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File: 1019 KB, 3281x2187, f-22-raptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7682796 No.7682796 [Reply] [Original]

German scientists receive one copy of pic related in 1938. Can they reverse engineer it in time to get a war-winning technology boost?

>> No.7682802

Why on Earth would they want such a horrendous piece of shit? Give them something useful, like an A-10 or F-15.

>> No.7682822


The F22 is single most capable fighter in the world to date.

>> No.7682836

>The F22 is single most capable fighter in the world to date.

>plagued by mechanical problems and a bloated development and unit cost
Only of failing at the worst possible moment.

>> No.7682837

No. Germany had some extreme feats for the short duration that was WW2, but they just don't have the material and manufacturing capacity. Even with slave labor.

Also, they couldn't glean enough about high altitude and high speed travel. They probably couldn't even engineer the proper equipment for their pilots. Then there's the matter of actually piloting it... They were all on speed anyway, and the moment one of their pilots tried a high G roll (or whatever it;s called), they'd quickly pass out. Same with caffeine or nicotine.

Not that they'd be doing anything like that with it. There's no enemy to even put it up against.

>> No.7682854
File: 172 KB, 717x476, Fat_man[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would take decades to reverse engineer the Raptor. Pic related would be much """easier""".

>> No.7682866

They could totally copy the mechanics but the electronics is what would beat them and the F-22 is useless without the electronics so I agree.

>> No.7682875

Wait till you hear about the budget for F35

>> No.7683432

they couldn't even produce the materials to build it, fker

>> No.7683531

they had all the knowledge about flight physics and materials they needed but the most important thing about modern fighter jets is electronics...

That together with the first electron microscope being build just years before it's impossible to reverse engineer.

>> No.7683541

What the shit are you smoking? The Nazis didn't even come close to plutonium production. Implosion is a challenge but the biggest obstacle is somehow producing and refining enough plutonium for a bomb without getting your ass killed.

>> No.7683547

Yup, not only that but they'll make an improved version.

>> No.7683549

The most devastating thing you could give to the Nazis is a couple tons of boron free graphite.

>> No.7683554

Or you could give them a beginner nuclear physics textbook

>> No.7683556

No. Modern aircraft need computers to operate their control surfaces. Modern computers are designed by computers. The Soviet Union was having trouble keeping up with the west because, while it could steal plans, it didn't have the manufacturing know how to produce the computers.

The Soviets couldn't reverse-engineer a F-22 in 1991. The Germans would have trouble even with its jet engines.

>> No.7683560

Their physics wasn't terribly far off. The biggest obstacles they faced were not knowing that ultrapure graphite makes an acceptable neutron moderator or the exact critical mass of Uranium. Hell, until CP-1, even the Manhattan project didn't have an exact handle on how much uranium you need and it wasn't unheard of for a new reactor design to need a bit of extra uranium to make it go right into the 60s.

>> No.7683619


THE BEST, more like. #AGR4lyfe

>> No.7683629

Is it including high-tech missiles and guns and bombs and that kind of junk? Or is it just the plane itself all empty?

>> No.7683632
File: 2.79 MB, 300x252, 1447980904769.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Goebbels i dont think so

>> No.7683633


>> No.7683668

Why can't they just use that one to win the war?

>> No.7683672

Reverse-engineering that is hardly war-winning.

>> No.7683686

Just send them an electronics book, a chemistry book and a nuclear physics book.
Address to führer's office.

>> No.7683760

the V2 would have been produced a lot sooner and London would've been bombed flat to the ground

>> No.7683786


Literally nothing of value would be lost.

>> No.7683791


>> No.7683795


Quickest way for Germany to lose the war is to try and mass produce that overbloated shit in the OP.

>> No.7683975

Well, supposing they had clean enough fuel to fly it, and a good enough airfield to fly it from, and were able to produce ammo for it, maintenance would soon see it grounded.

>> No.7683980


>> No.7684212


You would be way better off giving them a MiG-15.

>> No.7684693

Yeah that too, their metallurgy knowledge is way behind, their copy of the engines would suck. IIRC it took until the 70s for jet engines to become optimized.

>> No.7684696

Could one F-22 really beat Britain's entire Spitfire squadron?

>> No.7685025

I'd pay to see that fight.

>> No.7685045

With enough missiles, certainly.

>> No.7685058

>>7682796 (OP)

Political stuff bro

If they just fucked up once country at a time with less stupid non-strategical attacks maybe they had been better. and well with the right technology even a dumb could win a war.

>> No.7685672
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 1431367996064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7685676

No. Germany HAD aircraft far more advanced than the allies. But Hitler didn't want to build them because he wanted the money spent on one of his ideas. Hitler was a horrible military commander.

>> No.7685711

Clearly wrong.

They didn't have enough fuel to get the planes they had up in the air, much less new ones that may or may not have been usable.

>> No.7685723

Just one copy? I doubt it. Fax machines were pretty low res in 1938.

>> No.7685994
File: 280 KB, 976x737, c2bfa3bbfc0d1017d179cb4d242a16a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The advancements in computing and computer technology would probably be much more useful than anything else the Raptor has. If they couldn't crack that, then the results would've been the same: USSR bends Germany over and fucks 'em as America watches and retells the horrifying incident as if it was actually involved.

>> No.7686012
File: 563 KB, 1080x1920, astronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plagued by mechanical problems and a bloated development and unit cost

which is exactly why germans would be interested

>> No.7686032


I'd be impressed if the nazis figued out superalloys, microelectronics, computer science, high grade jet fuels, and carbon fiber reinforced composites faster.

>> No.7686041

Mind-boggling to think that the Raptor can carry a heavier bombload than a B-17.

>> No.7686044
File: 14 KB, 262x337, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no fucking way

unless the germans made literally thousands of manufacturing and engineering breakthroughs on all fronts within a few years, there is just 100% no way.

like i'd literally bet a billion dollars if i had it that they couldn't do it. kek just no way.

>> No.7686051


give them something they could actually make use of. full auto assault rifle blueprints for example. something you dont need a gorillion dollars and decades of electronics tech to produce.

having the entire wehrmacht equipped with M4 rifles from the beginning of the war might actually change things, and making them isnt rocket science either.

>> No.7686066

The helicopter Leonardo drew didn't help him any.

>> No.7686070

>Thinking that an M4 is significantly more lethal than firearms of the day
Yeah, nah. You know that modern infantry don't even use the full-auto mode hardly ever anyways, right?

The Germans already had SMGs. What they didn't have (unlike their Soviet counterparts) was the logistical and industrial backbone to keep entire companies of infantry supplied with more ammo than they could possibly waste if equipped with such bullet-hoses.

>> No.7686094

>reverse engineering
>not their engineers
you had one job

>> No.7686207

[citation needed]

>> No.7686211

a nuclear submarine would do them better