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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7672664 No.7672664[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw ADHD
>studying STEM

Any ADHD bros in this /schit/
how do you cope

>> No.7672666

That's not a real disorder you're just lazy and unmotivated.

>> No.7672670

fuck you

>> No.7672675


this t b h

>> No.7672676


Sorry,but you you had o here the truth eventually, my millenial friend

You can't spend the rest of your life blaming muh genetics and poorly defined "mental issues" for your failings

>> No.7672678

>being this retarded

>> No.7672679
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>ADHD isn't real
Go back to /pol/

>> No.7672692

>tell doctor i might have add
>thinks i'm lying
>tells me to just work harder at school


>> No.7672702

>you will never get a 4.0 due to your ADD

>> No.7672712

I think for a lot of people it is just an excuse. Some people do have a legitimate issue though.

>> No.7672723

truth hurts hun?

>> No.7672746

iktf, autists sure have it made.

>> No.7672769

I take 35mg of Vyvanse when I wake up and 20mg of Vyvanse at lunch. Spreading out the dosage allows me to maintain undivided focus and clear my mental fog through my afternoon labs. It also softens the comedown period and prevents the headache associated with taking it all in the morning. On the occasion that I have trouble sleeping, I take 5mg of Melatonin.

If legitimate, visible-under-a-MRI ADHD "doesn't exist", neither does PTSD, OCD, and /sci/'s favorites, autism and asperger's. Sorry if that doesn't fit your narrative on MUH BIG PHARMA.

>> No.7672773
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As I said, go back to /pol/

>> No.7672786


>an actual science

Sorry, my lazy and unmotivated friend, but if it wasn't on the Magic Schoobus it's just a meme science.

>> No.7672798
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>mfw my friend was diagnosed with ADHD
>nothing changed since he went in Straterra
>he still checks Facebook during biostats
>does bad on the exam
>"hurr but I studied"
>I call him out and point out that I saw him in the library and he spent half the time on Facebook
>"duhhh well I was taking a break"
>"as long as I get a B I'll be happy"

Nigga this is grad school B is the lower limit. And then he expects people to feel bad that he didn't get into med school. Good, that means fewer people will bleed out in the emergency room while you check your fucking smartphone.

>> No.7672806
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>The studies use big words I don't understand
>Rebuttal is to attack the entire field

>> No.7672809
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i had a hard time concentrating in school. Girls and past experiences of being the peeon made it difficult to sit down and do homework. Plus all i wanted to do was have fun and play all the time.

Today I realized that them spoiled kids were prescribed Adderall. Doctors and parents literally giving kids a cocaine boost to concentrate and shit. They all made it to a university and then probably selling their prescription on the side.
Fuck this world.

ADHD is just a fucking white people problem. The cure? fucking speed. No wonder meth is hick drug. My parents just ignored my shit and told me to just hit the books.

Im beginning to think the attribution of IQ in western states is probably because the high number of amphetamines legally prescribed to children under the fake diagnosis of ADHD.

>> No.7672822

Legit ADD is not like that at all. The problem is not that you are just being lazy, it's that you really can't focus at all. Your mind is so filled with racing thoughts that when you sit down to do work it can take you 4+ times as long to do work that should be easy and you're not even slacking off. It's of course easy to dismiss something as not being real just because you don't experience it.

>> No.7672824

>sometimes I get distracted
>ergo, everyone who has been diagnosed with ADHD is just a lying speed freak

Yeah sometimes I don't like when my bedroom is unorganized, fucking white people faking that bullshit obsessive-compulsive disorder.

>> No.7672841

>tfw stole this autistic kid for his prescription bottle
>scored straight A's that semester

>> No.7672861
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ADHD bro here
shitloads of ritalin.

>> No.7672864
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>> No.7672869

Yet another ADHD bro here. It took me most of my adult life so far to accept that it was a real thing but I think it is now. Currently take 10 or 15 mg's of dexedrine extended release each day. Judging that I'm doing a PhD in math right now, I'd say they work pretty well and unlike aderall there's no crash at the end of the day

>> No.7672876


fuck you

seriously, this

wow, eloquent retort

couldn't agree more
but we have to be more meticulous in our diagnoses

ding ding ding

fuck you
so much fuck you

not reading the rest of the thread just to tell you kids to quit being children and focus
fuck, this is why the world will be ruined in this generation
dependence on drugs to fix something that isn't broken
not understanding when there's a problem with a genuine need and when you're just being immature


>> No.7672889

it's dismissed because most people do experience it and overcome it by not blaming it on a disorder and working to improve themselves

the reason ADD/ADHD is actually being diagnosed so much now is simply because generations are progressively becoming less and less harsh on children. Compare your great grandparents with your grandparents and then with your parents and you will see how every generation ends up less strict than the previous. So now you have parents who basically don't give a shit about their millenials and let them use this disorder as an excuse to be whiny bitches about how they can't help themselves.

The problem is their willpower, not their ADD.

>> No.7672917

>quit being children and focus
That's like telling a depressed person to stop being sad. It's not that simple.

>> No.7672921

Im diagnosed adhd, stopped taking my medicine and had bad results except i cant sit still.

Tbqh senpai, i think you're just a fag

>> No.7672923

Had no bad results***

>> No.7673081

yes, it literally is

>> No.7673186
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;Stupid does not mean you're wrong.

>> No.7673189


Dear Satan,
Thank you for spitting hot truth in the face of these shitters.
Yours truly

>> No.7673223

>"quit being children and focus"
>"quit being depressed and just be happy"
>"quit having insomnia and just sleep"
>"quit being anorexic and just eat"
Goddamn it /sci/, some times you are fucking dumb.

>> No.7673227
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I am not going to say ADHD is not real. I think it is. But I also believe that you can do things physically to permanently rewire your brain and body. I've done it.

The problem is that it is going to take hard work and dedication. Every day hard physical work, for the rest of your life. Don't cry kids, this is the price of your genomic inheritance.

You didn't inherit the genes of a couch potato idiot moron, you inherited the genes of a fucking world-beating, woman-fucking, king-slaying, creative genius that is the end-point of a process of natural selection going back 4.5 billion years.

And your upbringing and surroundings were all designed to thwart every instinct build into your genetic code. After a young lifetime of enforced imprisonment in their systems of control and isolation, your genes have become deactivated- imagine yourself as cell culture- with your environment being the sloth, self-indulgence and stupidity of the culture which loathes you, wants to punish you, fears you, and has taught you that life is about avoiding pain and conflict and chasing fleeting addictive pleasures.

At heart your genetics is barely active- the warrior genes of your ancestor survivors- epigenetically deactivated, without the behavioral signals from its environment (your body) removing the the brakes and limits placed on your metabolism.

At current, you are completely handicapped by biological entropy, your genetics dormant and hobbled by cumulative effects of time and inactivity. Even starting now, intensive work and effort will not truly pay off until a year or more has passed at which point you will start activating all the metabolic and genetic resources that now lie dormant. Burn the scaffolding of inactivity in the cells- break the chains of epigenetic methylation locking up resources.

The road will be long and painful. Embrace the pain of life and you will then truly live. /fit is that way->

>> No.7673235

I used to take strattera. I didnt see much difference desu, at least with academics because behaviouraly I did change. This whole thing is a two edged sword. Its also about discipline. You need the discipline to sit down and force yourself to study, the meds just help you focus on it while you're studying, and thinkint quicker and more clearly. But the meds dont make you a good student. I would know, since I was and still am a horrible student.

>> No.7673242

you're not too bright, are you?

>> No.7673259

switch topics regularly
instead of wasting an entire day studying one or two subjects, spend 45 minutes to 2 hours on a single topic, then switch to the next, and repeat.


It's also the way to go if you actually want to retain the subject.

>> No.7673264

quit being a faggot

>> No.7673282

Nice argument.

>> No.7673292

This guy and >>7673259 this guy are correct, ADHD people simply don't know how use their different brain to their advantage. Surely meds help if you want to study a specific topic, BUT if you know how to work with your brain you'll be learning 3 or 4 subjects at the same time other people only learn one or two.

>> No.7673305

You donn't have ADD, but at least sort of understand.
You don't get it and will never get it. What you're describing is not ADD, but a lack of discipline. Completely different things with different characterizations.

ADD isn't just an inability to focus. I can focus just fine on the things I obsess about. There's also tics, OCD-like behaviors, and a general weirdness that's not that dissimilar to autism and other autism spectrum disorders (like OCD, ODD, ADHD, tourettes, Aspergers, etc). Try explaining to your peers why you contort your face repetatively, only walk on one color tile in school, or repeat a sound under your breath because it's the only thing that matters at the moment and it HAS TO BE DONE UNTIL YOU GET IT RIGHT and you have no idea why you can only focus on doing that at the moment. I'm broken, not lazy or undisciplined. I've learned to work around it over the years (and years and years), but I'm a relatively mild case.