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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7702011 No.7702011 [Reply] [Original]

What is the culture like in your field, /sci/? Especially/preferably if you are at the graduate level or beyond.

>> No.7702016

Why would he want to take a girl home and give her Kaolin?

>> No.7702022

And since your image gave me a sensible chuckle, I guess will answer your question...
I have an MSCE and I'm a computer programmer.
The culture is... pretty much 100% male I guess... full of awkward guys who make pretty good money.

>> No.7702026

Set of weird cunts who like Popsci, think they are fucking geniuses and always dog on engineers, art students, biologists, chemists, mathematician and basically anyone who isn't a physicist.
Professors and lecturers are usually chill though

>> No.7702033

None of the chemistry students really give a shit. Until they do, then they give lots of shits.

>> No.7702035

Comp Sci
>Professor Boot Licking
>Deep Philosophical/ Scientific Discussions
>Launching ventures
>Life Hacks

Welcome to my Life.

>> No.7702038

Even have a microbrewery set up in the lab, pretty decent reputation too. Much of our research and endeavors in industry have the end goal of obtaining higher quality alcohol.

>> No.7702055

Professors are chill, colleagues too. lab is cramped and full of megafauna remains stacked over our heads. Back-ache because of taking pictures everyday with poor posture. Coffee is sacred.

>> No.7702065

Nobody really cares about such plebian shit as culture or community.

>> No.7702076

Physics undergrad but w/e.

People are okay. Way fewer spergs than you'd expect, but also fewer that are super into it. Also kind of boring in any non-physical way, they largely don't read good books are listen to good music.

>> No.7702126

Math grad
>Nice conversations about math
>Obnoxious people explaining to you how elegant their solutions are without you asking
Our conversations mostly revolve around math. Not that everyone is an autistic stock character, they often have interesting personalities (artistic or athletic or whatever) but we just don't get to talk much about anything else.

>> No.7702131

ChemE in Poland
>make around 96% ethanol
>make a tea
>mix it
>woke up next day with hangover
>two days later still fucking hangover
happened to me and my friends month ago

>> No.7702136

Physics PhD here, working on a math masters

I think physicists respect tiers are :
1. Other physicists, other mathematicians in certain fields
2. Chemists, mathematicians in certain other fields
3. fuck off

>> No.7702140

dude no way

what uni do you go to? I'm an undergrad but I work in a lab in UCMP

>> No.7702159
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>caring about being respected by physicists

>> No.7702180

This is absolutely accurate at my university. Couldn't stand it to the point that I dropped and switched to pure math. Glad I did.

>> No.7702258

>Professors are chill, colleagues too. lab is cramped and full of megafauna remains stacked over our heads. Back-ache because of taking pictures everyday with poor posture. Coffee is sacred.

Mah nigga!!!!
We also have some beers and smoke all the time

>> No.7702282

so basically /sci/

>> No.7702285

im surprised there are so many paleontologists here rn

well 2

this is the field i wanna go into its cool as shit

>> No.7702337

I had no idea there were so many geofags on /sci/

We really need to unionize or something. Geology has terrible PR. When I was taking my physics 2001 course, all of the engineers literally had no idea what the fuck geology was.

>> No.7702352
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>pure math
Culture? I guess pretty much all interactions are about math.

>> No.7702356

It's pretty clique-ish in chemistry. We all seem to keep to our own groups (organic, inorg, physical, etc.), but we're united around the fact that nanochemists are faggots. Also, there's a lot of hate on biology for no particular reason, but I've liked all the biologists I've met.

>> No.7702408
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>gneiss cleavage


>Aerospace engineer in the defense industry

A bit of "lol so nerdy XD" behavior occasionally but generally speaking everyone is highly intelligent and competent. It's the best work environment I've experienced. Also the culture really values learning and technological advancement of the state of the art so we have a substantial budget for learning (classes after hours, our own technical library, etc). There's a budget for fundamental research and you can even pitch ideas to management to get independent research and development money to pursue your idea. Oftentimes the department will give you charge numbers for classes and stuff too so you get paid to learn. The work we do is very important so there's a sense of accountability to the taxpayer and the warfighter meaning everyone really puts their best effort into everything. It's a very positive and healthy culture.

TL;DR y'all niggas jelly.

>> No.7702447

>Mechanical Engineering at university
underachieving rednecks
hard-working Indian international students
mostly cool people who enjoy both teaching and doing research; a few huge assholes

>> No.7702460

Mechanical Engineering - Fluid Dynamics
>top 5 school
>haven't worked less than 12 hours/day in years
>everyone from the outside trying to get in, everyone on the inside trying to get out
>average graduation rate in lab ~7-8 years
>some of my peers are cool, other always trying to prove how smart they are
Help me.

>> No.7702468


Pure math.

Heavy drinking, at least 4 days of the week.

>> No.7702534

>top 5 school

what school do you go to

>> No.7702542

sounds like all you fellows do is drink to be accepted. i get high school wasn't fun but it's over now

>> No.7702545

we're all queers. Literally all of us

>> No.7702553
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studying geophysics and geologists are total fucking bros. Honestly, 95% hard working and overall grounded people.

>> No.7702554

are they just jealous of the fact that engineers actually make good money while they are forced to live off government stipends?

>> No.7702580

If I was an engineer I would be jealous of physicists and mathematicians because those degrees do not bottle neck me into one and only one industry.

>Pure Mathematics Master race

>> No.7702589

I kek'd pretty hard, must admit.

>> No.7702591
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Electrical Engineering at MIT
>everyone has a 1000 yard stare
>don't remember the last time I haven't worked for 12-16 hours straight
>one guy actually had a brain aneurysm
>mfw none of us even care about the loads of LHM, Google, Intel, Boeing, GE, IBM and other recruiters trying to get us
>most that never drank before starting the major now drink every night and our one night off is spent drinking and talking shop


I knew it was going to be hard, and everyone told me it would be, but you really have no idea until you're actually in. Even for how prepared I and everyone else in my class was, we had no idea. time to go to sleep.

>> No.7702592

At least when nuclear bombs fall, you'll be able to go into hiding and start building evil robots to replace human beings.

>> No.7702606
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>biofag in calc 3 sitting next to chemfags and cs edge lords that always shit on bio
>mfw it's the end of the semester and half of them have dropped and most of remaining are frantically studying while I have secured B in the course

>> No.7702619

yeah sad part here is pathology is actually harder than physics, yet still gets looked down on, though I put medicine on a higher tier than physics since physics is just hampster wheeling and is much less profitable

>> No.7702622

haha yeah, it always made me laugh during my analytical courses and math courses i was breezing through them yet the chemists/physics/math/comp sci were struggling to even get a C or B. I didn't even need these courses for my major I simply took them because my professor suggested I did for the research I was working on.

>> No.7702672

>being happy about a B in calc III

kill yourself my man

>> No.7702838

How did you get past the 95% azeotrope? Did you seriously use a pressure swing column just to up 1%?

>> No.7702840

That sounds really great. I am indeed jelly.

>> No.7702848

My comp sci buddy confirmed it's basically this at our uni. They even did a Boku no Pico showing in one of their lecture halls after final exams were over last semester.

>> No.7702849

You do realize the exact opposite is true right?

Careers open to engineering are:
>Professional Engineering.
>Technician/technologist Engineering.
>IT/software development.
>General Business/management in non-tech industries.
>Teaching high-school/Barista/Suicide

Careers open to physics are:
>Technician/technologist Engineering.
>IT/software development.
>Teaching high-school/Barista/Suicide

Careers open to math are:
>IT/software development.
>Teaching high-school/Barista/Suicide

Math bottlenecks you more than most STEM majors.

>> No.7702852
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Dentistry in eastern europe.
Best of the ex-communist society in a small group.
Its fucking amazing if you are connected to the top and absolute nightmare if you are not.
Its so fun

>> No.7702926

If you keep destylating (or whatever its called) long enough you can get 96 without pressure swing column

>> No.7702948

and girls are whores

>> No.7702950

Like any girl anywhere.
Show money and you are set with the best of the best.

>> No.7702952

Don't bother trying to reason with these underageB& anti-engineering faggots:

One day they will enter the job market and realise their quantum physics courses mean literally trash

>> No.7702976

>Like any girl anywhere
rejection, huh?

or you just stare at them from afar imagining you're being rejected

>> No.7702979

Have it your way

>> No.7703043


Doing postgrad geophysics. Most earth science folks at my school have some industry experience and are well grounded as a result. It's a close knit community and people get along across geology and geophysics. Lots of healthy banter.

>> No.7703165

hello, i am currently a meche major considering between double majoring in planetary science or geophysics

i [believe but am obviously not sure] that i would like to study things related to the ocean when i grow up but i am also very interested in space

which should i choose - planetary science or geophysics what is the difference

>> No.7703182

This. I'm doing a master in chemistry and it's either "whatever dude take it easy" or people studying day and night, no middle ground.

>> No.7703203

I'm on CS second year and everyone is basically normalfag so I don't care about them.
But I spend most of my time with people on CS on theirs last years at uni and it's basically /a/, /g/, xkcd, retro consoles, reddit, video games, various card games, various security/hacking discussions etc. It's pretty great.

>> No.7703220

Engineers do it for the money. Maths and Physics do it for the love.

>> No.7703223
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Is there a chance for me to go into Planetary Geology or Geophysics with a degree in math? I will also have a minor in Geology with a few extra physics/cs/chemistry courses.

The (relevant) courses I have taken include "Mathematical Methods for Physicists/Engineers", "Intro to PDEs", "Applied Modeling", "Intro to Geophysics", "Numerical Linear Algebra". two introductory physics courses, two introductory chemistry courses, two introductory CS courses, "Geomorphology", "Mineralogy", & "Igneous-Metamorphic Petrology".

Also if you happen to know of any geophysics programs with more mathematical research areas including image-processing or data-analysis, please let me know!

>> No.7703224
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>well grounded

>> No.7703229

Paul Erdős reporting in :^)

>> No.7703230


All the stereotypes are true. I'm surrounded by nerds (i.e. meme spouting, cosplaying, video gaming, neckbearded reddit brony weeaboos) and literal autists. The only normal people at my department are some math+business double majors and some eastern european PhD students.

>> No.7703268


Eww I thought that'd be more likely in CS

>> No.7703276

This is nothing like my experience with math. In fact, this exactly matches my experience TAing a CS class.

>> No.7703286

Depending on the year and the program, he could be taking two 200 level bios, and an ochem, while taking calc 3. The last thing you want to do after running the same experiment over and over again for four hours is proofs. People love to shit over biomajors but we end up with some pretty horrific semisters. My bio 2, calc 2, chem 2, phys 1 semister was pretty shitty. But I was still horrible a time management back then.

>> No.7703289

Did you do any undergrad research?

>> No.7703294

Most people are fairly chill, interesting. Some can be elitist and condescending though. I figured that is common for any group of people though. Not really a particular culture I've noticed.

>not studying microbiology
>forever inferior

>> No.7703299

A little bit in Numerical Linear Algebra (no paper). I worked in a Hydro-geology lab for 2 months once....

I still have the upcoming summer but I was planning to get into an applied math REU. Are there any geophysics REUs I should apply to instead?

>> No.7703313

You're literally retarded. He's secured a B while others are frantically studying, meaning that they haven't taken the final yet, meaning he doesn't even have to show up to the final and he'll still get a B.

>> No.7703368

ChemEs study biochemistry and biochemical engineering moron. Brewing has a lot of physical chemistry involved too. That's all play before you even get to the engineering.

Don't try to compare yourself to engineers, you're a child in comparison.

>> No.7703374

I think he was referring to the alcohol reistant bacteria sam adams used to make that 64 proof beer. I believe it was designed by MITs bio department.

>> No.7703383

Comp Sci
>omg the math is too confusing
>omg y do i hav to take calculus
>omg y is dis code in C I DON'T KNOW C!
>I'm going to make sooooo much money
>Big O? haha more like who fuckin cares!
>pointers are too confusing!
>omg u use Linux?? r u a hacker?
>omg u don't use Linux??? r u retarded?
>Hello sir, welcome to Drunkin Donuts, can I take your order?
>Hello sir, welcome to Wok's cooking can i take ur order pleese
>vim is too hard, why don't they let me use an IDE???
>y isn't dis software open source, if microsoft paying the college??
>do u lik anime???

Maybe I should switch to Computer or Electrical Engineering.

>> No.7703404

>Don't try to compare yourself to engineers, you're a child in comparison.

you silly infants

>> No.7703418

is it possible for take it easy dudes to get into grad school if they have shit year 1 and 2 grades, and average 3/4 grades?

>> No.7703429

He wasn't. He doesn't know anything about science, engineering or brewing.

>> No.7703430
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>one guy actually had a brain aneurysm
This actually makes me feel better about being rejected from that place.

>> No.7703539

CE and EE will be pre-req hell if you're too far into CS. You could try SE if your uni offers it. At my school SE is just CS that replaces 4XXX theory classes with network/data security classes

>> No.7703554

CS Student

I knew it would be bad but holy shit

I've never seen such fucking pathetic people in my life. over 60% of them claim to want to make video games, and they are so fucking annoying. actual meme-spouters. ALL THEY TALK ABOUT IS VIDEO GAMES. Once one of them saw me on campus reading a good novel and he made fun of me for acting like a "liberal arts student". They make fun of fucking everyone else while they are such losers. The 4/10 attention whores in CS would always migrate to me because I wasn't fat, showered and I didn't beg for their approval and I never gave them any attention, and those thirsty beta keks would send me the most pathetic threatening messages. I actually got two of them expelled for that. There was a third guy but he actually had his mom call me and beg me to drop the charges. I didn't care about him but I felt so bad for his mom I did.

I'm in senior year and yesterday we had a class discussion about if anyone had received job offers. I was one of the only people who had. Everyone called me lucky and said I only got it because I had muscles and looked good despite consistently having one of the highest grades in class and working hard. When I pointed out I was the only person who did an internship or out of class projects out of them they called me an idiot. I met a fucking junior yesterday who didn't know what a for loop was.

I'm getting great job offers, I learned alot and I don't regret choosing CS as I have a passion for it, but christ it is full of vain lazy sperglords. And I didn't go into a bad college or anything. Not MIT but it was ranked the best uni for CS in a big state. If you go into CS, be prepared for stupid jealous fat retards.

>> No.7703561

That is actually really sad about the guy whose mom called you. I know he won't appreciate it but you saved that woman from complete oblivion and shame from her son. It was the right thing to do anon

>> No.7703563

yuropoor CS here, most ppl are pretty chill.

But my question is how does everyone get job offers just by doing a major? Do recruiters literally ask for data on students they're interested in or is it just via internships/word of mouth/linkedin?

>> No.7703566
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I could not help but notice your gif was not optimized anon.
I have optimized your gif.
Your gif is now optimized.

>> No.7703570
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>tfw just want to live my life as one amphetamine fueled mathematics blur

>> No.7703571

If you have a resume that shows work experience (not just a degree)- things like internships, previous jobs, projects that you worked on outside of school, certs, co-ops, etc (just anything that demonstrates clear competence/experience) you will get interviews to many places very quickly.

Also, networking is the biggest thing. Go to a big tech oriented university and become involved with everything and you'll have no issue finding something after graduation.

All of my peers just did the bare minimum to maintain a 3.0 gpa and played vidya (no excelling in class, no outside projects, no internships, etc) and now they all whine that no one will even look at them. Most literally do not know how to program after years of classes, so obviously no one looks at their resume

>> No.7703572


>> No.7703585

>replaces 4XXX theory classes
>replaces the only thing interesting about CS
I like the math part of CS, that's the biggest reason I picked over IT and SE

>> No.7703586

People are pretty normal. Many of them small talk about relationships etc. Kinda boring
Professors are easy going, but I've noticed some of them don't seem particularly strong in math.

>> No.7703639


Math/CS double major here, taken a lot of classes in both places, so I think I can pitch in.

Math has way more literal autists. Like ones that just have absolutely no fucking concept of how to socialize. It's painful when they talk.

CS has more of the meme-spouting videogame players/redditors though.

There's about an equal rate of neckbeards though.

Pick your poison.

>> No.7703650

molecular biology here

im old as balls and i hate socializing with millenials, always yapping and giggling and whatever

i just wanna do my shit, mang

>> No.7703680

>going to a shit school with computational exam questions
kill yourself my man

>> No.7703701
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> It's a very positive and healthy culture
>countless deaths are the inevitable fruit of your work

>> No.7703707

Looks like somebody's butthurt that we're good at math.

>> No.7703722


Do you you absolutely have to choose between the two right now? I'd recommend sampling as much as you can of either before you decide. It's all useful, mutually supporting knowledge anyway.

>> No.7703738

Mol and cell biology grad student

Lab days are spent doing lots science, groaning about things not working to each other, and insulting each other for stress relief. Friends are 99% other grad students who aren't in my lab; we do all the normal go to bars/drink a lot/go hiking/play board games and whatnot. I also go to lots of theater shows.

I find the culture is pretty much similar to most other places, just a lot of the shitty people have been filtered out. You still get some crazies/idiots, but far fewer than normal. We do like to talk about science a lot outside of lab, but we try not to do that too much.

>> No.7703758


I got into postgrad with a field geophysics background - been running field surveys for a number of years before studying again. My project is looking at integrated geophysical investigations of deep crustal architecture for the island I live on. It's a bit of mix of structural geology and geophysics.

Most of the postgraduate geophysicists at my school are working on computational geophysics. This is a big field right now and only getting bigger. IMO people with mathematics backgrounds like yourself are well placed to get into geophysics.

>> No.7703763
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>that pic

>> No.7703766


lmao biofags really are the bottom of the barrel

>> No.7703769

This whole thread is filled with no experience students. No one cares what your job is in the real world. The cuties still marry/fuck the business or art bros. You'll get stuck with the hamplanets with a feminist bend. This is someone who works in supply chain.

>> No.7703809

emergency management

we're acutely aware of the fragility of every institution
hazards everywhere
no money for exercises and research until a disaster occurs
money dries up just in time for the next disaster
the world's getting shittier, good job security
we attract a strange amount of attention from conspiracy theorists and laugh about it
research is mostly qualitative, no fucks given
we drink a lot. a lot

>> No.7703817

How do you get a job in EM?

>> No.7703818

Economics PhD here.
There aren't that many of us, so we mingle a lot with all the other departments. Very down to earth, with an interest in every field of study out there. Always happy to discuss any topic and learn something from others. We only loath business majors.

I don't think the above holds for every country.

>> No.7703819

>supply chain
yeah that's why

>> No.7703845

lol in what shithole do you study loser

>> No.7703867

Jesus fucking christ.

I'm saving your post. If any of my children ever ask why I forbade them to study CS I'll just show this to them.

>> No.7703882

>rewind to sophomore year
>intermediate java course
>red and yellow haired hambeast sits next to me
>opens up r/feminism on school computer
>guy 2 rows in front of me in spirit hood watching anime on his laptop

All my friends are in frats I feel so out of place

>> No.7703900

I can't wait to work on stuff that kills terrorists and ensures americas freedom.

>> No.7703914


Chem PhD student here, I'll confirm this again. A few of the people are like study/lab robots, and everyone else tries to wiggle out of as much work as possible

It was the same in undergrad, whereas my second major (math) seemed different

I did, gpa for first semester was 1.8, first year was about 2.4, and years 2-the end was about 3.3

>> No.7703961

I'm a CS/Math undergrad right now. It's pretty insufferable and I can vouch for the other posts about CS in this thread. I'm hoping things will get better when I'm at the graduate level.

>> No.7703970

>Software Engineering, 4th year
>first half of the retards got kicked out on the first semester bevause of Calculus, then second half - because of ODE and Discreet Math
>generally good people around (with few exceptions)
Maybe it's just different here in Russia.

>> No.7703972

Meant to reply to >>7703554 (damn phone)

>> No.7703978

I'm studying engineering but minoring in CS and this is what lots of them are like
the guys I hang out with just play lots of Heroes of the Storm though and don't watch anime

>> No.7703982

4th year math undergrad
I... have no idea. I don't have any friends in my math classes because nobody really talks
Everyone's just into their own things, most people don't seem to care all that much about the classes, a couple are the type that spend 8 hours a day independently studying their own math interests as well as course material, but they're all very meek.
It's pretty laid back

>> No.7703993

>computational geophysics
This is exactly my interest. What graduate schools should I look out for to get involved in computational geophysics? I am not entirely sure how competitive I will be (No publications/conference talks, only minor research experiences, ~3.95 gpa) but any ideas or a list of schools to apply to would be (highly) appreciated. I know I should be posting stuff like this on /adv/ but that board really isn't worth anything when it comes to academics.

>> No.7704036

there's public and private em. every county has an emergency management agency or department, or if the city within that county dominates the county the city will have one

the state has one, and of course there's fema and dhs

private sector is of course focused on business continuity and planning. very large businesses often employ emergency managers, hospital systems, insurance companies, communications

anyway, getting a job in it is a lot like getting a job in any other field: acquire degree and certifications, internship, apply, beg, murder, fellate, know someone, cross your fingers

>> No.7704038

I'm fucking confused. Are you a guy or grill?

What state?

>> No.7704068

>I had muscles
I'm a dude, dude. And Alaska, it is a big state after all.

>> No.7704085


You're in the states yeah? Can't really help you as I'm Australian based and haven't had much to do with the American university system.

My recommendation would be to set up a meeting with a senior geophysics lecturer. Discuss your interests and see what they say. Would be worth getting a second opinion too.

>> No.7704099

That's Catylin Jenner.

>> No.7704115

Medicine in Southeastern Europe, 6th year
I miss math, i miss physics and soving logic problems and everything that doesnt include memorising thousands of pages, struggling to cram it all in. I think my brain has dumbed down a bit. I miss going out.
Mostly entitled pretentious brats, few cool people. Really incompetent professors, hence a soon to be generation of incompetent doctors.
Very few guys per class/group, we are 21 girls and have only 2 guys in mine.

>> No.7704151

3rd year chem major, can confirm.

>> No.7704155

>we are 21 girls

>> No.7704185


Do the girls seem competent? Do the guys?

>> No.7704189


where are you from originally? southeastern europe or other?

>> No.7704197

why not move to a competent school

what country in southeast europe is this?

>> No.7704246

Because its a small country(Albania), only 2 medical universities in it, one of which is a private school -very expensive and not that great really. I used to love medicine above all else back in high school, would have been great pursuing it abroad but now i think ive wasted 6years for nothing.

>> No.7704252

Georgia Technical

>> No.7704268

>Georgia Tech

>> No.7704278

Sad thing is, this is the hardest field to get into -school only accepts the top students from all over the country, so generally the students arent the problem -they were the best during high school (unless they got in cos of rich parents -because corruption)
Its the way of teaching, professors dont give a crap, few of them might be good doctors but have zero skills with students. I dont mind the theory part of studying that much (i dont use the crappy material they sell, i just download books online) but its the practice part we lack..which is the crucial one. Very poor practical skills sadly, so all that potential from really smart students goes to waste.

>> No.7704306
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Wtf does that mean? You could describe any group as 'total fucking bros' if you were one of them

>> No.7704330

Physics at a top 5 school here.

Lots of legitimate autists, guys who live and breathe physics. Some arrogant nerds who think they're better than everyone because they study physics. Mainly down to earth, regular people - definitely not normies, but almost. Think 40 year olds in 20 year old bodies.

>> No.7704338

We also have some insanely hot girls who seem fucking useless at physics. Not sure how they got here.

>> No.7704343

It's a conspiracy, those girls are hired by the university to motivate their students.

>> No.7704356

>We also have some insanely hot girls w
post pics.

>> No.7704387


>Work on construction sites, shoot the shit with working class guys all day
>Hit cache of human bones, artifact filled privies, paleo remains occasionally
>Stop work, excavate find, explain history of shit to contractors, collect and bag bits of junk
>Go back to hotel with other archaeologists and paleontologists and get shit faced
>Spend hours at end of week researching and reporting
>Rinse, repeat

>> No.7704461
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>Lab days are spent doing lots science, groaning about things not working to each other, and insulting each other for stress relief.

also cellular molecular bio, pretty much exactly the same, except our lab in more self-depreciating in its stress relief. Instead of insulting each other we just talk about all the experiments we've managed to fuck up over the years.

Pretty good atmosphere though. Like biochem, the major is kind of in a "sweet spot" of difficulty where it's difficult enough that anyone who makes it through the program is usually pretty smart, committed, and focused on doing research, but it's not difficult enough to be full of legitimate autists and elitists like physics, engineering or pure math is.

>> No.7704468

That kid didn't invent shit. He's a fraud. He was trying to do derka derka shit.

>> No.7704488

>Don't try to compare yourself to engineers, you're a child in comparison

I cringed my face off.
Go suck some dick, faggot.

>> No.7704496

molecular biology master student

biology bachelor was full of retards (luckily a shitload did not graduate)
>tards not accepted to medicine (or vet) end up at biology, think everything besides MUH HUMANS is useless
>many retards who are just there for MUH ANIMALS
it can be a living hell if you take it seriously and actually want to achieve something
about 10% were acceptable people

masters is better, but still too many people with inferior grades and attitudes made it into

>> No.7704497
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mechE phd program at mid-ranked uni
>department is mostly computational
>indians fucking everywhere
>travel in packs and carry their scent with them wherever they go
>halls and classrooms reek heavily of curry, onions, and butthole
>they're fucking retarded and cheat off each other constantly
>everyone else is a mix of chingchongs and sandniggers
>our lab has the only ~6 americans in it in the entire building

as for everyday life
>everyone is autistic, even the guys with wives/gfs
>no grills
>faculty is pretty chill
>drink/smoke with labmates regularly, generally nice people
>come in 8am, headphones go on and world is tuned out
>leave at 6pm, rest of day is chilling/coursework
>rinse repeat sun-fri
overall bretty ok and the research is insanely interesting. advisor is 9/10 awesome and has connections to places I want to work, so life is good

>> No.7704506

what kind of research do you do?

>> No.7704507

Geosciences here

>Climb a mountain take a shot
>Climb another mountain take a shot
>Repeat till 5/6 return to camp and get wasted
>Do this again tomorrow, Shower in three weeks.

That's a typical field camp experience

>> No.7704515

>MS in AE/aerospace stress engineer

Stuck-up cunts who think they're hot shit
Polite beta dads

>> No.7704548

CFD, mostly working with reacting flow systems. we simulate a lot of burning shit using supercomputers for various defense/industrial sponsors.

fluids, heat, thermo, numerical analysis, and computer programming all rolled into a big package. fun stuff, plus it's really motivating to see it all used in some cool applications in the end

>> No.7704584

I hate typing so

>cs and engineering

>> No.7704592

>our lab has the only ~6 americans in it in the entire building
Its two white guys, two Asians, One black, and Hispanic.

>> No.7704632

CS. Basically the new business degree. Full of dumb shit bros who think they'll get rich because they're majoring in "coding", Indians who think programming is some sort of all-powerful black magic, and neckbeards who think they'll make video games.

Mathematical Finance. Mostly Chinese kids... everybody super brilliant, and I always felt like the dumbest guy in the room.

>> No.7704639

>neckbeards who think they'll make video games.
how many coding classes do i need to take to be able to make video games tho

>> No.7704642

>Mathematical Finance.
Glorified finance degree. Not a real math degree.
>Mostly Chinks
Most of them are cheating. Just like the Indiarrehia in your undergrad.

>> No.7704644

The real coders in gaming companies design the engine or upgrade a current engine to a new version. Most of those engineers are applied math majors or EE.

>> No.7704647

>Glorified finance degree

You're a regular fucking genius. It's even got finance in the name.

>> No.7704650

Graphics people are usually math. AI people might be CS. Engine programmers... well I don't know why you would want anybody other than an EE or a CE working on super-optimized C++ code.

>> No.7704661

Thank you I have an IQ of -9000.

>> No.7704665

what -9000?!?!

>> No.7704666

General process coders are math folk because it involved a lot of linear algebra. AI is the same. These are Masters or PhD in applied math. CS grads do the QA, and code monkey stuff of the game. Engine programmers are EECE. The network guys are self-taught or CE. Network isn't easy and its often the reason why games have beta testing.

>> No.7704669

I z dum hitler did nuffing wrog climate change isnt real bud light merica.

>> No.7704804


I've worked in the industry and I've never seen any math majors, and only a few physics majors. The ratio I saw was roughly 50% CS, 25% CE/EE, 25% SE/other/none.

>> No.7705068
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You're speaking out of your ass.

>> No.7705252

What the fuck man. What's wrong with them?

>> No.7705299

It's a good thing to feel stupid in a room full of your peers. I mean that.

You have room to grow and successful people around you all the time. Remind yourself that you are just as capable. Take their success as proof that you will succeed too.

>> No.7705309

Fuck man maybe I should switch my major.

>> No.7705311

It's a great thing, I can switch between taking it easy and working my ass off just by talking to someone else.

>> No.7705620
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Chemfag 2nd year here
I've come to the conclusion that there is a distant connection between anatomical defects and the interest for chemistry. 13 out of 25 people in my lab either are actually disabled or have a terrible overbite/have super thick lenses in their glasses.

Anyway first semester was hell since we had most of the courses together with the biologists.
Here are some of my favorite quotes during physics/maths:
"Excuse me, what does 'integral' mean?"
"Excuse me, why do we as biologists need exponential equations?"
"Excuse me, how do I calculate length x in this triangle?"

Chemists are chill nonetheless, there's no real bitchfighting even though there are at least 40% women at our faculty, everyone helps everyone when there are problems. We know we won't make a lot of money so there's a pretty low competition factor in our everday life. Having good grades is more based on teamwork then individual exercising. At least 10 of us will meet Mon, Wed and Fri to talk about the problems that came up during the week/over the weekend and we'll try to figure out a solution for everything. Oh and we take every vitamin supplement we can find since food is for the weak and we need the time for protocolls, calculations, research and so on. My diet right now consists of half a multivitamin and an additional vitamin d pill for breakfast and rest of the day it is caffeine in all it's glory. Got a day off today so like every student we'll drink ourselves into nothingness later

>> No.7706001

So much this. Maths: Everything is just great.

>> No.7706016

ppl in this field hella dogmatic

>> No.7706024

>all of them could barely handle calc I
>most of them don't care about anything past GPA
>cheating is rampant
>everyone goes for the easy classes because med school
>everyone and I mean everyone is an asshole

I've met maybe like three or four people who didn't want to go to med school and they were pretty chill.

>tfw got a job right out of university

>> No.7706129


All of the guys at my uni hated popsci. The humor was also extremely self-depricating and there was only one dude who unironically thought he was a genius that everybody thought was an insufferable cunt.

They respected mathematicians and then some engineering fields, but otherwise just ignored everybody else. They dogged on chemists because they viewed chemistry as a retarded babby-level parody of physics.

>> No.7706133

>Professor Boot licking

The universally present "Trivium of Shit" present in STEM field culture.

>> No.7706141


Why would anyone care about being "respected" by physicists?

>> No.7706143
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Life science here

Naive young people with a good heart who want to cure diseases.

Once they get older most of them go do routinal labwork, and the other ones go academical and research related.

Very international possibilities

Pay is average. It's better to get chemical if you want money.

Pic is a Zeppelin, because its cool

>> No.7706179

Lol this is all too true man. I'm a biochemistry and molecular bio 3rd year here, minor in physics. Those shared classes with the bio-premeds were hilarious (but also the only ones I had with hot girls in them, tfw).

I've taken a fair bit of every natural science (and a modest amount of math), it's amazing how many girls are in chemistry -- and adept at it too.

>> No.7706193

>no hot girls
For real? biochemistry should be filled with girls.

>> No.7706198

Surprisingly not. My uni's program is pretty competitive, and you needed to take a certain amount of courses with above a 3.25 to be admitted -- which included major's physics and calc 1 and 2. That took care of the hot girl population pretty quick. There are one or two undercover dimes though..

>> No.7706204

The word you're looking for is distilling.

>> No.7706232

Geo here as well. Paleo to be specific. In my experience, you are more likely to see your colleagues' and professors' true colors in geo/paleo. Field work, alcohol, and all of those other geology memes etc.

>hard rock geology
No thanks. Tfw worked in the soft rock subsurface of WY and CO for 2 years after undergraduate. Currently studying in SD and NE badlands for master's program.

>> No.7706248

>Implying people don't love engineering

>> No.7706501

Give her the Dickite.

>> No.7706530
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>all of them could barely handle calc I

lol, our program doesn't even have a real "calc I". We have a special dumbed-down "Calculus for Life Science" course instead. Most of the people in the lab I work in can barely handle the simple dilution and molarity calculations required for making up buffers.

>5th year undergrad student in charge of making lysis buffer
>calls for 0.1M DTT, need 7ml total
>doesn't make up a stock solution, tries to weigh out dry powder
>does math wrong
>weighs out enough DTT to make 5 LITERS of buffer
>uses it to make 7mL
>"anon, this buffer recipe PI gave us must be wrong, it doesn't look right"
>"buffer" in falcon tube is just a chunk of white powder with a bit of water floating on top
>she tries to use it anyways
>obviously doesn't work
>just shrugs and goes home
>MFW she's being offered a masters position in our lab

>> No.7706540
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>Used to consider myself a genius in high school when I was a bit of an edgelord.
>Electrical engineering major, now I just do reasonably, but unlike others, I'm not going insane from overwork.
>Still gives me cancer though

>> No.7706544

there's no way this is real. What school?

>> No.7706564

>law school
normies obviously. I'm not a sperg, more like >>7704330 40 year old in 20 year old body. Unlike most people there I normally stick to myself and a couple other people outside of class and work. Of course in law school most people are already nearly independent anyways so it's not like law is some special clique of students. Everyone's just eager to graduate so they can move and get on with their lives.

I'm on /sci/ because I'm teaching myself mathematics because I like physics and want to learn more. law work is fairly rewarding, but nothing intellectually interesting really happens

>> No.7706637

So were you bullied? Why did so many people send you threatening messages? Did you talk shit to them or something?

>> No.7706643

Beer beer beer beer beer dude lmao pot beer beer beer beer fuck ya BIF harder harder pls give it to me deep beer beer beer beer sweet mining and petro $$$ beer beer beer beer beer beer

>> No.7706717

> Mathematics at Monash (Australian University)

Basically a bunch of normies; I'd picture a sea of autism, but it turns out that most of them have social lifes of the infamous kurt kobain and a lot of people enrolled dual/double degrees as well.

> people hate to be with dumb people; im dumb and ugly people avoid me like a black plague (because im black LOL!)
> people at my uni loves smart and hot peeps; its a fantastic combo meal and potential fuck buddy. disregard disgusting nerds.

Well, Australia is a Chad country. Not a right place for skinny wimpy Somalian guy like myself.

>> No.7706731

>140 iq

back to reddit

>> No.7706739

oh boy, i know that feel

The girl with the best grades in my group:
>do you breed live mice?
>while dissecting a trout "is that the lung?"
>are there chloroplasts in the roots?
>after 4 years at uni has never head of the "peritoneum"

>> No.7706754

or another one:
>recipe calls for 1,5ml of buffer
>pipette only goes to 1000μl
>is visibly confused I'm adding 2 x 750μl

>> No.7706764

ohhhh my god this.

>making buffer solutions
>here lab partner, use this eyedropper and add 1mL to this cylinder.
>I have to show him how to use a fucking eyedropper
>he couldn't figure it out
>he's mesmerized by this technology

>> No.7706774

>massive fuckheads who took the degree to learn about drugs

>> No.7706778

we do physics and are nice to each other

>> No.7706795

everything everybody's said about majoring in geology has made me want to switch my major.

>> No.7706849

But Alaska is a shit hole with meme schools. You deserve it all.

>> No.7706858

The Chem department at BU is overflowing with normies and nerds (crammers) who think they're hot shit. I want to punch so many people in the face but I don't know where to start.

>> No.7706875

Graduate student in biophysics PhD program, in structural biology lab. Biophysics is a pretty wide field, so I rarely see most of the people from the other sub-disciplines in my program. The structure labs usually have a mix of biophysics, biochemistry, chemical biology, or molecular/cellular biology programs.

There are three main techniques in structural biology, and people in each field tend to be different.

The NMR guys are at least quirky, if not a bit odd. Definitely a smaller, more niche field, given the limitations and conceptual challenges of the technique. Basically, solving a structure by NMR is pretty hard, and it can only be applied to small proteins (or peptides).

Crystallography is easily the biggest, definitely the most bros. Tend to hang out together, usually pretty sociable. Everything is automated now, so a monkey (or, an undergrad) could sit at a computer and cough up a structure. Heavy in wet-lab guys and gals, there's not much of a need for computational crystallography because the programs have all been written.

EM is easily the latest "hot" field, heavy in computation since a ton of key developments have happened in the last few years. (Field really exploded around 2012 - 3.) Most of the guys come from engineering or math/physics backgrounds, none really the life of the party. Don't hang out with each other as often as crystallography people. Not quite as sociable as crystallographers, but not as "out there" as NMR.

I'm in NMR, for what it's worth.

Some other musings:

Best-looking girls are in neuroscience (brunettes) and medicinal chemistry (blondes). Don't know why this is, but trust me on that one.

Definitely a pecking order in chemistry. Synthetic chemists shit on medicinal chemists for being "in biology", and they consider biochemists to be "biologists". (Therein lies the insult.)

>> No.7706887
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>Actually believing this

4chan is 18+.

>> No.7706891

Medicine. Everyone is fucking everyone except me

>> No.7706894

>and they consider biochemists to be "biologists". (Therein lies the insult.)

funny how most biologists dislike biochemists for being chemists

>> No.7706897


You're preaching to the choir my friend.

>> No.7706964
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>Computational Mathematics

No one knows what they're doing. In my computer classes, everyone is either "Oh I'm going to make video games" or they claim they're above programming but get 20s on all the assignments. No one cares about math too much, either. At best, everyone just sees it as a tool, and at worst, they brag about how they can't find the average of a set of numbers or argue with the professor about how squaring a number can totally give you a negative number. Literally no one wants to learn here, it's disgusting.

>> No.7706998
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>mfw you biomolecular NMR fags hog up my auto sampler

Also, synthetic chemists are mad because we medicinal chemists do everything they do + more.
>Good job on that total synthesis of 0.05mg horsedicksanine, champion. Heads up though, those "biologist" guys next door can just extract a hundred times that in a few hours. Still, what a contribution you have made!

>> No.7707038
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>study biology
>everyone is a fucking cunt
>I mean fucking everyone are some of the worst people I've ever had the displeasure of meeting
>everyone in every class already has the answer to the class before it begins because they're scared that their parents are going to kick their ass if they get less than an A
>take the easiest classes possible because they all want to go to med school
>despite taking easy classes and having the answers ahead of time they study for hours
>cheat on top of all that
>all in roving packs of Indians and Asians
>can't do math
>can't do orgo lab
>can't do any sort of lab
>they notice that I can actually do lab work and bother me when I'm in the lab.
>they only care about GPA and MCAT scores
>all of them got accepted to Med schools with 4.0s because they cheated for four years
>tfw the laughing stock of the bio department because I decided not to cheat and decided to work in an environmental lab after university

What really scares me more than anything is that these people are going to be doctors. Like they're going to be preforming surgery off of their phones or some cheat sheet.

>> No.7707042

yeah man people go into geophysics with math degrees, lots of geophysics research is more math than geology. Assuming by image processing you mean seismic data and not remote sensing there's two broad categories: passive source tomography (earthquake data) and active source (vibe trucks, marine airguns, etc.) reflection and/or refraction. IDK much about the first; it mainly leads to career in academia. the second is main tool of oil industry though and best schools would be Colorado School of Mines, UT Austin, etc. learning to code helps.

>> No.7707044

First year maths here, considering the PhD route.

So far I'm actually been surprised by the LACK of passion or autism, most people don't seem to care, it makes me wonder how the fuck they got into the uni... what did they even put on their statements or interviews. Like >>7703554 said, there's not much of a careers focus, I seem to be the only one that cares, aside from the few who are going for banking jobs (I sware one of them is literally a jew). Really though, by majority they're normies.

>Mathematical Finance. Mostly Chinese kids... everybody super brilliant, and I always felt like the dumbest guy in the room.
Odd, I once got one of my lectures drunk and he told me how many Chinese students are in Mathematical Finance, I suppose I can only benefit from this. I've been thinking of the actuarial profession.

>> No.7707081

Why are all geology majors alcoholics?

>> No.7707112

What else can you do in the field? Don't you like drinking with your buddies when camping?

The outdoors is probably one of the only places I generally enjoy getting shitty rather than drinking like a mature semi-adult.

>> No.7707120


>> No.7707127
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>> No.7707130

Disgusting normie infested field, I feel for you.

>> No.7707139

Perty close to my life. I'm half-bioinformatics, do unfortunately I find myself with earphones in for some stretches of days and my labmates really don't know what I do. But I enjoy the times when I have the perfect balance (coding half the week, experiments the other half). It works out great because we usually have mice available half the week. The other half of the week is dedicated to cell culture/data analysis/other experiments, but I find having several coding days is an awesome balance.

>> No.7707140

Sounds like everyone from my highschool senior class went to your school, sorry anon :(

>> No.7707174


I am an applied mathematics undergrad looking to get into geophysics. I don't have the geo related coursework, only a strong mathematical/computational background. My GPA will be noncompetitive (a little over 3) at graduation next spring.

I am trying to get into some sort of research while here (particularly interested in environmental complexity as is researched in the Rothman Group at MIT). I don't have that sort of option at my school, so will like do work in an ancillary area like hydrogeology/hydrology.

Do you think I could get into an MS somewhere so that I might pivot into a PhD later on?

>> No.7707255

email professors you'd like to work with and ask them. not a hydrologist but you'd probably need to catch up on some geo classes when you get there. be up front about that, but your strong math & computational skills should go a long way, i sat through a seminar once from a professor who modelled water exchange between streambeds and underlying sediment, that shit had all sorts of math.

>> No.7707257

No, he means that if you're an engineer you're most likely going to be stuck doing engineering forever. Whereas if you're doing physics, you might be able to switch to other careers. For example if you do computational astrophysics, if you get bored you might have a chance at being a code monkey. If you're an chem E you're gonna chem E forever unless you take another degree.

>> No.7707308


>Literally everyone smokes pot
>Even the professors
>ESPECIALLY the professors
>Everyone is so chill it's almost scary
>Everyone is super nice
>Anyone who tries to pass does

TL;DR it's like a community college in a major institution, all of the fun, half the calories.

>> No.7707328


Pure math
To be honest I enjoy how autistic pure math faggots are, they're just clueless about everything and dont bother anybody about anything
Enginners are just the same as CS people, 9gag/reddit meming idiots

>> No.7707481

>get a biology bachelor
>go into med school

literally what.
what kind of system is this?

>> No.7707501

>half my cohort wants to work for video games

>> No.7707512
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>Half of the people are super chill and don't give a fuck about what they're researching.
>Quarter of them are environmental activists who research shit that's along the lines of pollution
>Other quarter of them are mega tryhards that investigate complex biomolecular mechanisms of various toxins such as those found in various snakes and fish, for federal applications.

Why have I chosen this career path.

>> No.7707520

Electronics and Electrical Engineering:

>Sense of superiority
>Everyone thinks engineers are undervalued
>Complaining about STEM crisis
>Accepts basic pay packet and not very ambitious to succeed in a business world
>Everyone is slightly autistic
>Handful of multi-millionaires turned academics because they got bored of industry
>Everyone thinks they will become one of those multi-millionaires

>> No.7707534

My term is like 9 weeks long, so you just get set assignment after assignment, and do them all the night before they're due. I was told going to such a great uni for such a difficult subject would mean I'd be working like a slave, but many people in my class just party a lot, and people don't seem too bright...
I am a first year however, so I guess things will get more serious in the second year, when we actually have summatives during the year

>> No.7707535

>CS, undergrad
>I want to kill myself every day..

>> No.7707536

>many people in my class just party a lot,
>and people don't seem too bright...
... my experience too, Anon.
I often wonder why they are here ...

>> No.7707556

computational biology here:

Biologists think you are a computer wizard.
Computer scientists think you are stupid.

>> No.7707580

CE, i hate most of the people there because they are so normal and have no interest in the subject. They even succeded in getting course remade because they found it too "hard"

>> No.7707642

As a biologist, who is into programing and recognizes how usefull it can be in research I think I know what you mean.

>do some basic fucking statistics in R
>other students think I'm a demigod and it took a week to do that
>actually took about 10 minutes

>> No.7707715

What's wrong about being a chemist, in their opinion?

>> No.7707717

Are there majors who are not alcoholics?

>> No.7707744

Im in IT/Bus.

I feel you about the business majors. They know they are shit so can be somewhat insufferable. But 50/50 mix, theres some gems.

IT is stratified to the software engineers, designers, and hardware jockeys roughly. Some people camp with only those of their chosen sub specification particularly SE, where the capable neckbeards turn up.

Insufferable neckbeards are design neckbeards. But in general IT is such a nothing support field that I and most others mingle with many other departments. Its a lot of fun.

Computer science is like our gods, and we walk small around most others as we know where we stand in the hierarchy. IT guy with an ego does not go far, but the ego people resemble business ego people a lot.

>> No.7707750

If you actually read it, it actually reads as following.

I got on my computer and opened safari. I went on amazon and bought a LED clock with my paypal. I unscrewed 4 screws and then dumped the insides into a briefcase.
Ill be honest i was expecting the call from the president.

>> No.7707752

This is the opposite in my department, it's the math people hating on physics because "u can't even math lol theres no such thing as a quantified dx or dy, did i say that dirac's delta function isn't a function because it isn't"

>> No.7707756

>implying people love engineering
>implying they're not in the field because of all the cocks they can suck

>> No.7707760


Most of my mathematics colleagues are kinda weird. They're either not that smart, and charismatic, or they're really good at math, and really awkward.

Also, one thing is that my Chinese professors are just awful at handshakes. It feels like you're grabbing onto some wet, limp cloth.

>> No.7707761

>Look guys, I'm so blunt and funny
>I'll throw my bit into a stale sea of overused memes
>Implying my implications
>Engineers and PENIS.
>Because they're FUCKING GAY and like DICK
>Engineers are faggots LOL, GET IT?

>> No.7707818

Because they are better than you at everything. You're just a nerd who fails at everything except college, they are people who actually have a life.

>> No.7707823

>subsea engineering
A bunch of hillbillies working on high tech shit

>> No.7707824

What's wrong with being a biologist? Hate should be directed at social "sciences", not fellow natural sciences. It's just some cocky edgelord shit.

>> No.7707827

>enjoying college is the worst thing you can do

>> No.7707841

>engineer detected

>> No.7707843

I bet you're always looking to detect engineers anon. ;^)

>> No.7707847
File: 96 KB, 341x414, proud-clipart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if this is just engineering kids, but I've noticed that some of them are weirdly, stupidly, psychotically competitive. I'll talk to them and ask simple questions, and they'll be intentionally vague and coy, presumably because if they told me their secrets they'd lose their competitive edge and stop being superior. I don't know why it bothers me so much, because I'm doing better than all of them, but its pretty horrible desu.

>> No.7707848

What i noticed though, the people that browse leddit/watch vidya streams/watch animu etc are those guys with big mouths that think they have knowledge about a certain subject, but even their own parents think that they are idiots

>> No.7707880

Bio and chem, in the US, are the most common bachelors to apply to med school.

>> No.7707883

here med school is 6 years and. it's like a master's degree.

>> No.7707917

I think it's because of >muh stem superiority complex

I've seen that around so many times at my uni that I only ask my professors or Google questions anymore.

>> No.7707918
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no grils
no black people
bunch of nerds
no time for anything
everyone has a drone project

>> No.7707932
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>geophysics and geologists
>overall grounded

>> No.7707951

Biochemistry and biomolecular's my jam. I really like these disciplines. I'm in my final year now and hoping to be offered a phd but god knows how that'll work, especially since everyone in my class is bootlicking to get one too. Does anyone know how to apply for one in the states?

>> No.7708078

>no compulsory internship

>> No.7708275

not MIT, UChicago hardsci
just as shitty.
highschool didn't teach me shit either so I had to teach myself everything I was suppose have learnt in secondary school on top of the coursework I was supposed to be doing
this has had profound implications on my work ethic (in a bad way).

>> No.7708331

my math program was like this
sat in the back and everyone traded papers
why. why why why
but yes this neatly explains the really poor caliber of people graduating from med schools anymore.

>> No.7708776

At least you go to a respectable university in the state and not UIUC.

>> No.7708895

>18 yrs old going to Uni to study CompSci next year. This thread is


>> No.7709683

This is really funny. Same thing in my chem phd program.

>> No.7709706

I'm in Physics at UT Austin
My experience with physics majors is where the fuck are they I haven't met more than a few yet

>> No.7710202

Let's be honest; would you hang out in RLM if you could avoid it?

>> No.7710637


>> No.7710765

I'm a math undergraduate. Most of the people are pretty chill, but the only downside is that there are pretty much no girls in any of my classes. Sometimes I wonder how different my college life would have been if I majored in psychology or something in the humanities.

>> No.7710799

I feel exactly the same way, it's like nobody actually likes maths, they're just there to get a job, and don't really care about anything.

>> No.7710830


>> No.7710846

Computer science bachelor.
It's like 9gag comment section. I wanna kill myself

>> No.7710853

There are fat people in Alaska? Don't you have to kill your own food out there?

>> No.7710856

>tfw you dropped out because you hated your classmates
I know I'm a weak faggot but I couldn't take the autism man.
>Ask person for HCL in the lab
>He stares at me for a good five seconds then walks off without a word still clutching the HCL
Fuck chemistry.

>> No.7710886

>Software Engineering
>nobody wants to make video games

>> No.7710911

>polite beta dads

Mitchell? if not, you still sound like a faggot anyway

>> No.7710976

Which state are you from? I'm interested in how economics grad students are in the US, what's your day to day schedule like?

>> No.7711563

Seems possible to me. I work with physicists, applied mathematicians and one CS guy. I only have a high school diploma. We write the C code of your highly optimized cloud infrastructure. Tech companies don't care about your degree, they just take whoever is good.

As to OP's question, my field (of work) is filled with nerds who don't even know what to do in simple social situations such as, walking by you in the hallway.

>> No.7711607

>Neurobiology UG
>Student body is okay. Some smart cookies, some dumb brownies, pre-meds act like pre-meds
>occasional babes
>work in a genetics lab
>Grad students work hard, talk a lot of shit >everyone gets along and has a good sense of humor
>PI is intense, German, unpredictable, but has a warm side
>He's taking us out for Glüwein next week

>> No.7711613

OK I'm in the humanities
>like 50% of the males unironically wear fedoras
>adult daycare
>everybody says they like joyce but only cursory questioning tells you they haven't read him or don't understand him
>high school level philosophy discussions
bunch of qt grills tho. not many feminists either
but I want out

>> No.7711622
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Wildlife Biology/Ecology here. I went to school in Texas and have traveled around the US and the world for my job. Here are just some general observations:

Girls - In undergrad, many of them either like to hunt or think all animals are fuzzy wuzzy. Occasional girl who likes to process skulls, tend to be on the weirder side but fun to hang out with. Some of them are princesses and won't do well in the field due to the physical labor aspect. Many can't do the math or use GIS, which is required to advance anywhere. Those that make it out into the field tend to have a huge inferiority complex and are really out to prove that they can do it, so much so that it creates a lot of unnecessary bullshit for the team (bitches be cray-cray). A small fraction of the women are pretty cool and really know their shit. Those women tend to be way more laid back.

Guys - In undergrad, many of them like to hunt and want to be hunting guides. My professors always told them that they could just go do that and didn't need to be wasting their money or time in class. Those that continue their education and career afterward are pretty much game wardens or doing "hunting studies" on deer, quail, turkey, or bass and don't really advanced science in any meaningful capacity. "What kind of things are wild deer eating? Lets cut some open and find out." That was a masters project at Texas A&M Kingsville. Really glad I didn't go there. Other kinds are /out/ists who just really like to be outside and are fascinated with nature, those people tend to do something with themselves. The two camps aren't really that mutually exclusive, but you can tell if people are there to hunt or are there because they enjoy nature.

Here's a photo of a 14 ft African rock python we released onto a reserve I was working at in Swaziland.

>> No.7711631


>> No.7711837

This, CS people are so fucking annoying (not all of them ofc), I'm glad I'm switching to math

>> No.7711866

My school has 5 semesters of compulsory internships

>> No.7711927

>I feel exactly the same way, it's like nobody actually likes maths
Damn. What uni anon?

>> No.7711937


>> No.7712482


>> No.7712491


Socially awkward virgins

>> No.7712496

As a geologist I love this

>> No.7712502

Weird, I'm doing chemistry and everyone is nice and normal, it makes me feel inadequate and the only autist in the whole place.

>> No.7712507


>> No.7712508
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>Occasional girl who likes to process skulls, tend to be on the weirder side but fun to hang out with.

>> No.7712519

Oooh I did that course, and in my experience everyone just wanted to do Math and thought Programming was a chore until we got to using Maths related software programs and languages like Matlab and Maple, most of us hated Java, Haskell, C++, C# programming and Databases

>> No.7712523

These answers should include the rank of the university.

I did CS at a high ranking school. There was prolly more love for vidya than in the general population but people wanting to work in vidya was not a remarkably common thing relative to other fields of software (because all the competent ones could go work at a big 4 or startups).

>> No.7712526

>grad student in geo department
>small but breddy gud school in northern Yeehawland
>this is the first year this school has had a grad program in geosci, professors basically inventing it as they go along
>~10 grad students in department, literally every other guy except one is studying petroleum
>he's studying structural
>everyone knows me as that big weird guy who studies paleo for some reason

we're not alcoholics, we just drink like fish

sup bro, UChicago 2013 here
here's my experience in a nutshell
>bio/geo double major
>enjoy classes, feel challenged
>stress building
>can't deal with it
>committed for a week
>come back and barely graduate on time
UChicago breaks people. on the plus side, it's a good education, and now I know I have an anxiety disorder that I must carefully manage.

>> No.7712676

Biochemists here, feel the same thing.

>> No.7712912

Where do you live? I may as well be autistic and I'd love an environment like that.

>> No.7712922

>tfw this actually sounds kind of awesome for the most part

>> No.7712972

>because all the competent ones could go work at a big 4

>> No.7713110

Where are you going to school, out of curiosity? Where I go, they start us off immediately in our freshman year with Matlab courses and then they let us pick another language to learn. I went with Python, and I'm teaching myself a bit of Java and CSS on the side. I'm glad at least people wanted to do math where you are; here, everyone's a mechanical engineer who thinks Calc 2 is actually hard.

>> No.7713127

>If /sci/ looked in a mirror....

>> No.7713310

sounds like a pretty cool job. Too bad this board is for science and neither ecology or biology count as a science outside of reddit.

>> No.7713428


This desu. Also, most of everyone is generally very humble or friendly. There are some arrogant people, but they get weeded out quickly.

>> No.7713690

>Too bad this board is for science and neither ecology or biology count as a science outside of reddit.

I'm sorry biologists have more fun than you, have a more interesting career, are better looking, and are in better shape, but no need to be salty about it.

>> No.7713701

Linguistics is on that weird edge between the humanities and empirical sciences/math. The culture seems more influenced by sociology/Marxism/critical theory/postmodernism/whatever BS though.

>> No.7713716

this is why all health studies have shit statistical analysis and can't be reproduced

>> No.7713720

It's really competitive as everyone was aiming to do med, but most people are no lifers who spend all day in and out studying and talk only about getting into med.

>> No.7713722

I started off in accounting and finance but now considering switching to marketing as my major. the subject is so dry and tasteless, I feel like killing myself from despair.

>> No.7713723
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>> No.7713725

My other experiences include the fact that it's full of super intelligent people who not only get 80%+ on every midsemester and end of year exam but end up milking every drop out of assignments and tests by cheating and they also prelearn everything in the holidays and shit.

>> No.7713730

That's why they got a positive work environment - to distract them.
Did you even consider thinking macroscopically?

>> No.7713734

Keep fighting. Rooting for you from Sweden !!

>> No.7713738

And the Swastikas are cool too?

>> No.7713769

Aerospace enginnering at world top 10 school according to Timeh Higher Education and QS, sophomore.

>Few grills, but this is rarely an issue because people in general are good lads. Actually one of those few grills in our year is my gf now.
>Everyone works a good amount but there is no self-pitying atmosphere of "omg we are dying this is so hard". Rather it's like it ain't easy but we got this shit
>Lots of asians. Ones born here are pretty good people, and China born chinese are like they're from Betelgeuse
>Everything is naturally very industry specific. Even professors' research is not about sperging out over Navier-Stokes but rather "how can we turn this phenomenon to money while leaving the actual pure math bits to the nerds in the math department"
>friendly Mech Eng bashing
>PhD students are (really only meet them in labs) either really approachable people who are enthusiastic to explain their research and stuff, or absolute stuck up dickheads
>there is an implied "we believe in your ability because we admitted you here but if you fuck up there won't be lenience" attitude throughout

>> No.7713857
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I don't know what's worse: having a useful degree and being ignorant to its usefulness, or having a bottleneck degree and knowing that you're bottlenecked.

Construction worker here with a BSEE.
Bitter having gone through uni without any mention of professional engineering from profs, advisers, TAs, or other students.

>> No.7713864

You really think you can't be a code monkey with a chemE degree? You do realize ChemE undergrads are writing code for PDE simulations during undergrad already right? The difference is process engineering actually pays well.

>> No.7713876

I don't know why you are blaming your profs, you were nothing more than a number to them after all and that's not their fault, they told all that to the kids who went out to have a beer with them etc. I can also tell you with absolute certainty that when the industry people come's knocking with 6 figure offers the student the professor actually knows and trusts is going to be recommended above the student number with the highest GPA.

Not trying to be offensive, but if you weren't good at networking/socializing, you probably wouldn't have done well in a professional career anyway.

You can quickly climb the ladder at your construction company if you're smart though, it's not all a waste.

>> No.7713926

>I'll talk to them and ask simple questions, and they'll be intentionally vague and coy, presumably because if they told me their secrets they'd lose their competitive edge and stop being superior
Doesn't apply to smart CS students. Everyone knows security through obscurity is not security.

>> No.7713941
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>tfw two fields of study

nothing but male aspies who are fucking tools and let the math-education sluts cheat off their homework

its a split between dudebros and fedora-fags who all work together and beg literally any female in the class to join their "study group" which consists of them playing CS:GO and spouting dudebro memes

At least the classes are interesting

>> No.7713953

>Those math careers
Yeah buddy totally great.
brb getting them AI jobs brb getting those image processing jobs
brb these are actual offers I've gotten
brb Getting tons of other worthless offers
brb math-no-job meme is fake, atleast in sweden
brb I will never ever need to find a job since jobs throw themselves at me
brb probably gonna go into academia because its dope af
brb desu famalam

>> No.7713954

So the STEMs want to be analyzed by humanities, nice.

>> No.7713958

Math is pretty well, but does have at least a few drawbacks, in the States that is.

I don't think you can go wrong with Math&CS though

>> No.7713959

I'm currently dying as an EE major in my state school.

Everyone is cool here but I'm to autistic to talk to anyone. I can tell I'd get along with them if I actively started to speak to them too, but it ain't easy being autistic.

>> No.7713961

I don't really see your problem.

>brb getting them AI jobs brb getting those image processing jobs
>IT/software development. See >>7702849.

>brb these are actual offers I've gotten
>brb Getting tons of other worthless offers
>brb math-no-job meme is fake, atleast in sweden
>brb I will never ever need to find a job since jobs throw themselves at me
>I'm getting soooo many offers in well- stuff, anon, I swear!

brb probably gonna go into academia because its dope af
>Academia. See >>7702849.

>brb desu famalam
Ok autist just calm down and take your meds.

>> No.7713962

>boku no pico showing
Honestly sounds like a relatable crowd for most of 4chan

>> No.7713975
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>> No.7713982

Yeah those are the stereotypical job offers I mention. However the other job offers come from the defense department doing cryptography(not IT mind you) doing trajectory optimization for ESA and SAAB(missiles mayne). These are the non-stereotypical ones. Sorry I was too retarded to mention these

Also the tbqh senpai 4channel meme is quite funny
Also I do not need meds, I am meds.
This is all

>> No.7713983

Help us save her

>> No.7713990

She doesn't look important. Why should we care, plenty of people are murdered every day, that's just life.

>> No.7713994

If his autism was that bad he must not even be able to do lab work, there has to be something you did wrong

>> No.7713996

>Physics PhD
Most of the people are pretty cool and, save for one or two, everyone seems to truly love physics. For some reason the smartest grad students are really heavy drinkers, there's also some girls who seem to not know shit (they're taking a fucking quantum many body physics course and they barely know any basic statistical mechanics). All the faculty are super friendly and open to questions and discussions.

>> No.7714001

Not the guy you're responding to, but you seem pretty salty in your response.

>> No.7714226

Plant biologist
>party and smoke weed
>actually have a 50/50 mix of males and females
>actually have "diversity" students
>why do plants take so long to grow
>publish more
>if anyone did this research in animals it would be on the front page of Nature
>be bitter about the other biologist that that get congratulated on using old plantbio ideas...

>> No.7714257

Uiuc would be the second best thing for engineering after uofc imo

>> No.7714408

>there's also some girls who seem to not know shit
I will never be able to prove it but I know some of them just pretend to be stupid/ignorant. I know it.

>> No.7714429


>> No.7715288
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sounds about right

>> No.7715293

maybe he meant University of California [Berkeley]