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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 39 KB, 600x800, CTQVtiHVEAAzZ6i[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7645157 No.7645157 [Reply] [Original]

When a comet hits the atmosphere is this how it normally looks? Because this just showed up over LA for a few minutes.

>> No.7645180

It's a Weather balloon, nothing to see there

>> No.7645183

definitely marsh gas, not a weather balloon.

>> No.7645188

Absolutely not, that's what a reentering ballistic missile looks like.

>> No.7645191

I saw it myself, on video it has a lot of strange audio feedback

>> No.7645195

A thread is up on /x/. It was seen by a lot of people.


>> No.7645205


>> No.7645206
File: 744 KB, 720x1280, dumlady.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7645217

I'm hearing claims that officials are saying it's a military test launch.

Could be a night-test of SALVO, a 3U cubesat launcher (just a few kg orbital payload) which uses an F-15 as a platform, or it might be a non-orbital missile. Military has lots of those.

>> No.7645251

A comet hitting the atmosphere isn't called a comet anymore u bonkus
Comers by definition don't hit the earth

>> No.7645255

Its most likely the secret military test the US is doing around LAX. Southern California has a lot of military R&D labs. There is a reason why Socal is home to a naval fleet and marine/army base. Its to protect those labs which keep the US most sensitive projects.

>> No.7645267

first successful em drive trial

barnett has done it once again

>> No.7645294

It's just the greys, it's not a big deal.

>> No.7645297

That's a fucking warhead.

>> No.7645307

US air force testing next gen missile technology. This was a show of force to the Russians and Chinese. The US loves doing this every time the Russians or Chinese love to troll the US near their coastline. They streamline some buried project and build a prototype within a few months to show them what they can do.

>> No.7645312

>There is a reason why Socal is home to a naval fleet and marine/army base.
...because the US military needs a Pacific shore base and the good weather makes all that easier to deal with?

>> No.7645317

They have Hawaii for that. That placement of those bases is to insure a defense against a possible foe who invades the US. It will come through San Diego or Los Angeles. Those cities have deep water ports.

>> No.7645321

Uh... Hawaii is not a shore of the US mainland.

>> No.7645324


Not trying to be a dick. It's one of those words, like affect and effect.

>> No.7645327

You said shorebase and Hawaii counts as shore base. Yes, I'm being an asshole. That's why pacific fleet is stationed in Hawaii. Its the first line of defense for a possible invasion fleet coming to the US mainland. Guam and Japan provides early warning for the US mainland. The Atlantic is impossible because of NATO navies.

>> No.7645328

I'm dyslexic so I can't tell the difference when I say it aloud. It grew up nearly deaf.

>> No.7645360

it was a trident you troglodytes

cheers, /kspg/

>> No.7645376

I know there was an exercise off scotland to shoot down a low orbit ballistic missile recently.

>> No.7645477

Metal Gear

>> No.7645485


it was a trident missile test


god bless

>> No.7645500

Pretty sure that's a missile reentry. Don't you remember the Norway Spiral Incident? Generally when they fall from the outer atmosphere back they give off a large trail similar to a comet at an angle near perpindicular to the horizon and are usually accompanied by some fancy fireworks display as seen here >>7645206, something to do with the missile stages, I dunno I'm not a ballistics engineer.

If it was a meteorite it wouldn't give off a trail like that, wouldn't have that burst, and would give off a much MUCH brighter and redder glow, it would also be impacting at a much sharper angle than you see ballistic missiles like this, and would be travelling alot faster than what was shown in this vid >>7645206

Then again, it could of course be a UFO, if UFOs fall from the sky in their spare time :^)

>> No.7645504

>near perpindicular

near parallel

>> No.7645519

I legitimately saw this from a beach just north of san francisco
Shit was spooky as fuck, there was this huge bright blue cone with a long thin cylindrical tail coming out of it

Forgot about it for a few hours then saw this thread, lol

>> No.7645542
File: 1 KB, 53x55, ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7645551

its the holy spirit anon

>> No.7645553

Whoever believes that it was a missile test is a baby that relies on information to be spoon fed to them by people of more power than they are. They are too scared to think on their own so they believe everything that they hear from "official sources" thinking that they are there to protect you and keep you safe. These "officials" don't personally care about you, they mostly care about themselves. So they keep all of the good stuff to themselves and give you worthless shit such as these dumb ass lies.

>> No.7645554


>> No.7645561

enlighten us then

>> No.7645571

It's definitely not a meteorite, they don't just chill for a while; they are fast as fuck.

The same rule would apply if a comet came into our atmosphere; it would increase in speed until it's as fast as a meteorite.

This thing just cruised for a while showing off a light show and then it decided to turn it off while still cruising at the same speed. This thing had to be controlled by someone. However I highly doubt it was some military exercise. They do that shit where the least amount of people can see, not everyone in the whole country.

>> No.7645576

The military isn't dumb enough to do tests where everyone in the country can see and observe them. They do their shit in secret.

>> No.7645588

I think >>7645307 has it right tho. It just makes sense that we'd want to flex our muscle

>> No.7645591
File: 32 KB, 500x500, Coro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son of a gun!?

I had a dream about something like this!

It was something like a ship with aliens that couldn't communicate with us,but were friendly anyway

>> No.7645600

was just a missle


>> No.7645607

They are not dumb enough to do something like that. And if they were, they would have at least broadcast that it was going to happen before it did, so that it would not cause a panic like it did. Governments are really, really smart in such that they pretty much know what other countries are capable of. We don't need to "flex our muscles" to show them that we're strong; that's so childish. China probably knows where every nuclear launch site is in our country and we probably know theirs. There's no need to show off because that would just add to the enemy's knowledge of our capability which would just make them more prepared and maybe come up with a counter measure. That makes it harder to win a fight. We want it to have maximum effect and that only happens when it's unexpected.

>> No.7645620

I saw it from 500 miles away, bright and clear. Sure, they could have found a place 1000 miles from any civilization, but why?
Maybe they WANT to remind people of their force?

I'm not one to blindly believe what I'm told, especially by the military, but don't be a fucking idiot about it. There's no reason to lie here. Obviously these missiles exist. Obviously they test these systems from time to time. Obviously they want to remind people of their force. Why lie? What's the point? Just because something could be a lie doesn't mean it is.

Independently analyzing situations is a good thing but when you come in with such a strong conspiracy bias you just make a fool of yourself with horribly thought out, wildly idiotic, and blatantly false ideas.

>> No.7645639

samefag here

Also I'm pretty sure every propulsion system used for common things like missiles, rockets, engines, etc., produce a light in the range of yellow to red to purple, not pure white to blue-green (if it did, it would be mixed with yellow, red or purple). Plus it would produce a bumpy, cloud shaped smoke-tube trail, not a smooth, cone shaped fog-type thing

>> No.7645642

>Whoever believes that it was a missile test is a baby that relies on information to be spoon fed to them by people of more power than they are. They are too scared to think on their own so they believe everything that they hear from "official sources" thinking that they are there to protect you and keep you safe. These "officials" don't personally care about you, they mostly care about themselves. So they keep all of the good stuff to themselves and give you worthless shit such as these dumb ass lies.
go back to /pol/ they probably just wanted to remind china who's in charge have you been following the artificial island controversy? Of course you haven't because you're 15. Just stop posting.

>> No.7645651

Except they want other countries like Russia and China to see this as a projection of force. Countries do things like this all the time. North Korea has tested missles by launching them over South Korea and Japan just to show they can. It's pointless to try and hide tests anyway. The world is surrounded by satellites observing everything there is nowhere on earth to test a missile visible hundreds of miles away without someone seeing it.

>> No.7645665

Because the only real power is knowledge and lying is the way to attack against knowledge which decreases the opponent's power. That's how the government is so powerful and they keep that power by both keeping secrets (adds to their power) and lying (decreases the opponent's power). That's their strategy and it's working.

>> No.7645666

This isn't next-gen, though. It's just a maintenance test of the 25-year-old Trident II missile.

They've got to shoot one off every now and then to see how they perform as they age, or what the new batches are like. Basic quality control.

They don't announce them in advance because they don't want spy assets focused on their tests.

>> No.7645668

>Because the only real power is knowledge
...and nuclear-tipped SLBMs.

>> No.7645672


being parked on highway 37 =! sitting on a beach

>> No.7645678

"It was a ballistic missile" is the new "it was swamp gas"

>> No.7645681

please never breed.

>> No.7645683

It was both a test of the trident missile system and a show of force. The US was testing their missile defense system of hte American homeland. Trident I believe is the second to last stage of a missile defense.
Yup and bioweapons. Weaponized H5N1 is scary.

>> No.7645696
File: 95 KB, 460x300, 1380046235832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in the hell is this missile similar in any way to the object that appeared tonight? A tiny ass missile seen over 500 miles away my ass. A missile that cruises at a slow speed and has the ability to shut off its smoke trail... that doesn't even look like smoke? Jesus christ people, do you even have common sense?

>> No.7645701

i was actually sitting on stinson beach

>> No.7645704

I don't plan on it; I'm not selfish enough to force another person to live among such a useless species who can't even get along.

>> No.7645708
File: 393 KB, 1920x1200, Blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This that thing

looks like it just disappeared after awhile which doen't make sense with tech we have now


>> No.7645709


why? It's fucking cold and bodega bay is a pain to get to

>> No.7645713
File: 2.53 MB, 1280x720, somethingleavingearth.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7645717

Because it isn't tech we have now.

>> No.7645724

That's because you kids haven't seen an ICBM launch into orbit and come back down. Now you know what an ICBM is and how it looks like in reentry.

>> No.7645729

Why does this video of an actual ICBM look so diffrent, then?

>> No.7645733

Its during the daytime. Also these are the launch vehicles, not the missile itself. The one posted in this thread is the actual missile. Its a Trident II ICBM. It was unarmed by it was the missile itself. These things travel really fast.

>> No.7645738


How in any way are these actuall icbm reentries similar to what is seen in >>7645713

You people just sound in denial or something.

>> No.7645750

Its a next gen missile. Its not ayyyy lmao. Also trident II does that reentry effect. That's why its called a trident.

>> No.7645751


>> No.7645755

>why do missiles coming in at a steep angle at dusk look different than missiles flying at high altitudes during the middle of the night

>> No.7645758
File: 18 KB, 400x320, Trident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah because a trident is in the shape of a cone...............................

I think it's called a trident because it looks like this upon reentry........................................................................................ Not a cone............. ffs.................................

>> No.7645760

Now post a picture of a trident in atmospheric transit instead of reentry.

>> No.7645763

That looks nothing like what OP posted though.

>> No.7645766

If anything the object was not even higher than cruising altitudes of jetliners. So if anything it wasn't even reentering.

>> No.7645769

I know, that's why I posted that; to compare them and understand that the object doesn't in any way look like a reentering missile.

>> No.7645788
File: 33 KB, 750x403, img2011030201_Vid01lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are you happy now? Now tell me how come the object just shit out a cone of lets say smoke, without gaining any speed (assuming that was some sort of thruster kicking in)? Then it stops is cone smoke but is still moving at the same speed. And where is any smoke from before the cone? The object is clearly not in a position where it doesn't need thrust.

>> No.7645789

Illuminati confirmed

/sci/ is a lie

>> No.7645795
File: 124 KB, 694x890, _TridentII_vs_ufo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, based on this comparison between >>7645713
and a video on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UGM-133_Trident_II

it could be a missile.

>> No.7645796

/x/ > /sci/

STEM fags btfo

>> No.7645809

also, it was announced in the papers, the military is launching rockets out of Vandenburg all week for tests:


>> No.7645814

The night picture shows the missles. Look at the far right. You see the tail end.

>> No.7645815

That is a Trident II missile launch (test launch).

> confidence is high
> all birds are armed
>prepare for preflight check
>retro : GO
>guidance : GO
>navigation systems: GO
>pressure: STEADY
>voltage: STEADY
>.....Prepare for main sequence start

>> No.7645828

Hot gas of rocket expands in ionosphere and ploom becomes huge.

Or it could be illuminati space ship.

>> No.7645860

the trail makes it definitely look military
real UFOs don't use jet/rocket propulsion

>> No.7645877

>trusts the papers

>> No.7645885

it might not be a trident but you should bet that it is military in origin

everyone in the area has noticed military copters circling about

with china instigating in the pacific lately, it makes perfect sense that our military is making its presence known

>> No.7645934

So basically from my understanding this is a show of force using some updated version of the tridentII system. We have some new propellant from the way this thing traveled, maybe some pilot could collect it and someone can see why exactly this trail looked so different from the . Though that will likely get you jailed as a terrorist despite just being curious

>> No.7646082

>for a few minutes.
It's a missile launch/man made re-entry vehicle then. Re-entry of comets/meteors have much higher speeds and lasts seconds, not minutes.

>> No.7646090


>military does their secret testing in full public view and not at one of their many secret bases in the desert or in the Pacific.

>> No.7646222

Hmm that doesn't look anything like the trail we're seeing here.

>> No.7646260

Y'know for /sci/ there sure isn't a lot of science going on here.

Why are you all even here? Go look for empirical evidence of global warming or something


>> No.7646276

Its hard to focus on it, but about halfway through the video look to the left lower portion of the screen. There is an item in front of the glowing item, it matches its speed. Anyone else see this?

>> No.7646279

Looks like a rocket to me

>> No.7646289

Its called a trident for poseidons weapon you numbskull. And they are only trident missiles if they are SeaLBM..

>> No.7646364

>missile that cruises at a slow speed
It looks like it's cruising at a slow speed because it's very far away.

>and has the ability to shut off its smoke trail
Staging. Trident II is a 3-stage missile.

I believe its first stage gets up to speed quickly and then has a fairly long coast before the second stage ignites. Solids often coast for a minute or two between stages.

>> No.7646381

The most disappointing thing about this is that people are completely unable to recognize what rocket launches look like. The stage separations being confused with "explosions" for example, or the assumption of the most asinine UFO explanations.

>> No.7646407


Yep. 100% weather balloon.

>> No.7646433

I predict that there are 5 units in total when you place 2 groups of 2 units side by side.

Trial one:
(++)(++) - total of 4

Trial two:
(++)(++) - total of 4

Trial three:
(++)(++) - total of 4

Trial four (for good luck):
(++)(++) - total of 4

In conclusion, I am a dumbass; lets try it again but by placing 1 group of 2 units side by side with 1 single unit. Maybe then I will get the results I want.

>> No.7646475

>mfw this is what a nuclear armageddon would look like......

>> No.7646483
File: 87 KB, 584x507, NORWAY_STRANGE_LIGHT_TR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this thing seen over norway a few years ago, a failed russian bulava missile test

>> No.7646498

you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

>> No.7646521

It takes one to know one.

You must think guns, bombs, money and whatever else causes destruction is what power actually is. Fucking child. You can't just shit out guns or bombs, you have to KNOW how to make them first!!!! Fucking low mental capacity dipshit, knowledge comes before anything.

>> No.7646525

This. Why the fuck would the military test top secret shit near L.A?
>remind citizens of their power
lol this isn't ancient rome, "lets launch a $2 million missile over L.A to show the plebs the power of the Democrat party!"

>> No.7646531

>I believe what the government tells me
How can you guys be so smart yet so dumb at the same time?

>> No.7646553

>arguing that the military doesn't put use tests/drills/etc to periodically show off their power

i mean it's not like it's a secret or anything. isn't this common knowledge?

>> No.7646563


>you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded
>anon is a fag and the shit he spews is retarded
>mfw anon is a retard

sorry man....enjoy your extra chromosome

>> No.7646601

Is this seriously a thing in America? Fascism much?

>> No.7646616



Muh nukes.


>Of course you are.

>> No.7646626

>I'm proud of living in a fascist shithole
Enjoy your government's jackboot up your arse.

>> No.7646651

No. Don't listen to him.

Unless he's referring to military parades, which I'm sure whatever backwards irrelevant shithole you're from does too

t. veteran

>> No.7646660


>I like to project my shitty problems onto other people

Feel free to move to the United States anytime, anon.

I'm sure once you move here you'll understand what it means to be free.

Or you can continue to live in the cesspool-of-a-3rd-world-nation you call "home" for the rest of your natural, diseased, uneducated life.

>> No.7646685

>world's highest incarceration rate
>military conscription
>two political parties that are exactly the same
>longest working hours and least holiday time in the west

>> No.7646694


theres no military conscription

and? they committed heinous crimes

>longest working hours and the least holiday time
thats by choice. protestant work ethic and all that. its also why are we are economically/morally/all-around superior to you

>> No.7646697

id like to add, theres no military conscription unlike the liberal utopias of germany, finland, norway

>> No.7646701

Every man has to register with your military for possible conscription
Implying everyone on death row is actually guilty
It's not by individual choice, your society decided protestant work ethic was good so forced it upon everybody whether they like it or not

>> No.7646704


>world's highest incarceration rate

I said "United States", not Seychelles

>military conscription

It's actually an all volunteer force......do you know what that "all volunteer force" means in your country?

>two political parties that are exactly the same

Ignores the Libertarian Party, the Green Party, etc etc etc. And to address your "point", neither main political party here in the United States is the same.

>longest working hours and least holiday time in the west

At least our unemployment rate isn't in the double digit range.


Lethal injection via potassium chloride is an effective way to put child molesters, serial killers to death. Sure beats having heads, or arms, or hands cut off in other countries. But I'm sure that's an effective way of dealing with criminals in YOUR country anon....


At least death row inmates are afforded a trial by jury.

Which I'm sure isn't the case where you live, anon.

>> No.7646712


>Every man has to register with your military for possible conscription

The Selective Service isn't a part of the military. Dumbass

>Implying everyone on death row is actually guilty

Anon has never heard of an "appeals court"

>It's not by individual choice, your society decided protestant work ethic was good so forced it upon everybody whether they like it or not

That same "protestant" work ethic is also responsible for great works such as the Hoover Dam, modern skyscrapers, the Golden Gate bridge, the modern aircraft carrier, Hollywood, the Mars Science Laboratory, and so forth..and so on...

>> No.7646716

>they committed heinous crimes
Some of them did. Sometimes you guys execute innocent people. And the decision seems very arbitrary to someone from outside the country. And by arbitrary, I mean super racist.

> no conscription

>> No.7646717

it hasnt been used since vietnam, would only be used in the event of a huge conflict like wwiii, and is full of exceptions including being a "conscientious objector". most other countries have similar systems.

the vast vast majority are guilty. the legal proceedings take decades. like any legal system, occasionally an one will slip through. is that any worse than keeping an innocent person in prison for their whole life?

no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to work so many hours a week. its a matter of values and americans value work.

>> No.7646731


>> No.7646736

>I said "United States", not Seychelles
Top ten, whatever it's still atrocious.
>Ignores the Libertarian Party, the Green Party, etc etc etc.
Have they ever won?
>At least our unemployment rate isn't in the double digit range.
Yes because you allow people to be paid $1 an hour to flip burgers. Hardly "employment" I would say.
>Lethal injection via potassium chloride is an effective way to put child molesters, serial killers to death
No it's an effective way to put to death those who can't afford a lawyer and those of a race which the jury doesn't particularly like
>That same "protestant" work ethic is also responsible for great works such as the Hoover Dam, modern skyscrapers, the Golden Gate bridge, the modern aircraft carrier, Hollywood, the Mars Science Laboratory, and so forth..and so on...
There are skyscrapers and dams in France yet they work half as much as you do.
> is that any worse than keeping an innocent person in prison for their whole life?
Not sure if retarded... You can let him out once your realize he's innocent.

>> No.7646765

>$1 an hour to flip burgers
thats hyperbole and you know it. our illegal immigrants seem to do just fine working jobs like that, they are prospering even. only people who have problems living off minimum wage are privileged middle class white kids.

>> No.7646768


>Top ten, whatever it's still atrocious

Well I'm sure (thanks to your country's "incarceration rate") your crime rate is stellar where you live, anon.....

>Have they ever won?

No. Ever heard of stealing votes? Do you even know how the political process works here in the United States? Again...of course you don't.

>....Hardly "employment" I would say.

I'm quite sure a person earning $9.00 an hour flipping burgers is making considerably more than the average "citizen" is earning in your "country", anon.

>No it's an effective way to put to death those who can't afford a lawyer and those of a race which the jury doesn't particularly like.

....nevermind the fact the jury is ALWAYS a jury of the defendants peers. Again...do you know what it means to have a "jury of your peers"? I doubt you do. I doubt you even have a proper legal system in the backwards country where you live.

>There are skyscrapers and dams in France yet they work half as much as you do.


>Not sure if retarded....You can let him out once your realize he's innocent.

Once again you show your lack of understanding of how the legal system works here in the United States.

>> No.7646827


Our illegal immigrants are making ten times that amount picking lettuce in southern Texas.

And that's a GRUELING task, mind you.

>> No.7646866
File: 221 KB, 600x931, Ai-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all doubted the power of Ai-chan, we're getting alien waifus gentleman.

>> No.7646893

>...nevermind the fact the jury is ALWAYS a jury of the defendants peers.

>> No.7646929

10 internets to you sir

>> No.7646933



You're not going to get me to laugh, clown

>> No.7647020


Perhaps the military wanted people to see the launch. Think about it, fly a missile where millions of people can see a shit ton of footage from youtube and thus can extrapolate a lot of data from that for free! I mean people will record it, so fuck it why not use that data, kinda genius.

>> No.7647041

I feel bad for you /sci/. All the tinfoils come out of the wood works and come here whenever anything like this happens. I'm guilty as well but at least I'm not calling people sheep and what not

>> No.7647046

>Then again, it could of course be a UFO, if UFOs fall from the sky in their spare time :^)
>implying ufo jockeys wouldnt do an air stall above a major city for shits and giggles

>> No.7647047

No. When a comet hits the atmosphere it move much faster, and as a result, releases more energy

>> No.7647054

that was baseball I threw - chuck norris

>> No.7647113
File: 813 KB, 973x677, 2015-04-04 15.50.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Well I'm sure (thanks to your country's "incarceration rate") your crime rate is stellar where you live, anon.....

The fact that prisons in your country are set up as business have created an industry of putting people in prison. This process doesn't rehabilitate people it just makes slave labour.

>No. Ever heard of stealing votes? Do you even know how the political process works here in the United States? Again...of course you don't.

Are you actually bragging about political corruption?

>I'm quite sure a person earning $9.00 an hour flipping burgers is making considerably more than the average "citizen" is earning in your "country", anon.

We have a minimum wage of about $15/h where I'm from. The rest of the developed world and some undeveloped countries, seriously look at your system as pathetically unfair. Your wage gap is increasing.

>....nevermind the fact the jury is ALWAYS a jury of the defendants peers. Again...do you know what it means to have a "jury of your peers"? I doubt you do. I doubt you even have a proper legal system in the backwards country where you live.

You think they actually get the accused mates and put them in the jury? They get any idiot off the street. I've sat jury duty and the process is very reliant on the people in the jury to actually care.

In the U.S there have been plenty of cases of people getting sentence to death only to be found that they're innocent.

>Once again you show your lack of understanding of how the legal system works here in the United States.

"One third of the world's population (approximately 2.3 billion people) live in common law jurisdictions or in systems mixed with civil law. Common law originated during the Middle Ages in England, and from there was propagated to the colonies of the British Empire..."

The system we can't understand is the exact same legal system 2/3 of the world use, my country included.

>> No.7647176

Why would one test missiles at night? I assume that monitoring would be easier at daytime.

>> No.7647207

That is exactly what a rocket of any type looks like while it is burning in the upper atmosphere. The exhaust is the strangely shaped blob emanating from the rear. It looks like that because there is much less or virtually no air pressure around the nozzle to press it into the shape you are expecting, like the rocket you posted.

>> No.7647210

It may have been launched from somewhere on earth that was facing the sun. That would seem more likely to me as the rocket is obviously already in the way way upper atmosphere

>> No.7647227

Oh look, its the same effect.

>> No.7647265


Wow that's quite some mental gymastics.

>> No.7647304

oh my lord

>> No.7647954
File: 24 KB, 710x531, rktstage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expected more from you /sci/.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWvrGIgGnRY Atlas V

https://youtu.be/Al11l5SwhAk?t=19s a missle launched in vandenburg

https://youtu.be/NN2LAUYAtlA?t=11s ballistic missile in russia.

https://vimeo.com/145029572 time lapse of the event. clear missile including staging

>> No.7647979
File: 14 KB, 679x427, creature watch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but that sphere "explosion" looked uncanny like something unearth-like

>> No.7647984

On that youtuber's video? seems like angle. Say if you got a spray nozzle for a garden hose and pointed it away from you. The water would look like it is in a circle. Now point it to the side, and the water is in more of a cone/triangle shape. Same applies when the rocket goes into it's second stage

>> No.7648096

Every one of those videos showed the rocket's distinct smoke trail originating from the inner atmosphere before poofing into a bubble/cone thing. The one from yesterday just pibbity pooped one out from nowhere. And it looks and moves like it is in the inner atmosphere.

>> No.7648559
File: 1.04 MB, 5719x5866, s69-15592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that image is shot with a long exposure time so you can clearly see the paths of the MIRVs

in real life and photos with normal exposure time things re-entering look like pic related

not that it even matters because the missile in the OP is clearly in the ascent stage

>> No.7648641

No it didn't did you watch the timelapse I linked at all? IT IS FROM CALIFORNIA. IT IS THE SAME EVENT. check the time it was uploaded. All of the "ufo" videos only show the missile already in the second stage because that is the stage it is most visible for everyone to see. I'm guessing you didn't actually look at anything I linked and just want to spout your bullshit about aliens instead of using actual science on /sci/

>> No.7648873

When I was checking all of your links, the vimeo one brought me to vimeo but it told me the file or something was not found. Maybe I didn't get the whole link.

How come the "rocket's" light just appeared in the sky and not all the way from the ground? Did the military launch it with a catapult to get it off of the ground? And again, there isn't any smoke from it's original launch! It's just a floating light; there would be a trail of smoke from the place it came (which wasn't even the ground) all the way until it did it's little cone thing if it was a rocket. Plus who said anything about aliens? It's just the "official story" that was broadcasted all over the news to make people believe, sounds pretty fabricated and everyone is trying to defend it because they love their country and would be devastated if they knew their country was lying to them.

So here you go, a conspiracy theory that's more believable to you. China and US tensions rising. China is the one who launched this missile as their way to show their power while frightening our public (even though public took it the wrong way lol). They know that the US isn't stupid enough to start a full-on war with them because of it. So the US lies to it's public to keep them from going nuts.

>> No.7648898

Yes, but why does it look so fucking strange and otherworldly when it sort of stops moving in mid air and dissolves into an efflorescent pool of vaporous moonlight?
You don't really expect missiles to look so ethereal.

>> No.7648916

Different altitudes. The air pressure up there is incredibly low so it spreads out a lot more quickly.

>> No.7648966
File: 390 KB, 1280x1556, 1425342901095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you are saying that china launched a ballistic missile within PAVE PAWS range at the continental united states? why would china do that? why would any nation do that?

launching a single SLBM is a classic opening move to a nuclear sneak attack and the radar operators at Beale AFB would have no way to tell a unarmed missile and one with armed RVs

the radar operators would double check that their equipment is working correctly before passing the warning on

the US might not launch a counter attack unless they got launch detections on chinese ICBMs but only a darenged madman would think to launch a ballistic missile at another nuclear-armed nation

>> No.7648967

North Korea would.

>> No.7648996

https://vimeo.com/145029572 try this link

>> No.7649034

>China is the one who launched this missile as their way to show their power while frightening our public (even though public took it the wrong way lol).


Had the Second Artillery Corp been authorized to launch a missile towards the United States, the reaction would be very different.

To suggest this (even as a counterpoint to anon's comment--I'm not the anon you were talking to initially) is absurd. The Politburo would be committing suicide on every level if the authorized the release of such a device. And if you think we were covering it up, think again. Do you think we're the only nation in the world that can track ICBMs? Have you even thought of India's missile tracking program? Great Britain's? South Korea?

How daft would one have to be to even suggest the United States government "covered" up the launch by masking it as a test firing from a Navy SLBM? How stupid do you think people really are?

A missile launch detection would have been met with a VERY different response. Our nation's government is definitely screwed up, but they would not hesitate to respond aggressively had someone decided to launch a missile towards the North American continent.

>> No.7649070

North Korea probably couldn't get a missile to hit Seoul and even they aren't deranged enough to invite nuclear destruction upon their country.

>> No.7649083

I already saw this video, I think from the original post worked when I tried it a second time. That's what I used for my main argument in >>7648873

>> No.7649086

*The link

>> No.7649764


>> No.7650155

>We have a minimum wage of about $15/h where I'm from. The rest of the developed world and some undeveloped countries
And a tax rate of 30-40%, and VAT, and higher sales taxes, and horrendously taxed gasoline...
That $15/hr equivalent is actually worth about $8.75 at the end of the day. Less than 1% of working Americans make this amount or lower.
And I don't even know specifically where you are from, so I can't calculate the differences in cost of living or aggregate PPP

"Muh minimum wage" always seems to be the economic focal point of socialists with too many words and too little brain.

>> No.7650176

They don't need missiles to hit Soeul. The city is in within range of the North's good old fashioned conventional Artillery. South Korean war plans pretty much write off much of the city as being rekt by already in place artillery positions the moment things get hot.

>> No.7650204

What if that's a UFO?

>> No.7650682

>darenged madman

Aren't all superpower countries just that? Or maybe, mad scientists but in a relative context

>> No.7651011

showed up over china a few years back as well look up on youtube china ufo

>> No.7651015

this same thing popped up in china 2009.

>> No.7651082

>A wave drag cone with white induced plasma boundary layer

Looks like primitive human shi- I mean cutting-edge stuff to me.

>> No.7651393

speaking of bright things in the sky... last week I was sitting on the beach at night with some friends, watching the stars. There had been quite a few shooting stars that night, one of my buddies thought we were in a meteor shower but anyway, one particularly bright shooting star flew across the sky, and then there was this huge flash of light, like an explosion, then the star kept going for about a half second and blinked out. One of my buddies who loves conspiracies and everything involving aliens insisted it was ET's, but I am too skeptical. was it just something that went really low in the atmosphere or was it a completely different phenomena?

>> No.7651423

That's obviously some sort of plasma beam spiraling out of control.

>> No.7652167
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>> No.7652178

It's a fallout 4 publicity stunt

>> No.7652271

Are you like 12 or something?

>> No.7652275

Lol k thx

>> No.7652279

Just a stray Trident II (D5) missle. Nothing to see here.

>> No.7652287

Most likely a nuclear missile disguised as a comet so it wont get shot down.

>> No.7652305

That is what a nuclear missile launch looks like. If you see it outside a training exercise: Duck, and cover.

>> No.7652318
File: 30 KB, 555x644, 1380622976978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a dude that makes 8.50 an hour, my first thought when i saw people actually trying to push 15 was 'that's just going to fuck all the 30k salarymen right in the ass now innit?' and then 'every single unskilled labor job in the country would be put in jeopardy' and finally 'oh, this is how they finally eliminate the middle class. that 15 an hour gets taxed to hell and back because the workers will be made to pay for the welfare system to support all the people that got put on the dole after the workforce was purged in the initial knee-jerk to doubling the federal minimum wage. fucking brilliant.'