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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7652691 No.7652691 [Reply] [Original]

STEM doesn't exist anymore, it wasn't progressive enough.
It's STEAM now, shitlords. Like the site you use to buy videogames on pc.
Women felt excluded so we had to add the A, which stands for "Art".
Look at the cool shit modern artists can do, they are of prime importance to our society


>> No.7652695



>> No.7652707

Why women?

At least STEAM rhymes with meme.

>> No.7652709

>At least STEAM rhymes with meme.

>> No.7652714

So my music performance degree wasn't for nothing after all! Cool I think I'll come down from the ledge now.

>> No.7652717
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A dud!

>> No.7652784

>blaming women
Can you be any more of a virgin? I think it's a breath of fresh air. STEM is the most dogmatic and narrowminded field in existence. It's like computing in the early 90s. It was bland corporate and arcane, then Apple came along and said "hey what if we made these things stylish and user-friendly"? Hate them all you want but literally every tech company has followed their lead in some way or another. Besides stylishness and functionality STEM needs people who come up with ideas outside of the box.

>> No.7652791

>STEM is the most dogmatic and narrowminded field in existence

You've clearly never been to a critical 'theory' lecture before. Seriously, it's terrible.

>> No.7652992


Women already have genetics and other biosciences.

>> No.7653001

Fields I would sooner let into STEM than Arts:
-Refrigerator repair
-Gay and Lesbian Studies

>> No.7653006

>gay and lesbian studies
I see no difference between this and liberal arts

>> No.7653009

I think this should be mandatory for any "STEM" student. Ontology and epistemology, at the very least.

>> No.7653012


Yeah, that's why it's at the top of the list. The list is ordered least to most gay.

>> No.7653020

>Refrigerator repair
Going to a trade school for HVAC repair is also a better return on investment than going to school to study arts, unless you're going to Harvard to study liberal arts.

If anything should be "let into stem" it's finance/business/accounting/economics etc. Those disciplines are quantitative and have a good return on investment for studying them, which is a somewhat reliable heuristic for something to be "STEM".

STEM is a retarded meme, anyways. What exactly does a IT person studying network security have in common with a biologist or an industrial chemist?

>> No.7653024

this STEMtards wouldnt be such underpaid and underfunded nobodies if they learned some business

>> No.7653025


Yeah, I wasn't including it ironically, I respect tradesmen infinitely more than I do artists.


I would also add epidemiology to that list. It's like the economics of biology/medicine.

>> No.7653029

>STEM is a retarded meme, anyways. What exactly does a IT person studying network security have in common with a biologist or an industrial chemist?

The autism gene.

>> No.7653030

>to most gay

>> No.7653038
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>> No.7653040

>-Gay and Lesbian Studies
This qualifies as art.

>> No.7653099


>> No.7653105


>> No.7653107

>STEM is the most dogmatic and narrow (fix'd) minded field.

>The fields which by definition focus on developing both lateral and critical thinking.

Yeah okay. You can't hang out in our clubhouse anymore.

>> No.7653110

not bad.

>> No.7653117

that looks awfully applied if you ask me. Why doesn't this STEAM stuff emphasize the importance of pure science? I mean art is much more useless than pure science.

Also that rhode island stuff pisses me off, it's a bunch of artists pretending to be scientists.

>> No.7653118


Economists are mathematicians at heart. If you have anything to say about economics, I'd expect you to prove your statements.

>> No.7653131

You're right but only in grad school and beyond. Undergrad economics students don't even have to take analysis, at least not at my school.

A lot of undergrad economics is very handwavy and "dude keynes lmao" and "dude friedman lmao"

>> No.7653132

>virtually every new theory and technology was trashed by the establishment before it became mainstream
>"STEM is progressive! honest!"
Stuff like orbital rockets and jet engines would never have gone mainstream if it wasnt for German desperation. Both were completely trashed by top academics of the day. The Nazis have an image of being supergeniuses but the reality was that they were simply more willing to support crazy ideas that the west had dismissed as impractical.

>> No.7653133


stem-notsteam does not appear to be taken as a domain name.

>> No.7653141
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>STEAM happens
>due to disproportionate amount of women in arts, women are now the majority of STEAM graduates
>men are an oppressed minority
>positive discrimination for men

Cmon lads let this happen

>> No.7653150

>virtually every new theory and technology was trashed by the establishment before it became mainstream
This isn't entirely true, and honestly if an idea or technology can't handle being "trashed" it doesn't deserve to exist. That's the entire point of the scientific method. Criticism offers improvement of the idea. Do you even peer review?

>> No.7653152

Everything get's trashed until it can stand up to peer review. That's why scientific method works in the first place. Revisit, refine, redo.

>> No.7653153

>Women's studies professors are now on the same administrative panels as STEM profs
>Begin instituting gender quotas as a requirement for continued funding, due to the larger number of arts profs going along with it
>Male students pushed out of universities due to lack of space
>Academic rigor falls in top universities
no thank you

>> No.7653157

hivemind. high five bro.

>> No.7653159


If we you don't trash every stupid idea that can't be replicated then you end up with a meme science like psychology.

>> No.7653185


I've spoken to professors and off the record they told me they would much rather use more advanced mathematical methods, but due to orders from above they are not even allowed to use basic calculus. This is because econ undergrad courses are largely designed so that business majors (who cannot do math) can pass their degree requirements.

However, if you are a diligent student and make independent study of maths, they will be happy to teach you the real stuff if you actually bother to go to the office hours. At the end of the day you are responsible for your own education.

The fact that few respect the discipline and universities allow other departments to run train on the econ department and eviscerate the core courses for their own purposes has nothing to do with the field of economics itself.

So as much as it infuriates me, you are correct, but don't think even for a second that people in the econ department are happy about the current state of affairs.

>> No.7653188

>Those disciplines are quantitative and have a good return on investment for studying them, which is a somewhat reliable heuristic for something to be "STEM".
And you don't have to bend over and take your professor's politics for marks

Economics can join STEM.
>STEM is now STEM

>> No.7653207

We should add Eugenics, Economics, and Epidemiology.


>> No.7653238

whatever. change the acronym all you wan't, you are still working at starbucks after graduation.

>> No.7653266

>this diagram shows
it's only making me more confused desu

>> No.7653269

It doesn't actually mean anything, don't worry about it.

>> No.7653272

This desu senpai

>> No.7653273
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>refrigerator repair

>> No.7653281

it is mandatory in the US. but most people here are shitters who do their schedule at the last fucking minute and have to take underwater feminist vagina theory instead of a legit course in philosophy.

then they come on 4chan and complain about sitting through a shitty class with a bunch of SJW's.

>> No.7653300

That kind of sucks. In canada, 4th year chem end. Have to take 2 humanities/arts but the list is so flexible I just took econ courses. Philosophy is interesting but I wouldn't want to be graded on it. I can do that shit on my own time, I'm paying to be taught the stuff I can't learn properly on my own.

>> No.7653314

>Actually thinking art is useful

>> No.7653319

>>>/fucking facebook/

>> No.7653331

>Not understanding utility
>Thinking you understand any of the sciences
>Thinking you understand anything

>> No.7653336

Or it could be ESTEM

>> No.7653354

are you retarded? i just pointed out that if it wasnt for the war jets and rockets likely would have stayed fringe engineering. Skepticism=/=trashing something. Skepticism is alright we will give you a chance to show it works and is useful, trashing is saying lol this is stupid i wont give this one penny, fuck off.

If anything this proves the sheep mentality within STEM that art will help to reduce. STEMtards arent bold, literally the most popular argument ive seen on here is "no one else is doing it therefore its retarded and i wont bother either."
listen to what i said above art brings new ways of thinking. Going back to the nazis it was their ideaology that advanced them. The we are masterrace, we can do anything attitude. If you llok at history periods of technological progress coincide with periods of high artistic achievement. Ancient Greece, Revolutionary France, 60s America etc

>> No.7653368

Do you actually pronounce it mee-mee?

>> No.7653376

It's pronounced like gene but with an m

>> No.7653384
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I don't have a mic right now, didn't google translate have a feature to turn the translated text to speech? What happened to that, I can't find it

>> No.7653401

What if I told you bullshit classes with SJW cunts are mandatory in the U.S. as well?

>> No.7653403

Who the fuck pronounces it like this? It should be meem then

>> No.7653414

>What if I told you bullshit classes with SJW cunts are mandatory in the U.S. as well?

i'd say you go to a shit school or you are one of those register-at-the-last-minute faggots i was talking about. i fulfilled all my hippy class requirements by taking philosophy, spanish guitar, and international business practices. never dealt with any of the liberal horseshit /sci/ complains about.

>> No.7653417
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> not STEDM

Let's be honest, the only artists who can help with something in STEM fields are designers. At least they can add some polish to the final work.

Since, as far as I've heard, art majors like treat designers as "lesser artists" for actually doing something useful, they can go fuck themselves.

>> No.7653434

>Ancient Greece, Revolutionary France, 60s America etc
>Period of a civlization
>....to one revolution
>.......to one decade

>> No.7653442


worth considering, but only if its useful philosophy and not mental circlejerking
But then again, STEMP sounds weird.

Only worth it to fuck with people or redefine the subject

>refrigerator repair
lost my shit

>> No.7653452

>getting trolled this easily
too fucking easy man

>> No.7653459

>peer review is bad!! Why can't people just guess what is right without questioning it?

>> No.7653471

>STEMP sounds weird.
How about PSTEM? (the P is silent)

>> No.7653473

>implying implications that i never implied

>> No.7653486

>periods of technological progress coincide with periods of high artistic achievement.
>implying artistic achievement causes technological progress instead of the other way around.

>> No.7653519

>Get interested
>Check out first link
>Skim through it

And I found exactly what I needed. One of the goals of the STEAM "movement" is
>influence employers to hire artists and designers to drive innovation

That is all. They just want to create more jobs for their shitty students so that retards and drug addicts keep paying 40 thousand dollars a year to get an useless degree.

STEM is just a label for fucks sake. You can change the label and it doesn't matter but they want to create more jobs for their students and more faculty positions for art "researchers".

They can claim what they want but it won't work. As time goes by people see researchers in areas as communication, arts, gender/racial studies, etc. as not researchers but people with an opinion and a degree. For a prestigious research university, having more people with opinions will do nothing to further their position and status.

STEAM is a dead end and just a corrupt way of inflating wages for retards who took retard tier degrees.

>> No.7653656

Artist here.

wait, are we talking real art like the best of western culture or the garbage art that is contemporanean bizarre empty money scheme art?

because some of the stuff from bach clearly has mathematical meaning.

>> No.7653662

>encourage integration of Art + Design in K–20 education

>> No.7653666

Is that why asstrology is so low?

>> No.7653728
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This always triggers my shit desu senpai

I'm sure the guy who strengthened the bound for the graph isomorphism problem from nearly exponential to nearly polynomial time owes his work to staring wistfully at some rembrandt and jerking it to ginsberg's howl.
>tfw you would have probably solved the collatz conjecture if only you hadn't stopped listening to blink 182 when you were 17
>tfw your uni did you a gross misdeed by not FORCING you to take a certain set of classes you always had the opportunity to take voluntarily

>> No.7653737


>> No.7653744

I need phrenology because my phrenological studies degree is just as valid as your engineering degree

>> No.7654131

it's like you are trying to give me an aneurysm

>> No.7654139

No undergrads take real analysis except math majors. The vast majority of STEM majors don't know how to formulate a basic proof of any sort.

>> No.7654148


Baking is just a delicious branch of chemistry.

>> No.7654151

Economics is a science because it is based on empirical observation.

>> No.7654152

Physics majors take real analysis as well.

>> No.7654157

The overwhelming majority do not.

>> No.7654172

I took literally one econ class and I was proving (mathematically proving) stuff about international trade on the chalkboard by the end of it. idk anon

>> No.7654173

Where? Computational physics types sometimes take numerical analysis but that's it

>> No.7654178

Gender studies

>> No.7654184

At my (>>7654172) school was an elective - physics majors were required to take a certain number of upper division math classes. I never took it, personally.

>> No.7654187

Melbourne uni. I just assumed that was normal.

>> No.7654469

CS major here

I took the math department's real analysis course as an undergrad

>> No.7654476

some majors from statistics, economics and physics do

>> No.7654480

>create objective measurements

>artists in charge of STEM

>> No.7654532

Disgusting. People who are literally afraid of pre-calculus shouldn't categorize themselves with STEM, let alone attend Uni.

>> No.7654555

It still does, just click the little speaker button that is at the bottom of the text

>> No.7654578

I don't see why you all don't endorse this.
Art is important for innovation and advancement of human culture; see every renaissance/golden age.

An even better point, would you rather kids flood art or your major while preventing pay increases?

>> No.7654586

>worth considering
It is definitely something I see as necessary; whoever made this steam shit cannot decipher the difference between objective and subjective truth; probably doesn't understand pragmatism; and would likely not understand epistemology very well

Otherwise this thread likely wouldn't occur

I really am against common core altogether though; its pretty bullshit and you can't test out of it(excluding AP test and a few other test)

>> No.7654593

Good now you can stop complaining about women in STEAM

>> No.7654637

That's how it's pronounced.
Source: Everyone except you, including Richard Dawkins, the creator of the term:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkoWV01bDXA (Skip to 0:29)

>> No.7654761

Do you pronounce pepe as peep? I don't think so

>> No.7654986

No you pronounce it as meem

>> No.7655007

It sounds more like USA thing. In Europe you have free choice in last year (imo it is better to do in 1st year as it allows students to switch more in case of wrong choice).

I recommend doing something easy or something beneficial to your major. If you want to do something hard make sure that it enables master options otherwise you're working your ass off for nothing.

>> No.7655010

I do some hybrid CS degree with some business like subjects. I had subjects involving statistics. Representing statistics can be done using software like SPSS and it works pretty good.

>> No.7655024

Economics is a Bsc but remains a social science. However there are plenty of subjects that involve math heavily. It's still an easier degree than other stem majors but still expect working 30 hours / week (incl lessons). Econometrics definitely is STEM though, it's almost like doing math degree if you look at curriculum.

>> No.7655246

Complex analysis is probably more common for physics students.

>> No.7655256

From what I can tell, econometrics just seems like stats and calculus.
Is that all applied math does? Pure math goes into topology, analysis, number theory, and abstract algebra.

>> No.7655370

Physics major here
In my uni we study all proofs in analysis, as well as in other math courses, like linear algebra, complex analysis and so on.
I really don't understand how I should study theor physisc without those courses. For example, it's nessary to use some theorems from calculus of variations to take Euler-Lagrange equations.

>> No.7655405

Ironically philosophers are the ones who originally started universities to teach at...

>> No.7655422

IMO philosophy is the greatest study, greater even than the sciences. And I'm a math major so no homo.

Y'all would like Nietzsche. He says "math should be applied to everything to know if it's knowable" and "truth is limited by how it applies to reality", so he's pro science as fuck

>> No.7655537


They could have used that concept/moniker for a program to educate and initiate STEM students to art courses to provide balance in their academic life and open their minds to new ideas, etc.
Instead it's some industry lobbyist shit to let art leech off of the esteem STEM has. What a waste.

>> No.7655546

you sure convinced me with those facts, brah

>> No.7655548

baka desu senpai

>> No.7655741

>Cant do math
>what is accounting and finance
ayy lmao

>> No.7655755



(wish I could find a good U category)

>> No.7655757

The larger movement is about bringing all the Arts and Humanities back into what have largely become technical training programs instead of classic liberal arts education. This somehow includes shit like music and painting but also more immediately useful practices like industrial design, design research and anthropology. To dismiss half of the Academy is to continue building futile silos.

>> No.7655761


Maybe a cheeky V?

Visual Arts

>> No.7656368
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>> No.7656388


>implying Apple products aren't complete fucking trash

>> No.7656415


Underwater Basket Weaving

>> No.7656420

Just because apple is popular doesn't mean they are any better than a real computer

>> No.7656429

That "trashing" is called empirical inquiry, and it is the reason why the bad ideas die. Its like natural selection for technology and ideas

>> No.7656433

He said math, not addition and subtraction.

>> No.7656436

Back when philosophy = natural science. We have real science now.

>> No.7656441

>accounting and finance

spotted the business major

>> No.7656453

its a social science because it studies society, but understanding econ is a great tool to understanding people and decision making

>> No.7656484

There wasn't ever a "natural science". It was natural philosophy. And it was used up until the 1800's.

Science can be called an evolutionary branch off the core natural philosophy, but a lot of it is largely a name change and sense of standardization. Seriously, don't get too full of yourself there Mr. Scientist.

>> No.7656487

desu senpai kek

>> No.7656489

I'm not a scientist, would never sign up to be a lab rat.

>> No.7656691

Nice troll thread, excellent turnout.

I think IT should be added and the acronym should be changed to MET(i)S, which is the name of the greek goddess of wisdom/mother of Athena

>but then again I'm a sjw

>> No.7656707

IT falls under T in STEM fa.m

>> No.7656708

>Adding letters to STEM

If anything STM should be removed. They are all riding on E and everyone know the only real disciplines governments care about for their visas is in E and to a lesser extent T anyway.

>> No.7657203


>> No.7657256

I don't even understand the point of turning it into "STEAM" it kind of makes the acronym meaningless because it covers almost every subject academia.

>> No.7657265


>> No.7657310

does this mean i wont get rich from majoring in computer science?

>> No.7657313

>Apple came along and said "hey what if we made these things stylish and user-friendly"
desu that might be the worst thing they could have done
now we have tools that are smarter than the people who use them

>> No.7657427

>STEM needs people who come up with ideas outside of the box.

That's what Engineers in E do.

>> No.7659280

>The list is ordered least to most gay.
Then why isn't engineering on the bottom?

>> No.7659283
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Business is 40kpa plebshit.

>> No.7660982

You sound like 18 years old sjw, kek.

Muh arts!!!!!111

>> No.7660995

>sides stylishness and functionality STEM needs people who come up with ideas outside of the box.
Wtf, you sound like you are really have no idea in stem, you liberal ajw bitch.

You are typical girl of tumblr-generation, raised by jewllywood, advertising, Carnegi books, 'muh motivatainal videos/pics'

Useless, stupid, pretentous tard, who can not into maths or physics, but yells 'art is important too!! Muh apple!!11 muh jobs!!11 look how important!!!!'

No. Art is the same shit as woman studies. its belong to humanitarian studies.

The point of stem - its pure science.

>> No.7661129

Apple doesn't hire arts majors anyway

>> No.7661461

>getting this mad
Oh no did the feminist boogeyman hit a nerve?

>> No.7661493

Wait so we're comparing the art majors that work at Starbucks to integrated circuit architects who create tools to make our life easier quicker and generally improve society?

>> No.7661501

Pepe is a Spanish name though.
But meme is an English word based on gene and mime, in Dawkins "The selfish gene"

>> No.7661513

It doesn't have to be. P-STEM.

>> No.7661519


>> No.7661566

Oh jesus, I hadn't even considered that... it's bad enough that sciences are lumped into "college of liberal arts and sciences" at most universities... but putting them into the same administrative substructure basically sets up the sciences to be SJWed

>> No.7661598

do you pronounce it steamee?

>> No.7661625

No you don't, you insidious little fuck.

>> No.7662497

and he'll be making money while you pay off your student loans with your #nojobs. But at least you'll be more knowledgeable in physics right? XD

>> No.7662700

>do you even peer review
dude what the fuck.
arthur c clarke once said that "if an distinguished but elderly scientist says that something is impossible he is almost definitely wrong [...]"
considering that the top of academia consists of the oldest of old professors who havent even lifted a test tube in a decade this is pretty relevant to the peer review system. risky ideas are in fact often being thrashed before going maistream because old scientists have absolutely no sense of progress. if they grow old enough they begin to lose touch with even their own field, they start to reaaaaaaally not give a fuck about anything and then any significantly new idea seems crazy to them. of course not all of them are like this, but too many of them are
and the most infuriating thing is that these old fucks can have their papers approved for publication in the same month as it is submitted (while all others have to wait half a year at best). and they produce bad science just as often as any other researcher
>inb4 young researchers make too many mistakes because of their inexperience
so in conclusion the scientific world is unfortunately not as idealistic as it is made out to be

>> No.7662701

i like you already anon

>> No.7662702

literally the most fucked up method to tell someone how to pronounce meme

>> No.7662712

chemist undergrad here, two semester of analysis is compulsory in my uni. and we always had to learn proof outside of math classes too. physical chemistry has plenty of second degree partial differentials, electrodynamics is full of integrals, some instrumental analytics use fourier-transformation for eg, to just mention a few

>> No.7662719

Is that why they cut funding to basically all groundbreaking projects they made?
That or altered them to the point os uselessness.

>> No.7662767

How's gay and lesbian studies not STEM? Understanding the differences on the brain and on the genetic/epigenetic level of gay people is very important AND is obviously science.

>> No.7662784

Art is a joke, there's no standard on this industry, there's no objective way to judge or review a work, that leads to a bunch of idiots agreeing with each other in an endless circlejerk and new students being thaugh to agree with those idiots. You cannot find a more subjective extreme on universities, which is the exact opposite of the STEM fields.

>> No.7662842

>Women felt excluded
There's plenty of women in biology. And also a lot in chemistry. Which are both part of STEM.

>> No.7663115


>> No.7663870

We like our dogma and don't want yours. Keep it.

>> No.7663977

because it's already in STEM dumbass
that's a list of fields that aren't in STEM

>> No.7664027

>this is what bug chasers actually believe

>> No.7664029

>objective measurements

Seems like a good way to get in trouble for academic misconduct to be honest

>> No.7664031

Who is to blame?

>> No.7665007


>> No.7665221

Am I missing something? Nursing is stem?

>> No.7665324


look up meme on wikipedia

>> No.7665454

nursing is already stem

>> No.7665908


This is about the Port Wentsworth sugar factory explosion. We covered this extensively in my advanced process design class, and the Ex-head of the CSB (professor willy) was the one covering the material.

What you won't find on the wikipedia page are some of the nuances of the investigation.

One such thing: while it was clear the plant had shit engineers (no one eve knew how to get out in case of an emergency wtf?), they had originally wanted to install blast walls in some of those areas, but the "architect / designer" didn't want to for aesthetic reasons.

after the fact, a handful of workers that lost a large majority of their skin, or worse their lives, could have either been saved, or had their injuries drastically reduced by having the blast walls.

Yeah, its cherry picked,but I don't think its a bad point either - there's a reason engineers have such an extremely "practicality only mindset"

>> No.7665918
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>> No.7666882

Outside of some PC liberal bullshit to make art majors feel relevant, Art does have a lot of importance in science.

Aesthetics and design are central to a lot of science and fuel scientific discovery.