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File: 642 KB, 1000x1500, theApology1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7691443 No.7691443 [Reply] [Original]

>galileo sent to court
>gets on his knees and recants everything
>socrates sent to court
>takes a shit on everyone, knowing it will kill him

why are philosophers so based?

>> No.7691448


>> No.7691455
File: 350 KB, 511x496, Galileo_facing_the_Roman_Inquisition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Galileo is the father of scientific fraud and nothing more

>> No.7691465

Fun little fact not really related though:

It was more or less common knowledg that the earth was round even before galileo. This knowledge was hugely important for navigating the seas.

The only reason galileo got into shit with the church was because he claimed that the earth being round disproves religion. Not that he is entirely wrong on it contradicting the old testament but he clearly overstepped boundries outside of simply claiming that the world isn't flat.

>> No.7691483

>claimed that the earth being round disproves religion

He did no such thing. He insulted Aristotle during classicism.

>> No.7691487

The real issue Galileo had was insulting the pope and the fact he was perpetually quarreling with Jesuit astronomers.

>> No.7691553

This is literally why hiroshimoot created >>>/his/

>> No.7691667
File: 439 KB, 1024x441, 1443195502488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Galileo was the undergrad /sci/fag of his time

>> No.7691980

>Guy named X get's cancer spends the rest of his days crying and living with depression.
>Guy named Y get's cancer spends the rest of his days happily like nothing ever happened.

Tell me why he is not right you massive memer.

>> No.7692662


Did you make the comics yourself?

>> No.7692663

Why is sartre stealing a purse?

>> No.7692695

You're talking about a fictionalized story. No Greek philosopher is actually that based. Also galileo was pretty wrong with his conclusions. Arquimides is fucking based as fuck.

>> No.7693116

existencial comics . com or something

really funny desu

>> No.7693128


why would a stoic care to alleviate the pain of another

>> No.7693140


The point of contention wasn't whether the earth was round, the disagreement was over the Earth revolves around the Sun or vice versa. None of Galileo's opponents in the church thought the earth was flat.

>> No.7693243
File: 79 KB, 576x576, Tychonian_system.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The point of contention was that Galileo thought he had the right to declare Heliocentrism correct over other theories like Geoheliocentrism (that had less problems) without sufficient evidence to back it up solely because he liked it better. The church was right in calling him out on his arrogance.

>> No.7693699

stoicism isn't hedonism.

>> No.7693712

You do realize he was right, right? Our solar system is heliocentric.

The sun is the middle anon.

>> No.7693725
File: 206 KB, 684x796, dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Being accidentally or incorrectly right counts for nothing.

>> No.7693739

>The church was right in imprisoning him and censoring him because his theory went against the Bible.
Fixed that for you

>> No.7693751

Your being ridiculous bro.

>Being accidentally right it is worth nothing

It wasn't an accident he based it on observation. No not all of his observations/conclusions were right but still he didn't randomly wake up one day and say "you know I think the earth revolves around the sun just cause."

Also even if he was arrogant or "accidentally right" that was still no reason to persecute him.

>> No.7693755

That's not a coincidence that the stoners name is max right? Cause max tegmark and his mathematical universe hypothesis?

>> No.7693868


>> No.7693888
File: 64 KB, 584x622, 1445745966574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to agree that the Church was right in this one. Geocentrism in medieval era was not related to the same cartographical science we have today, but it was inside a greater symbolic structure.
The idea of the Universe as only a bunch of weights and measures is extremely limited and, in reality, it should be used only for technological purposes, it's obviously not good enough to base a whole cosmovision.

Come on, guys, it's amost 2016.

>> No.7693895

>he based it on observation

There was NO OBSERVED parallax of the stars and it would take centuries to observe it in 1838. Based on that, holding the earth sill fit the data better and was more logical than moving the stars stupendously (aka astronomically) far away.

>that was still no reason to persecute him

No, but he wanted to declare it as an infallible law and began mocking all those who didn't submit to him. Aristotle already fucked humanity over once with declaring his ideas infallible laws. Imagine a world without SR because that contradicted Galileo.

>> No.7694015

>No Greek philosopher is actually that based.

Diogenes anon.

>> No.7694407

SR doesn't contradict Galileo.

>The principle of relativity, which states that there is no preferred inertial reference frame, dates back to Galileo,


I'm not even a fedora bro but you'r being ridiculous here, the church was wrong and Galileo was right and even if he was wrong that would have been no reason to persecute him.

They made a mistake, accept it and move on. Trying to justify it is retarded.

>> No.7694531

>people who don't understand stoicism
>being truly happy

>> No.7695203

Because philosophers BELIEVE in things. They have CONVICTION, and that kind of trait makes you unafraid of all things.

regular people are the products of society which are the products of philosophers.

Effects are slaves, they are afraid.
Causes are master, they live without fear.

>> No.7695216

Isn't Archimedes a fictional character too?

>> No.7695260
File: 773 KB, 1672x1645, Cassini_apparent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holding the earth sill fit the data better and was more logical than moving the stars stupendously (aka astronomically) far away.
sure anon

>> No.7695437
File: 65 KB, 300x199, 1406082845908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Church dindu nuffin, Galileo was "arrogant" so he deserved it!
Christfags fuck off.

>> No.7695703

>earth moves implies stars move
>earth doesn't moves implies stars don't move
>we observe stars not moving

The mathematics of heliocentrism and geoheliocentrism are exactly the same and they both STILL had epicycles.

>> No.7695716

Galilean transformations and not relativistic

Gal: [math] V_ { ab } = V_ { ar } + V_ { rb } [/math]
SR: [math] \tanh ^ { -1 } \left ( \frac { V_ { ab } } { c } \right ) = \tanh ^ { -1 } \left ( \frac { V_ { ar } } { c } \right ) + \tanh ^ { -1 } \left ( \frac { V_ { rb } } { c } \right ) [/math]

>> No.7695760
File: 76 KB, 800x814, 1361754632_1iZio[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I cannot satisfy myself that, when one is added to one, the one to which the addition is made becomes two, or that the two units added together make two by reason of the addition. I cannot understand how when separated from the other, each of them was one and not two, and now, when they are brought together, the mere juxtaposition or meeting of them should be the cause of their becoming two.
Why was Socrates so retarded? If someone posted this on /sci/, everyone would say it was shitty bait.

>> No.7695776

Because he knew that if he cut "one" in half again, he would again get multiple ones (or a 4). He realized nothing was ever really one, nor 2. It was just based on perspective, and he was attempting to know what it actually was all along.

Which of course we still can't resolve to this day. Cut the guy some slack.

>> No.7695837

philosophy is just applied topos theory

>> No.7695853
File: 263 KB, 1100x748, 4641829_orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.) Philosophers haven't always been bound by the threats of material punishment.
2.) Killing a philosopher may cause notoriety and spread their message
3.) Killing a scientist may just cause their specific physical evidence to go bye bye
4.) Philosophers work is heavily reliant on verbal concepts which can't be so easily gathered and destroyed. This isn't true for scientists.

>> No.7695975
File: 337 KB, 2474x1912, 1441859834337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

empiricism is not a rationalist stance. one day the rationalist will stop defiling empiricism.

>> No.7695983

Excellent new meme, sir.

>> No.7695992

Yes it is. It is how we define rationality:
"If there is a reason to doubt, there is a reason to doubt.
If there is a reason to believe, there is a reason to believe.
Presumption is not reason."

The combination of Empericism and Epistemology [Socratic Deduction] is how reality is defined.

The "Argument From Ignorance" *IS* irrational.
The use of "Subjective Morality" is complete nonsense.
Our physical reality is objective, and our survival/comfort levels are within share objective parameters.

The "moral" argument does not champion anti-empiricism.

>> No.7696004
File: 846 KB, 2474x1912, 1449122939745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, leave "Frankfurt Subjectivism" at home please.
It's never contributed to anything.
It's all "subjective, non-skeptical feelings".
Logic isn't about feelings, it's about critical, observable skepticism.

>> No.7696384

>muh survival

you do not even know what you want to survive

>> No.7696613

"Apology" is a transliteration, not a translation, of the Greek apologia which means "defense." You should stop posting this.

>> No.7696741

The how come one works and the other doesn't? I mean, you do have a computer.

>> No.7698134


Yeah you're right, Max Tegmark


>> No.7698142

Rephrase that please.
Use complete sentences.

>> No.7698157

I was going to post something like this 40 posts ago, but didn't because I felt like doing so would reveal me to be a humorless, over-literal dick or, at best, a pretentious jack-ass who thinks knowing the Classics is some exclusive talent. But I didn't. How does this make you feel?

>> No.7698167

They should feel just fine about it.

>> No.7698175

Should is for losers.

>> No.7698178

Should is just fine.

>> No.7698414

it's just a way we group things together

ever hear of set theory? problem sloved.

>> No.7698427 [DELETED] 

Doubting everything and everyone was Socrates' gimmick so that's probably why he went so far as to write that he doubts trivial mathematics. His student playdoh reacted by asserting the objective existence of abstract objects in some kind of magical fantasy land.

>> No.7698429

Doubting everything and everyone was Socrates' gimmick so that's probably why he went so far as to say that he doubts trivial mathematics. His student playdoh reacted by asserting the objective existence of abstract objects in some kind of magical fantasy land.

>> No.7698494

There's absolutely nothing apologetic about his speech. It is a defense, plain and simple. I'm not being pedantic.