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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 222 KB, 1280x800, parallel universe string theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7669247 No.7669247 [Reply] [Original]

So let's get this straight. Are parallel universe/ multiverse/ alternate realities/ string theory or whatever you call it really real? By real I mean scientifically proven and is real in the sense that it actually exists. I want to know if there could really be an infinite number of realities in an infinite number of universes where every possible scenario to every possible situation is happening all at once and everything that ever was is or could be or will be every possible solution or outcome or path of way of movement is possible and exists in a universe that is running exactly parallel to the one we are in right now. Please /sci/entists explain this to someone who has a very basic and little understanding of physics and other high sciences. Are there really alternate realities out there? an infinite amount that are all real and exist regardless of whether we can access them or not.

>> No.7669257

No, it's hypothesis at this point, and not testable so far.

>> No.7669261

lol so its not real? Have they proven it?

>> No.7669264

>So let's get this straight. Are parallel universe/ multiverse/ alternate realities/ string theory or whatever you call it really real? By real I mean scientifically proven and is real in the sense that it actually exists.
Not scientifically proven, might be real in the "actually exists" sense since it's not disproved.

>I want to know if there could really be an infinite number of realities in an infinite number of universes where every possible scenario to every possible situation is happening all at once and everything that ever was is or could be or will be every possible solution or outcome or path of way of movement is possible and exists in a universe that is running exactly parallel to the one we are in right now.
That sounds retarded tbqh senpai. Even if there were parallel universes there's no reason to think there would or could be an infinite number of them or that every possibility exists in one.

>> No.7669272

The only pure math that supposed the elaboration for multiple universes was instant particle transportation to unknown locations combined with the 3 bodied problem which simply states: when there's 3 linked particles in operation with eachother theres no fuckin way that we can figure out where they are.

These two operations in question OP, you can make your own decision

>> No.7669282

>The only pure math that supposed the elaboration for multiple universes was instant particle transportation to unknown locations combined with the 3 bodied problem which simply states: when there's 3 linked particles in operation with eachother theres no fuckin way that we can figure out where they are.
so what is it? Are they real? Could there really be an infinite amount of universes with an infinite amount of realities that all co exist and exist parallel to each other? also I'm not good at physics so IDK all these terms and names, please /sci/ help me I really want to know if there could be an infinite amount of realities that I could all exist in.

>> No.7669283

The n-body problem is already solved dude. It's just that it takes impractically long, so we use quicker approximations which are accurate for most practical uses.

>> No.7669284

No, it's a hypothesis.

The question is "We have measured the cosmological constant to be Lambda, which is many orders of magnitude smaller than what our current ideas say it should be. What could lead to such a small value?"

One thing string theory states is that there are a multitude of possible cosmological configurations, different values for our known constants.

And secondly, inflation, which matches the data we have on the CMB gives rise to the idea of eternal inflation. Different universes bubbling up each self contained and then further splitting at late times.

It's a hypothetical answer to the question. Why is the theoretical value of the cosmological constant different from what we see? String theory says different configurations lead to different constants, and inflation says different bubbles may have different constants. So we have two possible answers to the question, however they aren't testable directly.

>> No.7669291

It's more of a philosophical interpretation of reality than a scientific hypothesis. In this very moment, I have control over whether or not I post this comment. There exists two futures: one in which I post the comment, and one in which I don't. While I will only live in one of those realities, that doesn't mean that the other one doesn't exist.

>> No.7669292

>measured to be lambda
no you idiot, we CHOSE for it to be lambda. It's a fucking greek letter. Do you think the greeks magically knew the cosmological constant and used it for their alphabet?

>> No.7669298

I just want to know if that parallel universes and multiple realities really exist, I know very little about physics and am not the most intelligent when it comes to science, please /sci/ help me could I really exist in many even infinite amount of universes with all different scenarios and time periods and locations and people? Please help me scientists

>> No.7669319


>> No.7669340

Is it possible that there are infinite universes? Yes, and there is some evidence that supports multiple universes existing

Is it possible that
> I really exist in many even infinite amount of universes

Incredibly unlikely.

Think of it this way. All universes in the multiverse would still be and act like universes. They would have physical laws based on specific configurations, and would advance from Big Bang scenarios. Imagining that everything in the history of the universe, over it's 13 billion year existence, would happen exactly the same way which lead to your life and only deviated very slightly is the most unlikely thing ever.

>> No.7669348

lol I'm not following you.... so if there were other universes they would be unlikely to exist because its unlikely? Science expecially physics is not about likely or unlikey, some say it is possible for there to be a multi verse and one where I exist in paralelle universes some significantly different some a little different all happening at the same time, what do you think /sci/?

>> No.7669351

The impossible can be probable. I think there's multi universes due to the shape of the mapped universe (oval) so that'd mean gravity is pulling on our universe from both sides.

Who knows though, maybe the wormhole at the centre of our galaxy leads to a different universe.

>> No.7669364

If there are other universes, YOU would most likely not exist in them. Think about it. Quantum mechanics is inherently probabilistic, all it takes is a little randomness and entire galaxies form differently. An animal who would have evolved one way gets eaten instead of it's brother, and no humans ever exist. 13.8 billion years of history have to play out in the exact same fashion for you to exist at all.

The probability of everything in a universe existing exactly as it has right up until the point you were born is the least likely thing ever. It is far more likely that you, indeed all of humanity, only exist in a single universe, ours.

>> No.7669380

Is it possible for me to exist in another universe or universes ( up to infinite ) where everything is the same except something or everything is different except something and I was in an infinite amount of universes and realities where an infinite number of scenarios are being played out...?

>> No.7669391

The answer is>>7669380
The answer to your question is 42.

>> No.7669400

You already are existing in infinite other universes. Just think about it, the same way as the universe is infinitely large, it can also be scaled infinitely small. If you're familiar with neutron stars, they're formed of almost pure neutron plasma and their cores, under higher pressure, are probably composed of divided quark plasma interacting to provide certain properties to the star (charge, spin, etc), just like the neutron in an atomic nucleus. This charge also affects the energy density of the space vacuum around the star and aligns electrons into clouds synchronous with its magnetic field. On super large scales, gravity replaces the nuclear force as the binding agent for stellar atoms, which are of course the atoms forming a universe so much larger than ours we can't comprehend, just like the atoms of our bodies are the stars of universes infinitely smaller, as they rotate between the four fundamental forces.

You're literally existing in infinite universes as you read this!!!

>> No.7669447


>> No.7669467

>scientifically proven
stay away from science

>> No.7669475

It's good to see I'm not the only one sick of this obnoxious phrase.

>> No.7669497

>There is some evidence

There is none you fucking autist. Don't confuse the kid, faggot.

The only actual answer in this thread is >>7669391

>> No.7669504

It's been sciencially proofed dude

>> No.7669512

yah bro its prooved

>> No.7669601
File: 80 KB, 500x501, 1439348835277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7670617
File: 61 KB, 300x400, 1280875977298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not testable so far.

Superposition collapse has been proven and verified.

The big controversy is whether it only collapses because of the measurement itself (Copenhagen) or the collapse is universal and ongoing (MWI)...