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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7679023 No.7679023 [Reply] [Original]

Would you date a girl who didn't take/doesn't want to take calculus

>> No.7679029

I would ONLY date this girl

>> No.7679041

I've tried.

I used to date a lot of hot bimbos from my uni gym. Mostly majoring in worthless humanities or commercial shit.

I can't stand their retarded conversations after a while especially when their friends join. The sex isn't worth all the time wasted rotting your brain by trying to level with them.

I'm only dating girls who have taken at least DEs now, but mostly I'm dating seniors from my own department.

>> No.7679059

my gf is a sociology major, she's intelligent, but it gets annoying sometimes when she talks to me about gender and race crap. Also she hates math and refuses to take calculus

It's easy for her to talk to me about that stuff, since it's obvious, but it's hard for me to talk about stuff I am doing because she lacks the background.

>> No.7679061
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I only date girls at my intellectual level, read Dawkins, possess a 'I'm an athiest, debate me' shirt

>> No.7679064

so you date dudes then, right?

cheers, engineer.

>> No.7679081

Fuck no. If your brain isn't equipped to handle Calculus, my dick gets nauseated. It runs away. Stupid=aint stickin it there bruh.

>> No.7679103

why would she take calculus if she is in a sociology major?

>> No.7679106
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i've never dated any particularly intelligent girls
has anyone here dated a math or physics major?
seems like it would be interesting

>> No.7679135

>implying you even have a choice
fuck off you stupid neckbeard desu.

>> No.7679145

Because autism.

>> No.7679148

Holy shit, I know this is sortof a meme, but the intellectual depth of so many majors is laughable. There are no concepts these majors that aren't explainable to me in 5 minutes or graspable by reading a wikipedia page. It's fucking hilarious when someone thinks that their senior psych classes are similar to senior physics classes- I write semi-professionally, and let me tell you, I could research the specific topics I need and whip up a psychology term paper better than the psych majors any day.

>> No.7679162

I like cute girls but am a sapiophile. Cant wait for grad school so I can be at peace

>> No.7679165

>Hates math
>in humanities
That questions answers itself, ain't that neat?

>> No.7679168

As long as she can satisfactorily show that she's taught herself calculus for shits 'n giggles,

>> No.7679180

The intellectual level bit is accurate. If we're not on or near the same level, the relationship has no future. Also, the world doesn't need more stupid children.

>> No.7679192
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>tfw never had a gf
Sure why not

>> No.7679193

I live in Europe. No I wouldn't date a high-school dropout.

>> No.7679194

The American undergrad education system that requires students of a certain field to get credits on completely unrelated topics is simply retarded.
Why would a sociology major need calculus? It would be a completely waste of time that she could be spending learning something that actually concerns sociology.
And that's just one side of it, but also on the other hand it just hurts to think that a Math major would be required to take Sociology.

>> No.7679199

>Why would a sociology major need calculus?
Because calculus is applicable math.
>It would be a completely waste of time that she could be spending learning something that actually concerns sociology.
It's useful in sociology, like it can calculate population growth
>And that's just one side of it, but also on the other hand it just hurts to think that a Math major would be required to take Sociology.
Math majors still have arts credits to fill and can take sociology.

Gud bait man

>> No.7679214

>why would x need calculus
everyone needs calculus if they want to do any kind of science or engineering

>> No.7679216

Students are required to take courses outside of their major because the idea was to turn out a well-rounded, intelligent adult capable of critical thinking in all aspects of their life, not focusing on churning out a robot programmed to do one task alone.

>> No.7679224

First of all: I hardly think the level of math that a sociologist might need to know is that of a course in calculus.
Second: you are not getting my point. The thing is, why does a mathematician have to get credits in art? Why is it of any concern to his academic formation AS a mathematician? Why doesn't he just get 100% math subjects?
And last but not least, why would sociology be considered art?

>science or engeneering

>> No.7679228

but isn't that what high school should do?

>> No.7679229

Sociologists at least claim they are doing science

>> No.7679234

Do you really think that getting a Bachelors in anything qualifies you to be an expert in anything. The first four years of college have always been and well always be a general studies program. You aren't a specialist just by going through four more years of high school and getting good grades, you're just "well-educated."

>> No.7679236

Then I guess what you meant to say was "hard/natural sciences and engeneering"

>> No.7679239

Nope. Social scientists almost certainly need it to do model pretty much anything, even if they don't realize it themselves.

>> No.7679242

>The first four years of college have always been and well always be a general studies program
Not in my country luckily.
And again, in my opinion high school should prepare you to start a speciality in any field you should choose

>> No.7679249

>Not in my country luckily.
What country? If you say anywhere in Europe then you are either lying through your teeth or lying through ignorance.

Specializing as soon as you pass general competency training is NOT a good thing. That is a vocational model, not an educational one.

>> No.7679252

I've dated artists and musicians that had considerable talent and passion for what they do. I just need someone who doesn't watch netflix 24/7.

>> No.7679258

I'm from Argentina. I'm in an Astronomy undergrad and all the subjects comprehended in my studies plan hardly account for all I would want to know. That is, getting full subjects on math, physics and astronomy.
So tell me why the hell did I study History, Biology, Chemistry and Language in High School? Isn't it educational?

>> No.7679269

>Why do I have to study Calculus, I did Geometry in high school?
Of course someone who has been deprived an education in general subjects would only see their own subject as having many layers of knowledge.

The kicker is that for all that you have sacrificed in terms of general education, you have gained nothing in terms of specialization. You are no better equipped to handle rigorous research than someone educated in a more generalized undergraduate program, you have just been deprived knowledge of basic psychology, chemical reactions, political structure, and literary culture.

And admit it, the reason you praise your own country's system is not because it has allowed you to progress farther beyond your own field than any American could ever dream of, but because it has spared you the contemplation of being forced to learn things outside your own interest.

>> No.7679275
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I'd never date anyone who wants to take calculus. I don't date plebs.

>> No.7679283

How haven't I gained nothing? How would not a chemist gain something by taking a one step ahead sucject in chemistry rather than in psychology, how doesn't that enhance his knowledge of his very field?
And of course I should think that anyone who has chosen a certain field to dedicate to would like to be spared from having to study completely unrelated and unnecessary thing for him (not to mention how boring might he find them). And of course that should be respected for someone who dislikes math as well for someone who dislikes humanities.
Being spared from learning things outside of my own interest is my very point.

>> No.7679284

Sure, provided I can tell she is intelligent in some way.

A lot of people, girls especially, don't like math because they had a bad first impression, or because the media brainwashed them to think it's something only socially awkward male autists are supposed to be good at. Not their fault either way.

>> No.7679341

I wouldn't date anyone at all, and neither would they date me.

>> No.7679495

>I don't know calculus

>> No.7679518

>First of all: I hardly think the level of math that a sociologist might need to know is that of a course in calculus.
What math is used to model any change over duration and can give meaningful information based on that? for 500
>Why does X major need to see Y?
Because it forces your brain to think in a different way, which builds on your ability to think of your own problems, can lead to solutions you didn't know about. It helps people learn about other courses and their cross overs. That's why there are bio-physicists and other weird hybrid careers

Because it/humanity hasn't matured to the point of being able to predict meaningful information. Current ways to collect information become outdated (outdating their information) or are incapable of measuring specific qualities, leading to results repeatable <30% of the time. One day it will be a science but that requires leaps and bounds in our modelling and computing capabilities. It's not that sociology is garbage, it's that our current abilities to use it are.

>> No.7679551

Only if they never ever ask me for help with their homework. I cant help people with their algebra if they still dont know how to rearrange equations efficiently, then start unloading their bad at math frustrations on me and yelling and telling me im wrong while i slowly work through it deadpanning in response to their anger. Well i can help people like that im very patient, but not doing that if i want a healthy relationship.

>> No.7679578

Yeah, but when the reality of that failure kicked in, universities tried to step up to the plate. Unfortunately, most colleges and universities are now really no better than high school.

>> No.7679631
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yes thats it goyim! we don't require an IS major to take 2 credits of a foreign language, natural sciences, and accounting because we want their money we do it because we want well rounded individuals!

>> No.7679638

I´ve met sociologists and historians who know deeply about statistics, calculus (even some real anal) and quantitative methods. Obviosly you are not going to see this shit in a shitty undergrad course filled with retards who say math is le hard and fro le nurds. You are deluded if you think any real sociologist does´t need math.

>> No.7679651

Yes, in fact I married one. She was an English major in college. Now she makes double my engineer salary.

>> No.7679653

grills in maths and physics are rare as fuck.
There are a few early on but most of them drop out.

Also, the ones if seen do kinda look like fat guys.

>> No.7679658

I dated a very smart girl but our mutual arrogance caused it to end

It hurt desu

>> No.7679699

Doing what?

>> No.7679700

Most don´t get a phd which is still pretty retarded but they do finish the course.

>> No.7680525

>you got brainwashed
>not your fault that YOU got brainwashed

>> No.7680581

>hates math

All intelligent people at least have respect for mathematics. She's dumb, sorry to break it to you.

>> No.7680585
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Nah, stop trying to make your degree look more masculine and difficult. Plenty of girls graduate math.

>> No.7680588



>> No.7680609

whats that? a new meme?

>> No.7680844

Why so few female Fields medalists then?

>math undergrad

>> No.7680853

ew dating an analyst

>> No.7680856

Why are you on /sci/?

>> No.7680939

>letting yourself get distracted from science
>for something trivial like sex
Fucking plebs.

>> No.7681684

Nerd girls are the worst sluts.

>> No.7681692

Please don't ruin my dreams and fantasies.

>> No.7681706

If you can't get both it means you are retarded.

>> No.7681837

I'd only date another PhD student, preferably from a field I respect like Physics, Chemistry, Comparative Lit, or something like that. I'm too autistic for anything else.

>> No.7681848


>> No.7681852

>tfw gf is majoring in costume design
>tfw she's fucking retarded
we're honestly only dating eachother for the sex
I plan on breaking up when I find someone less retarded

>> No.7681858

It would not depend on weather or not she wanted to take calculus, but weather or not she was attractive.

>> No.7681900
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>> No.7681914

I only date planets.

Planning on asking Venus out soon. She's very hot.

>> No.7681922

Yeah i would because I'm not autistic. I can imagine for autists it would be hard to keep a conversation going about something they arent familar with.

>> No.7681926

Guys always end up marrying their mothers anyway.

>> No.7681931

Date a mailman

>> No.7681936


it's literally the one thing we're designed for

>> No.7681938
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>> No.7681944

You're an absolute idiot if you think Chemistry is not relevant to an Astronomy degree.

I'm majoring in both Astronomy and Physics so I'm better than you.

>> No.7681960

i would, if i was still in high school/dating a high schooler but otherwise absolutely not

>> No.7683530

getting a PHD is retarded... lol k

>> No.7683535

math/physics is overrated. I once met a girl who ranted about breeding fruit flies for like 15 minutes straight, and it was one of the neatest things I'd seen in a while
>tfw she was dating my manchild roommate
>tfw they broke up and I never got to hear about herding virgin white-eyed drosephilia again
shit sucks