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File: 56 KB, 530x795, 6caa7d06-f612-47ee-91cd-97de5a5f49e1_Physical chemistry_530x795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7695030 No.7695030 [Reply] [Original]

Hello brothers and sisters
So I wanted to ask you about physical chemistry. To be more accurate: Im chemical engineering second year student, and to be honest I found organic and inorganic chemistry really fucking boring, but got crazy about physical chemistry. I got to physical chemistry (electrochemistry) research group (dunno how its called in english desu) and its dope.
But my friends say that the money are hidden in organic chemistry and physical chemistry has no future <- i find this fucking retarded but I wanted to ask you my dear /sci/ what do you think about physical chemistry?
My plans are to do PhD and then work in some research department for concerns or something, is physical chemistry good for this stuff? if not, what is the best in your opinion?

>> No.7695037

It's a meme, like mechatronics.

>> No.7695041

If you're going into research with a Ph.D then ya, there's a future for your career. Its the people that dont want a research career that struggle with jobs. Some profs get paid 100,000 anually to disect a single shitty novel for their entire life.

>> No.7695042

Why is mechatronics a meme exactly?

>> No.7695044

Because of some stupid Venn diagram someone made showing that mechatronics is a mix of all the engineering disciplines. And this is attractive to idiots who can't decide what stupid field of engineering they want to go to and think majoring in mechatronics will make them some kind of god when really it's just a useless meme.

>> No.7695048

lol, let's see your Ph.D. and proof of employment

>> No.7695055

keep trolling

>> No.7695056

Uh, I don't even have an undergraduate degree or a job. Why would possibly think I was claiming to possess a doctorate with a research position, or is it because you don't speak english?

>> No.7695059

*Uh* I didn't think you did. I'm pointing out that you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.7695064

Waiting for a real retort rather than baby words.

>> No.7695073
File: 39 KB, 562x437, Ohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, keep waiting in this thread so you can snag that epic internet win. You really have your priorities straight.

>> No.7695080

>engaging with idiots

When will I learn?

>> No.7695088

I really hope youre not OP raging because you misunderstood my first comment.

>> No.7695091

If you do phys chem you don't really have any options besides doing research. It's essentially physics, after all. Organic chemists can find jobs in pharma, food, petroleum, etc. The physical chemist's job in industry was complete when spectroscopy was figured out. Check out analytical chemistry, though.

>> No.7695105

nope, Im not that guy, no worries
Thanks for your answer! I will read more about this

>> No.7695674

You're boned if you don't want to do research, even organic chemists are getting boned right now with pharma cost-cutting all over the place.

Chemistry is fucked, be glad you're doing chem eng. Take it from a 3rd year chem student struggling to find a high-paying job.

>> No.7695692


Plenty of money is being thrown into electrochemistry to improve battery tech.

>> No.7696274

No no you didnt understand me correctly, in the last line of my post (Im op) I wrote that I want to go for PhD and then to some company research department.
I studied chemistry for 1 year and changed to cheme because I was afraid of not finding a job :/ its so sad that you guys have such a problems with that, i hope you will find a great job soon!

>> No.7696367

Computational chemistry should yield seminal applications for industry p soon