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File: 54 KB, 468x430, earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7661805 No.7661805 [Reply] [Original]

Why is our world the only one within our solar system not to be named after a Roman or Greek god or goddess?

Also, please tell me that NASA has plans to launch a probe or a rover to Pluto in a short amount of time?

I really want to see the surface of this dwarf world before I die and if NASA launches a mission in the next couple of years it might be possible. Doesn't it only take about nine years to get there?

>> No.7661812
File: 35 KB, 590x350, Pluto-1-606118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is our world the only one within our solar system not to be named after a Roman or Greek god or goddess?
Because to the Greeks and Romans the planets WERE the gods. I guess if you want a god for the earth you could use Terra, that's Roman.

>I really want to see the surface of this dwarf world before I die
pic related

>> No.7661815

That was taken from space though, right?

I mean on the surface.

Can a rover even navigate there?

Isn't "Gaia" also a god or a goddess?

>> No.7661818

>I guess if you want a god for the earth

There already is one. His name is Iehovah.

>> No.7661822

This, basically. From my understanding of it, they saw that the skies were mostly static, but a few odd little dots wandered around. So they decided they were deities roaming around the heavens.
Though, all gods cant have been thought to be planets, given things they never saw like pluto and such. But I am pretty sure the planets they saw, they thought were deities.

>> No.7661834

Pluto was named by an 11 year old boy around the 1920's or 1930's.

He loved Roman mythology.

>> No.7661837

An incomplete answer, but the Ancient Greek model of the universe was geocentric, so the Earth was never a subject of astronomical writing (of which they have much and was frequently referenced especially among more Renaissance-era astronomers).

It should be noted that not only the Earth, but also the Sun and the Moon have different etymological origins. Undoubtedly because they play such a large part in our lives. And the fact that "Earth is a thing similar to the other planets in a way that the Sun and the Moon are not" is a very late-coming idea.

>> No.7661839

Terra just means soil even in latin.

Pretty much every language the word for Earth means soil or dirt.

>> No.7661840

Sorry, but you'll never see a rover on Pluto in your lifetime. We are just now getting half decent pictures from a probe which show things like look like volcanoes and other geological activity.

>> No.7661844

Doesn't it take a decade to get to Pluto? Why can't NASA just launch a mission in the next two years?

>> No.7661848
File: 31 KB, 1182x583, tellus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, my internet hiccupped

>> No.7661856

because there are a dozen more interesting places to send a rover than pluto
and money doesn't grow on trees faggot

>> No.7661862

because everything we launch there that gets there in a decade goes flying past at solar escape speed. In order to even get something in orbit around pluto we'd need more than twice the fuel to slow it down.

Terra means "mother earth"

>> No.7661867

Google translate also translates "terra" to "earth"

good job, ye fucknut

>> No.7661878

This, it's a waste of money, we need rovers on Titan,Europa and more on Mars

>> No.7661879

Mars is just a red dust ball not even worth the time.

>> No.7661886

>Mars is just a red dust ball
>not ded rust ball
are you even trying?

>> No.7661887
File: 21 KB, 250x240, 1415312362565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only terrestrial world closest to Earth in terms of environment
>Only planet in the system other than Earth where a colony could work
>Waste of time

>> No.7661888

Mars is the only other planet in the Solar System that is worth the time desu

>> No.7661894

idk, but in my country it's named "Terra"

>> No.7661896

In spanish the earth is actually called "Tierra".

Also Gea is a much nicer name.

>> No.7661899

Colonizing Mercury would be possible, but it's harder to get there and less appealing.

If you include Moons there are plenty of places to colonize.

>> No.7661900

Colonizing the Sun would be possible, but it's harder to get there and less appealing.

>> No.7661902

I think your only basis for this is the magnetic field. It's really easy to tell you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.7661905

>Mercury and Venus
too fucking hot

>Jovian Moons
oh god the radiation! Callisto might be okay

>Saturn Moons

>Uranus and Neptune Spheres

>> No.7661909

>If you include Moons there are plenty of places to colonize.

Everything past Mars is too cold and gay.
We want a planet with an atmosphere and solid rock to stand on, not a small moon made a frozen volatiles half way across the star system.

>> No.7661913
File: 397 KB, 516x479, 1400952841605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you're older than 12
>mfw you're not an American
>mfw you you're not a troll

>> No.7661915

>too fucking hot
Mercury has no atmosphere to transfer heat. Keeping cool is really just a matter of installing sun shades around your settlement.

>> No.7661925

>instead of colonizing the closest Earthlike planet, we'll make it 100x harder and go to Mercury instead. But don't worry, keeping cool is really just a matter of installing sun shades around our settlement.

Meanwhile a summer day on Mars can get to around 70F

>> No.7661930

Summers on Mars sound fucking great, I wish 70F was the average around here

>> No.7661932

Yeah but at night the temp can go down to -100F +

>> No.7661934


wouldn't it be a bad idea, living on a planet that close to the Sun? wouldn't looking into the sky make you blind

>> No.7661940

That sounds more bearable than dealing with extreme heat desu

>> No.7661963

>too fucking hot
Venus is temperate at the altitudes a colony would be. Mars is worthless because of inadequate gravity.

>> No.7662041

We'd have a far easier time getting set up on the Martian surface compared to the necessary cloud habitats for Venus.

Lower gravity be damned.

>> No.7662046


>looking at the sun
>makes you blind
>unless you're on the dark side of the planet
>then the radiation will kill you instead

>> No.7663280

In germanic mythology, yes.

>> No.7663442

The greek name for earth is Gaia, the mother of the titans and chronos. The roman word is Terra.

Both are still acceptable names for earth, but just like how most of the populations wouldn't know that the sun's is named Sol, most people wouldn't know what you were talking about if you referred to earth as Terra, unless you are fortunate enough to surround yourself with brighter minds than most of us.

>> No.7663456
File: 3.93 MB, 4250x4250, Apollo_11_Earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the new pictures of earth, they look so hyper real that they appear fake. Composite images SUCK.

Gimme these ones any day, the realism is breathtaking.

>> No.7663564

Actually, Gaia was also a Greek "goddess". The quotations because she was to titans what titans were to gods and what gods are to men.

>> No.7663612
File: 90 KB, 1133x1048, 1458545229578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no stars in the sky
>the realism is breathtaking

>> No.7663626

>the planets WERE the gods

The planets were always the gods, til some faggots came along and all this jesus allah bullshit kicked off.

In some dead languages the word for "sun" or "moon" is the same as the word "god".

Allah means moon.

It's all bullshit.

>> No.7663638

If you would take a photo that would let you see stars, earth would just be a white blob without any detail.

>> No.7663644

Some people know fuck all about cameras and focus/exposure settings

>> No.7663654



>> No.7663713

Venus would be easier to colonize and has objectively more harvestable resources.

>> No.7664083

>Venus would be easier to colonize
Not this shit again.