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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7659454 No.7659454 [Reply] [Original]

Are you born with ability to comprehend advanced math and physics or is it possible to work hard enough to understand?

>> No.7659458

Just read good books, not that hard.

>> No.7659506

What kind of books?

>> No.7659532

cook books

>> No.7659538

Pop-up books

>> No.7659568

Just start with the greeks

>> No.7659596

If you're serious, I'd suggest some philosophy books on logic, so like our pal here suggested >>7659568

Once you have a basic grasp of logic, try some set theory books. Following that I hope you're algebra is okay, and can move onto proving basic stuff with your type of proof that you learned, like counter example, exhausted, etc

>> No.7659747

R u dumb?
Obviously only people born with the physics gene can understand it

>I hate this board

>> No.7659807

i was born.
when i was 10 i help my sister in math and phys hard tests, but for me its was very simple.

>> No.7659833

>she was 15

>> No.7660125
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If you can't do maths then you spent too much time developing the wrong neurons as a child

Get a hemispherectomy, shoot yourself up with a shitload of stem cells, and then try again.

>> No.7660324
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You're born with an attraction to math and physics, unlike other, normal people.

Scientifically speaking, you're queer for data.

>> No.7660381

Nope, you have to be born with it

I was born with the knowledge of every major mathematical theory that existed up until the date of my birth.

Sorry OP, you ain't gonna make it.

>> No.7660386

Anybody can learn it with enough time, and get to a functional level.
Whether or not you can learn it fast enough if you need to compete in an education environment is a whole 'nother matter.
Whether or not you got the brainz to actually make a theoretical contribution is yet another matter, and very few people have that.

>> No.7660387

>stem cells
>not STEM cells
One job.

>> No.7660388


You are born with the ability to have the ability to understand maths/physics.
Or not. . . .

>> No.7660927

This is the response I was looking for thanks.

>> No.7661085


>> No.7661979

To be fair, yes every person is born with a particular capacity to figure out and comprehend advanced math and physics concepts. Nobody can really agree on how to quantify this ability, but rest assured it does exist and varies from person to person. Just like the same way that some people are taller and faster and stronger, or shorter and slower and weaker, there are people who are smarter and dumber.

This capacity mostly affects the rate at which you can grasp new concepts, not what kind of concepts you can grasp. A 10 year old with mastery of calculus is impressive only because he managed to do what most people could do in 20 years or more.

Sure, this might tempt you to strive to become the next Feynman or Terence Tao or whatever. Well you probably CAN do what they can do given enough time. Depending on how good you are you can maybe prove one of their results given 20 years of hard work. But at that point it isn't even worth it since those guys can do what took you 20 years to realize in 5 weeks or so.

In other words, its possible if you work hard enough. It's also technically possible to dig the Grand Canyon with a spoon. It only makes sense however, to do it if you have the shovel of God which has been given to only a few select people on the planet. So you might as well just walk away and let the specialists handle it and go play video games or jack off.

>> No.7662026


I like this answer.