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7642961 No.7642961 [Reply] [Original]

What are some cool kinds of exotic planets that you think could exist?

I know about some, like chthonic planets, ocean worlds, and that kind of stuff, but let's forget what's already known and just have some wild conjecture

>> No.7642967

I envision a planet made of organs as a mantle and skin as crust.

Oh wait they already found that planet, its your mom

>> No.7643139

If a planet with massive oceans got abundant fractures to a very great depth, and ended up having those fractures fill with water which then froze, then somehow lost water, it could have truly massive cave systems.

>> No.7643190

Ocean planet of Bromine

>> No.7643198

Treasure planet

>> No.7643201


>> No.7643213

Imagine the tides on a planet with two moons orbiting in opposite directions

>> No.7643224

Imagine an entire planet made of quartz the volume of jupiter. The fucking electric field would be incredible

>> No.7643236

Titan-like planets are my favorite, especially since they could possibly harbor life.
They'd have to be "wetter" than titan though, it's practically a desert.

>> No.7643456

Anyone mind explaining this?

>> No.7643471

Binary/double planets. Two Earth-sized rocky planets of equal size orbiting each other and tidally locked so one side always faces the other. They'd orbit extremely closely, only half a diameter of the planet away. According to simulations this is possible.



>> No.7643674


We're close to being that now. Earth and Luna nearly form a double planet. Two of three requirements are already met:

1. Each orbits the sun on a path that's everywhere concave.
2. The smaller body is much closer to the other body's mass, unlike most moons which are much tinier than the parent body's mass.

If the barycenter of the Earth-Luna system was outside the body of the Earth itself, then we'd qualify as a real double-planet system. Currently the barycenter is located about 1000 miles within the Earth.

>> No.7643700

Ocean worlds are my favourite.

>> No.7643705

I wondered this recently. Does that mean when you look up all you see is land in the air?

>> No.7643708

Carbon based planet.
Graphite, diamonds, hydrocarbons instead of water and so on.

>> No.7643716

A desert type world maybe, though the polar regions would be temperate.

So no Dune for me.

>> No.7643779

Piezoelectric effect of quartz

But a quartz crystal of that magnitude would be like an beacon of radio waves, it would be nuts

>> No.7643847

Man I'd like to be a lone prospector in them thar hills. Just me and me and my robot slaves mining away until I've got enough of the mother load. Then it would be Steak and gravy every day.

>> No.7643912

Are triple+ planets possible? Can more than two planets orbit each other?

>> No.7643916

I'd think a triple planet system would be inherently unstable. I don't know much on the subject though.

>> No.7643919
File: 22 KB, 960x542, 55-cancri-e. About a third of its mass is diamond. If you owned a diamond of this size, it would be worth roughly 30 nonillion USD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already exists.

>> No.7643923


I don't see why that would be any different than a planet with two moons.

>> No.7643945


Play chaotic planets and try a trinary planet system for yourself

>> No.7643946

>2. The smaller body is much closer to the other body's mass
The Earth's mass is 81 times Luna, while it's diameter is less than 4 times. Meanwhile Pluto's mass is less 7 times the mass of charon and less than twice the diameter. The moon is also 20 times further away from Earth on average than Charon is from Pluto. So although we're closer to a double planet than Mars or the Jovian planets we're still a long ways off, and again this isn't even close to what >>7643471 suggested.

>> No.7643948

What about a planet much like ours, but its sun has a whole bunch of neptune sized spheres orbitting it

>> No.7643955

Rogue planets with enough geothermal energy to support life.

Planets orbitting a brown dwarf close enough to be supportive of life.

Binary planets that support life, but one is carbon based. The other is not.

>> No.7643963
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I imagine planets were the species aren't so limited by the basic laws.

>> No.7643969
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I think I found one

>> No.7643975
File: 57 KB, 452x421, Screen Shot 2015-11-07 at 11.22.59 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this from the same exact starting conditions. It's weird I didn't change a thing just reran the simulation and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I guess it takes into account quantum effects. Screenshot so you can see the planets too.

>> No.7644002

This is one i think

This is a binary system with a rather large satelite

>> No.7644009
File: 88 KB, 356x357, Screen Shot 2015-11-07 at 11.49.09 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile 10 minutes later

>> No.7644026

This has got me thinking. What if two planets were on such close orbits they shared a moon. Like the moon would orbit one planet for awhile then when they got to close it would go to the other planet for awhile then com back again. And I'm talking extremely consistent period cycles of this. Do you think this is possible as far as stability is concerned?

>> No.7644027

Holy shit ive never let a sim go that far, its awesome

>> No.7644033

Its possible, but its not sustainable very long

>> No.7644051

Would the moons align eventually, due to tidal locking etc?

>> No.7644057

relevant scifi

>> No.7644058

Oh, kaaay. Lighter than air plants, literally flying around in the air. Huge and gossamer-like, leaves have 'balloons' on them like some seaweeds containing hydrogen synthesised from water, hence lighter than-air.

>> No.7644066


>> No.7644086

Other planets just like Earth, with oceans and landscapes thriving with life. But just like Earth because there are human-type beings that have inhabited it just like we've inhabited Earth. Those human-type beings however, were placed on those planets by "scientists" and are closely monitored all for a science experiment...

Sometimes however, these human-type beings get a little out of control. This trial has to be ended before other consequences arise. So the Earth-like planet with the human-type inhabitants is destroyed completely. This Earth-like planet once with oceans and landscapes thriving with life is now a barren wasteland. No life or anything; all obliterated... *cough Mars cough*... And now that one trial out of many has ended.

The "scientists" now start another trial on a planet not so far away with just the right features to house the human-like beings. The life is fairly similar so the human-like beings will coexist with the natural surroundings (sort of). Some adjustments are made and the human-type beings are placed. The scientists help them get on their feet and the new trial as begun.

This trial is still existent today; these human-type beings have colonized all over thier planet creating large scale 'hives' where they all swarm together. They've come up with innovative ways to solve their local problems such as health deficiencies and boredom. They are advancing technologically in many ways keeping this trial a successful one thus far.

However, even though they are all fundamentally and biologically the same, they've divided themselves into groups and these groups fight each other resulting in the deaths of many of these human-like beings. This makes the "scientists" confused and monitors more closely. They want for these human-type beings to exist as a whole, not divided up into groups that keep fighting with each other.

>> No.7644099


If they don't come together as a whole and live in peace and harmony, especially now that they have weapons of mass destruction, the "scientists" might have to call off this trial as well. Hopefully these human-type beings will realize what they are doing is wrong and will start to fix themselves. Or else their planet will also end up a barren wasteland.

>> No.7644100
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>> No.7644107

>calling off a scientific experiment because the results aren't going your way
yeah okay buddy

>> No.7644125

Just the trial, not the whole experiment. In an experiment you have more than one trial.

If you're doing an experiment, and one of your trials catch fire, do you just let it sit there and burn everything? No, you take note and stop it from damaging other stuff. You use your new knowledge to make adjustments so that in the next trial, that outcome doesn't happen again.

Not all experiments are the same either.

>> No.7644127

Always wanted to see more of Neptune, and Neptune-like planets. Diamond rainfall and a depth of 7000kms, liquid diamond oceans in the mantle with floating diamond masses. Wish we could send a probe down to take pictures ;_;

One day

>> No.7644153

Juptier and saturn are suspected to rain diamond, not neptune.

>> No.7644346

A meat planet

>> No.7644497
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A planet completely covered in slime mold ass looking organisms that work together to form a global super organism with a single conciousness.

Saw it in some documentary. Still my favorite idea.

>> No.7644519

What causes the planet to passively radiate though?
And what if there were two such planets orbiting in such a way that they would mostly be very far apart, but sometimes come extremely close?

>> No.7644521

But wouldn't it just be a slime mold?
It's taken over the entire planet, there's nothing to stimulate evolution.
If there were two though...

>> No.7644729

what if there was a planet made out of black holes

>> No.7644846

The friction would cause sparks, then the whole planet would be on fire.

>> No.7644862

I made a stable system of 4 :^)

>> No.7644867
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Oh, also, pic related

>> No.7644917

Nope, Neptune as well

>> No.7646477
File: 3.57 MB, 640x338, 193dirmlx91l6gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like that, yeah:


>> No.7646497


>> No.7646796
File: 1.42 MB, 3840x1830, minutelabs-chaotic-planets(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quaternary system, looks stable to me.
Yeah, it's a binary binary. I wonder if I can make a octonary.


>> No.7646812
File: 886 KB, 1920x1080, HighResScreenShot_2015-11-05_00-58-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7647254
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1052, Sans titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot it running in the background.

>> No.7648664

The water could be superheated by the volcanoes deep in the caves, it would condense as clouds in the atmosphere then rain down and make supermassive rivers into these hypercaves. Shits cash yo

>> No.7648674

A planet with a geological feature so high that it reaches into low orbit. It would be like having a free space elevator built into your planet.

>> No.7648677

Disc planets
Torus planets
Liquid planets
Liquid planets with solid outer crust
Planets with a hollow level between two crust layers

>> No.7648753
