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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7687632 No.7687632 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone had luck picking up women by through tutoring or helping with homework? Please share your experiences. A girl I have liked for some time asked if I would help her with math next semester, and I'm hoping by doing so I might be able to kindle a spark between us.

I think she said she'd be taking the lowest possible level; what is that typically at college? I've only really tutored people I shared a class with, never someone this far behind, anyone have tips as to how I should prepare?

>> No.7687636

In high school, yes. Never bothered in university, because it was easy enough to meet girls elsewhere.

Here's an idea, though. Instead of waiting until next semester, how about you ask her on a date now?

>> No.7687639

She currently has a boyfriend. She said things aren't going well with him though. I'm just hoping I'm not already friend-zoned

>> No.7687640

This disparity in understanding may end up being something that insulates you from forming a real relationship with her.

>> No.7687641

you are the nerd she's stringing along. if you EVER get lucky, it'll be a pity handy after you get her and her friends super drunk

>> No.7687643

Even better. Things aren't going well with him, and they're clearly going well with you. Tell her to dump his sorry ass and jump on your dick.

Maybe don't put it quite like that. Although it worked for me once....

>> No.7687646

I've never had dating success but women have really warmed up to me that way. I think it stirs some sort of father-like impression in them when you can take a difficult topic and break it down to them, which some women probably find sexy.

>> No.7687651

Why do you insist on being slave to the female?

This attitude you're putting forward operates on the idea that you're playing someone else's game, on someone else's terrain, by someone else's rules. It's a mindset built on reaction, not freedom or creation. And it's why you fail.

OP, you seem pretty clever either way, but I'll just keep it short and say to ignore attitudes like this. Ideally each party is able to act genuinely. You will never be able to escape being controlled by others, and you'll never be able to escape controlling others. It's dualistic, neither can exist without the other. So just ignore all that garbage and game playing, you define the course of your interactions every bit as much as some predefined spectrum of affordances and roles that foolish people think they can only narrowly tiptoe through.

Real wired, but also tired, at the moment. However I believe the essence of what I mean to convey is present enough. Good luck.

>> No.7687654


this anon gets it.

>> No.7687656

Once. Train wreck. I would not recommend. No chance to check girls personality

>> No.7687663

1. Build up her confidence in herself as you teach her math, do it in a "see, you're already good at this, you just didn't know it" kind of way.

2. Meet up at a quiet cafe for one or two tutoring sessions, chat about your lives a bit every time.

3. Be sympathetic, but not overly pushy about her shitty current boyfriend; she's the one putting herself through the drama by dating an asshole, she'll wise up to it eventually if you demonstrate consistent civil behavior and altruism (eg, math tutoring without the "I want sex for this" vibe)

4. Don't get too invested in the idea of a relationship with her; talk to other girls, approach it with a zen attitude. It'll happen or it won't. She's one girl, there are billions of girls out there. If she turns you down, count the whole attempt as practice towards getting along with your eventual gf and be ready to laugh it off.

>> No.7687670

Have you had a similar experience? I mean, I really enjoy math , but I think I can still connect with people that don't.

I can only imagine how this whole situation sounds. A couple of my friends have also said she's just using me, but I know she wouldn't do that (well, at least consciously)

Haha I can only imagine her response. She definitely wouldn't expect something like that from me (even if I phrased it in a more polite manner), but perhaps that would be good

This is encouraging! I'm hoping if I can make her laugh and have some fun with our sessions, and help get good grades, I'll be in good shape. We're your intentions on getting with them or were you just helping out of kindness?

>> No.7687679

That is an excellent point, thank you. Admittedly, I did sort of envision the whole situation similar to how the other anon described, but make a conscious effort to keep this in mind!

I am sorry things didn't work out for you anon but I appreciate your contribution

Excellent, thank you. Screen capped this for future reference.

>> No.7687685

Illustrating math visually helps so much more than trying to explain verbally abstract concepts solely.

She'll be taking College Algebra most likely. So explaining slope intercept form can be like,

m, notice how the m looks like hills. What do hills have? Slopes.

b. O, or (0,0) equals the origin. Notice how there's a line going straight up? That's your y intercept. :)

Play it nice, calm, and especially unattached. After she's shown interest, move in subtlely. Play with her hair, move your arm close to hers. Be kind, be playful. Make contact when it feels right.

>> No.7687811

No, you should ask money for this.

>> No.7687920

>Beta orbiters: the thread.

>> No.7687923

I am trying to connect to people but my high paranoia is obstructing me to connect me with people.

I wish I wasn't in the Hauptschule, maybe it would have been different now in college...

>> No.7687987

>school, around grade 9-11
>"Anon, this super important test is coming up and you are really good at math, can you explain it to me?"
>(wow, i though she was the usual big titty bimbo, but looks like she is trying to learn something after all)
>"yeah sure"
>"great, lets meet in the breakroom after class, there wont be people to disturb us"
>"ok, see you there"
>So we are huddled around a big coffee table, going over some excercises, whatever, i can do this shit in my sleep.
>plenty of chances to look down her usual low cut blouse
>But i wont let something like this distract me from teaching a fellow student the joy of math!
>she starts out serious, but after 5 mins she is all fidgety and giggly
>(no wonder she needs help, bitch cant focus at all)
>"..yeah right here you made a mistake when using the product rule, but a chain rule would actually be faster"
>"Oh Anon, its uncomfortable to stretch over the whole table, move over so i can sit next to you"
>(her hair smells nice, but lets focus on the excercises!)
>"so how do i solve this"
>(oh comeon, its a fucking binomial formula, you have seen hundreds of those)
>"you jsut expand this and then group the common terms and bluh blah.."
>this goes on for about half an hour then she calls it quits because she is tired of thinking
>she looks somewhat disappointed
>probably thinks im a bad teacher
>im disappointed too, bitch is dumb as a brick, hard to teach advanced concepts to someone who lacks basics

5 years later it dawned on me and i started remembering dozen of similar scenarios
like a freshman from a class i have been TA'ing coming to me on the very first day and asking for private tutoring. And i talked her out of it, assuring her that you dont need any special knowledge and the necessary basics will be reintroduced in the course

>> No.7688486
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what a fucking beta piece of shit

>> No.7688498

A shoulder to cry on is a dick to ride on my friend

>> No.7688609

For your own good, learn to make normal sentences. You comment is'nt pleasant to read, there's no need for fancy vocabulary when it's possible to phrase your ideas in a simpler way.

>> No.7688750

OP, don't pursue a girl who doesn't understand your studies. You will be much happier with someone you can do work with and share problems and ideas with. The source is my personal experience. I'm with a girl who is also studying applied math and much of what we do is go on hikes and share homework problems. It is very fulfilling

That said, if you wish to pursue your crush, I can only recommend you go for it. When tutoring, become her close friend. Make her like you as a person and respect you as a mathematician or else you'll just become a tool and less of a person/romantic interest to her. Outside of tutoring, try hitting on her. Might be kind of strange if you aren't used to that sort of thing, but if you don't make your intentions known, you'll never get anywhere. Who knows, maybe she's asking your help with math because she already likes you and wants to relate to you with your work.

>> No.7688765

oh a cringe tread

in /sci/

how very surprising

>> No.7688776

Its mathematicians discussing romance, how much did you really expect?

>> No.7688783


I've had a girl I was tutoring try to pick me up. That was awkward. I was already in a relationship.

>> No.7688784


I thought mathematicians would be doing maths, instead of talking about grills on 4chan

>> No.7688815

A story from last summer:
>used to be a garbage human being cosplayer
>have since quit and become a maths student
>know ba lot of hot tumblristas from back then
>girl from then messages me
>Anon! I'm taking a math course! My first one in years! I know you know all about that! Want to come over and help me then watch [insert some popular tumblr fandom show I don't care about]
>don't want to offend her
>Sure, I'll help you out
>at the table in her parents house (she didn't move out after high school)
>its literally systems of equations with 2 variables
>she doesnt understand the matrix representation
> I want to puke at her work
> OK I'll solve this problem then you xab try it.
>15 seconds pass
>Wow anon, how did you do that!
>she says this even though I dictated every step
>heart sinks
>you know what, let's take a break. Watch that show you mentioned.
>she acts characteristically nervous watching the show with me
>she's trying to edge closer to me
>do you just want to pause the show and fuck? You're all in my personal space and its annoying me
>well... Anon... Only if you want to... I mean
>can't believe that worked
>this bitch is dumb as a rock
>put on condom, fuck her while the show is still on, leave
>text me when you get home anon!
>send her a text saying I got home safe
>never text again

I know a bunch of women who are basically on call from my autistic tumblr days. I guess I got more attractive over time? Beats me.

>> No.7688820

We're all human anon. Everyone has to fuck around sometimes.

>> No.7688870

To be fair to the OP, he also asked for general advice on teaching/tutoring

>> No.7688883
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>>do you just want to pause the show and fuck? You're all in my personal space and its annoying me

>> No.7689053

The fact that that line worked is my personal proof that being attractive and smart are the only things that matter. After that you can be a giant asshole and everything will still go your way.

>> No.7689058

Elaborate on "smart"

>> No.7689319

Better at problem solving and persuasion than the average person. That coupled with knowledge in a field.