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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7673535 No.7673535 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else /prodigy/ here? I was taking college CALCULUS in HIGH SCHOOL (they call it "AB" Calculus I think).

But seriously though, tell us your stories all. What classes did you take in HS, did you graduate early, what shit did you test out of in uni, how many dumbfags did you leave in the dust

>> No.7673537

dropped out of high school to smoke hash. grad school for pure math these days.

>> No.7673538

Mexican descent here. Born and raised in America. I currently go to a community college and I am taking Differential Equations. I consider myself a prodigy since I'm not a gang member and don't have any kids.

>> No.7673551

I made a CLOCK by following the instructions I found online when I was only in HIGH SCHOOL. Epic level stuff right there.

>> No.7673573

Taking calculus in high school makes you a prodigy? That's news to me.

I'm not that smart. I only have an IQ of 117 (not sure how accurate) and I took AP calculus AB in high school and aced it. Also made a 5 in the AP exam.

Also took AP Physics, but only made a 3 and got a B in the class (barely... it was senior year and I just didn't like that class, and hated the teacher).

Went to a top 10 school in EE for undergrad, but was too dumb so I switched to CS and still only barely survived with a 3.0 GPA (only cause I aced calc 1-3 and physics 1-2).

I was lazy, unmotivated and had resistance towards everything not related to music (I wanted to be a musician, but having only picked up the guitar at 19 for the first time, I knew it was too late for me to be a music major).

Recently I got an MS in mathematical finance from a top 10 school in mathematical finance, but almost failed out on the first semester. Second semester I didn't do so hot either. It was on the last two that I basically aced everything because I had a ton of motivation and finally had developed proper college-level study habits (I wish I had done this in undergrad).

Now I wish I had stuck to EE as an undergrad, or done physics or math, because due to my weak math base, I still don't have a proper grasp of stochastic calculus, which is mandatory for quant interviews... so I'm working a regular software dev job now instead...

>> No.7673580


>> No.7673582

I'm only 18 and have taught myself most of undergrad math and physics along with a lot of graduate level topics too.

Of course this means absolutely nothing until I know enough to do research and actually publish a paper.

>> No.7673599

What's the Jacobian for a transformation from R3 cartesian to R3 cylindrical coordinates?

>> No.7673607



>> No.7673608

that's quite a ride

how did you get into top 10 with 3.0 tho? did your professors write you killer LORs?

>> No.7673609

I come from a family of lower class alcoholics and I've published two papers. I guess that's pretty good.

>> No.7673614

im currently on my last year in HS in Serbia,i have by the looks of it calc 1 in my math class and also a bit of relativity and quantum physics in my physics class
math is nice but the physics class could use some implementation of learned knowledge in maths instead of just spewing formulas and proofs with ridiculous diagrams

>> No.7673622

I'm not retarted, but I've spent way too much time becoming proficient in bullshit things. Had I used all that time for studying, I would havve achieved A LOT more academically. But this is ofcourse true for everyone to a certain degree.

>> No.7673794

I independently discovered the Mandelbrot set at the age of 3

>> No.7673808

oh boy a dickwaving thread

I'm graduating HS this year, having taken the following classes:

-Calc 1
-Calc 2
-Linear Algebra
-Differential Equations
-Topology (independent study w/ professor using Munkres' book)
-Geometry I (covers non-Euclidean geometry, affine geometry, projective geometry, and topics in finite/discrete geometry)

I've also co-authored a paper in Algebraic Geometry and will be giving a talk about research I'm currently doing in Discrete Geometry at a regional math conference in April.

>> No.7673816

In high school I took the AP Physics B and C (Mechanics and E&M) without taking the AP physics course (self-studying). I also took AP Music theory, calc bc, and stats.

I write and record music with a friend that I like to think is pretty good and actually not cringe-worthy.

I'm currently in my sophomore year at uni with a 3.5 gpa studying engineering-physics with a focus on electrical engineering

>> No.7673818

[math]J = \frac{{\partial \left( {x,y,z} \right)}}{{\partial \left( {r,\theta ,\varphi } \right)}}[/math]

That is the boring type of Jacobian though.

This is the fun one:

[math]\operatorname{Jac} \left( X \right) = \frac{{\operatorname{Hom} \left( {\Omega \left( X \right),\mathbb{C}} \right)}}{{{\operatorname{H} ^1}\left( {X,\mathbb{Z}} \right)}}[/math]

>> No.7673873

Lmao I'm in Calc AB at my school right now and it's nothing special. The class is literally only the first semester of an intro to calculus.

>> No.7673934


>> No.7673950

He asked for the jacobian, though not the formula.

You're looking for [math]J = r^2sin(\theta)[/math] where [math]\theta[/math] is the polar angle.

>> No.7673960

I have a 17 year old friend in college. He's in a graduate level course on CFD. It irks me.

>> No.7673967

That would be the Jacobian determinant.

>> No.7673971

I took calculus 9th grade. Calculus is considered a normal class at my high school. You're really not that smart /b/ro

>> No.7674032

Being a prodigy is subjective

that being said when I was middle school, I made high enough on my Sat test that I got offered a full scholarship to Duke

I didn't go to Duke though because fuck Duke

I had the opportunity to skip a few grades but I didn't because of anxiety. I'm currently working on my 2nd Bachelors at 22 and I'm pretty happy following normal curriculum and acing it.

I'm not acing math, but that's because I'm extremely lazy.

>> No.7674059


>> No.7674061

he didn't

>> No.7674063

This, but i'm currently in uni atm

>> No.7674078

I got into AB Calc my senior year, but got kicked out because I was failing with a 50 I think. Fuck that bitch. Oh well, I'll show her

>> No.7674109

I'm a senior, took AB Calculus junior year with Physics B2, basically algebra thermo, fluids, thermo, E&M, light/optics.
Now as a senior I'm taking BC Calc and Physics C, calculus mechanics basically. School doesn't offer anything higher :/
Everyone thinks I'm only great at BC Calc cause I took AB last year, but I was fucking amazing at AB calc too. I just love learning new things, I can go from page to page to page for hours at a time on math and physics topics.

Everyone thinks I'm only good at shit though because I learned it already. I'm not prodigy level, but I am at the top of a pretty competitive high school.
It gets me really vexed, but I know it shouldn't. Even if people don't think I'm the smartest here, I know I am. But, people everywehere around me, my age, seem so god damn smart. I don't think it's possible to compete with these people.
I tried reading Div, Grad, Curl, and All That... barely understand the first half of the first chapter, pretty much nothing of anything else.

I dont even know what to think honestly.

>> No.7674113

(wrote previous post)
Like this guy, WTF god damn, look at those credentials, seems everyone is like this on the internet though

>> No.7674136

As a kid I was pretty smart. Learned to read and write in 1/10 the time that it took other kids. Unfortunately I wasn't allowed to skip a grade because I was socially awkward as fuck.
Still am.

>> No.7674142

>but that's because I'm extremely lazy.

That's the same excuse everyone uses not to come to terms with their

>> No.7674161

God damn, are you me?

>> No.7674167

Actual Mexican here. Grew up in the US. Started calculus in ninth grade in highschool. Started taking classes at a community college in middle school. Had to leave the US because the Dream Act will probably never be passed. Currently studying a pure math degree in another country.

Chicanos are self entitled jerks. As an illegal your job is to be as discrete as possible. That means:
>Speak English with no accent.
>Tell everyone your an American.
>Shoop a social security card in order to work and pay taxes (it's better for everyone if your employer has no idea you're illegal).
>Make up a convincing excuse for not having a license.

Meanwhile Chicano retards go around stirring shit talking about how they should get more scholarships and shit just because muh Mexican heritage. Mind you, Chicanos are not Mexican. Chicanos are American citizens with ancestors from Mexican. However the whole idea is meaningless because Mexican isn't a race. It's not even a single culture. Mexican is a nationality composed of many different cultures. It's just like American. Would a British citizen call themselves American because one of their great grandparents was American? No, that's retarded, but that's what Chicanos do.

Meanwhile us illegals just have to grit our teeth and take it even though this shit is used to skewer us in the media. Just like all those fucking Chicanos stirring shit over Cinco De Mayo celebrations, by hanging Mexican flags everywhere and shit. That day isn't even fucking celebrated in Mexico!

Sorry for the rant, but "not being a gangbanger" isn't an achievement.

>> No.7674171

Not to rain on your guys parade or nothing but I recently read a study on what happens to students when they take calculus in highschool.

I mean I'm nothing special really, I did happen to go to a highschool though that was a funnel school for UC San Diegeo and top ten schools. Our average on the SAT was like a 2100 including the "special" students. I was gonna skip up two grades in math so I'd be on track for AP calc but I never bothered with the paperwork and my mom was focusing on divorcing my dad so no one else cared. I tested out of undergrad algebra stuff just barely and wen through the calc sereis. I enjoyed it quite a lot, to the point where I switched from biology to biochemistry so I could take the full group. Even though it was enjoyable t was still quite easy, hell I had more trouble with a basic zoology course than I did calc. I remember being made fun of for not taking calculus, just another dumb white boy. What a weird school.

>> No.7674223

lmao I thought I was gonna be the only one to take both AB and BC calc. Took precalc summer before junior year so that's why. I don't regret it, since it really opened my mind to A LOT over the past year, but kind of wonder what it would be like if I hadn't.

>> No.7674229

Took BC Calculus freshman year of high school. Ended up finishing partial differential equations senior year. Got into top 10 uni and have all math credits for an engineering major

>> No.7674230

Duke says fuck you too

>> No.7674231

Went into College with 5 AP classes (Calc AB/BC, Statistics, Statistics, whatever the two "Physics with Calculus" were called). Was taking Upper Division, Senior level classes in my Second semester and my last two semesters were mostly graduate-level classes. Then I got to Grad School and realized I didn't even like Math, I was just doing it because I was good at it. So I left with a Masters and now work in Software. Not particularly intellectually fulfilling but I never really cared about that and it's easy money.

>> No.7674236

Full scholarship my ass. Duke doesn't give scholarships for sat scores. Pretty much everyone here has above 2200. You're probably thinking about duke tip which is a thing for 7th graders who do well on the act or sat. You get to visit duke and get a medal. Don't kid yourself on getting a full scholarship to a school that costs over 60 grand a year

>> No.7674279

Who /dumb/ here?

>tfw haven't finished complex analysis by freshman year high school

>> No.7674290

HS in 3 years; with university number theory, calc 3/4, diff eq, LA, first year physics, modern physics, thermo/stat mech, plus self-taught analysis and analytic mechanics

one paper by 16

cross fingers for MIT plz

>> No.7674292

have you tried to just hunker down and read Ross's book on probability models? I found it to help a fuck ton with that stuff. Also Oksendale's book is pretty good too.

>> No.7674294

Munkres at high school.... I am kinda jealous.

>> No.7674307


I did rudin.

Fuck algebra analysis appeals to the most autistic primal part of me

>> No.7674327


>Got told I was special.
>Thought I was special because elementary math felt piss easy, and many idiots struggled around me with it.
>Got into uni
>realized I'm not special and what math really is
>Got to learn what studying actually means
>struggled a shit-ton
>still made it, because I might not be a prodigy, but I sure as hell can work my ass off

Never tell your child he is special. Make him earn everything, and when things get easy, raise the bar.

>> No.7674677

How to Raise a Child That Will Stab You to Death in Your Dreams 101

>> No.7674886

I have only slightly above average intelligence and have never done anything academically impressive, but my parents and elementary teachers coddled me like i was baby jesus.
Thought I was tough shit cause i could go into a test without studying and get a C. Wasn't till late highscool that I realized I wasn't as special as people said I was.

>> No.7674907

I was super lucky. Basically they liked the fact that I had professional experience programming, and since it's a more industry-inclined MS program (I asked them if I could do research over the summer, but they basically told me to fuck off and get an internship) this probably helped. I also applied at the right time. When I applied, the program director was being replaced, and I'm sure he was lenient because he just didn't care much anymore. Plus the program was 75% Chinese students, 10% Indian, 5% American, 5% "other". So the fact that I'm American probably helped.

I am 100% certain that if I had applied under the new program director, would've been rejected.

I'll give that a shot. The only issue I have is a lack of discipline... I will only sit down and do practice problems (even if they won't be collected, I'd do them to do well in the test), if there are grades at stake.

moron. Why would I line anonymously just for the sake of a stupid meme? Undergrad CS has become shit, period. There's no meme about it. It's been that way for at least 10 years, ever since schools started caring more about force-feeding java to their students than teaching actual problem-solving, math, or how a computer works.

>> No.7674910


>> No.7674911

same here. Though I'm pretty sure I could have done some uni courses back then

>> No.7674920

>5% American

10% American, sorry

Point is they were mostly Chinese students who ended up going back to China as soon as they graduated. My guess is they want to have a bare minimum number of people who'll stick around and work in the US, at least for a couple of years.

>> No.7674922


>they said I was special
>I struggled with HS math

Maybe ya'll were special but not in STEM.

>> No.7674925

Mexican American here.

>most of my dad's family dropped out of high school and had kids before 20
>only 2 graduated high school out of all my 20 cousins, my brother and I both did
>went to a state university and got my math degree with Chen minor, cum laude
>first one with a degree
>tfw we don't talk to the family and my dad supported me in every way he could

Feels fucking great man. Keep it up bro fuck the haters

>> No.7674964

When I was in high school I was in an honors math class with like 4 other guys and a girl - honors as in, finish around up to the end of calculus AB and a bit of calc III (yeah my country works a bit weird) a year earlier.

Essentially the girl was this super type A personality who was always used to being at the top of her math classes in middle school and whatnot, back when math was essentially just rearranging expressions and solving quadratics. In our extreme fucking naivety at the time, when she said she'd become a math major none of us really thought anything strange of it.

Cut to the middle of the semester when we start getting into planes and vectors and shit. So it turns out that math girl couldn't into 3D, and essentially goes nuts over being really shitty at it while all the other guys and me are just sailing by.

She was always good at the concrete aspects of math, like arithmetic, but when it came to anything remotely abstract it would just blow up in her face. Which is ironic considering how pure math in reality is almost composed entirely of abstract thought. We just didn't know it at the time.

But as it turns out, that isn't the end of it. I was starting to get interested in majoring in math as well at that point, but then I saw some other kids from another school joining the IMO. I was curious so I started looking at some of the problems, and I thought damn, all this stuff looks really cool but I'm way too dumb for this shit.

The world is a big, big fucking place.

>> No.7675096

When I was in kindergarten I developed a deep interest in medicine, namely human anatomy. In the 4th grade I shifted over to chemistry. Psychology (lol) interested me in my freshman and sophomore years. Now I've been an engineering student since I became interested in it in my junior year of high school.

My high school was kind of small and they didn't have any AP classes to take until my senior year. I took Calculus AB, Government, Biology, and English AP courses. Although I botched almost all of the official exams due to testing anxiety, I passed the actual classes with straight A's.

I don't consider myself a prodigy, but I do know for a fact that I'm intensely curious and such a trait is probably the only thing keeping me from being ultra basic.

>> No.7675116

Did tensor calculus for fun in my last year of high school. I never considered myself a prodigy, just slightly autistic.

>> No.7675133

I took Calc 1, 2, and 3 in high school (well at a community college, but during high school). Calc 2 and 3 were taken junior year. I won my state's computer science competition four years straight without taking a single comp. sci. class in high school. I now study physics at a top tier research university.

Then I came here and found out everyone did internships at NASA their senior year, since they all come from big, expensive cities.

Remember kids, no matter how smart you are, there is always someone richer.

>> No.7675142

That makes you a prodigy? I go to a private school where like 25% take at least a level of math up. Freshman have to start at Algebra 1, but the 25% go to geom. Geom-Algebra 2-calc-calcAB. You aren't special

>> No.7675158

when your asshole relatives come looking for money, shut the fucks down OK?

>> No.7675171

I was a quintessential underachieving Gifted student. A lot of my parents' friends nicknamed me "Professor" when I was like 10 years old because I knew so much about many things due to being a voracious reader.

More than a few shitty teachers at high school killed my motivation and I eventually dropped out. It was a few years before I pulled my shit together. Still rather butthurt about squandering my potential.

>> No.7675197

I'm working in te Barnett theorem.

>> No.7675212

This is very similar to my deal, feels bad man.

>> No.7675251

Taught myself basic calculus in middle school on the internet and thought I was tough shit.
Learned pretty much everything there was to know about high school math one year in, started teaching myself proofs and linear algebra.
Bought an analysis book and got slapped in the face but after a while started grasping a few things.
By my last year of high school I had a much better understanding of what I was doing and I started learning more college math.
I'm in grad school now, working on my MS and thinking about what I want to do on my PhD.
Overall, I think that was a huge waste of time. If I had known about olympiad math programs back then I could have learned so much deeper.

>> No.7675274

I read a 1000 page college science book at the age of 4. Not joking.
I didn't understand 95% of the shit in there but I thought I was the smartest kid in the universe. I don't even have it anymore but there was a lot of fractions and big words and shit.

>> No.7675281

Why are people responding to this thread?

>> No.7675441


shit was pretty tough yo

We ended up covering the first half of the book, minus a few chapters (I think on para-compactness and a few other things), and it was a wild ride. Really taught me how to do proofs, though.

>> No.7675446

My advice for smart cookies is to not study calculus or analysis or stuff like that in high school. You'll just retake that at any university. Go to a math camp, you'll learn lots.

>> No.7675490

I almost never study and get 95+ in exams and assignments where the average is usually 50s, at least for first year EE, and so far in second year. Was the same in HS.

But I'm too lazy to do anything meaningful, waste all my time on vidya. Nonetheless, I've got a good list of achievements and shit (which is what netted me a scholarship and university place here in the UK with a shit-tier South African HS certificate), but I would never have gone out and gotten any of them without being pushed towards it by parents/teachers.

What depresses me the most is when I see idiots like achmed and other young "prodigies" doing shit I know I could have done but never had the inspiration or motivation.

But I'm comfy in the fact that I won't have to work hard for a comfortable life after uni, after doing internships with a few people in the field and realizing what a joke most of the jobs are. And the fact that when my plutocrat parents go they'll likely leave enough to live comfortably jobless for a decade or so.

>> No.7675541

Gradutated high school when I was 15 years old.

Went to study sconomics. Breeze through it the first 2 years then my anxiety disorder and OCD got worse. Now I am about to drop out.

Wont give up, but life is hell.

>> No.7675547

>no algebra
>co-authored a paper in AG
OK sure buddy

>> No.7675548

PROTIP: You don't have to know anything about a subject to coauthor a paper on it.

>> No.7675558

Definitely not a "prodigy" by any means, but in high school physics I was in a class with the "smart" kids (People in AP that believe they're intelligent, but are just average because my high school was a joke).

Everyone was always struggling and as soon as the teacher told us a new concept, I instantly knew it and could do the formulas with zero issues.

Wonder if I'll ever regret not becoming a physics professor. Oh well, currently working on my B.A in psychology and B.S in criminal justice and hope to get my Ph.D in clinical psychology.

>> No.7675566


the paper was in Algebraic Geometry, my contribution to it was more in Finite Field Theory. Specifically, I wrote a program that finds examples of points on the projective plane over a finite field that can be blown up to create certain classes of cubic hypersurface

>> No.7675609

>Calc 3
>Worthy test of an 18 year old's knowledge
Kek, that's low level undergrad shit. I had it done through concurrent classes before I even started college.

>> No.7675697

i took a CLOCK and made it in to A BOMB while only in HIGH SCHOOL

>> No.7675739

Haha, I sucked so hard in secondary school (Irish high school).

When my leaving cert started I tried physics and applied math but dropped them because "muh anxiety" and I was balancing them with chemistry.

When I finished school I felt much less anxious about everything, so I picked my physics and applied maths back up and studied for a month or two, which I was pretty happy with.

I also did ordinary level math, which also stunt my ability in physics and applied math, because I did ordinary level in junior cert.

The fuckers wouldn't let me do higher math which I wanted for EE, so I had to do a "special examination in mathematics for engineering" or some shit before I applied for it. It was basically half of the shit you need to know in higher math for EE.

All in all, I did ace that exam and now I'm content with EE. Afterwards I was thinking of doing theoretical physics or CS.

>> No.7675746

You're not very bright are you?

>> No.7675895
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took the swedish national math tests that every 9th grader has to do
>hadn't learned that shit but scored highest in district (was in 8th grade, skipped a grade so I should have been in 7th grade)

Then I wasted it all by sleeping through High School.
There was "A, B, C, D, E math" there with E being complex numbers and shit. D was the last course I completed as best in class, which was pretty good for just being half asleep with my head on the table, listening to the teacher/sneaking of and drinking during class.
Now I'm studying quantum physics with a slight alcohol problem, realizing that I've wasted it all.

>> No.7675944

I can relate to an extent. It's nice to know that some of us weren't destined for shit futures.

>> No.7676067


Same here except I'm 27. Most of my family are gang members, so at my age they are either dead or doing life.

>> No.7676504

Good job, 2 years at a community college and then transferring to a bigger university will also save you around 20,000 that you won't have to borrow from the Jews.

>> No.7676549

I taught myself basic complex numbers and calculus at ~16. Nobel prize when?
Same here, we have "further maths" in the UK that was hyped up to seem really hard (so I ended up skipping it) but it was actually just slightly more advanced calculus, a bit of linear algebra and some statistics stuff.

>> No.7676609 [DELETED] 
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I clocked Alex the kid when I was 8 years old.
I was able to count to 5 without a c-c-combo breaker.
I read the bumper sticker before the car took off from the traffic lights.
I shot a man in reno just to watch him die
I just lost the game

Those have been my accomplishments

>> No.7676628

Taught my first two years of computer science in high schools after turning down advancement to the senior class. Worked closely with my comp sci teachers on robotics development for autistic kids. Was the only 14 year old to go to a aldebaraan robotics conference. Got some one on one time with professors from MIT and Notre Dame. My computer science teachers basically got free pay for a year since I was teaching and helping the students. Only thing I didn't do was grading.

Developed gastroparesis and severe depression late in my second year of high school. Dropped out. Worked for 2 years. Got my ged about 2 weeks before I turned 19. Still depressed and struggling to find motivation to study for act exam. Hoping to go to college for math or mechanical engineering in the fall. College is top 25 for mechanical engineering I believe and has a really high acceptance rate especially for natives and I've lived here my whole life. But depression is a bitch.

>> No.7676677


Just a prodigy? LOL. Just quit man. I'm the embodiment of isaac newton and learned calculus at 5 years old.

>> No.7676725

>4 years old

>> No.7676778

Idk, I think I'm pretty smart but I was held back a lot by my family.

My dad passed when I was 13 and I sort of lost track of my life. I underachieved throughout HS, went to school like 2 days per week, still graduated with 94.0 average though.

I ran a biz and made around 100k when I was 17 if that counts.

>> No.7676823

I have a Mexican-American friend, too. Got 4 kids at 25 and is studying to earn a Ph.D. in chemistry like me. Filipino here so I guess I also count as /prodigy/

>> No.7676827

>I ran a biz and made around 100k when I was 17 if that counts.
What was the business? Just curious what you could have possibly known how to do at 17.

>> No.7676831

I sold game hacks/bots and ran a couple of forums that had decent traffic to generate a couple grands per month purely from running ads.

>> No.7677444

I think what he meant is he's not your typical Chicano or Mexican and a fully integrated American instead is his achievement.

Maybe you should work on your English skills Pablo

>> No.7677445

>save relatives contact info to phone
>add contact to blocked list
Lol I'm not ashamed of my culture just ny family.

>> No.7677542

You can be as prodigious as you want. You're still oblivious to the world around you the same as everyone else and you have no respect. And in today's world careers depend on social skills you arrogant little shit.

>> No.7678044


>> No.7678127

This is the first intelligent post I've seen on /sci/

>> No.7678141

Took Cal 1 (AB) Sophomore year and got a 5 on the AP Exam. Cal 2,3 Junior Year and got another 5 on the AP. Senior Year I took Linear Algebra and Diff Eqs and also took Physics C and got a 3 on the mechanics test and a 4 on the E&M section. Graduated with an Associate's Degree in Math an am currently in my second year of college majoring in Mechanical Engineering. If all goes well I should graduate this spring or next fall.

>> No.7678158

>ahead by a few math classes and barely passed physics C

>> No.7679644
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I once built an parabolic electromagnetic pulse "rifle" that disabled a dime-store radio from 40 yards, I even got all the parts to fit inside of a standard m1 carbine surplus wooden stock.

I was 15 and I built it from a schematic I purchased and parts I bought online and at radio-shack.

I also built a small vessel from spare parts in my parents garage that generated hydrogen gas using electrolysis after reading the chapter on electrolysis in my parents' old encyclopedias.

>mfw if only I had realized at the time that this made me a super-genius worthy of international attention and not just a typical curious teenager with too much time on his hands and a fascination with engineering and chemistry.

>> No.7679650

>>mfw if only I had realized at the time that this made me a super-genius worthy of international attention
but you didnt really do anything
>followed instructions someone else made
no different than putting a clock in a pencil box

>> No.7679719
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OP here, mfw people thought my post was serious. In fact, it was to make fun of people that think taking calculus in HS makes them smart. Here's what I actually did:

400-level number theory class at uni sophomore year. All of analysis track undergrad math by my graduation, which was after 3 years of HS (Honors where available, so for calc, LA, D.E, etc.) First two years of a uni physics major as well. 5's on 10 AP exams. 4.5+ gpa. Lead author on a physics paper. Coauthor on a larger physics paper.

>> No.7680021
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Back when i started school i skipped 2 years in 2 days because teachers said i was too smart for that, and went as a straight-A's student for 5 or so years.

Then i discovered vidya. And later on, 4chan.

Now all i have left is a thirst for knowledge that then gets drown on procastination. Such is life.

>> No.7680036

Earned a Math degree at age 18 w/o any High School.

Should have just dropped out and went to college like me.

>> No.7680048


Sorry, I thought phrases in there like "parts I bought from radioshack (as in nothing out of the ordinary)", "built from schematic" (demonstrating nothing special) and bragging about sticking two wires into plastic bottle with some water and salt would have demonstrated that I agree with you.

I even put in a silly maymay.

I bet you also enjoyed analytical chemistry more than organic, if that's what you do/study

>> No.7680100

Don't break your arm jerking yourself off

>> No.7680115

Kid im taking calc bc in highschool which is a year ahead of that. You're not a prodigy.

>> No.7680175
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This is some tl;dr but I do have a point to make.

The majority of prodigies are nothing more than bright kids with psychotic parents, and while there are outliers the majority of "child prodigies" rarely make any real contribution to science or engineering. They either level-out with their peers, hide away in academia for their entire lives, or they lose their shit/register autistic.

I was good at arithmetic as a kid averaged in the 90% percentile in standardized tests. Got a lowly 25 on the ACT and didn't bother with the SAT.

I smoked tons of weed, used narcotics recreationally and was only interested in girls, vidya, and guitar.

Got like a 2.8 HS gpa, accepted to decent state uni taking graduate-tract stem courses. Legitimately did not know the difference between a function, an expression, and an equation when I started my freshmen year. Failed mat 106 twice, figured I was retarded, dropped out.

Went back after 4 years at 24, took 106 again the summer before my first term there. It was a class of about 8 people and it was taught by a whimsical emeritus professor who did shit old school. Made us write proofs of the quad. formula and learn set-builder notation. By the time we finished log and exp functions it was almost like I'd grown a new lobe in my brain. 2.5 years later and I'll soon have a BA in pure mathematics and BS in biochem (and English minor because fuck you that's why), just over 3 more semesters to go. Will likely graduate with great honors, excellent grad school and career perspectives, even considering giving the MCAT a try. Also still do drugs occasionally and smoke weed.


Fuck "prodigies." Try learning math from almost scratch--from not knowing how to graph a linear function to enthusiastically learning complex analysis after 4 years of never doing any mathematical processes more complicated than kitchen and budget stuff.

>What chip on my shoulder?

>> No.7680693

>tfw did the same thing except with a bridge cobbled together with 4 diodes and put mains through it
>tried adjusting the electrodes while the power was going
>touched eachother, all the wire insulation goes up in a puff of smoke
>power trips
>later take the hydrogen and breathe it in for le funny high voice
>no accidental ignition
man those were the days

>> No.7680784

>mastered the fundamentals of logistics at age 12
>invented regenerative brakes before I read about them
>built a system of ethics based around logic

None of you can compete with me

>> No.7680885

Being a prodigy sucks fat sweaty balls. I never learned to work hard on anything. When I hit stuff that required actual thought and work I didn't have any patience for it.

>> No.7680960

I was a high IQ guy that was suppressed intellectually by going to a hick-town high school. I have no stories. I wish I did. The damage done to me is immense. It has taken me years to finally get to a place where my intellectual potential can be realized. I'm now much more behind than I should be, but I'm starting to catch up at a top university (much older than my peers) but it's a great feeling to finally be in a position I should have been all along. Growing up in a bar area, with blue collar parents doesn't get you noticed, even if intellectually gifted.

>> No.7680983

Swede here. I have a degree in avoiding non consensual sexual intercourse and general gender studies.

>> No.7681868

>built a system of ethics based around logic

>> No.7681876

same here
but then in french curriculum there is that thing called "classe préparatoire" where whetever your IQ if you don't work you've got the worst grades imaginable
now i know how to

>> No.7681896


Lazy means I don't do homework as much as I should

I understand all of my math, I just don't see the point in homework

>> No.7681935

You understand it right now, but that doesn't mean you'll be able to remember and use it proficiently two years later. Homework (and writing things down in general) elongates the amount of time you spend on a given concept, which I assume improves your ability to retain that information.

>> No.7681948

That's the general idea of working on a lesson
But then some individuals can work far less than average on a lesson and still learn it efficiently

>> No.7681952


I don't need to retain math, I'm going into Chem and Bio. I just care about passing my course with an A.

>> No.7681958

Problems of smart people

a) Careless
b) Lack persistence
c) Lack flexibility
d) Hate to admit they are wrong
e) Lack creativity / rule followers

>> No.7681961

>Don't need math
Some people are naive :')

>> No.7681965


I mean I don't need the math I'm taking right now. The math I need for Chem is a different animal.

>> No.7681966

I only took Chemistry is high school, and it used logarithms, algebraic factoring, and ratios.

What forms of math are used at higher levels?

>> No.7681971

when I was in 8th grade I flunked out of the school I was going to, I had Fs in everything except a B in science and an A+ in Geometry
everyone thought I was retarded and ended up getting sent to some weird school where they approached school by putting only around 4-10 kids in a classroom and allowing the curious ones to teach themselves at their own pace in the subjects they are interested in
in 9th grade I taught myself Algebra 2, trig, and calculus and maintained a 3.20 GPA
(I also took biology and earth sciences)
from there I took AP calculus in 10th grade and got a 3.67 GPA
(I also took AP physics and "advanced" chemistry)
the school didn't offer any more math or science classes, so in 11th I began taking physics and math at college, then skipped 12 grade by finishing up all my high school credits over the summers

I'm technically diagnosed with ADHD but the truth is I just don't pay attention to anything I think is too easy or boring.
my IQ is around 130-140
currently 18
am I a prodigy? y/n

>> No.7681972


Pretty much just that.

>> No.7681975

>I only have an IQ of 117
Don't get too hung up on your IQ at a young age. Men's brains keep growing to age 25.

See Cajal effect the famous neurscientist was nothing special as a youngster.

>> No.7682032


I feel you Anon, Chicanos are a bad rep. My parents are both Mexican, I will never consider myself a minority, I will never consider myself anything.

>> No.7682051

This is literally what I'm trying to do right now.

Thanks anon.

>> No.7682095

>Men's brains keep growing to age 25

>> No.7682117

Look it up, it's fairly common knowledge.

>> No.7682157

>>built a system of ethics based around logic

underrated post

>> No.7682395

yeah basically you can think of it as maturation of the processes/ing as it occurs primarily in the portions of the brain that 'do' executive control

>> No.7682715

Prodigies are nothing more than either:
Over exagerated compliments of a child due to [source's] insecurities.
Ex. Ahmed N Clock corp.


Spoiled and luckily supported kids with a growing intrest about something. Parents who gave their child's curiosity everything it wanted. Instead of parents who go "ohhuuu koooool gwueat jawb sweeetieee woahhh come eat now and then go to sleep" in a high pitched voice.
ex. >interested in physics
>parents provided house as power source for particle accelerator

>> No.7682810

>Anyone else /prodigy/ here? I
1. A prodigy wouldn't be wasting his time here.
2. Whatever you did and whenever you did it doesn't matter. The only proof of a prodigy is the ability to find solutions and problems where others find none.
3. Still not related to intelligence, btw

>> No.7682843
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>> No.7684064

I'm a 19-yo math grad student. If I could give past me one piece of advice about math it would be to solve more problems and not just read.

As far as other life stuff goes, I'd say be less shy about girls. And don't worry about age of consent, if you're peers with her in school she tends not to care. Things worked out in the end though so I'm happy.

Oh, and don't go on 4chan when you're 14-17. Big waste of time. I guess I'm here now because of a 4-day weekend.

>> No.7684074

you are most certainly a prodigy a totally unique snowflake the likes of which the world has never seen your prodigous ADHD nature before. I have totally never heard of adhd's whine at me about how they are prodigys before. YESYESYES you should kill jacob garnett!!!

>> No.7684120
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Never skipped any years, but in high school I took AB Calc (BC wasn't offered in my shit school), as well as AP Physics and Biology and a bunch of other shit. Graduated with a perfect 4.0, was vice president in National Honors Society and Mu Alpha Theta at my school, and I ran cross country/track and field for the last 3 years.

I believe I tested at 129 IQ. My ACT is a bit underwhelming at 32 because my reading section was a 24, but I got a 35 on Math and 33 in Science. Basically every form of standardized testing in Mathematics placed me in the 99th percentile.

Despite my 4.0 and high amount of activities, I didn't get accepted to Washington University or any Ivy League schools, so I went to University of Missouri to get my degree in Mathematics and Physics.

I had good grades freshman year, but fought a slow degrade into depression as my grades slipped through my fingers and I didn't do shit for four years.

I eventually graduated with a 3.24 GPA with a BS in Math and a BA in Physics, barely scraping past academic probation. Now I'm working $10 an hour at some manufacturing company because unmotivated math majors have no real skills and I can't find a better job anywhere, while still having $40,000 in student loan debt.

Even worse, my parents are rather smart, are upper middle-class, and are very supportive of me, so I have no excuse for how much I fucked it all up.

>> No.7684155

>living the cali life
>from nicaragua
>people actually fuck goats there
>I think
>through democracy we actually fucked our own country

I'm probably going to Berkeley for EE. I don't see why not. prodigy/10

>> No.7684163


I was doing that back in middle school. Solder a CPU like I do and then we'll talk.

>> No.7684203
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Sup >>>/dick-waving/. Since you asked...

Graduated HS with a 3.4 because fuck non-STEM classes. I got AP credit for chemistry, calculus (1 & 2), physics, history, and English. Went to a state school and majored in mechanical engineering and minored in physics. I taught recitation for an intro course and tutored a statics course. I did undergrad research in a lab specializing in optical techniques for fluid measurements. I got accepted to engineering pro school a year early (you have to have certain grades/coursework to take upper division courses and they accept a certain number of people prioritized by GPA). On top of the normal coursework I took electives including advanced stress analysis, advanced fluid dynamics, gas dynamics, CFD, advanced heat transfer, advanced thermodynamics, advanced numerical methods, PDEs (for engineers, probably the babby version for you math folks), and an intro signals processing course (had to have at least one engineering course that semester to stay sane... fuck general ed). I worked 30-40 hours between two jobs to pay tuition and bills. I graduated a year later than I could have because I took two six-month periods off school to do internships (one in machine design, got really good at GD&T) and the other in process engineering (FUCKING BORING). I graduated with a 3.65 because fucking senior design was utter bullshit. Regardless I got good GRE scores and really strong rec letters so I got into a top 5 grad school for aerospace. I did my Masters there (electives included systems engineering, advanced aerodynamics, optimization, and planetary entry). I landed my dream job in the defense industry about six months before graduation and I've been loving the job ever since. I don't claim to be better than anyone else but I'm the most successful in my HS class which isn't hard since the majority are majoring in barista studies or are addicted to drugs.

Like, rate, comment, and subscribe to my blog for more epic content.

>> No.7684204

I have extremely high verbal IQ and mediocre quant IQ. This allows me to write high quality emails and dominate office email politics!!! YEAH NIGGA

>> No.7684228

I understand math very well and am talented at it. I always convince myself that I'm obviously too stupid to understand it before any exam and get blackout drunk before I take them. The drinking is just subconcious creating a diversion/excuse from the truth (I'm shitty at math)

>> No.7684230

No one who has actually graduated with a b.a. in physics would be so obsessed with high school minutiae, unless reflection on it really dominated their lives. How did your grades 'slip through your fingers'? Sounds like your depression caused you to not want to work. You've probably done enough that you can teach yourself a lot of shit at this point, and apply to some grad programs, especially if you do well on the GRE. High school is easy as fuck, man, what you did then or how you performed on shitty standardized tests (which are also laughably simple) means nothing.

Stop victimizing yourself. That 'I fucked it all up' logic probably isn't true if you really were depressed (tends to be out of your control), and it's immobilizing. Just start working through grad-level textbooks and studying for the physics GRE in your spare time. Take it seriously, and it'll go well. There's nothing stopping you from just learning shit, man.

>> No.7684239

You're probably just rich, man. If not, I pity you. What happened to Nicaragua was not the fault of Nicaraguans. The country has changed little demographically since Ortega has been in power.

The US fucked Nicaragua.

>> No.7684257

>Probably going to Berkeley for EE
Yeah, you have no idea how low the acceptance rate is. "Might be" is a better description than "probably".
>Source: MechE at Berkeley

>> No.7684263

You're the one who needs to work on your literacy skills anon. Most illegals who go through the education system are fully integrated to the point that you don't even realize we're there.

Furthermore, being a Chicano is being a fully integrated American. It just so happens that Chicano culture is uniquely American culture. Perhaps it's not the idealized American culture that you picture in your head but really the argument holds no more water than saying rednecks aren't fully integrated Americans.

>> No.7684269

That's spot on I guess. It's a minor depression, and it was somewhat combined with the realization that upper level mathematics was nothing like what I expected. Once it got to proofs, I hated it and sucked at it, and after I stopped being able to do everything easily, I guess I couldn't handle working hard.

I got the BA in Physics instead of a BS because it would have taken a lot of extra classes and extra time for a major I didn't truly see myself sticking around in. I used to think I'd excel at academia and do research, but now I think I'd be better off working a 9 to 5 in something that hopefully payed well.

>> No.7684488

I ONCE cooked pasta by reading the insttructions found on the package, MENSA EAT MY PASTA MAKING SHIT

>> No.7684504

Underrated post

>> No.7684514

got a gifted test in grade 6. 94th+ percentile in everything but STWM so i didn't get moved.

proceeded to dick around for the next 8 years of my life. decided i wanted to try in the final year of my philosophy degree, managed to get a 3.5 GPA. i could've done better but it was a perfect storm of fuckery. was working ~15 hours a week, had a very good friend commit suicide, and had a nasty bed bug problem that really fucked with me mentally.

two years later i'm studying math. currently scoring 100% in two classes, 95+% in the other, and 83% in the other (made very dumb mistakes). pretty confident i can get an over 90% average, get into medical school, and become more successful than the girl i've been in love with from a distance for 5+ years.

my life is a stupid one.

>> No.7684516

you're a moron who knows nothing about his country.
literally a fake, puppet democracy that the States loves for its preferential economic relationship with them.

>> No.7684658
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>> No.7684719

>cross fingers for MIT plz
MIT is a depressing hellscape, don't go there. go to Harvard or the west coast

i disagree, don't hate on overenthusiastic kids. but fucking 'prodigies' shouldn't get a big ego. i only know one person in my field (theoretical physics) who was a child prodigy and really made it.

i only really started learning calculus at the beginning of college. everything turned out fine, im on track to get a job at whatever university i want to work at. chill the fuck out kids, learn how to be a real person while you are still young. at least in theoretical physics, trying to learn math and shit before college doesn't seem to help at all.

>> No.7684816

>both my parents only went to grade school
>born here
>great standardized test scores all my life (33 ACT, 2200 SAT)
>tons of AP classes in high school
I got like 60 credits from AP classes, which is retarded because I only took like seven classes. 'Merica.

Used to go to some really nice uni but got depressed and left when I realized I didn't fit in with all of these white kids. I felt like an alien on a foreign planet because everybody seemed to know everything and they'd just ask their parents for money or help with what to do about X school thing, whereas I could go to mine for neither because my parents didn't make that much money, nor were they educated. I never was the type to ask questions, either, so I was too embarrassed to go up to the white guys (the uni staff) and ask them for help with X college thing because I didn't want to look silly. In the end, I just told my academic advisor I was leaving and never coming back.

Currently in CC and transferring to a local uni. Fixed my depression by getting a job and working out and getting back into school. I really like learning, and what motivates me even more than that is knowing I'm not going to have to see any of these pregnant, ghetto, ignorant Mexicans again. Gonna take the MCAT in the summer and see where I'm going from there.

>> No.7684850

Graduating HS, underage MODS

>> No.7684905

I went to college when I was 16
And I don't mean I took college classes, I mean I left and lived on campus and took 15-18 credit hours each semester
I'm in my last year now at 19 and I don't regret it necessarily, but I'm very glad I took the time to actually live these past few semesters instead of just being a schoolwork bot
There is a lot more out there for you than just academics

>> No.7685081

My parents say I was a gifted toddler. My IQ has been dropping ever since. Guess I had a lucky day when I did that test.

>> No.7685106

The younger you take the test the less accurate it will be.

Most of my friends measured 160+ when they took an IQ in kindergarten, and in high school when we had to retake it they were all in the 120s.

>> No.7685131

I didn't get shit because my town was fucking poor. We had 1 AP class, and that was it. I tied for the highest SAT score in my entire school with a 1350, which is the lowest of my friend group. I managed to get into a decent school though,I have a really good GPA right now and I just got undergraduate astronomy research (I'm a sophomore), which I'm pretty sure is good for getting into grad school since I'm a physics major who's probably going to go into astrophysics. I'm just hoping to be able to get into a good grad school and actually be able to do something with my life.

>> No.7685134

I took Calculus sophomore year of high school, Calculus 2 and multivariable calculus junior year of high school, and I took differential equations and linear algebra my senior year of high school.

I placed out of all my math requirements except probability and statistics; I am going for a double major in ECE and CS. I also got a merit scholarship from my university so I am not paying anything for college. Life is good man.

>> No.7686727

I am not particularly smart (in fact I hated math in highschool) but through dual credit, heavy semester courseloads, and summer classes, I will be graduating with a BS in math and minor in geology including a few extra basic physics/chemistry courses with a ~3.9 GPA at the age of 20 (about 5 semesters of university with As in all my math/physics/chemistry/geology courses).

I must admit, the university I am currently attending is far from prestigious (my family is poor so I picked this school since it is close enough to live at home), but regardless I am fairly proud of how far I've come. Hopefully I can get into a good (funded) graduate program in applied math or geophysics.

>> No.7686835

Child prodigy here. I built the first digital dildo.

>> No.7687606

Why is MIT bad? Please serious answers, I need to choose a uni for undergrad math and physics

>> No.7687609

Don't trust /sci/ on anything involving your future and life choices. Treat the input here as near weightless.

>> No.7687614

That's why I want an explanation. "Don't go to MIT" is useless, but "Don't go to MIT cause look at these fuckin dorms--> I google it --> they look shitty" is helpful.

>> No.7687669

Fuck off, I'm above average and went to a hick town and it didn't do any damage to me. I still manage to succeed academically relative to my peers because I don't make excuses. Also I didn't let the culture of my hometown hold me back from learning.

>> No.7687673

Chill, I have no knowledge of math beyond algebra and basic pre-cal but had enough knowledge to understand Chemistry math.

>> No.7687677

gringos gonna gringo

>> No.7687688

I can solder CPUs and do triple integrals.

I'll take $15,000,000 and a free tuition to MIT or the best uni in Qatar please.

>> No.7687710

I'll bet you anything he couldn't do triple integrals

>> No.7687951

You don't count as /prodigy/,sorry.

>> No.7687972

And you clearly have zero ability to interpret subtext in the english language. OP was clearly being facetious.

>> No.7687985
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>> No.7688247

I have plenty of friends with high IQs. It is really not determinative. One of them graduated with a math degree and fucks her rich boyfriend for a living.

Another one of my friends, same thing -- high IQ and all that -- and she burned out of her job in investment banking and lives with her parents now, waiting for her fiance to marry her and care for her.

Trust me, your IQ is not going to hold you back if you work hard at something you enjoy. And that thing can make some company a lot of money.

>> No.7688250

117 really isn't low at all... it's well above average, halfway to being gifted.

>> No.7688276
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AB Calculus = Alpha Bull Calculus
BC Calculus = Beta Kek Calculus

>> No.7688816

Go to MIT if you can.

Seriously, going to a uni that nobody's ever heard of like GT really sucks. Avoid my shitty fate if u can.

>> No.7688895

I prefer the term wunderkind ;)

>> No.7688914

Was cranking through few grades above but dropped out to smoke weed and surf. Been doing all sorts of different things since. Little regret not being a nasa fag or something but then all work is shit, probably even nasa

>> No.7689377

>not knowing people are 17-18 senior year
You're probably underage yourself, or just stupid.

>> No.7689513

>be me
>good at math in elementary school
>parents decide to get my iq tested professionally in 3rd grade
>score 148
>psychologist says I should be in 7th grade math classes
>parents are lower middle class so they can't afford private school or online courses
>public elementary school (VT US) gives money for ONE accelerated online math course (pre algebra)
>middle school doesn't accept accreditation
>forced to sit through bullshit "enrichment" program until 8th grade
>all the while using Khan academy to study and learn math
>forced to take algebra 1 in 8th grade despite getting an 89 on the exit exam before starting the course
>teacher notices I'm far below my potential and begins to teach me calculus independent of school administrators
>still don't apply myself in algebra 1, teacher notices and says he won't reccomend me for geometry honors unless I ace the tests and quizzes and final in the second semester
>apply myself
>get in honors geometry, all the while studying with Khan academy
>decide I dont want to sit through Alg 2 honors and precalc honors in my sophomore and junior years
>use what little savings I have to pay for johns Hopkins cty courses that the school accepts as accredited ($1500)
>get a 98 and a 97 on them, all while maintaining a 96 in geometry honors
>enter sophomore year taking ap calc ab
>decide class is too slow paced, take on ap calc bc as an independent study
>get a 5 on the exam
>enroll in calculus 3 at the university of Vermont through a program the state offer in junior year for $40
>school doesn't offer ap physics c, so take independent studies of both versions
>ap stats isn't offered at a time that fits my schedule, take that as an independent study as well
>get 98 in calc 3
>enroll in linear algebra second semester
>meanwhile get 5s on both ap physics and the ap stats exams
>99 in linalg
>take ode over the junior year summer while doing a research internship with my linalg prof.
>97 in ode

>> No.7689514

>enroll in real analysis first semester of senior year in high school
>Also independently working through wilberger's book for fun

And that's where I'm at right now. R8 me sci

>> No.7689536

Good. I am probably dumber than you but my parents had enough money (plus I live next to a top40 undergrad math) so I'm a bit ahead of you in classes.

I expect that you'll get farther than me though, I've barely self-studied any material. Only analysis (never formally taken) and that is still only like the first 5 chapters of rudin + exercises for the first 4./

>> No.7689537

Edit: 9.5/10 is my rating

>> No.7689566

I took some 300 level college courses when I was in high school and will finish my dual major in math and CS in three years instead of four. Wouldn't call it prodigy level though.

>> No.7689570

talent and hard work will lead you places kid, keep it up!

>> No.7689579

IQfags need to leave, I tested around the same as you and have never felt motivated or interested in anything really. I just sit around and play dota and hate myself. iq means literally nothing and if you ever mention it again youll only be outing yourself as the smug little ape that you are.

>> No.7689640

i took a COCK and made it in to A BONE while only in HIGH SCHOOL

>> No.7689642

I know this is a bit of a late reply and I am not the guy from before but no matter how you look at it, that wasn't the Jacobian.

>> No.7689645

I did decently at my high school.
Only had a 3.6 GPA but I didn't really put any effort into my work either.
Did less then 2 hours of homework a week my junior and senior years except for the last week or so of each class.
However I got the 2nd highest score on the SAT at my high school and on another test that all the students had to take (it was a reading comprehension test) I got the best possible score.
Seriously, I got a 1999 on the test.
The next highest score was 1450.
If you were above 1200 you were college level.
My teacher had never seen a score anywhere near that high.

Presumably the score max is 2k, but I never found out.

>> No.7689649

My biggest weakness is life crippling depression which prevents me from consistent work.

>> No.7689654

>Genius programmer at 14
>Undergrad Physics, Chem and Math at 16
>Full Time Uni at 17
>MIT at 18
>Graduate at 21 With masters cuz research
>PHD at 24

>> No.7689671

I didn't care about math in highschool, did shitty.

Fast forward 15 years, fall in love with math, get a math degree. And I did a lot of tutoring and mostly loved it but man, those fucking "I took calc in highschool" kids were the worst, because they 1) hadn't been face-to-face with shit that wasn't written out as an algorithm for them, 2) did whatever they could to avoid being wrong, 3) did not have nearly the fundamental understanding that they thought they did. Like proud of memorizing the chain rule but "distributing" an exponent over addition, or completely unequipped to prove anything on their own because they're used to learning things that they're tested on.

>> No.7689796

Went to the IMO with an underclassman, he was 2 years younger than me. Me being a senior, him being in 10th grade.

He got a fucking bronze medal and I got a piece of paper.

>> No.7689802

Don't mean to get philosophical on you, anon, but it sounds like you're the one who needs convincing.

>> No.7689885

Not really a prodigy (IQ of 132), but feeling pretty good.

>be Polish
>born and raised in poor commie block district
>dad is a lorry driver but mostly bailed on family
>mum is a HR office worker
>had good grades in school
>got into best high school in province
>be first person in family to go to university, get a scholarship during BSc
>get EU scholarship to do MSc in the UK
>do great in MSc course, get job as Research Assistant from advisor
>do PhD part-time at the same time and finish in 4 years
>currently Research Fellow at major UK university

>> No.7689888

>me too

>> No.7689897

Chronic pain and severe anxiety are my biggest problems. Both can pretty much stop any kind of (useful) mental activity entirely. Depression is probably so deep and life long I don't even notice it anymore. Nor do I really notice life's supposed peaks and valleys beyond the most immediate.

I don't truly know how to solve it, or what that would mean, but it relies on getting the fucking hell out of my present living situation. There's too much in the way. I can't do it, I'm trapped. I'm just a fucking trapped animal. It's like a tree of catch 22's layered on top of each other.

I'm nowhere near as sharp as when I was a child. At a certain point I thought I was just going to slowly go braindead until there was nothing left. It felt that way. It seemed to be that way. But here I still am. I feel useless and like I've failed to expand or endeavor into anything I ever wanted to do. And I don't even feel like trying to start anything because I hate where I am. The only way I can get anything done is self delusion, which I am very, very, good at. And it comes at a consistent and cumulative cost.

>> No.7689990
File: 30 KB, 600x800, 1445357292390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7690013

>I was taking college CALCULUS in HIGH SCHOOL
there was a 11 year old in my calc III class last semester that got 100% on every test and had to be given extra work during class so he wasn't just sitting their while the rest of us crunched out partial derivatives. no on on this board could have pulled that shit off, especially OP.

>> No.7690019

>December 2nd, 2010
No edition of time magazine was published on that date
Why would somebody make this?

>> No.7690038
File: 56 KB, 600x810, 1448149003341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone so buttblasted about this kid? He was obviously a plant.

>> No.7690178

LOL epic post bro xDXDxxxdd

>> No.7690190

This is true, I aced many math tests but I never retained the material. Fucked me over later, now I'm dropping out of the ivy league school I'm attending. Fuck my life

>> No.7690197

Nigger that's a different game altogether. Why would you do anything when life is on cruise control and you can ride the cock carousel

>> No.7690206

>be smartest kid in HS
>decide not to show up senior year
>everyone in shock
>go to CC one year
>get accepted to Ivy next year
>everyone in shock again
>have zero work ethic
>flunk out my first semester

Kill me. Also how did you anons take all those math courses in HS? My school just went up to Calc, we didn't even have AP. Wish I did something like that in HS instead of wasting my time shitposting.

>> No.7690212

Do you post on /pol/, I think I talked to you before.

>> No.7690220

I was 25 when that test was taken. Not sure how accurate the test really was since it was from some website. Back then I thought I was too stupid for anything math or engineering-related and was considering getting an MBA and switching careers.

Now I am pretty confident I could learn just about anything given enough time and practice. It's just that in my younger years I had the bad habit of reading technical books and papers as if they were novels instead of carefully making sure I understood each example before moving on. This was a habit I developed in grad school.

>> No.7690267

>tfw this is me

>> No.7690745

>undergrad math and physics
Literally doesn't matter, you're going to get a tech job in the bay area anyway only tangentially related to your degree.

>> No.7691454

My IQ was measured as 168 when I was 13, so it's probably higher now. Who else does look down on people as inferior sometimes? I can't believe I operate on the same plane as most of the average people

>> No.7691549


Get a psychiatrist. Get the medication you need to handle extricating yourself from the abyss. It's not too late for you. I know that everyone likes the "hurr mental illness isnt real" meme, but in reality, taking psychiatric medication is for people who are willing to do what is necessary for themselves to survive.

Depression can cause severe psychosomatic physical pain. It's one of the weirder symptoms, but I had it. There's a way out of the pit, brother. Keep digging.

>> No.7691643

None of those things are necessarily true or even linked in any way. There are many kinds of "smart."

>> No.7693021

everyone who posted in this thread is a faggot