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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7650216 No.7650216 [Reply] [Original]

What is it that causes life to occur?
What separates living things from things that are not ?

why is that animial a living thing and not that rock beside it, they are both made up of atoms and chemistry and ect, and at a molecular level, are the same?
On the smallest molecular scale, at what point do living and not living matter differ?

>> No.7650220


>> No.7650223

proper cells

>> No.7650224

Not to be egotistical, cocky or conceded. But more than likely out of all posters on this board, my iq is the highest and I have 2 PhDs. That being said....



>> No.7650229


>> No.7650239


You have to be delusional to believe that their is anything special about "life" or that it has a consciousness. We are simply biological automatons. Meat computers.

>> No.7650242

We can only answer this question once we have a complete understanding of nature.

>> No.7650254

On this planet? DNA/RNA, proteins and a lipid bi-layer.

>> No.7650255

2 PhDs implies you are shit at both subjects.

>> No.7650256

Are you people retarded? The answer is that life has DNA. The point at which living and not living matter differs is amino acids. At this scale the only difference between "living" organic matter and dead organic matter is the position of the matter.

>> No.7650260

Meanwhile in bizzaro world

>> No.7650261

We're still not really sure. Life is just stuff that happens, and it's all relative. Some say that even viruses are alive now, who can even keep track anymore. It's all semantics anyway, stop getting caught up with what's "alive" and what isn't. Just describe things for what they are.

>> No.7650268

Categorization for human organizational purposes.

>> No.7650457

It has beemn proven mathematically that under the influence of sunlight (energy), inorganic atoms will slowly rearrange themselves to improve conduction. The beginnings of organisation = the beginnings of life.

>> No.7650466

>What is it that causes life to occur?

>What separates living things from things that are not ?
Tendencies governed by our faculties and perception.

>> No.7650490

>what is the purpose of life
accelarate the growth of entropy
>why does life exist
we can safely assume that life happened and disappeared many times. living things tend to have the means to perpetuate life. living things that didn’t were among the ones that disappeared
>what defines living from non living
certain functions like consuming calories, typically in carbon hydrate form, selfreplicating and one or two more i cant seem to recall now

while dna is present in all living organisms that we know of, it can exist outside living cells and therefore is not the criteria for life

>> No.7650493


Physics does set the needed rules and creates the needed environment, but temperature is what initiates life, or not?

>> No.7650497

forgot to add that the functions that define life were arbitrarily set by humans. on a molecular level there are no differences between in vitro reactions with macromolecules and functions that occur in living cells.
>why are these particular functions selected
because fuck you, that’s why. we created these words and meanings, if an ayy lmao has a better definition of life, our coordinates in this galaxy have already been sent.

>> No.7650499

Temperature is part of physics.

In this case, by physics I'm meaning the base functionality of all things. The universe's logic, and whatever affords it the ability to be what it is. Temperature, chemistry, etc, are just subsets.

>> No.7650514
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>accelarate the growth of entropy

>> No.7650526


I say this anime is scientifically relevant

>> No.7650540

i dont much watch anime because most characters i see exaggerate over anything. is it good? story/name?

>> No.7650555


It's very cool and short, which is nice.

split up in two chapters.

awesome visuals and good music.

typical emotional exaggaration is ofc part of it but not much.

second chapter get's crazy in space, with lotsa a lazers and epicness

can recommend.

>> No.7650557


the name is:
tengen toppa gurren lagann

>> No.7650564

thanks, will check.

>> No.7650569
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I recommend Texhnolyze, Ghost in the Shell, and Serial Experiments Lain.

People often get the wrong idea about animation, regardless of where it originated from. Miss a lot of real /sci/ related gems.

>> No.7650836


I love animation in general. There's a bunch of top-tier cartoons running now, and even if cartoons still have the stigma of being primarily for children, shows like Adventure Time/Steven Universe/Gravity Falls have been really pushing the boundaries lately. Plus there's Rick and Morty which is an unapologetic masterpiece, and Bob's Burgers is a great show too.