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File: 759 KB, 1920x1080, hemispheres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7664970 No.7664970 [Reply] [Original]

>"Humans only use about 10% of their brains. If we used more we could do X"

Is anyone else fucking tired of this meme? How do you even begin to debate someone if they keep coming up with shit to back this up?

>> No.7664978

The same way you debate with people who say "Women get paid 70% for the same job that men do."

Say "that's been disproved time and time again and you're only regurgitating it because you WANT it to be true."

>> No.7664981

>Is anyone else fucking tired of this meme?
No one I have ever met, who wasn't completely retarded (or a child) has said this.

>How do you even begin to debate someone if they keep coming up with shit to back this up?

The answer is to never speak with such an adult ever again, and immediately moon walk out of the conversation. Such rare cases of complete retardation are impervious to logic, it's best not to waste time with them.

>> No.7664991
File: 204 KB, 837x779, homonculus[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We use all of our brain. Every part has a different function. The accurate line is, we only have the capacity to use %8 percent of our brain simultaniously or something like that. Which means we are very well capable of using our entire brain, but we can hardly multitask.

>> No.7665001
File: 715 KB, 500x500, ayy_lmao_tbh_fam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw using 100% of my brain

>> No.7665003
File: 22 KB, 306x306, is this retard serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The accurate line is, we only have the capacity to use %8 percent of our brain simultaniously or something like that.

>> No.7665006

u kno wat i mean >:o

>> No.7665018

No I don't

>> No.7665038

You can't simultaniously use more than %8 percent of your brain capacity. Like you can't write a paragraph about your day, while listening and memorizing spanish while kicking some drums with a rhythm. Your brain can only focus on one subject and normally you can't even do it accurately can you ? You stupid shit.

>> No.7665043

If you're having a seizure you're using pretty much all of your brain all at once

>> No.7665044


>> No.7665048

"You only use your dick for .008% of the time, rest of the time its useless, just like your brain"

>> No.7665069

A human in a sedentary lifestyle uses 2k calories per day and the brain uses 30% of our energy (600) while only operating at 10%. Then at 100% then it should use 6000 calories.

>> No.7665076


>> No.7665128

nice meme

>> No.7665144

I am also tired of the hemisphere myth.
>hurr left brained
>durr right brained

>> No.7665147

I thought people only said this as a joke.

>> No.7665150

True desu senpai, I just liked the pic.

>> No.7665155
File: 23 KB, 320x320, 1447511635433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong with this fucking board?

>> No.7665164

A better question is: what isn't wrong with this board

>> No.7665182

I think that our brain is filling this gap by creativity, hooman creation always finds way to incrase our possibilities to reach the "objective". I know this sounds wierd, but think about it that way.. all world around us is full of people's thoughts. The creation opens to us the other way of creativity. When i needed some sort of transport i bought a bike or smth.. but i dont have to carry about it anymore so i'm going to thing and maybe create other stuff.

>> No.7665610

So what you're saying is you can't subjectively "focus" or "concentrate" on many tasks. So you just made up 8% also I assume. If by "using" you actually mean "actively participating in homeostasis and performing functions to keep you alive in your environment", yes all active. Places like respiratory center, cardiac center, reticular activating system, etc.; all firing or not firing, exciting or inhibiting. 92% of your brain isnt jerking off in its own shit while you take a piss.

>> No.7665688

You don't have to debate them. They clearly couldn't even imagine what backing up their argument would sound like. Treat them like a child or an eccentric friend and basically dismiss them.

>> No.7666545

Why do you think it would scale linearly? It isn't as if only 10% of your brain is receiving oxygen at any given time.