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7698906 No.7698906 [Reply] [Original]

I've discovered the numberphile channel so far, and I'm really amazed by it. It's well explained without much silly talk, but not too complicated for (at least) college students. Does somebody also know other youtube channels for different scientific areas (as for example physics?).
Would be really great, if somebody posts them

>> No.7698918
File: 60 KB, 607x609, 1448659153524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7698923

>It's well explained without much silly talk
It's 100% silly talk.

>> No.7698928

Sixty symbols, computerphile are good ones too

>> No.7698929


>> No.7698935

Numberphile is like cancer...
Try minute physics, veritasium, vsauce

>> No.7698975

Yeah, sixty symbols looks pretty good.

Ehh, why?

>> No.7698979

i really hope this is bait. Numberphile may have one too many dice rolling videos but Vsauce? Really?

>> No.7699469

Harpreet Bedi https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCErLELnXehsJ7ycW4OJgfQQ

>> No.7699536

for chemistry there's
>Periodic videos
>Nile Red
you can look up smaller channel in their related section, but I think those three are best in regards of pop-sci to actual information ratio and production value

>> No.7699583

Numberphile fueled my passion for math. Now I'm doing a math major. I wouldn't call it cancer. It doesn't teach you how to do math, just informs you about stuff that happens in math.


Just like literally any other popsci educational, the whole point is to entertain people outside of fields with knowledge of stuff that happens within certain fields. It's not meant to be treated as something that teaches you anything, just to consider what's out there, especially for those completely disjoint from science and math programs.

>> No.7699620

Found this gem the other day

Really thoughtful and well-animated videos for people who aren't maths majors

>> No.7699631

Sixty symbols, periodic videos, nottingham science, deepsky videos, piled higher and deeper, minutephysics, minuteearth, veritasium, veritasium 2, scishow, vsauce(maybe the older stuff?), list goes on.

>> No.7699635

SixtySymbols is great
MinutePhysics was alright, its kinda dead now
Veritasium was cool, but I feel like the dude is a bit full of himself now

>> No.7699648

Brit lab, asapscience, taras kul, in a nutshell, serious science, this week in science, national science foundation and brain scoop (qt3.14 biology girl).

>> No.7699654

Last but not least: Crash course

And that is all the channels im subbed to on youtube STEM related

>> No.7699667

No smarter every day?

>> No.7699695

Oops thought i typed it.

Yes him too

>> No.7699726
File: 296 KB, 388x424, 4672652562452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hi and welcome to numberphile"
>camera zooms in on the face of some sperglord already covered in sweat
>"Today we are going to talk about the number five"
>sperglord smiles the smile of a thousand suns
>drops of sweat pouring from his forehead
>he writes the number five on a paper
>"The amazing thing about this number is that it is a part of you"
>camera zooms in on his hand that is soaked in sweat and shaking uncontrolably
>"As you can see my hand contains five fingers"
>a tear falls from his eye
>"I would not even know what to do with my self if not for five"
>looks at the camera like he is seeing god
>tears of joy raining down his cheeks
>In a shaky voice he says:
>"Without five I couldn't even count to six!"
>begins to cry

>> No.7699731
File: 442 KB, 838x422, 08a183793d212fdf6a7552cd3a845399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never be a sexy russian maths professor

>> No.7699866

I laughed way to hard at this holy shit I'm dying

>> No.7699898

that's one dumb bitch

>> No.7699910

If you like numberphile, you might like Mathologer. He makes videos about interesting math stuff similar to numberphile.

>> No.7699912

I'm saving this one

>> No.7701361

I had been literally months without laughing from a 4chan post.

>> No.7701367
File: 295 KB, 700x704, 1410659840670.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laughed hard.

>> No.7701630




>> No.7701638

This makes me want to find philosophical porn.

Like, genuinely well thought out and executed "deep" porn, with a bit of a trippy edge. Porn that leaves you thinking. Thinking in a good way.

>> No.7701648

r u serious mate?

>> No.7701651

Yep. Longstanding unfilled desire.

Wouldn't care too much if I never found it, but would be glad if I did.

>> No.7701659

I laughed harder than I should.

>> No.7701665


>> No.7701673

John Gabriel, creator of the New Calculus

>> No.7701711

nombah foive

>> No.7701824

This fucking guy. I think I heard of him before but I didn't know he had a whole youtube channel full of this shit.

>> No.7702527

this guy is so based