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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7647244 No.7647244[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ give me one good reason why this would't work.
>Protip: you can't

>> No.7647246


>> No.7647247

Newtons 3rd law

>> No.7647255

it would reach an equilibrium position

>> No.7647260
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>> No.7647264

Because the only force is between the magnets and the blades, pulling them together, nothing interacting with anything else. It's the same reason you can't make your car move by pushing on the steering wheel.

>> No.7647281

>It's the same reason you can't make your car move by pushing on the steering wheel.

Not sure I understand this. What if I just push harder, what if I hulk?

>> No.7647286

But in theory you can. Like how you can move in a chair without your feet on the floor by rapidly scooting your bidy

>> No.7647294

You'd only be pushing against the interior of the car though.

>> No.7647322

so? the engine is inside the car too

>> No.7647332

Yes but it turns the wheels to push against the road (which is the reaction mass). The force produced by the engine has to leave the car and interact with something outside of it.

>> No.7647339

Nice try. I almost believed you, then I remembered this time that I had sex in a car and all our shaking and bouncing around caused it to roll.

>> No.7647348

>woah guys
>guys wait
>how can you like, jump with shoes on
>the force is applied by your legs
>your legs don't touch the ground
>your shoes are inanimate and don't apply any force
>your shoes are the only thing touching the ground
>therefore they shouldn't be able to apply any force to the ground
>checkmate atheists

>> No.7647358

If that's true, couldn't you propel a spacecraft using the same principle? I think all that was happening there was that the car was on uneven ground and you were moving the center of gravity around.

>> No.7647366

Don't be absurd, do you realize how many people would need to have an orgy for the spacecraft to reach escape velocity? It would never scale up!

>> No.7647370

You don't need to reach escape velocities, you could use rockets to put it into orbit and proceed from there to Mars or wherever. And you wouldn't need an orgy, you could use some sort of mechanical device hooked up to a nuclear reactor to generate the force.

>> No.7647414

but there are no wheels or transmissions in space, so how do you move at all?

also what is science?

>> No.7647433
File: 155 KB, 782x687, theexpanse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7647460


Could you do the same thing laser and solar sails?

I mean if the laser that shined on the sails was initially launched connected to the same ship, then detached and fired at the sails once separated

>> No.7647466

>on 4chan
>had sex

>> No.7647489

What if you removed only one of the magnets?

>> No.7647498

>but there are no wheels or transmissions in space, so how do you move at all?
By throwing something out the back to push against.

>> No.7647500

Unless the laser stage was more massive than everything above it, wouldn't it move back more than the ship would move forward?

>> No.7647506

Still wouldn't work. The force would just pull the magnet and the blade towards each other.

>> No.7648249
File: 79 KB, 532x457, magnet turbine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]