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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7676569 No.7676569 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/, I'm seriously considering taking a CS degree. I enjoy math, like to program and enjoy reading books about programming generally. Why is it you hate CS /sci/?

>> No.7676570

Because it's neither Science nor Math (at least at the undergraduate level) but it pretends like it's both.

Take it to /g/.

>> No.7677689

Source pls?

>> No.7677705

Too many CS undergrads do their best to take a 4-year vocational degree and constantly complain that they can't make it more of one than it already is.

>> No.7679227

It is a meme degree to be honest

>> No.7679259

CS is a good major. Sci is full of asshat mathtards who circlejerk proofs of analysis already beaten to death by mathematicians over a hundred years ago.

Two CS classes (algorithms and data structures), if studied well, can land you into a $100k/year position at Google right after college, with chances to work in their research labs if you can also understand some ML algorithms.

>> No.7679263

Your a meme tbhbub

>> No.7679338


There are dozens of theses threads in the archive already. Next time don't ask to be spoon fed and search them.

>I do not hate CS. CS is an umbrella term for many interesting fields of research. However I do feel utter contempt for CS students. As a mathematically minded person I myself studied CS until realizing that I won't get any intellectual qualifications from studying it. BSc programmes in CS are catering to and attracting the most anti-intellectual scum that barely managed to enter university. The usual CS curriculum is already designed in such a way to teach only a bare minimum of math and theory, hardly going beyond high school knowledge. Yet the average CS student fails it. The same people who are spouting wrong platitudes like "CS is all hard math" are the people who think you're a genius for knowing calculus. The pinnacle of idiocy I encountered in CS was a 6th semester student going for his BSc who did not know what a logarithm is.

>With a CS degree alone without further qualifications you are factually unemployable. Neither the primitive GUI design in java nor the shallow hardware, database or network intro will qualify you for a job. The only people getting acceptable jobs with a CS degree are those who either combined it with another degree or who already had a job before because they self-learned important skills. Quite a few CS students openly told me they are only getting the degree just to have something on paper to force their boss to give them higher salary. The job they already had because they started web design / programming / security in high school. Having demonstrable experience in those is more important to an employer than what you learned in CS. The business monkey variety of retards is even more unemployable. Representatives of local industries explicitly said the degree is trash because these people know neither economics/business nor computing.

>> No.7679342


>The math and theoretical CS are even more laughable. The only people who complain about their hardness are those stereotypical video game retards who already failed their math classes in high school. All the "muh logical quantifiers", "let's mindlessly apply this symbolic manipulation algorithm", "oh wow, an automaton represents a language" or "holy shit, how do I show this algorithm does what it does" babby crap is shallow and hardly deserves to be called university level. A mathematician or a physicsist who is trained in reading definitions, theorems and proofs can pick up all of a BSc computer scientist's theoretical CS much more indepth by spending one or two afternoons of reading a book.

>The worst thing however are the people going for such a degree. Out of all degrees CS seems to attract the most anti-intellectual scum. I seriously wonder how these people even managed to enter university. Every retard who barely passed high school and spends most of his day playing video games seems to think the must study CS. There are socially inept neckbeards of the retarded variety, hating and repeatedly failing math as well as the most simple programming assignments. There are dumbasses whose high school diploma was too bad to go for an economics degree, hence why they want to enter the business monkey route of CS in the hope of getting a little more than minimum salary. Those are of such subhuman IQ that they do not even understand the semantics of an implication in propositional logic.

>> No.7679403

>Two CS classes (algorithms and data structures),

Those 2 classes can be learnt on your own with greater depth in less than 90 days.