?

On a related note, do people actually try to work while taking upper division courses, or do you just start relying completely on loans and financial aid at that point?

>> No.7709712

Quantum Mechanics final is all I'm worried about. I haven't mastered it to the point where I can confidently tackle a problem I'm not familiar with, and there are always one or two of those on the final.

>> No.7710301

I have a number theory final in a few hours and I have not studied for this class for the past 2 and a half weeks. Luckily my professor is sort of an easy grader and I have been making straight As on all the assignments and exams, but I am still worried because I want to leave a good impression for this last exam....

>> No.7710327
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Oh shit.... wait, I graduated years ago.

>> No.7711348

>tfw a b on your calc 2 final
>tfw b in the class


>> No.7711377
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>tfw shooting for C's