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7683864 No.7683864 [Reply] [Original]


December 1-3, 2015
Washington, D.C.

major component of the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Medicine's Human Gene-Editing Initiative is an international summit to take place December 1-3 in Washington, D.C. Co-hosted with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the U.K.'s Royal Society, the summit will convene experts from around the world to discuss the scientific, ethical, and governance issues associated with human gene-editing research. Watch our live webcast beginning on Tuesday, December 1!


Important topics I'm sure they will discuss

>catgirls or foxgirls?
>sex slave pets?
>penis enhancement

but really this summit should be important and informative

>> No.7683877

>>catgirls or foxgirls?
>>sex slave pets?
>>penis enhancement

Poe's law strikes again.

>> No.7683881 [DELETED] 

I think China is wanting to make catgirls but UK wants foxgirls.

It's gonna be interesting to see which the international community decides to legalize as the new human sex slave species.

>> No.7683898

some real news/info on it

In May, the U.S. Academies launched a major initiative to inform decision making related to new gene-editing technologies that could lead to promising, novel ways to treat disease but that also have given rise to concerns, particularly about their potential use to modify the human germline. In addition to the summit, the initiative will include a comprehensive study of human gene editing by a separate committee, which will issue a report next year with recommendations to guide the responsible use of such research.

"Human gene editing offers great promise for improving human health and well-being but it also raises significant ethical and societal issues," said Royal Society President Paul Nurse. "It is vital that we have a well-informed international debate about the potential benefits and risks, and this summit can hopefully set the tone for that discussion."

Chinese Academy of Sciences President Chunli Bai said, "Both Chinese scientists and the government are aware of the pros and cons of human gene editing. CAS scientists have organized a panel discussion and coordinated with related government agencies for regulatory policies on this issue. We would like to work together with international communities for the proper regulation and application of such technology."

"We are very pleased that our counterparts in China and the U.K. are joining us in this effort," said NAS President Ralph J. Cicerone and NAM President Victor J. Dzau in a joint statement. "Their co-hosting of the summit reflects a growing recognition among global scientific and medical communities that we need to work together to develop a better understanding of the implications of advances in human gene editing so that more informed decisions about the use of this research can be made worldwide."

>> No.7683908

MIT technical review article discussing the upcoming summit and some other things.


worth a read

>> No.7683914 [DELETED] 

>catgirls or foxgirls?
why not lolies?

>> No.7683922

Well, the catgirls would be loaded with genes that make them extreme neotenous features.

>> No.7683925

I am going to study genetics
I better take notes

>> No.7683928

Reminder to sage and report all manchildren threads.

>> No.7683933

The whole goal is to editing Adult genes. Right now its to edit babies in the womb. Editing adult genes is very difficult. The only way to do it is through viruses.

>> No.7683942
File: 22 KB, 306x306, Disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only way to do it is through viruses

>> No.7683950
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reminder the NIH is a christian organization and does not like gene editing

>> No.7683955

Dumb frogposter.
MDs are some of the biggest idiots you'll ever meet.

>> No.7683958

jinsong li


george church
Jennifer Doudna
etc will be speaking

>> No.7683969

I'll read the paper later. I remember reading about CSIPIR a few years ago and thought it was cool, but it won't be viable for another 30 years. I guess its here already.