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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7683056 No.7683056[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw any faggot can make a blog now to spurt their bullshit out into the world

This guy reckons that because GR and QM have strange predictions that go against intuition, every physicist is brainwashed and just reciting what they have been told is true.

In this blog you will see:
--the word "stupid" used in every second sentence
--frequently referring to science as an oppressive, all-powerful religion
--Indian guy telling everyone their minds are soiled and indoctrinated, so they cannot understand his straightforward reasoning
--hopeless appeals to ether theories to explain Young's double slit experiment
--a shameful misunderstanding of basic, basic physics

This one in particular got me:

>"From the above descriptions, we can imagine work as displacement of a body in the direction of force which implies that work is a vector quantity and points in the same direction as that of the force. And that makes sense too."
>what is dot product

>> No.7683069

>Free speech should be banned
Science is becoming more and more like a religion every day.

>> No.7683071
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>> No.7683074

The Internet provides for everyone a platform to speak their mind, and this includes complete idiots.

>> No.7683077


>> No.7683078

Lubos pls go.

>> No.7683099

I don't believe in string theory due to the lack of experimental evidence.

>> No.7683323

It's pretty damn silly, I've looked at site like this before. Idk about this one but many of them seem rooted in the idea that relativity pulls people away from god and therefore is bad, Einstein himself believed in god, not necessarily a personal god, but still he was quite adamant that there was a creator.

All that stuff aside though I really think the only reason people get confused about the theory is the only know it from pop sci bullshit and think his theory says we can time travel (GR allows for some theoretical ways of doing this but in practice they may well be impossible) and "everything is relative", or that it somehow relates to moral relativism.

If you study the actual science you see his theories actually pretty much boil down to common sense shit that we all know is true anyways. It's not that weird and it's really not that complicated. People just need to study the actual theory and not pop sci bullshit.

>> No.7683418
File: 29 KB, 480x431, 12250137_1253667834650808_4356405246656641237_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Muon’s time dilation is only a calculated/predicted effect from the mathematics of relativity and hence can’t be accepted as a proof of relativity"

Lolwut, if a particle follows a cerain law most (if not all) of the time, that's not proof for the mathematical law?..

>> No.7683430

well they cant because its not accessible. The only way to do a course on relativity is to spend £30,000 on a physics degree.

>> No.7683441

This site reminds me of timecube. Anyone remember that shit?

>> No.7683445

Who wins, flatearthers or this guy?

>> No.7683451

Not true you can find the information for free.

>> No.7683466
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Afaik wherever free speech is protected, it is, so that ruling bodies can't silence resistance by people with legitimate reasons to resist. It'd be great to see controls to prevent people from spreading their trivially incorrect ideas.

>> No.7683470

>nobody to explain it

>> No.7683473

You can always ask us, or study in a country without tuition fees.

>> No.7683548

>asking /sci/ about relativity
My sides

>> No.7683561

Lel, you fundamentally misunderstood the point of free speech.

Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much about it. People rarely go beyond facebook/4chan/reddit these days anyway.

>> No.7683571

I am allowed to believe whatever I want, go fuck yourself. If someone wants to believe in free energy and share it with others more power to him. Nobody owns science. Scientists publih their ideas it is totally up to me whether I decide to believe it or not. I dont care if your beliefs are objectively correct, you have no right whatsoever to force it upon others.

>> No.7683706

>Someone makes a website "debunking" that the world round
>"Wow look at this idiot trying to prove the world is flat"

>> No.7683784

>things follow newtonian gravity most of the time
>therefore newtonian gravitation is a proven law of nature

>> No.7683803

>inb4 the site is made by an engineer
Let me see
>I am a medical doctor
Aww, guesses incorrectly. But this would be the second choice, easily.

It's always engineers or doctors who do this kind of shit.

>> No.7683818
File: 241 KB, 506x533, KEKSIMUS MAXIMUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the comments section:
>"Toby Roberts On June 2, 2015 at 1:12 pm: I’m enjoying your articles. I’ve been trying to convince people for years now that relativity is worthless. and I’m sure it comes as no surprise to you, without much success. My equation is: Mv=E. (I wrote a paper on it and it’s been published to the internet for about five years; but it will never receive acclaim in this world.) Mv=E has practical daily application; unlike relativity which has failed to find application in over 100 years (as you know, GPS is just an effort to save the dying theory). I’m convinced that relativity was adopted to keep the masses in dark with regards to free energy. Mv=E simply proves that any body in motion produces energy which can be harvested. And this is why the govt. will never let it go public. Understanding it is the key to free energy. It is applied to everything from hydro-electric, turbines, molecules in motion, steam, and all other moving bodies."
>non-relativistic momentum is actually energy and me writing it as an equation proves it and the government doesn't want you to know! Trust me, I put a pdf on the internet a few years ago

>> No.7683821

Leibniz called, he wants his idea back.
>Trust me, I put a pdf on the internet a few years ago
Is that real? Made me chuckle.

>> No.7683828

I really want to find this guy's "paper". Should I be looking in Nature, Science or the Physical Review Letters?

>> No.7683830

Did ViXra exist 5 years ago?
If yes, maybe there.

>> No.7684041

Or you could read a textbook. There are many freely available online.

>> No.7684082

Freedom of speech is also freedom to suck it up when you are told that your ideas are a crock of shit

>> No.7684403

No bad bait but you can do so much better